What to do if your child is allergic to washing powder

Now it is impossible to imagine any area of ​​human life without household chemicals. She is now at home, at work, and on the street. Sometimes these are fumes, and a person inhaling them risks damage to the respiratory tract, and sometimes there is a possibility of skin irritation due to tactile contacts.

The so-called household allergy entails the manifestation of urticaria or eczema, which requires urgent treatment. Chemicals used in everyday life contain a sufficient number of allergens: chlorine, nitrites, formaldehyde, antioxidants, etc.

Household chemical products come into extremely close contact not only with the person himself, but also with the environment that surrounds him. A number of substances contained in these products linger in the air, water bodies, and accumulate in the soil, becoming dangerous to human health.

Powder intolerance: what causes it?

It is no secret that in the production process of household chemicals, the manufacturer uses a lot of aggressive chemicals.

Almost every brand of washing powder contains a number of active ingredients, including:

  • Phosphates - they are necessary to reduce the level of water hardness, as well as to increase the washing effect;
  • Whitening elements - designed to give clothing and household items sufficient whiteness;
  • Fragrances are necessary to ensure that the laundry becomes fresh after washing.

Each surfactant contained in washing powders can penetrate into materials and fabrics, remaining in them for a long time. To rid the material of surfactants, the laundry should be rinsed about eight times. Of course, this cannot be observed during every washing process.

Chemicals remaining in underwear can easily penetrate into vessels located close to the epidermis, and then spread through the blood through the organs and systems of the human body.

For this reason, intolerance to the powder not only causes local irritation of the skin, but also negatively affects the functions of the liver, immune system and kidneys.

In addition, after inhaling grains of powder, there is a risk of developing respiratory system allergies.

Intolerance in children

A big cause for concern for parents is an allergy to laundry detergent particles detected in infants.

And if for adults an allergy can be triggered by contact with the powder or the entry of its particles into the respiratory tract, then in the case of children the factors causing intolerance are slightly different.

The main factors causing intolerance in infants include:

  • Impairments in the functioning of the immune system - in newborns, the immune defense mechanism has not yet fully formed, therefore it does not always give the correct response to foreign proteins that enter the child’s body from the environment;
  • The imperfection of the skin is due to the fact that in the first weeks after birth, the skin is extremely delicate, and therefore is vulnerable to various influences from the baby’s environment. The molecules of substances contained in household products easily penetrate the thin epidermal layer.


Only a specialist, namely a dermatologist, can accurately diagnose the disease. He takes a medical history to get a clearer picture of the disease. He also prescribes medications to relieve allergy symptoms.

When symptoms occur, an allergist will usually prescribe a patch test to identify the allergen. This test is called a patch test. It consists in the fact that the patient needs to wear special patches that are treated with suspected allergens. The patches are attached to the back between the shoulder blades. They must be worn for at least 24 hours.

If, as a result, redness of more than 3 millimeters in diameter appears on the skin, this means that the substance is an allergen. After the test, appropriate treatment is also prescribed.

The difference between powders for babies and adults

Until the child reaches the age of three, pediatricians advise using powders specially designed for this when washing his clothes.

But what are the specific differences between children's powders and adults?

  • Surfactant concentration. In such powders the maximum permissible concentration is no more than 15%. In addition, surfactants can be of different types, and nonionic surfactants are used in children's powders;
  • Fragrance. Often, only natural fragrance is used in children's washing powders, so they often have a fruity aroma;
  • Addition of zeolites. These are minerals of natural origin that can remove substances from the human body that are harmful to it.

Allergy to washing powder in adults

People constantly use washing powders in everyday life without noticing any unpleasant sensations. But in those moments when the body gives a negative response to the substances in the structure of the powder, a person notices a number of symptoms that did not manifest themselves before.

Causes of allergies to washing powder in adults

There can be quite a few reasons for this:

  • You purchased a new brand of product that you have not used before. And it may contain substances or elements that provoke the development of allergies;
  • Hand washing is carried out without the use of standard methods of providing protection (for example gloves). It can also be harmful to your health;
  • The product is not completely rinsed out of the laundry ; the chemicals remain in the tissues, coming into contact with the skin;
  • When inhaled, the powder accidentally enters the oral mucosa or respiratory system;
  • The powder is stored close to food , and the packaging is not tightly closed;
  • Ignoring the rules for using powder means excessive use or a washing mode that is unsuitable for this product.

