Getting rid of wrinkles at home: simple mask recipes and comments from a cosmetologist

Updated: 04/23/2021 11:28:27

Expert: Natalya Borisovna

A warming face mask is an excellent alternative to salon treatments. This cosmetic product can be used without age restrictions, for any type of skin. Experts told journalists that warming masks can be bought in special stores and cosmetics departments. Or cook them yourself from products that are in every housewife’s kitchen. To make a mask, oatmeal, honey, cream, salt and soda, fresh and boiled vegetables, and vegetable oils are suitable.

The best recipes for warming face masks

Experts shared with the readers of our publication proven and effective recipes for heating masks for preparation at home:

  1. Recipe No. 1

    . You need to take one large (or several medium-sized) potatoes; fresh fat milk - about a third of a glass; half a ripe tomato. Boil the potatoes without skins or in their skins (in the latter case, the vegetable must first be washed well under running water without using chemicals). Mash the hot potatoes into a puree, adding room temperature milk to it. Allow the mixture to cool to the desired temperature. At this time, cut and mash the tomato with a fork and add to the potato-milk mixture.

  2. Recipe No. 2

    . You need to take two tablespoons of honey; the same amount of cosmetic clay; one spoon of coffee grounds, which remains after brewing natural coffee; 5 tablespoons of warm fresh milk. Milk is mixed with clay, then the remaining components are added, the mixture is heated in a water bath. The mixture must be stirred during the heating process. The mask is applied with massage movements, which allows you to get an additional light peeling effect.

  3. Recipe No. 3.

    Take oatmeal and chopped bran - a couple of tablespoons each; a third of a glass of fresh milk with a high percentage of fat; half a teaspoon of baking soda. Pour hot milk over the flakes and bran, let it brew, add soda.

  4. Recipe No. 4

    . You need to take one tablespoon of zinc ointment; half a tablespoon of any cosmetic clay; the same amount of freshly squeezed cucumber juice. The clay must be diluted with very warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, mixed with ointment and juice.

  5. Recipe No. 5

    . Take 1 tablespoon each of dry thyme, peppermint, regular table salt or sea salt; a glass of drinking water; a few drops of lemon juice and two or three tablespoons of heavy cream. Pour medicinal herbs with water and make a decoction, let it brew and cool to the desired temperature. After this, strain the broth and add all the other ingredients. Soak several pieces of white cotton cloth in the liquid and place them on the forehead, cheeks, chin, and nose. Do not forget to periodically wet the napkins in hot liquid. After the procedure, the fabric can not be thrown away, but rinsed under running water, dried and reused next time.

  6. Recipe No. 6.

    Take three to four tablespoons of Dead Sea mud; one tablespoon of grape seed oil and a teaspoon of tea tree oil. The dirt should be placed in a thick plastic bag and placed in hot water for five minutes. At this time, heat the oils in a water bath, then mix them with mud until smooth. Apply to skin with a cosmetic brush.

  7. Recipe No. 7.

    Take fifteen grams of gelatin; two tablespoons each of olive oil and liquid honey; one tablespoon of dry chamomile, half a glass of hot water. Pour boiling water over the chamomile and let it brew for fifteen minutes. Pour gelatin with this infusion and wait until it swells. Heat oil and honey in a water bath. Mix all the ingredients.

  8. Recipe No. 8

    . Take a raw chicken egg yolk (or several quail egg yolks), which we remove from the refrigerator 1-2 hours before starting to prepare the mask; two or three tablespoons of natural honey, the same number of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix honey and oil thoroughly and heat in a water bath. Make sure that the mixture does not overheat too much, as the honey will lose its beneficial properties. Some types of oils should also not be heated, such as flaxseed oil. Yes, and the yolk can curl. After heating the mixture, add the yolk into it and stir. The mask is applied to the face using a cosmetic brush. As soon as the first layer has cooled, apply the second, then the third, and the fourth.

One of the most effective components of warming face masks is red pepper. It contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, K, as well as many others. And micro-, macroelements - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium.

