Bioreparation procedure with Gialripayer-08

Cosmetologists around the world unanimously recognize the effectiveness of products containing hyaluronic acid in the fight against age-related skin changes. This explains the number of different procedures based on the injection of hyaluronic acid, as well as their continued popularity.

The bioreparation procedure takes its place of honor among them. Bioreparation using the drug Hyalripayer-08 provides a significant rejuvenating effect and allows you to combat the elimination of aesthetic imperfections associated with age-related aging of the skin.

Differences between bioreparation and biorevitalization procedures

Both procedures are based on the injection of hyaluronic acid to the patient. The biorevitalization procedure allows you to deliver high concentrations of hyaluronic acid to cells, triggering natural self-rejuvenation processes in them. During bioreparation, in addition to hyaluronic acid, cells are also enriched with other nutritional and restorative elements, which is useful in general, and turns out to be critically important for eliminating a number of aesthetic problems.

In the drug Hyalripayer-08, hyaluronic acid is combined with vitamin C and L-carnitine. Vitamin C stimulates the production of collagen and has antioxidant properties, and L-carnitine acts on adipose tissue to correct it.

What is the effect based on?

The preparations included in the Hyalripayer line allow you to saturate the skin with useful substances - vitamins, amino acids. In addition, they all also provide deep hydration - and it is the loss of moisture that leads to the formation of the first wrinkles. The compositions are administered subcutaneously, papularly, and immediately begin to work - they stimulate the production of their own collagen and elastin, and improve tissue respiration. All this has a positive effect on the appearance of patients: they note that their skin is fresher, their complexion is evened out, and age-related changes have become less noticeable.

Hyalrepair injections at 'Sanmedexpert'

Hyalrepair biorevitalization will help slow down natural aging, improve the general condition of soft tissues, and correct existing deficiencies. The preparations saturate the skin with vitamins, amino acids, and stimulate collagenogenesis. To schedule a consultation, just call us or leave your phone number

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The effect of bioreparation with Gialripayer-08

The bioreparation procedure has a comprehensive rejuvenating effect on the skin. The gel form of the drug has a high concentration of hyaluronic acid and nutrients - vitamin C and L-carnitine. Thus, the drug turns out to be extremely effective in combating noticeable age-related changes in the skin, which, in addition to moisturizing, requires active nutrition. As a rule, its use is resorted to at the age of 30 years and older, in order to stimulate cellular activity.

Thanks to the active components associated with hyaluronic acid, the bioreparation procedure with Hyalripayer-08 allows you to eliminate some aesthetic imperfections, including gravitational ptosis, without resorting to plastic surgery. It happens that over time, under the influence of gravity, fatty tissues shift to the lower third of the face, and this provokes stretching of the skin. Visually, gravitational ptosis is expressed in a noticeable increase in nasolabial wrinkles, disruption of the oval line of the face, the formation of a double chin and other aesthetic defects, which can be combated by the bioreparation procedure with the drug Gialripayer-08.

Effect of the procedure:

• noticeable rejuvenation, smoothing of wrinkles;

• skin lifting, including tightening the oval of the face and reducing the severity of the double chin;

• correction of local fat deposits on the face in the chin, cheeks and under the eyes;

• reduction of swelling (pasty) of the face;

• manifestation of healthy color and radiance of the skin.

HYALREPAIR in syringes and vials.

In 2018, the MARTINEX Group introduced a new generation of HYALREPAIR bioreparants, it uses the latest innovative technologies and international standards (ISO 13485):

  • The substance for the drugs is produced in Switzerland.
  • The new generation uses HA of the latest generation pharmacopoeial class with the highest degree of purification.
  • An ideal HA molecule for skin rejuvenation (molecular weight is 2 million Da).
  • The new packaging has a modern, stylish design, tamper evident, and updated blister shape and labeling.

*Patent No. 2382050

H YALREPAIR – bioreparants, produced using a unique patented technology by adding natural biologically active components to hyaluronic acid using solid-phase modification.

HYALREPAIR technology is the only technology that launches its own processes of skin restoration and rejuvenation (Bioreparation).

The principle of creating drugs: HA and the necessary biologically active substances (vitamin C, amino acids, peptides) in the form of a powder mixture are placed on a Bridgman anvil, and under the influence of high pressure and shear deformation, strong chemical bonds are formed between the own hydroxyl groups of HA and the molecules of amino acids and vitamins.

Since all substances are in a solid state and their active groups are free to interact with each other, there is no need to use additional chemical cross-linking reagents (for example, VDDE, DEG).

Due to the “attached” biologically active substances, the spatial structure of HA changes, and it becomes unrecognizable to tissue hyaluronidases. At the same time, the chemical structure and functional potential of HA do not change.

Vitamin C and amino acids “attached” to HA using solid-phase technology are protected from destruction and rapid elimination. Their release occurs gradually as HA biodegrades and bonds with it are destroyed.

Biological agents are safe because they contain only components natural to the human body (HA, amino acids, vitamins, microelements, peptides) and do not use foreign chemical reagents in their production.

HYALRIPAYER-02 BIOREPARENT IN SYRINGES - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. Amino acids: glycine, proline, lysine as part of the main proteins of the intercellular matrix of the dermis are necessary to trigger the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin.

