The best whitening creams for freckles and age spots

With a wide range of all kinds of cosmetics, some girls need a cream for freckles and age spots. In the spring, such an acquisition is especially useful, because pigmentation is more pronounced, especially in blond beauties. The expected effect of such a remedy must be approached realistically. This cream quite noticeably brightens up unwanted rashes, but does not eliminate the problem altogether.

Regarding the manifestation of pigmentation, you should understand what it is. After all, visible manifestations are not caused by grains on the face. Any rash on the skin comes from within.

Causes of pigmentation and freckles

The coloring substance melanin is found in everyone's body. It determines what color the eyes, hair and skin will be. It all depends on what level of this enzyme the body produces and on genetic predisposition. Due to the peculiar structure of the cells that synthesize this pigment, melanin is produced too actively. Under the influence of sunlight, it is distributed on the skin in the form of cellular clusters. Such enzyme-stained cells appear in groups on the face in the form of freckles and age spots.

Melanin is not only a natural dye, but also a protection for the body. People with dark skin have enough melanin, so their skin is safe. This cannot be said about people with a very pale complexion and body. When such beauties expose themselves to ultraviolet light, the picture afterwards will not be pleasant.

Bright brown spots, especially when there are a lot of them, can ruin the most beautiful face. Therefore, buying the right cream to reduce and fade freckles is a worthwhile endeavor. From the above, it is logical to conclude that a remedy that can help should be medicinal, and it is better to purchase it at a pharmacy.

Whitening peeling for age spots

Chemical peels accelerate the appearance of normally colored cells on the surface of the skin, thus speeding up the process of getting rid of pigmentation.

Benefits of using peeling for pigmentation

  • Accelerates cellular renewal and exfoliation
  • Allows you to quickly remove pigment spots
  • The correct composition suppresses excess activity of melanocytes (lightens problem areas of the skin)

The optimal way to solve several problems at the same time.

Which peeling to choose for age spots

The choice of peeling depends on the depth of the pigment spots.

There are 3 types of pigmentation depending on the depth of the pigment:

  1. Epidermal type or superficial
  • Most common type
  • The initial stage of pigmentation, during photoaging
  • Distinctive features: located in the upper layers of the skin, has clear boundaries, is easier to correct
  1. Dermal type or deep
  • Less common, associated with congenital disorders
  • Has blurred borders and blue-black color
  1. Mixed type (epidermal-dermal)
  • Second most common
  • Often a continuation of the epidermal type, long-existing and difficult to correct spots
  • Distinctive features: blurred boundaries of spots

Only knowing the depth of pigmentation can you choose the most effective peeling for age spots!

Action of the cream

Each similar product has a different composition, and therefore the effect of individual creams differs. There are products that directly help in removing freckles, and products that prevent their appearance.

Before purchasing a cosmetic product, you should consult a dermatologist and carefully study the composition. If the cream is chosen correctly, it will protect against consequences with other skin problems.

With constant exposure to the sun, some women begin to actively produce melanin and large yellow-brown spots appear, which are called pigment spots. They are much larger than freckles and appear as blurry islands. Protective creams protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevent the appearance of new freckles and have a rejuvenating effect.

The membrane-protective effect that the cream has protects cell membranes from damage and negative influences. The appearance of freckles is the result of improper metabolism in the body, so creams also serve as antioxidants. They also have immunomodulatory properties.

A high-quality anti-freckle cream has properties that reduce the presence of melanin enzymes and make freckles fade. This effect is possible thanks to folic acid and vitamin C.

The content of mercury, bodyagi, phenol and salicylic alcohol in creams contributes to the exfoliating effect.

Some protective creams contain cocoa butter, coffee extract, celandine and milkweed juice. These components provide the skin with the necessary protection from the sun.

The oils included in most of these products lighten the pigment and perfectly nourish the skin.

Acids enhance the effect of natural components.

Tretinol promotes cell renewal.

The hydroquinone content prevents the production of melanin, which prevents new rashes from appearing.

Modern cosmetologists practice removing freckles using a chemical method. They use peelings and skin resurfacing methods using lasers. Sometimes protective and whitening creams are included in various pigmentation removal programs. They have a more gentle effect and less pronounced side effects than other methods.

How do they work?

Whatever cream is chosen as a bleaching agent, it will destroy the substance that caused the pigmentation. This effect is caused by the active chemicals contained in a particular cream. Therefore, when choosing this or that product, you need to carefully read the composition indicated on its packaging.