An ingredient such as red pepper should be used in very small doses and only if there is no damage to the skin. The period for which the mask is applied is 5-10, maximum 15 minutes. A slight burning sensation is acceptable, but you should never endure severe discomfort.

Here are some interesting recipes for warming masks based on red pepper:

which dermatologists recommend:

  1. Take one tablespoon of beeswax; the same amount of olive oil, a quarter of a red capsicum and one teaspoon of butter or full-fat cottage cheese. The pepper needs to be washed and cleared of seeds, then grind it into a paste using a food processor, blender or knife. Mix the gruel with olive oil. Melt the wax in a steam bath, add oil into it, mix all the components of the mask.
  2. Take a quarter of red pepper, washed and de-seeded, crushed into a paste. Dilute the mixture with one tablespoon of cabbage juice and one tablespoon of carrot juice (not store-bought).
  3. You need to take the following ingredients - one teaspoon of chopped red pepper; two tablespoons of chopped bell pepper; one teaspoon of homemade fat sour cream and one chicken egg. Mix all components until smooth.
  4. You need to take the same mixture of peppers as indicated in the previous recipe, add one tablespoon of milk and vegetable oil to the gruel.
  5. You need to take two tablespoons of cosmetic clay; a few drops of hot pepper tincture; a little oatmeal flour; two teaspoons of liquid honey. Mix all these components, then heat the milk a little and pour it into the mass, little by little, stirring constantly. As soon as the mixture acquires a comfortable consistency of thick sour cream, the mask can be considered ready.
  6. For this recipe you will need one or two drops of pepper tincture, one egg and one tablespoon of country sour cream. Mix all ingredients and apply to face with a cosmetic brush.
  7. Take a small piece of red pepper, grind it into a paste, after removing the seeds. Add flaxseed oil to the mixture - a tablespoon. Take beeswax, melt 2 teaspoons in a water bath, cool slightly and mix with the previously prepared mixture of pepper and butter.
  8. Take one teaspoon of dry red hot pepper, mix with a tablespoon of fat sour cream and one yolk and a medium-sized raw potato grated on a fine grater. Before applying the mask, you need to apply shea butter or coconut, almond, or, in extreme cases, olive or sunflower butter to your face using a cosmetic brush.
  9. Before using such masks, you need to keep in mind that red pepper is a hot product. Even a small amount of it in a cosmetic preparation can lead to redness of the skin. But if you did everything correctly and did not overexpose the mixture on your face, the redness should go away fairly quickly.
  10. Not only a mask based on red pepper, but also a homemade tonic will help to activate metabolic and regenerative processes in the skin of the face. The product can be used every day by applying tonic to a cotton pad and wiping your face with it before going to bed.

The tonic contains the following components:

  1. 200 milliliters of mineral water. You can use regular drinking mineral water, shaking the bottle first and leaving it for six to eight hours to allow the gas to come out.
  2. 10 milliliters of peach (or any other cosmetic aromatic oil, except mint, lemon, spruce, etc.).
  3. 7 drops of red hot pepper tincture.

All this needs to be mixed well and poured into a used cosmetic bottle with a dispenser or sprayer. Before using the drug, you need to shake it thoroughly each time to mix back the separated tonic.

What are the benefits of warming face masks?

Warming masks are very popular because they have a wide range of actions:

  1. Due to the fact that the surface temperature of the skin increases, metabolic processes are normalized in the layers of the epidermis and in the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  2. Local microcirculation is activated, blood circulation and tissue trophism are improved, oxygen better saturates the skin.
  3. Impurities, toxins, and decay products are removed from the skin more effectively and quickly.
  4. The activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized.
  5. The moisture content of the skin is normalized and the skin begins to retain moisture better.
  6. The lack of vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional biologically active substances important for the epidermis is compensated.
  7. Many components of warming masks have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, so the cosmetic procedure will help heal minor damage to the epidermis. The warmth of the warming mask has a tonic effect on the skin, thanks to which the skin’s self-healing processes are launched. The production of elastin and collagen is stimulated, we can say that this drug rejuvenates the skin of the face.
  8. In addition, the warm composition of the warming mask is absorbed by tissues much more effectively than cold preparations. It is for this reason that the result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

