What not to do after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: January 16, 2022

Review date: November 08, 2022

Who doesn't want to have beautiful, sensual lips? And, it would seem, the technique of lip augmentation has been worked out for years and decades. They are injected with hyaluronic acid, which immediately gives noticeable volume plus hydration.

However, not everything is so simple - in order to get truly beautiful lips, you need a very experienced doctor to do hyaluroplasty. Sometimes patients themselves are not responsible enough in choosing a doctor and a clinic, and then they come to other doctors and ask them to fix what happened and remove hyaluronic acid from their lips.

It happens that hyaluronic acid needs to be removed from tissues for medical reasons, without waiting for it to dissolve and leave them.

How to visually reduce lips

Undoubtedly, it is not always necessary to start working on your lips with a visit to a plastic surgeon.

The easiest way to visually make your lips smaller is to divert attention from them. Apply makeup with an emphasis on your eyes, and lightly touch your lips with matte lipstick or leave them without makeup at all. This may be quite enough.

However, correctly applied make-up is capable of more than we usually think. With its help, you can reduce the upper lip, reduce the lower lip or reduce the thickness of the lips in general - depending on what result you want to achieve.

For miracle makeup that will allow you to reduce the size of your lips, you will need foundation, matte lipstick and a pencil of the same shade. First, foundation is applied to the face, including the lip area.

, and then with the help of a pencil the contour of the lips is outlined not outside their border, but inside it. Apply lipstick to your lips and that’s it! The outer line of the lip contour will be reliably hidden by foundation, and the inner line, outlined with a pencil, will look like a natural border of the lips.

If only one lip violates the proportions, then these recommendations apply only to one, too wide lip.

Light shades of lipstick and any lip gloss are designed to visually increase their volume. Dark shades of matte lipstick will help make your lips look smaller.

How to quickly remove hyaluronic acid from lips?

There is a fairly wide range of techniques to correct the situation. In general, they all solve the same problem - to enhance metabolic processes in the correction area, which ultimately leads to accelerated breakdown and removal of the injected hyaluronic acid from the body.

Microcurrent therapy

The therapeutic effect is exerted by weak pulse currents with a strength of 10 to 600 μA. The procedure is so delicate that it causes virtually no discomfort.

Preparation consists of cleansing the skin, after which the cosmetologist applies a conductive gel to it and begins the effect using an electrode: stationary; movable; conductive gloves.


A hardware method in which cosmetic preparations are introduced into the skin using weak electromagnetic pulses. It is painless and has virtually no side effects.


Vaporization is a deep cleansing of the face with special steam. This manipulation increases blood circulation, due to which accelerated removal of the filler occurs.

Contraindications for this procedure include hypertension and respiratory diseases.

Massage and compresses

Affordable, safe, pleasant procedures. But they must be carried out by an experienced doctor, since excess filler stretches the skin and, if the manipulations are carried out incorrectly, this effect will intensify.

Hyaluronidase injections

Hyaluronidase refers to enzymes, that is, protein substances that accelerate the occurrence of chemical reactions in cells. Under its influence, hyaluronic acid, which was introduced as a filler, breaks down into its component parts (oligomers) and is quickly removed from the tissues.

Using hyaluronidase injections, you can remove both fresh filler and the one that was injected several months ago.

It is interesting to note that hyaluronidase can only remove hyaluronic acid and cannot be used to remove collagen, silicone or hydroxypropionic acid. The effect of the drug begins immediately after its administration. Sometimes, if a large amount of hyaluronic acid needs to be removed, several injections of hyaluronodase may be required. In most cases, within 1-2 days (sometimes within 7 days) the hyaluronic acid will be completely removed.

Hyaluronodase should only be administered by an experienced specialist. Some conditions may be contraindications for the procedure.

The introduction of hyaluronodase has some nuances. For example, if a patient wishes to correct newly acquired volume, the injection of hyaluronidase will cause the gel to dissolve unevenly and the lips to appear asymmetrical. As for side effects and allergic reactions, they can occur with absolutely any drug.

How to make your own lips smaller

There are situations when just makeup is not enough: for example, lips are too disproportionate. Is it possible to reduce lips that are naturally large?

In this case, one cannot do without plastic surgery, the so-called reduction cheiloplasty. During the operation, a plastic surgeon removes some tissue through an incision on the inside of the lips. This allows you to subsequently avoid an unsightly scar on your lips.

Strict compliance with all requirements after surgery will require only two to three weeks of rehabilitation.

Features of the lip augmentation procedure and swelling

In modern cosmetology, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used to enlarge lips. The drugs do not cause complications (subject to the conditions of administration) and are administered using needles or cannula technology. This process causes slight injury to the soft tissues, which causes swelling.