Symptoms and signs of allergy to washing powder

The appearance of an allergy can be determined if one or more different symptoms appear. This can be determined by the type of contact with the powder or the individual parameters of the human body.

The following symptoms are observed:

  • Skin irritations - blistering or nodular rashes on the skin in areas that have been in contact with powder or tissue in which fragments of the product remain. After the appearance of such rashes, a person experiences itching, the areas with the rash swell and peel;
  • Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye) of the allergic type - accompanied by redness of the sclera of the eyeballs, profuse secretion of tears, and itching. It may also be accompanied by photophobia.
  • Manifestations of rhinitis , sneezing and nasal discharge;
  • Attacks of shortness of breath , suffocation and severe coughing.

Treatment of allergies to washing powder in adults

Having experienced an allergy to washing powder for the first time, a person may continue to constantly suffer from an unpleasant disease for the rest of his life. This threatens the development of eczema.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of allergies, as well as preventive procedures aimed at preventing recurrent exacerbations.

You can achieve favorable results in adults in the following ways:

  • Change the brand of washing powder . Wash only using a washing machine, excluding the manual method. If this is not feasible, then thick rubber gloves should be used;
  • You should use the mode , which provides double rinsing when using an automatic machine;
  • Use of medications to treat symptoms.

Drug therapy for powder intolerance is carried out in the same way as treatment for other types of allergies.

If the symptoms are extreme, antihistamines are prescribed:

  • Suprastin - blocks histamine receptors. In tablet form, taken orally during meals. Adults are recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day. Most often, the course lasts up to 5 days, ending with the disappearance of all allergy symptoms. The cost of one blister with 20 tablets averages 140 rubles ;
  • Cetrin - this drug is a selective antihistamine, does not have a strong sedative effect, and can be used from 2 years of age. Available both in the form of syrup with a dosage of 1 mg/ml, and in tablets of 10 mg. Taken without taking into account food intake. One tablet per day is enough, preferably before bedtime. On average, the cost is from 140 rubles for 20 tablets or 80 rubles for 60 ml of syrup;
  • Claritin - Available in syrup or tablet form. The active substance is loratadine. It is prescribed for oral administration and is not associated with meals. Adults take one 10 mg tablet once daily. The average cost of the drug is around 200 rubles .

Suprastin Cetrin Claritin
The above medications allow you to block histamine, which is a mediator of immediate type allergies. This leads to the fact that the manifestations of intolerance are reduced.

If rashes appear on the skin, you can use antiallergic ointments and gels:

  • Solcoseryl - for allergies, it is recommended to use both ointment and gel. The gel is recommended in cases of fresh rashes, and the ointment is only for application to dried wounds and rashes. In the first case, the gel should be applied at least 2 times a day, the ointment should be applied thinly to the affected areas 1-2 times a day. After this, you can cover the skin with the drug with a bandage (only in the case of ointment). The price for a 20 g tube of ointment is about 330 rubles ;
  • Fenistil-gel - used externally; apply a thin layer of gel to damaged skin surfaces. Repeat 2-4 times a day, most often the course of treatment takes no more than a week. A 50 g tube will cost approximately 360 rubles .

Solcoseryl Fenistil-gel
If the rash causes the skin to crack and scratches form in the areas of the rash, the use of antibiotics and wound-healing drugs will be required:

  • Curiosin - the drug stimulates tissue healing. Before applying the gel to the skin, the area with wounds should be rinsed with warm water. Then the gel is applied liberally to the required areas twice a day. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning and at lunchtime. The gel can be purchased for an average of 430 rubles ;
  • Methyluracil ointment - the product is available in the form of an ointment for external use 10%. Intended for external application once or twice a day. Apply a thin layer, the course of use can reach one month, depending on the area of ​​the affected areas and the degree of damage. The ointment is quite inexpensive, the cost is about 25 rubles ;
  • D-Panthenol - ointment, cream or lotion can be used. For the first two cases, the dosage is 5%, in the case of lotion – 2.5%. The ointment and cream are applied in a thin layer up to 4 times a day to damaged areas. The duration of the course is individual. Ointment and cream differ from each other only in consistency. The average cost is around 280 rubles per tube.