Effect after using warming face masks:

  1. The skin becomes velvety, soft, smooth and silky, looking refreshed.
  2. The elasticity and turgor of the skin are restored.
  3. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, large, deep wrinkles become less pronounced.
  4. The normal complexion is restored, yellowness and greenishness disappear.
  5. The severity of bags and bruises under the eyes is reduced.
  6. The pores on the face are cleansed and narrowed.
  7. Peeling or increased oiliness of the skin disappears.

How the steaming mask works

Due to pollution and blockage of pores, the epidermal tissues are not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, dry out, and age faster. Clogged pores become a source of inflammatory formations. Steaming masks help unclog pores.

These products contain components that create a warming effect, due to which blood flows into the tissue, pores expand, and cellular renewal processes accelerate. Warming components can be plant extracts and oils, mineral elements, and substances of chemical origin.

The purpose of a steaming mask is to make the subsequent action of the cleanser more effective by expanding the pores. Also this composition:

  • draws out toxins;
  • eliminates comedones;
  • tones the epidermis;
  • evens out skin tone;
  • refreshes;
  • stretches facial folds.

Note! You can use a steaming mask for any skin type.

How to prepare warming face masks at home

Warming masks are always prepared immediately before application to the face. You should not reuse any leftover mixture, even if you stored it in the refrigerator. Within a few hours after production, the nutritional mixture will begin to lose its beneficial properties. And the need to warm up the mask can negatively affect the quality of the drug.

Always use fresh and high-quality products to prepare a mask. Here are some tips to help you perform a cosmetic procedure at home.

  1. Medicinal herbs can be bought at the pharmacy; one package will be enough for several dozen procedures.
  2. It is better to buy products such as honey, milk, eggs at the farmers market. Homemade products must be tested in a laboratory; before purchasing, ask the seller for a corresponding certificate.
  3. If the recipe indicates that you will need vegetable oil, then you can use any kind. If only sunflower oil is available, that will do. But it is better to use olive, grape or almond seed oil, or flaxseed oil.
  4. If the recipe calls for oatmeal, you can use it as is or pre-grind it with a coffee grinder or food processor.

If the mask is too runny and runs off your face, you can soak a cotton napkin with slits for the eyes and mouth in it and make a fabric mask. During one procedure, you will need to wet the fabric in the heated mixture 5-7 times, as it will cool very quickly on the surface of the face. However, the mixture can be thickened. To do this, you can use any flour, black bread crumb, starch, or the same ground oatmeal. If, on the contrary, the mass is too dense and does not apply well to the skin, dilute it with warm milk and stir thoroughly.


The hair mask is packaged in a round cylindrical jar with a screw-on lid. The material of the jar is made of translucent matte plastic, and the silver lid is covered with fine shimmer with the signature ARAVIA Professional engraving. Under the lid there is an additional “protector” - a metallized branded membrane. It protects the product from spillage during transportation, and also ensures tightness, extends shelf life and is a guarantee of the quality and originality of the product. Volume - 300 ml.

The hair growth product Pre-Wash Grow Mask belongs to the “red army”, as can be seen from its color design. The red design distinguishes the Growth Care series - “care for hair growth”. It also includes the currently released strengthening spray-activator and fluid against split ends.

Packaging of Pre-Wash Grow Mask

The protective membrane ensures tightness and control of the first opening

The membrane protects the composition during transportation

How to prepare for applying a warming mask and carry out the procedure correctly

When you make cold masks, you probably prepare your skin for each procedure. Most likely, you steam your face over a boiling decoction of medicinal herbs or use a warm compress. And after that you do scrubbing so that the skin is more receptive to the medicinal effects of the mask components. In our case, when a drug that warms the skin is used, the preparation will take place a little differently. There is no need to steam the skin. On the contrary, a strong increase in the temperature of the epidermis can negatively affect its condition. There is also no need to carry out preliminary peeling; you can accidentally damage the skin and making a warming mask will not be comfortable. It is enough just to thoroughly clean the epidermis of impurities and decorative cosmetics. You can use special milk, and then clean boiled water at room temperature.