The lip correction procedure should only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist who knows how to properly inject filler. It is generally accepted that the smallest number of punctures helps reduce injury and subsequent swelling. Our cosmetologists recommend making one puncture, after which you do not remove the needle completely, but simply change the direction of introducing fillers from one puncture.

Swelling after the lip augmentation procedure persists for two to three days, after which it disappears without a trace. Often swelling lasts longer - three to five days, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The tissues themselves take longer to recover, since during the procedure vascular damage often occurs, externally manifesting itself in the form of small hematomas.

How to reduce lips after augmentation

After lipofilling or lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, the lips themselves become smaller after a few months, as the injected drug is absorbed.

Another thing is biopolymer gels for contouring (silicone, polyacrylamide, Spanish gel, etc.), the use of which, unfortunately, does not always give the promised effect of “beautiful lips for life.” In some cases, the gel migrates, forming so-called duck lips. Failed lip augmentation

It doesn't just spoil the appearance. It can lead to inflammation that is so severe that it can sometimes be difficult to talk or even eat.

Reduction of lips previously enlarged with biopolymer gel. The gel and excess volume are eliminated, the mucous “curtain” on the upper lip is removed. Surgeon - Andrey Iskornev.

Removal of silicone with simultaneous plastic surgery of lips. Excess skin is removed through internal access. Surgeon – Iskornev Andrey Alexandrovich.

“Before” and 2 weeks “after” removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Completed by: Andrey Iskornev.

Lip reduction, biopolymer removal. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Why might you need to remove hyaluronic acid from your lips?


In principle, this is normal. The body is simply struggling with a foreign, albeit biocompatible, fluid that has suddenly poured into it. However, if the inflammation does not go away within 3 days, we can talk about its infectious nature. The foreign substance from the lips must be removed.

Granulomas and fibroses.

If inflammation is left untreated, connective tissue compaction forms in this area. Over time, these phenomena turn into a clearly visible cosmetic defect. Seals may also appear due to incorrect dosage or incorrect choice of drug.

Individual hypersensitivity.

Cases of allergic reactions are rare and do not always appear immediately. Inflammation and hardening of the lip tissue may begin several months after the procedure.

Protrusion or movement of the drug.

If you inject hyaluronic gel too close to the surface, it will change the natural contour of the lips and make the skin look bumpy. Or it may turn it a bluish-purple color.

If injected too deeply, the gel may simply flow into other areas of the face, which will distort its proportions.

This is also an indication for removing hyaluronic acid from the lips.

Errors or inexperience of the doctor.

Incorrect selection of filler can lead to uneven lip augmentation or hypercorrection, gel migration, inflammatory processes, etc.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after lip augmentation lasts no more than three days. Immediately after the procedure, the following symptoms of discomfort may be observed:

  • flying, low-intensity pain at the injection site of hyaluronic acid, as a result of the reaction of the nerve endings of the skin to interaction with the filler;
  • the appearance of hematomas due to the patient’s very delicate and sensitive skin or due to excessive force during puncture on the part of the doctor;
  • redness - reaction of dermal vessels (dilation) to the injected filler;
  • small papules occur if the needle was too superficial when injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin;
  • swelling or puffiness is a natural reaction to the introduction of an “extra” volume of hyaluronic acid, which can attract moisture, under the skin;
  • a blurred contour after lip augmentation is a consequence of temporary lability (mobility) of the distributed gel (until it stably occupies all the subcutaneous voids of the main substance).

These phenomena are a natural response of the dermis to a violation of its integrity. They go away on their own and do not require treatment. Since an injection is a mini-injury, inflammation can, as a rule, be avoided, but swelling after the injection persists for about two or three days. You can minimize unpleasant consequences by choosing the right filler. Otherwise, after lip augmentation, you must follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist:

