Whitening parsley face masks for age spots

Does parsley whiten age spots?

Pigment spots can appear not only in old people, but also at fairly young ages. The problem occurs especially often in the summer due to excess ultraviolet radiation. In addition to salon procedures, parsley helps to whiten the face from age spots - it has pronounced lightening properties and does not harm the epidermis.

The plant contains numerous beneficial substances. Among the main ones we can list:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins A and E.

The whitening properties of parsley face masks are mainly due to the increased content of vitamin C. Beta-carotene in the plant protects the epidermis from the appearance of new age spots, and tocopherol and fatty acids have a softening and regenerating effect.

Parsley-based masks help make freckles less noticeable

Who are these cosmetic recipes suitable for?

Products with this greenery are ideal for girls:

  • with freckles;
  • age spots;
  • wrinkles;
  • dryness and dull complexion.

Since the beneficial vitamins contained in such products have an incredibly wonderful whitening, softening and restoring effect, improve blood circulation and accelerate the process of skin cell regeneration. In addition, the plant regulates sebum production, which is great for oily and combination skin . The plant also helps fight rashes and spots after acne.

Recipes with this plant can be used even by pregnant or lactating women and children, since parsley has only a gentle effect on the skin and does not have an aggressive effect.

It is prohibited to use products with this plant only if you have an individual intolerance to this plant. If you feel a strong burning sensation on your skin when using parsley, it is recommended to immediately wash off the product and apply a nourishing cream.

Choosing parsley for the procedure

Parsley can be used in any form against age spots. Masks based on roots and greens have whitening properties. But when choosing raw materials, you need to pay attention to several nuances. Parsley should be:

  • young and as juicy as possible;
  • no signs of wilting;
  • no suspicious black or yellow markings on leaves or roots.

Before using for cosmetic purposes, the plant must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water to disinfect.

Attention! If necessary, you can use dried parsley to prepare masks, but the beneficial effect in this case will be weaker.

How to cook properly

All parts of the plant in all forms are used for care. In this case, you need to properly prepare the raw materials:

  • fresh parsley - it is preferable to choose the freshest greens, the cut of which is still moist. Dried and wilted leaves are not suitable. Fresh greens are washed, doused with boiling water and chopped in a blender or with a knife. For lotions or masks, squeeze out the juice;

  • dry – suitable for decoctions and infusions. Dried herbs are not washed, but immediately poured with hot water or cooked in a water bath;
  • plant root - the roots are washed, dried, and then ground in a coffee grinder or blender to a powdery state. Raw materials in this form are brewed and used for masks and compresses. It is better to store the root whole, since in a crushed state it loses vitamins faster;
  • seeds are stored dried and crushed before use. As a rule, seeds are used as an additional component to enhance the effect.

Preparing facial skin for applying a mask

Before using parsley to whiten age spots, it is recommended to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Gather your long hair into a ponytail or braid so that it does not fall on your face.
  2. Remove all decorative cosmetics and wash with a special toner.
  3. Treat the skin with a scrub to deeply cleanse the pores.
  4. Remove any remaining product with cool water and gently pat your face with a towel without rubbing.

It is recommended to apply masks to remove pigmentation on healthy and intact skin. If there are scratches or microcracks on your face, it is better to wait for them to heal.

How to make a whitening mask from parsley

There are quite a lot of recipes for whitening masks. Most often, greens are combined with other beneficial ingredients that enhance the cleansing and brightening effect.

Mask with yolk and olive oil

Pure parsley juice may be too concentrated for dry skin. Therefore, in order to whiten the face, prepare a mask with the addition of softening components. The recipe looks like this:

  1. Washed fresh herbs are crushed in the volume of a large spoon.
  2. Add raw egg yolk and 15 ml olive oil.
  3. Beat the ingredients until smooth.

The mask is applied to prepared facial skin and left for 15 minutes. After the expiration date, the composition is washed off using tonic.

A parsley mask with the addition of eggs and oil makes the skin velvety and elastic.