How to use a warming mask:

  1. The mixture is prepared (according to one of the home recipes) or the packaging of a ready-made purchased drug is opened. Make sure that the temperature of the product is optimal. The mixture should be hot, but not so hot that it burns the delicate skin of your face. To determine that you have not made a mistake with the temperature, apply a little nourishing mass to the skin on your wrist. If the mask is hot, let it cool slightly; if it is not warm enough, heat it in a water bath.
  2. First, the composition is applied to the forehead, then the mixture is distributed along massage lines over the entire area of ​​the face, with the exception of the lips, eyelids, and the area under the eyes. To enhance the warming effect, cover your face with a clean, dry towel or cling film, leaving holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. You need to take a comfortable horizontal position and relax.
  4. After the recommended time, you need to wash off the mask with warm water or an aqueous infusion of medicinal herbs.
  5. At the very end, you can gently pat your skin with a warm terry towel and apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream, which is used for daily or night facial skin care.

In most cases, the mask is applied for 15 minutes. Unless the recipe specifies a different time, leave the drug on the skin for no more than 20-25 minutes. If during the procedure you experience any discomfort, burning, pain, the mask should be washed off immediately. If these symptoms do not go away after a while, you should seek help from a dermatologist.

The first changes will be noticeable immediately, as during the procedure dead cells are exfoliated, and the skin is renewed and healthier. But this effect is short-lived, after a few days the skin will look as usual. To get long-term, pronounced results, warming masks and other home cosmetic procedures must be done regularly and for a long time. This is due to the fact that the effect of such simple facial skin care methods is cumulative. Only after 6-8 weeks of constant procedures can the skin condition return to normal, and the processes of withering and aging, if not reversed, will slow down.

Are there any contraindications for using warming face masks?

Any cosmetic procedure may have contraindications for use, warming masks are no exception. They cannot be done in the following cases:

  1. General malaise, weakness, increased body temperature.
  2. Any infectious and inflammatory diseases of the body.
  3. Foci of inflammation on the face - ulcers, abscesses, multiple pimples.
  4. The presence of deep damage to the integrity of the skin.
  5. The presence of neoplasms on the skin of the face.
  6. High blood pressure, problems with blood vessels, including in the face and head (vascular mesh on the skin).
  7. Any circulatory disorders, blood diseases that affect blood clotting.
  8. Allergy to products included in the face mask. If you are not sure whether the component composition of the product will cause an allergy or not, do a simple test. Apply a small amount of product to the inside of your elbow or wrist for 10-15 minutes. If the skin does not turn red and there are no other signs of hypersensitivity, then the composition can be applied to the face.
  9. Overly sensitive facial skin, prone to redness and irritation.

Even if you have no obvious contraindications to the use of warming masks, it is still recommended to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist before carrying out the procedures.

The benefits of hot mixture

Cosmetologists recommend performing thermal procedures for the skin if there is a need to restore the water balance of the dermis, i.e. the skin became rough and began to peel off.

The procedure is also necessary for those who have acne on their face, dirty and wide pores.

A positive result can be obtained from the mask in the presence of swelling, unclear facial contours, sagging skin and a double chin.

In some cases, warm sessions help reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process of microtraumas.

Experts recommend using a hot mask before peeling.

Review of popular purchased warming masks for home use

You can use cosmetic preparations not only of your own making, but also purchased in specialized stores. The range of ready-made warming masks is wide, but our experts have selected several popular products for any budget for readers:

  1. Egg Pore Blackhead Steam Balm Mask

    from the Korean company Tony Moly. The product is of good quality and has many positive reviews. The only drawback of the product is the relatively high price, which can reach 1000 rubles.