  • For the first time (2 weeks), you need to exclude decorative cosmetics from everyday use. It may be of poor quality or expired, causing allergies or secondary infection.
  • You should not lick your lips or constantly touch with your hands. Possible peeling can significantly spoil the visual effect of smooth lips and lead to cracks.
  • You should not actively move your lips: talk a lot, stretch your lips out, smile - this can lead to displacement of hyaluronic acid.
  • It is recommended to sleep only on your back, in no case on your side or stomach, face down (this provokes a mechanical shift of the filler).
  • It is not recommended to visit the sauna for two to three weeks, since profuse sweating can bring with it an inflammatory reaction to salts and other skin irritants (ammonia, urea) present in the secretion of the sweat glands. In addition, high temperatures promote a rush of blood to the facial skin, which can cause cracks in the mucous membrane of the lips, artificially enlarged with filler.
  • You cannot swim in the pool for a month. Chlorinated (disinfected with chemicals) water causes irritation and inflammation of the lips.
  • It is recommended to limit physical activity and sports. Sweating, risk of injury, secondary infection - all this can result from such activities.
  • You need to follow the correct diet. Nothing spicy, salty, or irritating to the lips, at least in the first two weeks.
  • For the same reason, you should not drink alcohol or smoke. Not only will the lips be attacked by toxic substances, but the human body will also react to intoxication, aggravating the course of the rehabilitation period (fever, dyspepsia with dehydration, nausea).
  • You cannot massage your lips yourself. By doing this, you can disrupt their shape, destroying the symmetry of the filler distribution.
  • You should not drink hot tea or coffee, as this can cause burns to the mucous membranes and damage their integrity.
  • Avoid flying during the first month after the intervention: pressure at altitude has an unpredictable effect on the gel filler.
  • It is advisable to minimize possible contacts with virus carriers or patients with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, or acute respiratory infections.

If the rehabilitation period is delayed or there is no positive dynamics in the negative symptoms that appear after lip augmentation, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Recommendations after lip augmentation can be not only prohibitive, but also permissive. How can you help sponges recover faster?

  • Swelling is well relieved with cold compresses. In this case, you need to ensure the sterility of the surface that will come into contact with the lips.
  • In addition, the cosmetologist can prescribe you special masks to relieve discomfort.

How to remove hyaluronic acid from lips with physiotherapy

The main advantage of using this method is the ability to remove hyaluronic acid from the lips at home. Physiotherapy can be applied using a phonophoresis apparatus with ultrasonic waves or using electrophoresis with a constant galvanic current.

Both methods involve applying a cosmetic substance to the problem area, and transferring its particles into the deep layers of the skin using physical influence with electric current or ultrasound, without damaging the epidermis, as happens with injections (an injection hole remains, additional trauma). The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, and the course is 10–15 sessions, the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes per day.

  • Electrophoresis involves the transfer of particles of a medicinal solution due to the potential difference of electrodes, which are connected to the device at one end and inserted into a gasket moistened with the solution at the other. It is installed on the lip, then a comfortable current strength is set on the device until a pleasant tingling sensation is felt.
  • During phonophoresis, a thick layer of gel is applied to the lip (during the procedure, greater absorption occurs). The device is pressed tightly against the defect, however, without pressure or discomfort. The required wave frequency is set, and the ultrasonic emitter of the device is held on the problem area throughout the entire session or slowly moved with translational movements.

Both procedures can be done in a clinic at your place of residence, or at home using Elfor for electrophoresis or Reton for phonophoresis devices. Both devices can be used in the future for other cosmetic procedures; this is a successful investment in your beauty and health.

You can order physiotherapy devices and Fermenkol products on our website, or buy them at a pharmacy in your city. To get a free consultation with a doctor, fill out the form and we will answer you as soon as possible!

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Fighting wrinkles at home

If you are thinking about how to remove purse-string wrinkles around the lips, you should understand that completely getting rid of them is almost impossible. Moreover, it is dangerous and can disrupt the aesthetics and functionality of this area of ​​the face. We need facial expressions, we need to talk and eat, all this uses the muscles of the mouth. But there are ways to make wrinkles less pronounced and less noticeable.

The first thing you need is to quit smoking once and for all. This is not only a way to combat lip wrinkles, but also improve the health of the whole body. You should also avoid chewing gum and drinking through straws.

Control of the face and lip area is important. Learn not to tense your lips, purse them or curl them. The tissues are maximally relaxed in a light half-smile, which also reduces the severity of wrinkles.

Skin protection from UV radiation is necessary. They dry out and accelerate the aging of this delicate area. Therefore, you need protection with an SPF of approximately 30-50.

Properly selected cosmetics are also important. For such a delicate area, masks and creams with fat-soluble vitamins, ascorbic acid, antioxidants and retinoids, collagen, peptides, and hyaluronic acid are needed. Moreover, you need to use cosmetics from the age of 25-30, for preventive purposes. For deep wrinkles, when the process has already gone far, the effectiveness of these products is low.

Face building can help, but you need to select the exercises very carefully so as not to put excessive stress on the perioral area.

Homemade masks are useful for moisturizing and nourishing - with cucumber, yogurt, sour cream, fruits and berries. When applying masks, a light massage along the lines from the lips to the chin is useful. You should add nuts, seeds, dairy products, and vegetables to your diet.