Curiosin Methyluracil ointment D-Panthenol
If an allergy has resulted in the formation of weeping blisters with watery contents on the skin, you should use ointments that contain glucocorticosteroids:

  • Belosalik - the drug is produced in the form of an external ointment. The ointment should be applied to damaged areas of the skin 1-3 times a day, rubbing in slightly. The course should last no more than 21 days. It is a hormonal drug. On average, the price of the drug is 200 rubles ;
  • Sinaflan - active ingredient - fluocinolone acetonide. Has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. Apply a thin layer 2-4 times a day. The course may depend on how quickly the allergy symptoms disappear. The average cost of the drug is 30 rubles .

Belosalik Sinaflan
In addition to the drugs described above, medications with a sedative effect are prescribed:

  • Novo-passit is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The use of the drug for children under 12 years of age is not allowed. Tablets are taken three times a day, 1 tablet. Preferably during a meal. The syrup is taken 5 ml/3 times a day. The average price of the product is 180 rubles .
  • Persen - for adults, take 2-3 tablets twice a day. The maximum dose per day is up to 12 tablets. The average price of tablets (40 pieces) is in the range of 300-340 rubles .

Novo-Passit Persen
In cases where the allergic reaction is becoming stronger every day, you should consult a specialist so that competent treatment can be prescribed.

Allergy to washing powders in children

In young children, any skin irritation appears much brighter and stronger. This is due to the fact that the skin of babies is not yet fully formed, so their reaction to a chemical irritant is extremely pronounced.

In addition, due to their age, many children cannot tell their parents what exactly is bothering them. Therefore, parents need to independently identify diseases in their children.

To do this, you need to have a clear understanding of exactly what a child’s allergic reaction to washing powders looks like:

  • The skin is covered with rashes with small red spots;
  • The skin becomes rough and flakes;
  • Irritated areas of the skin itch and itch;
  • The skin becomes slightly swollen.

If particles of a household product enter the baby's respiratory tract, the child experiences a severe cough with suffocation.

One should take into account the fact that an allergic reaction to powder in infants can be accompanied not only by a rash, but also by various disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of allergies to washing powder in children

The main factors in the development of allergies in a child may be:

  • Various chemicals found in washing powder;
  • Weakness of the immune system;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • High level of sensitivity of the child’s body;
  • Chemical constituent elements.

Symptoms and manifestations of allergies to washing powder in children

The following symptoms are identified:

  • Dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • Rash, redness and itching of the skin;
  • Weeping blisters that then burst;
  • The eyes become red and watery;
  • Sometimes there is a cough, nasal congestion and swelling;
  • In advanced disease – eczema and skin inflammation.

The moment manifestations of intolerance to washing powder are discovered in a child, you should immediately stop all contacts of the baby with underwear that may cause a negative reaction.

This list may include items of clothing, bed linen or towels. After this, you will need to contact your pediatrician for advice and treatment.

Treatment of allergies to washing powder in children

In order to get rid of allergy symptoms, you can use medications or traditional methods. At the same time, it is important to consider that you should not offer medications to your baby without first consulting a doctor. Many medications can have a negative impact on the baby's well-being.

Initially, the child is prescribed those medications that eliminate rashes, itching and swelling.

The safest of them are:

  • Fenistil drops - the drug is not intended for use in children under 1 month. Dosage from 1 to 12 months – 3-8 drops (the dose depends on the baby’s body weight). You can add the medicine to the mixture, porridge or water. The average price is 390 rubles for 20 ml of the drug.
  • Zodak - the drug is necessary to get rid of allergy symptoms. Children under 6 years of age (but not younger than 1 year) are recommended to take Zodak drops. You can take it regardless of meals, but the drops must dissolve in ordinary clean water. The cost of the drug starts from 150 rubles ;
  • Claritin - a medicine for children is available in the form of syrup or tablets. The syrup can be taken by children from 2 years old, tablets - from 3 years old. If the child weighs less than 30 kg, 1 teaspoon of syrup is given once a day. If the weight is more than 30 kg - 2 teaspoons of syrup or 1 tablet once a day. Claritin tablets can be purchased for an average of 200 rubles , syrup - for about 240 rubles ;
  • Tavegil - in tablet form, the drug can be offered to children under 6 years of age (but not younger than 1 year) strictly after consultation with a doctor. In this case, the child should take a quarter of a tablet twice a day, before meals. A package of 20 tablets costs approximately 250 rubles . The syrup is also intended for babies over 1 year old; its average cost is about 200 rubles .

Fenistil drops Zodak Claritin Tavegil
It should be noted that medications are taken in a course of no longer than five days.