  2. Preparation Facial bath 50 °C

    from the Russian brand Organic ShopOrganic Kitchen. Contains organic tea tree oil, chamomile oil and lavender. The cost of the product allows it to be classified as a budget group of cosmetic products. The mask will cost only 125-150 rubles.

  3. Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask to Clear Pores

    from the Origins brand. This expensive product is suitable for those who are not used to saving on the quality of cosmetics. The mask contains bamboo charcoal, white Chinese clay, and other rare and useful components. The cost of this product is 1,750 rubles per 100 milliliters.

  4. Mask Clear Skin from Garnier Skin Naturals

    . The main active components are clay and zinc. After application, the product heats up directly on the skin and is easily washed off. The cost of the drug is small - about 130 rubles.

  5. Mask with SPA effect Volcanoes of Iceland

    from Avon. The preparation contains volcanic minerals and environmentally friendly spring water. The cost of a cosmetic product is around 100 rubles.

As you can see, a warming mask can be bought for very little money. However, more expensive drugs of this group are also present on the market. Therefore, you can easily choose the right product for every taste and budget.

Rating of the best

Choosing a mask for steaming is not easy. There are many options, the components are different. It is important to take into account the structural features of the skin and application features. Pay attention to packaging and application methods.

ORGANIC KITCHEN Facial bath 50°

Price from 91 rubles and above.

Available in a black jar with two bright stickers: on the lid and sides. It appears to be a heterogeneous mass of light brown color with inclusions. It smells strongly of forest herbs. The composition of ORGANIC KITCHEN “Facial bath. 50°” includes: chamomile extract, shea butter, lavender, cinnamon, tea tree, salt and glycerin. All these components nourish and help open pores. The disadvantage of Organic Kitchen is that it is difficult to apply and has a strong medicinal smell. Large particles are difficult to wash off with water. Inexpensive, not very effective, since the product is from the “mass market” series. But the product can replace the mask against blackheads.

Garnier (Garnier) steaming with zinc

On the cosmetology market it costs 250 rubles.

Available in blister form. Suitable for removing blackheads as a preliminary procedure before scrubbing. Garnier contains zinc, clay, and salicylic acid, which are activated by interaction with the skin. Among the advantages of Garnier Steaming with Zinc is suitable for one-time use. Disadvantage: once a week is recommended. This steaming is best done less frequently when there is a real problem with skin clogging. This manufacturer has several masks for dry skin, discussed in the article.

Compliment Coenzymes of youth

The cost of the product is from 27 rubles and above.

The drug from the company Compliment in the form of a disposable sachet. Contains chamomile, green tea, and coenzyme extracts for a tightening effect and evens out skin tone. 7 ml of product is enough for several times. Soft to the touch, with small granular particles, Compliment Coenzymes of Youth Steaming rejuvenating-cleansing mask can bring benefits for little money. Among the negative effects are the sharp chemical smell of reagents, low intensity of exposure, and no heat is felt.

BIO WORLD warming

Sold at prices ranging from 192 to 200 rubles.

Product of Belarusian producers. Available in the form of a 100 ml tube. Animation design is designed to attract consumers. A motto that proves the use of only natural ingredients. A mask with a warming effect is created on the basis of Chilean hot red pepper extract. The composition includes birch tar and clay, which have an adsorbing effect. BIO WORLD Thermal mask (warming). Effective instantly. The integument becomes bright, blood quickly rushes to the vessels. It is applied in a thin layer - this is a “plus” for efficiency. Easily washed off with plain water. The effect remains for 3-5 minutes. Disadvantages: allergic reaction to the composition, cannot be used for severe rosacea, pimples or acne.

Vilenta Hot and Cool Mask

The new product sells from 200 rubles.

Available in bright packaging with two tubes inside (50 ml) with screw caps. Applying the product involves two steps: a little from one tube (black), then from the other. They are different in composition, and their combination requires active steaming. Active ingredients include menthol, eucalyptus oil, and witch hazel extract. Thanks to shea and tea tree, the skin receives an active nutritional complex and becomes smooth and even. There are enough disadvantages. Vilenta Hot and Cool Mask is designed for step-by-step care, which takes a lot of time. First you need to apply one product, then another. The chilling effect distracts attention from the main goal. You will have to wash it off with a cotton swab or sponge. The advantages are obvious: the comprehensive care promised by Vilenta, bright packaging and low price. Find out also about the range of Thai masks at the link.

