Pigmentation: Effective Home Methods to Lighten Skin

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  • Duration: 20-90 min
  • Device: DERMABLATE MCL 31
  • Correction areas: Full face, cheeks, eyelids, décolleté, scar treatment, removal of defects

Alexandra Mikhailovna, how often do you encounter hyperpigmentation when working with your patients?

— I am a dermatocosmetologist, I have been in the profession for 11 years and have been seeing patients at GMTClinic for the last 6 years. Considering the large fleet of equipment in the Clinic and the wide arsenal of methods that we can use in our work, it is natural that patients turn to us with many cosmetic problems. Including the problem of hyperpigmentation. To one degree or another, pigmentation defects worry more than half of patients, regardless of what main problem they are dealing with, because one way or another, an even skin tone is an important indicator of youth and well-groomed appearance.

Could you tell us about the reasons for the appearance of age spots?

- Under the influence of the sun or due to mechanical damage, changes occur in the functioning of melanocyte cells that produce the skin pigment - melanin. Specifically, too much melanin is produced, which is why dark spots appear on the skin - on the face, neck, décolleté, hands, shoulders and other areas. This does not happen, of course, with every skin injury and not in every person; often “risk factors” are abuse of the sun and solarium, non-compliance with recommendations after procedures, hormonal changes, taking certain medications, as well as age-related changes.

1 laser resurfacing procedure Dermablate MCL 31, results a week after the procedure. Photos before and after.

And how to deal with this problem? How can you remove age spots on the face and body? How can I prevent them from appearing again?

— Forms of “fighting” against age spots can be divided into 2 phases: prevention and elimination. As for prevention, I would highlight the following methods:

  1. If you have a tendency to hyperpigmentation, it is worth taking a course to prepare your skin for the sunny period. For patients aged 35-40 years, I recommend a course of injectable drugs that stabilize melanogenesis; one of these drugs is the bioreparant Meso-Wharton P199. In addition to preventing hyperpigmentation, it also fights other age-related changes and gives an excellent comprehensive result, starting the rejuvenation process.
  2. It is also recommended to use special cosmetics that, with prolonged use, reduce the skin's sensitivity to the sun (for example, such a product is in the line of the Swiss ]NEOCUTIS[/anchor]).
  3. Of course, proper sunscreen is also important. There are creams with physical protection (form a film on the skin that reflects the rays of the sun) and chemical screen creams (absorb UV radiation and block its penetration deep into the skin). Many patients often forget about sun protection on cloudy days or in any season other than summer, but this is a mistake. The only period when we are not affected by the sun is night!
  4. You should, together with your cosmetologist, review your care products for the summer. You should not use cosmetics containing alcohol, retinol, acids, etc.

Prevention is good. But how to remove pigment spots on the face and body if they have already appeared?

— The second phase is the actual fight against the already formed pigment spot. It can take place in various ways:

  1. Chemical lightening and regulation of melanocyte activity using peelings and special cosmetics for home use is quite popular and widely used.
  2. Another way to remove pigment spots is injection lightening (when the spot is chipped with a special meso-cocktail).
  3. The most effective and fastest way to eliminate pigmentation is laser and photo removal.

Causes of skin pigmentation

The most common cause of uneven skin color and texture is sunburn or scars. Without proper sunscreen, skin is exposed to harsh UV rays. As a result, the process of melanogenesis is triggered, which manifests itself in the form of pigment spots, freckles or larger spots of light or darker color.

The appearance of hyperpigmentation is also influenced by liver disease, hyperthyroidism, or the use of photosensitizers and herbs.

The basis for the prevention and treatment of pigmented skin changes is adequate sun protection. We should use sunscreen all year round, regardless of the season. But if age spots still form, you can try home remedies to combat pigmentation.

How to whiten age spots using cosmetics

In order to whiten age spots on the face, you can use both traditional methods and preparations intended for home skin care. It is worth noting that it will not be possible to completely get rid of such a defect, but it is quite possible to lighten it and also prevent the appearance of new copies.

1. Creams.

Since the cream contains very little substance aimed at lightening the skin, it can be used every day.

2. Serums.

If you have a question about how to quickly whiten age spots on your face, then due to the high concentration of retinoids and acids, serums will be an excellent choice. However, they should be used strictly following the instructions.

3. Masks.

A good way to cope with such a task as whitening the skin and removing age spots is to use masks that help even out the tone of the dermis.