In cases where allergies are accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, nasal drops are used:

  • Nazol Baby - vasoconstrictor drops. Children under one year of age are prescribed 1 drop 2 times a day. Cope with rhinitis caused by a virus or allergy. Do not drip for more than 3 days. Average price 190 rubles ;
  • Otrivin - the medicine can be used from the first month of life. 1 drop 2 times a day is enough. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. The moisturizing formula helps prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. Quickly relieves swelling and inflammation. Average price 170 rubles ;
  • Galazolin is a drop that has a vasoconstrictor effect. It should not be taken by children under 2 years of age. Children from 2 to 6 years old are prescribed the drug one dose in each nostril - twice a day. Cost from 30 rubles ;
  • Vibrocil - suitable for children from one year old, is a vasoconstrictor, so it is used for no longer than five days. Average price 240 rubles .

Nazol Baby Otrivin Galazolin Vibrocil
The following ointments and creams are applied to damaged skin:

  • La-Cri - skin care products are developed based on natural ingredients, so they can be used from the first days of life. It should be applied 1-2 times during the day. Suitable for long-term use. Average cost 250 rubles ;
  • Bepanten is an ointment intended for the care of infants. The ointment should be applied only to clean skin; the course of treatment depends on the strength of allergic manifestations. The drug can be applied up to 3-4 times a day. Cost from 400 rubles .

La-Cri Bepanten
In some cases, the above therapy does not produce any particular results, so hormonal ointments are used:

  • Elokom - can be taken by children from 2 years old. Helps eliminate allergic manifestations on the skin of babies. Quite quickly relieves the inflammatory reaction and itching. Available freely in pharmacies at an average price of 350 rubles ;
  • Advantan is a medication prescribed to children from 4 months of age. Available in the form of ointment or cream. Prevents the development of pain, eliminates itching and inflammation. The average cost is about 500 rubles .

Elokom Advantan
It should be understood that prolonged use of hormonal ointments can have a negative effect on the child’s body, therefore the recommended duration of treatment is no more than five days.

Clinical researches

The effectiveness, safety and tolerability of La-Cri products have been clinically proven. The products are recommended by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. During clinical studies, specialists were able to record impressive results.

Cream "La-Cri" for dry skin:

  • eliminates dryness and flaking;
  • retains the skin's own moisture;
  • protects skin from wind and cold.


  1. Schneiderman Paul, Grossman Mark, Differential diagnosis in dermatology. Atlas, Binom, 2022.
  2. Reken Martin, Schaller Martin, Sattler Elke, Burgdorf Walter, Atlas of Dermatology, MEDpress-inform, 2022.
  3. Yagodka Valentina Stepanovna, Medicinal plants in dermatology and cosmetology, Naukova Dumka publishing house, 1991.

Traditional methods of dealing with allergies to washing powder

In addition to using medications, you can also turn to traditional medicine, which offers methods and recommendations to help get rid of intolerance to washing powder.

The most effective of them:

  • When bathing your baby, you can add oatmeal to the water, this helps reduce skin irritation;
  • Use nettle, chamomile and other medicinal herbs for lotions. It is necessary to brew dry herbs for an hour and then use them to treat areas of the skin that have been inflamed;
  • A bath with soda will help relieve itching. You will need to fill the bathtub with water, add half a glass of soda and lie in the water for 20-25 minutes.

It is advisable to continue breastfeeding your baby. This is a very important recommendation, because thanks to breast milk, the child’s immune system is strengthened and formed. And this is the key to an effective fight against various diseases.

Safety precautions and prevention

In order to effectively prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction to the powder, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Buy only those powders that do not contain phosphates . Their cost may be a little more expensive, but they cause less harm to health;
  • There is no need to purchase powders that have an overly strong aroma . This indicates that they contain a large amount of chemicals and flavorings;
  • If you have the habit of washing by hand , then use thick rubber gloves;
  • It is advisable to rinse washed clothes at least 3 times;
  • It is advisable to store the powder in a place isolated from food and cutlery. In addition, this will ensure the safety of your children;
  • Wash children's and adult clothes separately. There are many powders designed for washing baby’s clothes;
  • As for infants, experts advise using regular soap for washing without additional additives.


According to parents' reviews, "Eared Nanny" provokes an allergic reaction in almost 60% of cases of contact with children's skin. But parents generally respond positively to the “Ladushki” and “Umka” washing powders.