Mask with parsley and honey

A mask with the addition of natural honey has good whitening and nourishing properties. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Finely chop young parsley.
  2. Measure out about 15 g of raw material and mix with an equal amount of liquid honey.
  3. Bring the mass until smooth.

The product is applied to the face and left for about 40 minutes. Organic acids in the mask will lighten the skin and make age spots less noticeable, and honey will prevent the epidermis from drying out.

Mask with parsley and lemon juice

If age spots and freckles are very pronounced, you can use a mask with a high content of ascorbic acid to eliminate them. They do it like this:

  1. Grind young parsley leaves in the volume of a large spoon.
  2. Add about 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the greens.
  3. Add a large spoonful of honey and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Apply the product to the face, trying to avoid the area around the eyes. You need to keep this mask against age spots for no more than seven minutes so that the parsley and lemon juice do not leave burns on the skin.

Composition and benefits

Facial masks with parsley, which are useful for dry, inflamed skin prone to flaking, will help prolong youth and restore a healthy appearance. By choosing the accompanying ingredients wisely, they are equally suitable for oily epidermis.

When preparing home remedies, both the leaves and the root of the plant are used, from which a variety of cosmetics are made - ice, tonics, masks, decoctions, infusions, compresses. Cosmetic ice made from parsley decoctions effectively smoothes and reduces wrinkles and tightens the facial contour. The juice of this aromatic herb relieves irritation at the sites of insect bites, reduces freckles, and fights age-related pigmentation and acne.

Miracle from the garden

In face masks they use not only juice, but also crushed leaves, which contain a whole range of useful components:

  • vitamins of groups A, B, K;
  • potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus;
  • pectins;
  • antioxidants – luteolin, apigenin;
  • acids – ascorbic, nicotinic, folic;
  • essential oil.

Since June 1, 2011, dietary supplements made from curly parsley seeds, which contain large quantities of poisonous essential oils containing narcotic substances, have been officially banned in Russia. The curly variety differs from the garden variety used in cosmetology in having more lush, curly leaves.

Find out the benefits of a hair mask with colorless henna here. Inexpensive skin cleansing - baking soda face mask.

Dewisri SPA

The best recipes for pumpkin face masks are presented in the article.

Rules for applying parsley masks to lighten skin

When using parsley recipes for age spots, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Homemade masks are applied along massage lines from the center of the face to its periphery.
  2. In order for the composition to be better absorbed into the skin, it is lightly driven into the epidermis by lightly tapping the fingers.
  3. When applying the mask, try not to use too much bleaching mass - this will not be beneficial.

It is recommended to wash off the cosmetic mixture with warm or slightly cool water. This will have a tonic effect and help maintain youthful skin. But it is not advisable to use hot water, since such washing will increase the likelihood of wrinkles forming.

After removing the mask from pigment spots, it is recommended to treat the facial skin with a softening cream

Water for morning washing of face and eyelids

There are several ways to make parsley water for beneficial morning and evening facial wipes. The easiest way:

  • chop the parsley very finely;
  • pour a glass of mineral or boiled water over the greens;
  • mix the ingredients and let the mixture stand for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator;
  • drain the water through cheesecloth or a sieve and pour into a bottle.

This ready-made tonic can be used for washing and wiping the skin of the face.

A pre-prepared infusion of parsley is used at home for tired and swollen eyelids. How to help yourself:

  1. Moisten a napkin or cotton towel with warm parsley infusion.
  2. Apply a wet cloth to your closed eyelids.
  3. Leave for 10-15 minutes and remove.

This parsley water, like the mask, soothes irritations, slows down the aging process, refreshes and delicately brightens the skin, and removes fine wrinkles around the eyes.

How to make parsley juice for age spots

Not only fresh herbs are popular in home cosmetology, but also parsley root for age spots. It also contains organic acids and other valuable substances that have a whitening effect.

You can obtain juice from a plant using the following algorithm:

  1. The root is washed thoroughly in cold water.
  2. Grind the raw materials with a sharp knife or using a blender.
  3. The resulting pulp is manually squeezed through a sieve lined with folded gauze.