It is worth remembering that it is completely impossible to get rid of this defect, and the chosen method of struggle (aesthetic procedures, cosmetics) does not play any role. However, it is possible to whiten the skin by making the darkened areas lighter, for which certain cosmetics containing the components listed below are suitable.

  • Retinoids.

Thanks to retinoids, which are derivatives of vitamin A, the restoration of dermal and epidermal cells is regulated. That is why they are often included in cosmetic products for the care of mature skin, and are also used to combat acne and post-acne.

It is worth noting that they can cope with such a task as whitening age spots on the face quite effectively and quickly, however, irritation and dryness of the dermis may occur.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

It allows you to speed up regeneration and reduce melanin production, therefore making pigmentation less noticeable. In addition, vitamin C protects cells from free radicals and also promotes collagen synthesis.

However, it must be remembered that products containing vitamin C are effective only if they do not come into contact with air.

  • Arbutin.

A non-toxic component, which is an analogue of hydroquinone, allows you to whiten age spots by slowing down the production of melanin.

  • Kojic acid.

The main advantage of this substance is that it does not lose its properties even if it dissolves in oil or water. Also, products that contain kojic acid do not require special packaging. Thanks to this component, skin cell regeneration is accelerated and melanin production is reduced, therefore, pigment spots become noticeably lighter.

  • Fruit acids.

In order to whiten age spots, you can use skin exfoliating AHA acids, including lactic acid (retains moisture in cells), glycolic acid (thanks to small molecules, it penetrates deep into the dermis) and malic acid.

  • Azelaic acid.

This component allows you to accelerate the regeneration of dermal cells and also has bactericidal properties. All this helps to whiten age spots.

Cucumber mask

Cucumbers contain a valuable enzyme - ascorbinase, which has a lightening effect. In addition, natural cosmetics containing cucumber juice have properties that soothe any irritation, as well as soften and tone the skin.

Ways to lighten your skin

The simplest known home treatment using cucumber is the application of chilled compresses to the affected skin. A slightly more labor-intensive mask is grated cucumber combined with a teaspoon of natural yogurt.

Apply the prepared mixture to cleansed facial skin and rinse after approx. 20 minutes with warm water. It is important to regularly use the mask once a week.

Drug treatment

Medicines for pigmentation are prescribed by a dermatologist after a complete examination of the patient and establishment of the exact causes of the appearance of a cosmetic defect.

Depending on the identified disease, therapy may include:

  • hormonal agents;
  • antidiarrheal medications;
  • tablets for the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers;
  • probiotics;
  • laxatives;
  • diuretics;
  • vitamin complexes.

Attention: any medications are allowed to be taken only as prescribed by a doctor!

It is not possible to get rid of pathological pigmentation using cosmetic methods alone. Without normalization of the functioning of the corresponding body systems, the spots will appear again.

Parsley tonic or mask

Parsley contains significant amounts of flavonoids, which help brighten and invigorate tired skin. The nutrients and essential oils it contains deeply moisturize, remove dead cells, reduce blemishes and even out skin tone. Parsley can be used to make a whitening tonic or cleansing paste.

  1. Pour the parsley with cool water and let it brew for 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  2. In the morning, pour the prepared tonic, preferably into a bottle with a spray bottle, so that you can use it throughout the day, lightly spraying it on your face.

Another option is to carefully chop the parsley with a knife and grind it with a spoon or mortar. Combined with buttermilk, we get a ready-made cleansing paste that can be used to wash your face in the morning and evening.

Internet hit - baking soda

Recently, a baking soda mask, which has a strong whitening effect, has become a very popular method of lightening hyperpigmentation. However, it should not be used on sensitive or dry skin as this may cause irritation.

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of milk. The mask should have the consistency of a thick paste. Apply the finished mixture to cleansed facial skin and rinse after approx. 10 minutes. Remember that after such treatment, you should return the normal pH of the skin with a tonic or micellar liquid.

Homemade lightening methods are not only economical, but also fast and effective. But before applying the above procedures, it is best to conduct an allergy test on a small area of ​​skin.

Laser removal of age spots

Laser removal of age spots is considered one of the newest and most effective methods. The principle of laser operation is approximately the same, regardless of skin formation. The pigment spot is irradiated with a light beam of a certain length. The laser beam then damages and destroys the melanin in the cells, creating a lighter spot.