For a product to truly whiten skin, it must contain the following components:

  • Arbutin. This substance is a plant glycoside extracted from bearberry leaves. Arbutin acts gently, gradually destroying the pigment that caused the defect.
  • Hydroquinone is an organic antioxidant. Its action is aimed at reducing the functioning of melanocytes. Creams containing hydroquinone should be used with caution, as the substance has a toxic effect. It is not recommended to use such products for more than a year.
  • Gluconic acid. This substance is synthesized by jellyfish. It is added to creams as an enhancer of the whitening effect.
  • Kojic acid. This substance is extracted from plants, it is present in mushrooms and cereals. It is a powerful bleach, but can provoke severe allergic reactions.
  • Beta-carotene in the whitening cream prevents the accumulation of pigment in skin cells.
  • Ascorbic acid promotes skin regeneration and reduces the effect of melanin.
  • Grape seed oil, jojoba oil, lemon, cucumber, parsley extract have a mild whitening effect.

To purchase whitening creams, you should go to a pharmacy, since the chances of purchasing a high-quality product there that corresponds to the declared composition are higher than in a cosmetic store.

Side effects

With regular use of creams containing hydroquinone, pigment cells are damaged and the result can be a serious disease, “exogenous ochronosis.” Side effects of this substance include:

  • Sensitivity to ultraviolet light;
  • Contact dermatitis;
  • Hyperpigmentation;
  • Skin irritation;
  • Hyperemia;
  • Negative skin changes in the places where the cream was applied. This may include roughness and unevenness of the skin, as well as the appearance of comedones.

After using products that contain tretinol, itching, flaking and redness appear. Acne may appear.

With prolonged use of a cream containing mercury, intoxication may occur.

Kojic acid causes dermatitis and irritation.

Long-term use of any cream is contraindicated.

Benefits of Retinoids

What are the other benefits of Retinol and why you should choose them:

  • Physiological – is a substance familiar to the skin, because the body itself supplies vitamin A to the skin in low concentrations;
  • Non-toxic and penetrates well into the deep layers of the skin;
  • Suppresses the increased activity of melanocytes , but does not destroy them, but normalizes melanin production;
  • Stimulates cellular renewal , preventing colored cells from lingering on the surface and speeds up their exfoliation.

The principles of operation and benefits make retinoids the drugs of choice for correcting a number of skin problems: pigmentation, age-related changes, photoaging and acne.

Review of creams

Cream "Bark"

The product will make the skin smooth, velvety and soft and reduce pigmentation. The result will be noticeable in a month.


The basis for making the cream is thermal water and vitamin C. Reassuring ingredients are licorice, lemon, verbena and a complex of oils that can moisturize and whiten the skin. The high concentration of acid makes it possible to whiten the skin as much as possible, but because of this, the product cannot be used in hot weather.


Anna, Novgorod

After using the cream, the skin really brightened and the pigmentation decreased. I used the cream for night and day use. During the day I applied a layer of foundation. As for velvety, I didn’t notice any significant changes.


50 ml – 238 UAH. in Ukraine; from 449 to 565 in Russia.


A universal remedy that helps not only in the fight against pigmentation, but also has a healing, absorbable and improves blood circulation effect.


Propolis, lanolin, beeswax, royal jelly, citric acid, malic acid, extracts of plants such as aloe, madder, turmeric and calamus. Thanks to these components, melanin production is reduced, which prevents the growth of new melanocytes. With daily use 2 times a day, after 1.5 months the expected result should appear.


From 70 to 155 UAH. in Ukraine; from 314 to 380 rubles in Russia.


Elvira, Voronezh

The advantage of the cream is its pleasant smell and low price. It doesn’t solve pigmentation problems, but I was satisfied because in general my skin became better and it got rid of acne. I bought it for 89 rubles.

"Sunvita protective cream"

It has a pronounced protective effect for the face and body and is used to prevent enzyme formations. Serves as a good base for makeup.


UV filters, oat extract, allantoin, chitosan, d-panthenol.

Price in the online store

From 80 to 135 UAH. From 243 to 250 in Russia.


Galina, Moscow

After using the cream, I realized that it does not eliminate freckles. But I saw a big plus for myself in the fact that it prevents the appearance of pigmentation. I'm trying to buy it before spring.


Lightens freckles, age spots and copes with age-related pigmentation. Provides timely protection and tones the skin. Effect after two weeks. The effect of the product decreased after the removal of hydroquinone from its composition. Researchers have found that after using a cream that contains this substance, the skin becomes more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. It can cause skin cancer. An alternative to hydroquinone is licorice extract.


Purified water, glycerin, lanolin, sodium chloride, lactic acid and rose fragrance.


