Symptoms, causes and treatment of wen (lipoma) on the penis and scrotum

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When the sebaceous glands become clogged, many different diseases occur. A lipoma on the penis is not the most dangerous of them, although it can cause a lot of inconvenience. This is a kind of pouch filled with fat, which can reach very large sizes.

It can occur anywhere, at any age, even in infancy. However, it is generally accepted that this phenomenon can most occur during puberty, when an extremely large amount of testosterone is produced and glands become blocked.

Useful information on the topic:

  • Lipoma removal
  • Breast lipoma
  • Lipoma removal at home
  • Lipoma on the back
  • Lipoma on the head
  • Lipoma on the neck
  • Lipoma on the face
  • Lipoma on the leg
  • Lipoma on hand
  • Ultrasound of lipoma
  • Lipoma on the stomach
  • Lipoma on forehead
  • Lipoma in the groin
  • Lipoma on the buttock
  • Lipoma on the scrotum
  • Lipoma on the back of the head
  • Diagnosis of lipoma

What does a wen in the genital area look like and what is dangerous?

A lipoma on the penis is a benign formation that consists of adipose tissue. This is a small ball under the skin that is not connected to the surrounding tissues and is mobile when touched.

Since the risk of a lipoma degenerating into a malignant tumor is low, it does not pose a serious threat to a man’s health until it begins to change—to increase in size and be accompanied by pain.

As education increases, a man may encounter basic aesthetic discomfort. Over time, difficulties may arise during sexual intercourse - the tumor has increased in size and begins to put pressure on adjacent tissues.

A lipoma on the penis in a man is a non-epithelial benign tumor and can be located directly on the shaft of the penis. Wen forms on the testicles in a similar way. True lipomas on the male genital organs, including the foreskin, occur less frequently than other formations that require early diagnosis due to the dangers of complications.

Consequences and dangers of occurrence

Small wen on the penis does not pose a danger to the patient. Their appearance and development are not accompanied by any symptoms: pain, itching, burning and others. This pathology is not sexually transmitted. The only discomfort that formations cause to their owner are changes in the appearance of the genital organ. This problem can affect a man's sex life and his psychological state. It is extremely rare for lipomas to rot. Atheromas - epidermal cysts on the body and genitals - are more susceptible to this pathological process.

Dangerous health consequences can occur if you try to remove the tumor yourself by puncturing or squeezing. You also need to be careful when treating compactions in fatty tissues using traditional medicine.

Reasons for appearance

The reasons why lipomas appear on the penis are as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • consequence of injury;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • failure of the reverse regulation mechanism of fat metabolism;
  • failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • physical inactivity;
  • slagging of the body;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • hormonal imbalances.

In addition to lipomas, other benign tumors can form in a man’s genital area:

  • hemangiomas;
  • angiofibromas;
  • fibromyxomas;
  • neurofibromas;
  • lymphangiomas;
  • enchondromas of the corpora cavernosa.

In addition to visual examination and palpation, the diagnosis can be clarified after performing a biopsy. A histological examination of the taken material is carried out.

If any formation occurs on the penis, a man should examine it for the presence of an inflammatory process—whether there is redness in the localized area. If there are signs of it, white wen appears on the penis, we can talk about either a lipoma or all kinds of pustular formations (furuncle, ostiofolliculitis).

A formation protruding above the surface of the skin on the penis and testicles can be atheroma, that is, a sebaceous gland overflowing with secretion. Usually there is no redness on the skin, and inflammation begins only if the atheroma breaks through.

A tumor under the skin can form due to inflammation of a lymph node or lymph vessel. In this case, we are talking about lymphangitis. It looks like a nodule fused or not fused to the surrounding tissue. Most often, the problem occurs against the background of a sexually transmitted infection.

If the swelling is localized on the foreskin, in most cases balanoposthitis is diagnosed. The disease develops when various infections enter the penis. The pathological process can affect not only the skin of the foreskin, but also the head of the penis.

When a wen appears on the scrotum, testicles, shaft of the penis, and especially when negative symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from a urologist. If the diagnostic results confirm a benign formation under the skin, the specialist will individually recommend a suitable method for its removal.

Why and when does it occur?

The reasons why this happens have not been clearly established, however, the occurrence of lipomas is often attributed to such factors as:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems;
  • Skin diseases associated with excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • Violation of diet, consumption of fatty, spicy and other harmful foods, etc.

However, this list is very conditional, so it is not a fact that a person will develop a lipoma if he eats poorly, suffers from stomach diseases, etc.

How to get rid of wen on the penis and scrotum

Conservative treatment for benign formations under the skin in the genital area in men is not carried out. Drug therapy in this case is auxiliary. Medicines can be prescribed in the presence of a concomitant disease or for symptomatic treatment.

A lipoma on a man's genitals does not resolve on its own. Therefore, its removal is indicated. Wen on the penis and testicles are removed only after a comprehensive diagnosis and there are sufficient indications for surgical removal.