Too many chemical elements are another warning for those who have problem areas on their face.

One hundred beauty recipes 7 active oils

The price does not exceed 100 rubles.

A well-known Russian manufacturer offers to try a 50 ml product. One hundred beauty recipes 7 active oils warming film mask is designed for seven active actions: steaming, care, cleansing, nutrition, protection, tightening, moisturizing. The composition includes 7 plant oils: avocado, peach, grape seed, sandalwood, coriander, almond. The complex is complemented by fermented olive extract. The disadvantage is the liquid texture, which spreads too much on the skin and is difficult to apply. The expected steaming effect does not occur. One hundred beauty recipes - after-shower, bath-care products. It is compensated by a pleasant smell and delicate consistency. The drug is more like honey, a nutritional emulsion. Find out about the best nourishing masks in this material.

Skinlite Oatmeal

Price tag from 83 rubles.

The Korean company Skinlight presents an instant product in the form of a sachet. It is designed for 2 uses. The composition includes oatmeal extract and honey, replaces the “hot towel” effect. Massaging movements are expected to enhance the effect. This is a preliminary preparation of the skin for further nutrition. Consumers note several negative points: unpleasant odor, weak effect of the product, unpleasant texture. Skinlite Steaming mask “Oatmeal” is designed to nourish and moisturize. The result of the thermal effect is not achieved. It’s also worth trying to make your own oatmeal mask at home with good cleansing properties.

Floresan Face without problems

The average price is 75-80 rubles.

The instructions for use say that Floresan “Face without problems” is what you need for leisurely steaming of the skin. Delicate creamy texture, convenient 75 ml tube. You can take it with you on a trip or business trip. Quickly refreshes and helps further cleaning. Buyers believe that Florezan is no worse than expensive products intended for the same purposes. The bad thing is that it’s difficult to wash off. There is a saponification effect when, upon contact with water, the product turns into a cleansing gel.

Floresan steaming

Price per package from 80 rubles.

The package contains 4 disposable sachets, which is convenient for use. If you don’t like it, you can donate the product or throw it away. The consistency is thick, easy to apply and lasts for more than 10 minutes. Doesn't flow, doesn't get absorbed. One of the disadvantages is chemically active elements. The moisturizing effect is achieved only through calendula extract and salicylic acid. Among the advantages is the possibility of use for very dry skin prone to rosacea, when it is strictly forbidden to strongly steam the face. After this remedy, you can use masks against rosacea.

Avon Volcanoes of Iceland

Cost from 99 rubles.

The compact Avon tube (50 ml) easily fits into a travel bag or cosmetic bag. The brutal design of the packaging will suit girls and boys due to its specific masculine scent. Avon Warming mask with volcanic minerals and spring water “Volcanoes of Iceland” is based on the effect of thermal springs, filling the skin with beneficial substances. Bentonite and a suspension of volcanic dust help to quickly expand pores and remove blackheads due to the rough peeling effect. Disadvantage: Not everyone feels the warming effect. Find out more about men's masks here.

Store-bought masks and home-made preparations - advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of using store-bought and home-made warming masks at home:

Masks prepared according to folk recipes:

  1. They have a soft and gentle effect.
  2. Prepared in a few minutes according to simple recipes from available and inexpensive products.
  3. Easy to apply and wash off.
  4. They have a 100% natural, hypoallergenic composition.
  5. They do not harm the family budget.
  6. One of the disadvantages is that the masks need to be prepared with your own hands, each time anew.
  7. Store-bought masks:
  8. They have an optimal consistency and a pleasant smell.
  9. No preparation required, ready to apply.
  10. The composition may contain unique, rare components that have a powerful effect on the epidermis.