In its pure form, the juice is used to wipe the face immediately after preparation. You can also pour the product into a glass container and put it in the refrigerator, but even in this case the shelf life will be no more than a day.

You can preserve the juice for a long time if you pour the liquid into ice trays and put it in the freezer. Cold cubes should be used to wipe your face every morning.

Terms of use

The effect of whitening depends on following the rules. They will help preserve the vitamins and microelements contained in parsley:

  1. A lotion is usually prepared from the leaves by removing the stems. A simple treatment will help avoid possible infections: pour boiling water over it, rinse under running water.
  2. It is important to observe the shelf life: lotion or decoction - no more than 3 days in a cold place, preferably in the refrigerator.
  3. Before applying any cosmetics, you must cleanse your face: with cleansing gel or milk.
  4. It is recommended to carry out the procedures in courses: a month of treatment, then take a break for a month.

Parsley decoction for the face against age spots

A decoction prepared from parsley root or leaves can be used against age spots. It is done using this algorithm:

  1. Pour 30 g of plant material into a glass of water.
  2. Over low heat, bring the solution to a boil.
  3. Remove from the stove and leave to cool completely with the lid closed.
  4. Before use, strain the broth and add juice obtained from a slice of lemon.

The product must be used twice a day - in the morning and in the evening shortly before bedtime. Soak a cotton pad in the decoction and wipe the skin, previously cleansed of cosmetics.

A decoction of parsley with lemon not only removes age spots, but also helps fight acne.

Lemon, parsley, cucumber against cosmetic formulas.

The Internet is full of the most effective, simplest, cheapest, most popular methods of eliminating pigmentation, from those that are ineffective to those that are aggressively dangerous to skin health. Therefore, we consider it necessary to provide our rating of whitening products with an emphasis on safety of use. If the effectiveness of the remedy is accompanied by the risk of complications, then is it necessary to use this remedy?

How many ingredients do you think are recommended and presented as folk remedies for pigmentation? You won’t believe it, the total number of reliable and proven ingredients is about 70 units. And this is only on five sites that are in the top in Yandex for the corresponding request. And these are just the components.

Imagine how many masks, lotions, decoctions, and tonics you can mix from this amount of ingredients; you could write a thick cookbook. But all you need to do is reduce melanin synthesis and stimulate renewal.

This list of 70 includes,

really well-known remedies are lemon and parsley,

effective, but relatively aggressive - kojic acid, retinol,

little-known in terms of whitening - sauerkraut, onions, glycerin, boric acid, vitamin E.

To be fair, it must be said that boric acid, as one of the components of home remedies, is indeed used for lightening. But how effective are each of the 70 ingredients? What is the degree of aggression? How to choose the one that's right for you? What will be the evaluation criterion, your disappointment in effectiveness or irritation after using aggressive ingredients?

Common sense dictates that it is wiser to entrust the preparation of effective external products to well-known cosmetic brands (more on this a little later) or to opt for generally recommended folk remedies.

Parsley lotion for skin whitening

Using fresh parsley, you can prepare a lotion with pronounced whitening properties. The recipe with the addition of milk is especially popular, since this product also lightens the skin. Make the lotion like this:

  1. About 150 ml of milk is diluted with an equal amount of water and the solution is brought to a boil.
  2. Add 15 g of parsley and about 30 g of chopped elderflower flowers into the liquid.
  3. Simmer the mixture over low heat for five minutes.
  4. Infuse the broth under the lid for half an hour.

The strained product is used for washing on a daily basis.


Parsley masks against age spots rarely harm the skin of the face. However, before using them, it is necessary to take into account some contraindications. Use homemade formulations with caution:

  • for very dry and sensitive epidermis;
  • in the presence of ulcers, ulcers and wounds on the skin;
  • for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the epidermis.

Before using parsley on the skin, you need to make sure there is no allergy. To do this, apply a small amount of plant juice to the crook of your elbow or wrist and see if itching or irritation appears.

Attention! Parsley masks should not be used if you want to preserve your tan. Organic acids in the plant whiten not only pigment spots, but also the surface of the skin as a whole.

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