Delete or leave?

To remove lipomas on the penis, you should contact a urologist. In some cases, a consultation with a dermato-oncologist may be necessary.

Modern medicine has a sufficient choice of effective methods for removing benign formations on the male genitals. One of the key factors when choosing it is the size of the wen.

Large tumors in a man are removed surgically (excision); to eliminate smaller lipomas, liposuction may be used.

The attending physician makes the decision to remove a lipoma from a man’s genitals based on the results of the examination if it turns out that, due to its size, the wen disrupts the normal functioning of the internal organs and systems (circulatory, lymphatic and others).

If the wen is small and uncomplicated, the man will be taken under observation. The patient undergoes periodic examinations to determine the presence or absence of changes in the area where the wen is located.

Treatment with drugs from a pharmacy

An ordinary lipoma does not require the use of drugs to resolve it. Conservative therapy in this case is aimed at treating the root cause of the formation of a wen (hormonal imbalance, lipid metabolism disorder, etc.) or treating a concomitant disease.

Since a wen on the penis, in the absence of complications, usually does not cause pain, medications are not prescribed to eliminate them.

However, if tissue is damaged and infection occurs, an inflammatory process and suppuration may occur. In this case, the man may be indicated for urgent surgery to remove the wen.

Treatment after surgery involves taking medications that accelerate tissue regeneration and eliminate the source of infection. The first results usually appear within a few days after starting treatment.

How to remove surgically

Removal of wen on the scrotum is performed in the following ways:

  • Liposuction. The contents of the wen are pumped out after first making a small incision in the skin. The advantage of the method is that it is minimally invasive, the disadvantage is that it is difficult to remove the wen capsule. The method is indicated if, for some reason, it is currently impossible to perform complete excision of the wen.
  • Means of traditional surgery. The skin in the area of ​​localization of the wen is dissected, the contents and capsule are removed. Plus - there is almost zero risk of relapse due to complete removal of the formation. The downside is a longer rehabilitation period.

Wen in the tissues of the penis is removed through surgery. A small wen located on a man's testicles can be eliminated through liposuction. In the future, the patient should undergo periodic examinations to exclude relapse.

How to treat at home

Folk recipes against wen are quite varied. In particular, it is recommended to remove wen from eggs at home by rubbing melted lamb fat into the problem area. Use it warm.

If you have a wen on the penis and use the methods listed here and other traditional medicine to treat it, the patient should remember the consequences, since official medicine offers the only solution - removing the wen in the clinic.

Another way is to apply a cut aloe or Kalanchoe leaf to the site where the wen appears. 2-3 cm of leaves are cut from the plant, opened and the pulp is applied to the wen. The plant is fixed using cling film. The procedure is repeated for 3-4 days.

Other methods of combating wen in men on the genitals are based on the use of medicinal plants - most often coltsfoot and burdock. Decoctions and infusions of these herbs are applied to the affected area in the form of compresses.

Surgery to remove lipomas on the penis

Let's look at each of the removal methods in detail:

  1. Traditional surgery is a common and affordable method of removing skin tumors. This method of treating lipomas is used when their size exceeds 3 cm. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts no more than 40 minutes. The operation eliminates the re-formation of a wen on the penis, since it is removed along with the capsule that contains the body of the neoplasm. After the localization of the fatty seal has healed, a small scar remains.
  2. Laser surgery is aimed at safe and effective excision of small lesions on the genital organ. Local anesthesia relieves the patient of unpleasant and painful sensations. Removing one wen takes only a few minutes, and in its place a barely noticeable mark remains. The disadvantage of the operation is its high price and inaccessibility due to the lack of expensive equipment in many institutions.

We recommend reading:

  1. Symptoms of wen in the mouth
  2. What is the difference between a wen and a lipoma?
  3. Why does papilloma hurt?
  1. Removal by radio waves is a painless and bloodless destructive effect on tumors, which “melt” along with the capsule. In this case, radio waves do not contact healthy tissues located next to the seal.
  2. Electrocoagulation involves “burning” the wen with high temperature. The method is considered innovative and does not allow repeated new formations in the same place.
  3. Exposure of the tumor body to medications that destroy the growth. This method is effective for small lipomas. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times with a break of several weeks. It all depends on the size and course of development of the tumor.
  4. Cryotherapy is the action of liquid nitrogen on small superficial single compactions in adipose tissue. The procedure is a little painful, but effective and does not leave scars or scars. At first, the skin at the site of the procedure may differ in pigmentation. But with time it also passes.

All of the above methods require abstinence from sexual intercourse after the procedure for removing a lipoma on the penis in order to avoid infection of the surgical site. You should consult your doctor.

What not to do

Lipoma of the scrotum and penis can only be safely removed in a clinic. It is prohibited to independently squeeze out a wen in the intimate area due to:

  • high risk of wound infection;
  • recurrence of formation if its fragments remain at the location of the wen;
  • the likelihood of damage to healthy tissue of the penis and scrotum;
  • development of complications when a secondary infection occurs.