Among the disadvantages - you can accidentally buy a fake or low-quality product; the composition may contain allergens, unnecessary components such as flavors and dyes; Cosmetics can be quite expensive.

As you can see, both purchased and homemade masks have many advantages. You can alternate medications, choosing the best one for your skin type and depending on your financial capabilities.


Steaming is considered a safe method of cleansing the face, but there are several limitations to its use. It is not recommended to use steaming masks or baths for people:

  • Having problems with high blood pressure and blood vessels;
  • Prone to allergic reactions.

Don't be alarmed if more pimples appear on your face when you first use the steaming mask. This skin reaction is associated with an increase in blood circulation, and therefore passive acne will begin to actively ripen from under the skin. But with regular procedures, the skin will cleanse and inflammation will subside.

When preparing the material, consultation was carried out by:

Olga Kirilova (cosmetologist). A specialist with higher medical education and extensive work experience. Helped hundreds of patients cope with various skin problems. Conducts non-hardware and hardware procedures. Proficient in laser and phototherapy techniques.

Popular questions about this article

✅ How to steam your face at home?

There are 3 ways to steam your face at home:

  • hot steam, making a bath;
  • a napkin soaked in herbal decoction;
  • a homemade mask or a store-bought cosmetic product.

✅ How to steam your face for cleaning?

Before cleansing, you need to steam your face so that the pores expand and the removal of impurities minimizes trauma to the skin. Baths are best suited for this.

  • Heat the water;
  • Pour it into a glass bowl;
  • Cool to 60 degrees;
  • Bend over it (distance 40 cm), covered with a towel;
  • Breathe in the steam for 5-10 minutes, then blot the moisture from your face with a paper towel and start cleaning.

✅ How to open pores?

To open the pores, it is necessary to steam the skin. You can do this with professional masks sold in stores or prepare a folk recipe yourself.

Steaming mask. Take:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped oatmeal;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1-2 tbsp. milk.

Mix all ingredients and let simmer for a couple of minutes. Then apply the composition to the face and leave for up to 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, blot with a paper towel and begin cleaning.

✅ What products are there to enlarge pores before cleansing your face?

If you take hot baths, this is contraindicated for you, and you don’t really want to prepare homemade masks; use special products to expand the pores. The most popular are:

  • "Apricot" - steaming face mask from Skinlite;
  • “Clean skin active” - Mask Garnier;
  • “Facial bath” from Organic kitchen;
  • "Skinactive" from Garnier;
  • Swedish Spa by Oriflame.

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How often can you do warming face masks?

Only a cosmetologist can give a clear answer to this question after diagnosing the condition of the skin. But there are general, standard recommendations that can be followed if there are no contraindications.

If the skin condition is normal, and you just want to shed its youth, prevent age-related changes, do warming face masks once every 14 days, preferably before bed, and not in the morning. Or on weekends, when you don’t need to go anywhere, you can do without makeup. If you make a warming mask before applying cosmetics, you can only harm the skin. After all, the pores will open and will remain in this state for some time. If you do makeup, you will clog your pores with foundation or other product. And there will be no point in a cosmetic procedure. If you absolutely cannot do without applying cosmetics, wait at least 20-30 minutes, wipe your skin with an ice cube to close the pores. Ice can be made from plain boiled, bottled water or from an aqueous infusion of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula).

If the skin is aging and obvious age-related changes are noticeable, warming masks can be done more often, but not much. For example, once a week.

Cosmetologists say that in the cold season, warming masks should be done a little more often than in summer and early autumn. Wind, snow and frost have an extremely negative impact on the skin, so it requires a lot of effort to recover. Warming masks are designed to help the epidermis, start the processes of regeneration and protection from environmental factors. In addition, at the end of winter and spring, the body experiences a lack of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a warming mask can perform an additional function as a source of biologically active substances of the epidermis to eliminate deficiency. If you are having a cosmetic procedure during the cold season, do not go outside for several hours and allow your skin to return to normal. After all, a sharp temperature change can damage the epidermis, which can lead to the development of rosacea.

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