Natalya, 23 years old

The cream applies easily and is well absorbed into the skin. I have had freckles since birth, but now I am free of them. Visible changes appear after 14 days.


From 100 to 152 rubles. in Russia; from 40 to 95 UAH. in Ukraine.

Cream "Before and after"

Has active exfoliating and whitening effects. The cream is suitable for all skin types and copes well with the appearance of freckles and age spots. The desired result will be visible with regular use. Often used in combination with other skin whitening programs.


Licorice extract, red algae extract, vitamin complex, vegetable oils (corn, shea and avocado).


Tatyana, Kursk. After two weeks, the freckles became almost invisible. As soon as I started using the product, I gave up foundation because my complexion became even. I think the cream is good for seasonal use.

Price in pharmacy

From 118 to 135 rubles. in Russia; 100 ml - 230 UAH. in Ukraine.

The effect of the sun on the skin

A lot has already been written and said about the positive effects of the sun on our body. The sun is a very powerful source of energy and health. Sunlight invigorates, helps you get up in the morning, and energizes you. Who among those living in the middle zone or further north has not at least once felt sad over the statistics of sunny days in November-December? It has been proven that residents of these regions experience a lack of sunlight, a source of vitamin D, almost all year round. Children, especially young ones, who are prescribed this vitamin almost from birth, are also in dire need of it.

Many of us love to sunbathe. Previously, pale skin was in fashion (remember how many poets sang about white shoulders and white hands), and women carefully hid from the sun. Now everyone who can tan beautifully and evenly is in a hurry to do so as soon as the opportunity arises.

Unfortunately, the sun, like everything useful, is harmful in large doses. It is the skin that suffers the most, because it receives aggressive ultraviolet radiation. Severe sunburn is not only painful and incapacitating for several days, but also dangerous afterwards. It has been proven that burns suffered in childhood can have a delayed effect and cause skin cancer in the future.

But even seemingly insignificant pigmentation on the face causes discomfort. The skin looks unhealthy, such spots are poorly hidden by foundation. In addition, they are very difficult to remove.

Directions for use and doses

First you need to do a skin test. Apply a small amount of cream to the elbow area and leave for 20 minutes. If the skin is not red, then you can safely begin the process of beauty.

In order for the cream to fully utilize its properties, it is better to apply it before bed, when the body is calm.

It is recommended to begin eliminating freckles in early spring, as they are almost invisible and prevention is always better than cure.

In hot weather, the cream should not be used, especially before going outside.

During the cool season, the cream can be applied 2 times a day. So, freckle creams are usually oily, so it would be good to apply powder on top. It will also serve as an additional layer of protection.

In order for the components to penetrate deep into the skin, the product must be applied after thoroughly cleansing the face.

Since such creams have an exfoliating effect, it is recommended to use scrubs 2 times a week. It is very important to follow the dosage indicated in the instructions, since failure to comply with these rules may cause side effects. Do not apply the product to a steamed face.

Advantages of use

The main advantage of Welltex is its safe composition, which contains only natural ingredients and does not contain any chemicals, artificial colors or animal products. The anti-pigment cream is non-toxic and completely hypoallergenic. This allows it to be used against pigmentation by people even with hypersensitive skin, as well as pregnant women. After using Welltex, the skin takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance, pigment spots fade and the possibility of new ones appearing is blocked. A significant advantage of the whitening cream is the quick result, because you can lighten the epidermis by 3-4 shades with Welltex in just 2 weeks.

What cream can you buy at the pharmacy?

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a wide range of whitening creams. As already mentioned, it is better to buy creams at a pharmacy or specialized stores. This is wise for the reason that the products are clinically tested and also undergo laboratory testing. A certificate is included with the purchase.

In addition to the creams already listed, you can buy at the pharmacy: “Clandestine”, “Metamorphosis”, “Spring”.

Pharmaceutical products such as hydrogen peroxide and castor oil lighten age spots.

It should be remembered that a cream that helped someone may not be effective. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin and the purpose of the product.

Creams do not always completely remove pigmentation, but after lightening you can always see contrasting changes in your appearance. In pharmacies, such products are available at affordable prices.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to use Welltex to combat age spots, freckles, redness on the skin after inflammation and against pigmentation that occurs during pregnancy. The cream is used if constant protection of the body from sun rays is required and if, after 25 years, new moles and dark spots begin to appear on the skin of people.

An effective cosmetic product has no special contraindications; like all whitening products, cosmetology is not used in the active phase of herpes, damage to the epidermis and fungal diseases. You should not resort to lightening pigmented areas with Welltex cream if malignant tumors have been diagnosed or if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

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