Based on the depth of melanin appearance in the skin, these points are divided into:

  1. epidermal (superficial) dermal (located deep in the skin)
  2. epidermal-skin spots (mixed)


The indication for laser removal is the presence of the following formations on the face and other parts of the body:

  • spots that appear after sunburn
  • epidermal moles (nevi)
  • the appearance of pigmentation in wound healing areas
  • acne marks
  • seborrheic keratosis (numerous superficial papillomatous formations)
  • angiomas (cancer) and red spots
  • chloasma (excessive pigmentation caused by changes in hormone levels or diseases of the genitourinary system)
  • freckles (small pigment spots on the skin ranging from light yellow to light brown)
  • Lentil age spots (changes in skin color caused by melanin accumulation)
  • pigmented scars (except keloids)

It should be noted that currently there are several methods for correcting skin imperfections: chemical peeling, mesotherapy, cryopilling, etc. However, they act superficially, only partially removing pigments and promoting cell regeneration. The clinic specialist will definitely come to the conclusion that the laser removal procedure for pigment spots is necessary when the methods described above are not enough.

This cosmetic procedure is a skin intervention. Although the complexity of the procedure and subsequent recovery period does not require hospitalization, it is classified as a surgical procedure. In this regard, there are several contraindications.


The justification for the cost of this procedure is explained by the following advantages:

  • The light works specifically, removing only the necessary pigmented areas
  • The duration of the procedure is short
  • Skin disinfection occurs when the laser destroys bacteria
  • Simultaneous cauterization of the wound, stopping bleeding and preventing the development of infection
  • A rejuvenating effect is achieved due to the fact that the skin becomes firm and elastic
  • Non-contact (the specialist’s hands do not touch the treated area)
  • No pain after laser treatment, therefore, there is no need for painkillers
  • There is no risk of further inflammation, so the recovery period will not be long in coming
  • The risk of other side effects is minimal

The use of anesthetics is possible if the area being lasered is large or if the pigment is deep enough in the skin.

Preparation for the procedure

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the preparatory stage, which begins with a visit to a specialist. The dermatologist will select the necessary procedure for removing age spots, taking into account the client’s health profile and skin characteristics. The number of sessions to achieve the desired result is also determined, which can be adjusted during the procedure.

At this point, it is clear how much the planned change will cost in total. It should be noted that planned gradual removal of pigmentation in this area can take a long time, since a repeat session is possible after three months.

Until the prescribed procedure is completed, you can follow these tips:

  • do not sunbathe or visit a solarium
  • do not thoroughly cleanse the skin; do not drink alcohol and tobacco

Pigmentation can be removed using different types of lasers:

  • fractional
  • alexandrite
  • neodymium
  • diode

The presented lasers have a targeted effect and act only on the pigmented area. Healthy skin is not affected.

Fractional laser is preferred because its light beam vaporizes melanin through microscopic damage. One beam per square centimeter is capable of distinguishing up to 1,100 areas, penetrating to a depth of 1.5 millimeters.

The neodymium laser is different in that it heats melanin and oxyhemoglobin. This means that it can also be used to remove vascular formations. It is quite powerful and penetrates deeply into the skin.

The list does not include a rarely used type of laser - ruby. Laser removal of pigment spots using a ruby ​​laser is rare because it does not differentiate cells with normal and high melanin content well enough. Used very rarely and on very fair skin. Do not use on dark skin to avoid exposing unwanted areas.

How is the laser pigment spot removal procedure performed?

The laser operation consists of many short flashes of light, which may be accompanied by loud noise. The laser beam is dangerous for the organs of vision, so the specialist and the customer wear glasses during the procedure.

The procedure is gradual and is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The skin is cleansed (makeup removal, antiseptic treatment).
  2. A product is applied to the area to ensure deep penetration of the rays into the skin.
  3. The specialist applies the laser to the selected area.
  4. The surface of the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  5. A sterile bandage or bandage is applied to the area of ​​skin to allow for further healing.

Redness and swelling may appear immediately after the procedure, which lasts about a day. The wound itself becomes covered with a crust, which disappears after 5 days. You should not touch it or remove it yourself, as in this case a scar may form. Once the scab completely melts, it makes room for new, healthy cells containing normal levels of melanin.

Sometimes the specialist performing the procedure suggests using a product, usually panthenol. The use of decorative cosmetics in this area is prohibited.

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