Why patients choose Platinental

  1. During the operation, only internal sutures are used, which after healing will be invisible even to your dentist.
  1. Look at the lips of Hollywood beauties. They are all different, but they have one thing in common - ideal proportion. Until recently, Russian red and green carpets looked different: “lips separately, face separately.”

To avoid this effect, when working on your lips, we always take into account the 13 rules of ideal proportion so that the upper and lower lip are in harmony with each other and with other facial features

. Only in this case the lips really turn out beautiful.

  1. When lip reduction occurs, the area being removed gradually narrows from the center to the edges, which prevents the appearance of “ears”.
  1. During the operation, only the mucous layer is removed. The muscles and blood vessels of the lips are not affected or damaged in any way.
  1. Removal of excess tissue always occurs very delicately. The surgeon cuts the tissue with an instrument and carefully, in small pieces, removes excess mucous membrane. Then the edges are sewn together.

We never remove more than necessary to avoid unnatural results.

  1. Removal of biogel and silicone implants in one operation is accompanied by reconstruction of the lips.
  1. Through the efforts of the Platinental team, about 500 women have already regained their luxurious, beautiful lips.

More invasive techniques

If the wrinkles are deep enough, there are many of them, and a more radical solution to the problem is important, more serious, invasive correction methods may be required. For them, it is necessary to carefully select a clinic and specialists; the methods have certain limitations and a rehabilitation period.

Lipofilling is the filling of wrinkles and folds of skin in a problem area with one’s own fat tissue, taken from another area and specially prepared. The technique helps eliminate wrinkles, add volume to the lips, and rejuvenate them.

Thread skin lifting helps get rid of nasolabial folds and marionette wrinkles. It is used for a comprehensive solution to facial problems.

SMAS lifting uses targeted ultrasound to tighten connective tissue and muscles, helping to reduce the deepest wrinkles around the mouth. marionette lines
Information materials on the site are posted for the purpose of information, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

How to remove hyaluronic acid from lips with physiotherapy

The main advantage of this method is the ability to remove lip filler at home. Physiotherapy can be performed using Nevoton devices for electrophoresis or Reton devices for phonophoresis.

Both methods involve applying Fermenkol gel to the problem area. Active components are transferred to the deep layers of the skin using electric current or ultrasound. Unlike injections, these methods do not damage the epidermis, do not require a rehabilitation period, act locally without affecting healthy tissue, and have a cumulative effect. The procedures last no more than 20 minutes a day, and the course is 10–15 sessions.

Leading doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova will help you select the necessary product from the Femenkol line. Ask her a question in a special section and get a free consultation. Start taking action today to restore your lips to their original appearance as quickly as possible.

How to remove filler from lips using injections

As such, the enzyme hyaluronidase is not used in its pure form . But it is actively used in cosmetic products that have an anti-scar effect, for example, in the drug Lidaza. But Lidaza is an old generation drug; at the moment there are more effective methods for removing scar tissue from the lips. An innovative product in cosmetology - Fermenkol. It not only breaks down excess hyaluronic acid, but also eliminates abnormal collagen. Fermenkol has undergone many clinical trials and in a comparative analysis has proven its superiority compared to other anti-scar agents.

It contains 9 active collagenase enzymes, a substance that breaks down unhealthy collagen and excess hyaluronic acid (which fills the space between collagen fibers). Fermenkol removes fibrous tissue from the lips and removes it naturally, due to which the filler breaks down and the face returns to its original appearance.

Fermencol should be injected into deep areas of scar tissue using ultrasound, microcurrents or electrophoresis. Fermenkol acts only on scar tissue without affecting healthy cells.

Why do wrinkles appear?

The first small defects in the area of ​​the upper lip or around the mouth appear quite early, gradually their number and depth increase. Experts identify a number of reasons that provoke the appearance of wrinkles, and some of them can be influenced.

  • Wrinkles are influenced by anatomical features. The orbicularis oris muscle is fixed directly in the dermis. Each muscle contraction stretches the skin; there is no fat layer and few sebaceous glands in this area. Therefore, restoration of the skin in this area is difficult with age. This creates the basis for the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, this zone depends on the level of estrogen in the body. As you age, collagen synthesis decreases, the skin loses its elasticity, and folds appear.
  • Facial expressions and active articulation make a certain contribution. In people of certain professions (presenters, singers, teachers), wrinkles appear faster.
  • Additionally, bad habits have an impact: pursing, biting lips, pulling them into a straw, drinking through a straw, frequent use of chewing gum and smoking. The latter affects not only the work of the lips, but also the action of nicotine on collagen fibers, skin and body cells. And knowing the reasons, it is important to determine how to get rid of wrinkles above the upper lip or in the corners of the lips.
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