Self-removal of a tumor is an extremely unpleasant procedure for a man due to the increased sensitivity of the skin on the genitals.

Treatment with non-standard means

A lump found on the genitals is often treated using folk methods at home. It is difficult to judge the effectiveness of such recipes, but many people testify that they were able to get rid of growths without resorting to traditional medicine.

  1. Lamb fat melted in a water bath is rubbed into the problem area. The procedure is performed several times a day until the tumors resolve.
  2. Compresses made from Kalanchoe and aloe leaves also help treat lipomas. Fresh and clean leaves of medicinal plants are used for treatment. The aloe leaf is cut lengthwise and the pulp is applied to the problem area, and the Kalanchoe is crushed so that the juice comes out. This procedure is done at night, securing the plant with a bandage.
  3. In the fight against wen, film from the shell of a raw chicken egg is often used. It is better to use homemade eggs. The film is removed from the inside of the shell and applied to the new growth with the sticky side. After 10-15 minutes, the film dries and adheres to the body on its own. With this treatment, a slight burning sensation is observed in the pathological area, but this is not a reason to postpone the procedure. Next, there may be a slight redness around the wen, but this process is considered normal with this method of disposal. The procedure should be repeated for several days in a row. After about a week, you can notice a positive result.
  4. Cinnamon helps get rid of wen on the body. It should be taken orally, 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, morning and evening, with water.
  5. Burdock root removes toxins from the body. It is necessary to pour 0.5 kg of clean and crushed root into 0.7 liters of vodka and leave for a month in a dark place. Then the tincture is taken according to Art. spoon twice a day 30 minutes before meals.

It is believed that one of the reasons for the appearance of growths on the body is slagging in the body.
Therefore, by cleansing yourself of harmful substances, you can get rid of lipomas. The article has been verified by the editors

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the occurrence of benign formations in the scrotum or penis, a man needs to follow simple rules - if possible, lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain personal hygiene.

Prevention of subcutaneous formations includes three main components:

  • Balanced diet. You need to monitor not only the calorie content of the menu, but also its variety. The vitamins entering the body will be sufficient to maintain the skin (including the intimate area) in a healthy condition.
  • Moderate physical activity. Combating physical inactivity is one of the ways to maintain normal body weight, and therefore prevent obesity, diabetes mellitus and accompanying metabolic disorders and lipid metabolism in particular.
  • Normal hormonal levels. It is no less important for a man than a woman to maintain normal hormone levels to prevent diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, which are associated with a higher risk of lipoma formation.

Another important component of prevention is regular scheduled medical examinations. It is recommended for any man to visit a urologist, even if there are no signs of trouble in the intimate area, at least once a year.

How to treat an inflamed wen

At home, you can relieve the symptoms of lipoma inflammation on the penis, relieve pain and eliminate swelling using the following means:

  • anti-inflammatory ointments - Vishnevsky, Levomekol, Ichthyol ointment;
  • antiseptics – furatsilin solution, hydrogen peroxide;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nurofen, Paracetamol;
  • garlic compress;
  • a mixture of water and laundry soap;
  • compress of raw potatoes.

Methods should be used as a last resort. Inept treatment of the inflammatory process can lead to it affecting nearby healthy tissues of the penis, provoking the development of an abscess.


If a formation similar to a wen appears on the penis, you need to consult a surgeon or dermatologist. It is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis on your own. Even to a specialist, an external examination of white pimples may not reveal anything.

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A suspicious tumor must undergo an initial stage of differential diagnosis to exclude other benign formations, as well as a non-benign tumor.

Diagnosis of lipoma

It is not possible to determine a wen, which is located deep in the tissues or on internal organs, by external examination.

For this purpose, an ultrasound examination can be performed. If necessary, a biopsy, when a section of tissue is taken for analysis using a syringe with a thin special needle. Histologically, lipoma includes normal, unchanged adipose tissue. The diagnosis will be considered confirmed if a laboratory test reveals only lipocytes.

Most lipomas contain a connective tissue capsule, but its absence does not indicate that the tumor is benign. Lipoma is characterized by slow growth without the formation of metastases.


Conservative methods of tumor removal include products based on natural ingredients. The most popular methods are:

  1. Cut a Kalanchoe leaf and apply its pulp to the new growth, securing it with a plaster. Compresses should be made daily at night for 10 days. You can use fresh coltsfoot leaves in the same way.
  2. Melt the lamb fat, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to the affected area. Positive results can be noticed on the third or fourth day.
  3. It is necessary to combine equal parts of sour cream, fine sea salt and honey. The mixture should be applied to lipomas and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes. Course - 15 days.

Alternative treatment methods can be used only for the initial signs of lipomas. In the later stages of the disease, such drugs are ineffective.

Wen on the foreskin in men is a defect that can lead to loss of self-esteem, and in advanced cases, to serious health problems. It is important to get examined before lipomas have grown and can be easily removed.

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