As for “adult” powders, the anti-rating leaders are “Tide” and “Myth”. They are indeed very toxic, which is clear if you read the composition on the package. User reviews indicate a strong and pungent odor that remains on washed clothes. When washing, my head starts to hurt, I want to sneeze, and skin irritation does not go away for weeks.

Also included in the anti-rating were capsules "Ariel", "Biolan color automatic", "Pemos Oxygen Crystals", "Clean'OK", "BiMax color automatic", "Dosia". Many users claim that they are not allergic to the usual, cheapest powders without additives, but they are allergic to the above.

Some complain that they are allergic even to the hypoallergenic composition. This is possible if you exceed the dosage specified in the instructions.

How to choose the right powder for washing things?

Initially, pay attention to the label located on the package. The conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor guarantees the proper quality and safety of the detergent.

You should pay attention to three parameters located on the label. These are surfactants, phosphate content and flavorings. The percentage is indicated next to each component.

  • Surfactants - thanks to them, dirt is removed and the material is cleaned. The higher the surfactant content, the better the cleaning ability of the powder. But in addition, these substances can result in dry skin and flaking. It is advisable to purchase a powder in which the share of surfactants is no more than 5%;
  • Aromatic substances - give the powder the smell of freshness, pine needles, sea breeze, etc. At the same time, they can provoke an allergy attack, itching and burning sensation in the nasal cavity, and cause lacrimation. In addition, fragrances can cause asthma. The less scented the washing powder is, the safer it is.
  • Phosphates - they are necessary to soften water. This allows you to eliminate stains that are difficult to remove. But these substances themselves are also not easy to remove from the tissue. After washing, phosphates are difficult to remove from clothing items, and through the fabric they can easily penetrate into the epidermal layer of the skin. Low phosphate content - below 5 percent - ensures high safety of the powder.

Currently, almost all over the world they are trying to switch to the production of washing powders without using phosphates in their composition. These substances are toxic and pose a danger primarily to children and the elderly.

Nowadays, zeolites are becoming more common. The cost of such products is higher, but they are also safer for human health.


It is impossible to completely get rid of allergies, but stable remission can be achieved.

For this purpose it is necessary:

  • change the brand of powder;
  • switch to automatic washing;
  • use rubber gloves when washing;
  • use a mode with additional rinsing;
  • purchase powders without phosphates and with a minimum content of flavors.

Antihistamine tablets and special ointments will help eliminate skin irritations.

If the allergy does not decrease, then a consultation with an allergist is necessary. He will prescribe hormonal medications that will help alleviate the condition.

If left untreated, allergies can lead to the development of eczema.

What can I use instead of washing powder?

Instead of washing powders, you can use liquid washing gels. Such products are produced in order to use them in an automatic machine.

The liquid product does not contain phosphates, and the percentage of surfactants in them is an order of magnitude lower than in conventional powders.

Their advantages:

  • Convenient dosing. To measure the volume of the product, use the packaging cap;
  • The content of the gel contains titanium dioxide or alternative substances of a similar effect, which ensure the preservation of the whiteness and freshness of items of clothing and linen;
  • Delicate and soft effect on linen;
  • Great for the elderly, people with allergies, weakened immune systems and children.

Please note that gels are not recommended for hand washing. This is due to the need for special activation of the product, and this can only be achieved through use in an automatic machine.

In addition to gels, you can use traditional methods for washing without powder.

Here are a few of them:

  • A solution of borax and baking soda - this can be used to easily remove stubborn stains. To do this, the two substances must be mixed together in equal proportions - approximately 200 g each, and then close the container with a tight lid and store, preventing moisture from getting inside. Before washing, use up to 30 g of product per 2 kg of laundry. The washing temperature should not exceed 60 degrees: if you add 100 ml of wine vinegar to this mixture, as well as 200 g of table salt, this will soften the hardness of the water, and wine vinegar will ensure the freshness of the laundry;
  • Laundry soap - you will first need to prepare finely ground soap, and if you need to remove stains from light-colored clothes, then you need to add baking soda;
  • The following products will also work well on light stains:
      soap root;
  • bean broth;
  • mustard powder;
  • potato tubers;
  • soda and soap nuts.
  • Please note that experts recommend not using home remedies on a regular basis. They are unable to remove difficult stains. Also, they are not very suitable for washing colored items and fadeable materials.

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