HYALRIPAYER-04 BIOREPARANT IN SYRINGES - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, ensures targeted delivery of active substances and promotes their retention in the skin for 3 weeks. The sulfur-containing amino acid, cysteine ​​and tripeptide glutathione are powerful antioxidants that act at various stages of the free radical chain process of oxidation of biomolecules.

HYALRIPAYER-08 BIOREPARANT IN SYRINGES - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, provides targeted delivery of active substances and helps to retain them in the skin for 3 weeks. L-carnitine strengthens cell membranes and normalizes the water-salt balance of the skin.

HYALRIPAYER-06 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES - indicated for age-related decrease in skin firmness and elasticity in combination with a tendency to the appearance of inflammatory elements, acne, changes in micro-macrorelief (enlarged pores, areas of hyperkeratosis), skin reactivity and sensitivity, atrophic scars (striae, post-acne) , xerosis of the skin or diffuse hair loss.

HYALRIPAIER-07 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES – for correcting age-related changes and restoring skin hydration, strengthening blood vessels, combating hyperpigmentation, with involutional changes in the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, inner thigh, inner shoulder, hands, etc., xerosis of the skin, scar conditions (including stretch marks and post-acne scars), as well as as preparation and rehabilitation of the skin before and after plastic surgery, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peels.

HYALRIPAYER-08 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES - skin rejuvenation, biological aging of skin with excess fat deposits in the corrected area, small local fat deposits in the face and body (including the chin area, the area around the knee and elbow joints), cellulite, ptosis and sagging skin of the face and body in patients due to loss of volume against the background of correction of excess fat deposits, swelling, tendency to pastosity.

HYALRIPAIER-10 BIOREPARANT IN BOTTLES - correction of age-related changes and restoration of skin hydration, strengthening of blood vessels, hyperpigmentation, acne, changes in micro and macrorelief (enlarged pores, areas of hyperkeratosis), skin reactivity and sensitivity, atrophic scars (striae, post-acne), xerosis skin, seborrhea, including the scalp, diffuse hair loss.


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Progress of the bioreparation procedure and rehabilitation

Before carrying out the bioreparation procedure, the GMTClinic cosmetologist assesses the condition of the patient’s skin, the degree and characteristics of age-related changes inherent in it. Taking into account the anatomical features, the specialist outlines points for performing intradermal injections of the drug. The skin is then treated with an antiseptic and anesthetic if pain relief is required. The procedure itself involves administering the drug with a thin needle and lasts less than one hour. The appointment ends with the application of healing and protective agents.

Rehabilitation after the bioreparation procedure is standard and typical for all injection rejuvenation techniques. As a result of injections, small bumps (papules) may appear on the skin, bruising, moderate itching and redness, and temporary swelling. These symptoms usually disappear completely on their own within 2-3 days after the intervention.

During the rehabilitation period, to prevent hyperpigmentation, you should beware of direct exposure to sunlight. It is required to refrain from visiting the beach and solarium, and also use skin creams with protection of at least SPF 50.

Frequency of procedures and compatibility with other techniques

The introduction of active components in the form of a bound formula allows them to stay longer in the skin. Vitamin C and L-carnitine in Hyalripayer-08 have a constant stimulating and nourishing effect on skin cells for at least three weeks. That is why the recommended standard course of use of the drug is once every three weeks. The number of procedures per course is determined by the doctor, but, as a rule, three procedures every three weeks are enough to achieve a lasting visible result. In the future, if necessary, additional supporting procedures are carried out.

Experts recommend a course of use of the drug Hyalripayer-08, although you will be able to notice the effect of the procedure after the first bioreparation session at the GMTClinic. It is possible to successfully combine facial bioreparation with chemical peelings, as well as with hardware rejuvenation techniques.

Composition of the drug Hyalripayer

Active substances included in Hyalripayer:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which stimulates collagen production, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has an antioxidant effect on the skin and fights pigmentation;
  • amino acids glycine, proline, lysine are part of protein structures, thereby helping to produce collagen and elastin;
  • amino acid cysteine ​​and oligopeptides-antioxidants that protect the skin from negative environmental influences, help reduce pigmentation, and participate in the formation of the epidermis;
  • L-carnitine is involved in lipid metabolism and has a powerful lipolytic effect;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2) - facilitates the supply of oxygen to cells, stimulates regeneration in tissues.

The combination of a complex of vitamins and amino acids in one preparation solves many aesthetic problems.

The Hyalripayer line is represented by three bioremedies containing hyaluronic acid 14 mg/ml with a volume of 1.5 ml in a syringe, which is enough to treat the face, neck, décolleté and, if desired, hands.

Cost of the bioreparation procedure

A reasonable cost for the bioreparation procedure using the drug Gialripayer-08 awaits you at the GMTClinic. To carry out injection therapy, we use only the best and recognized developments in the field of aesthetic medicine, and our doctors are distinguished by high literacy, responsibility, result orientation and love for their work.

The use of high-quality skin rejuvenation products and the qualifications of the doctor performing the procedure guarantees the safety and effectiveness of the intervention.

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