Peeling around the eyes: types, technique, advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The skin around the eyes is considered the thinnest and most sensitive. It is she who is more susceptible to the action of aggressive factors. Aging often begins in this area. They are signs indicating problems. To eliminate such phenomena, various masks, creams, and serums have been created.

But this area of ​​the face requires preliminary cleaning. Without it, the effect of various drugs will be minimal. There is an eye peel for this. With its help, the skin is prepared for other procedures. And skin peeling itself brings many benefits. It should not be forgotten that it must be gentle. Otherwise, pathological changes may appear.

The importance of peeling in the eye area

Age-related changes primarily affect the area around the eyes. It's hard to resist such changes. If you choose the right permanent peeling, you can achieve the following effects:

  1. Keratinization processes return to normal. The film that covered the fabric disappears. It consisted of dead cells and did not allow living skin to breathe fully.
  2. Whiteheads do not appear. By the way, they can appear on any skin type.
  3. The skin is moisturized.
  4. Small wrinkles disappear, the elasticity and density of the skin increases.
  5. The network of blood vessels disappears as the blood flow returns to normal. Redness goes away, toxins are eliminated well.
  6. Age-related changes stop and pigmentation disappears.
  7. Swelling and bags disappear. Many experts advise combining peeling under the eyes with a special massage and serums.

Some misconceptions

Many manufacturers talk about the miraculous effect of peeling. But it should be remembered that he is unable to:

  • remove severe sagging skin;
  • smooth out strong displacement of fatty tissue under the skin;
  • eliminate thinning associated with pathology.

Read also: Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles

In order to eliminate these problems, an integrated approach is required, which includes creams, massage, and various therapies.

Precautionary measures

The best time for cleaning is autumn - winter, when the sun is not so bright.

Before peeling, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Cleansing your face may cause redness, peeling, and swelling. The occurrence of side effects will be minimal if the procedure is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If suddenly the peeling composition gets into the eye during a home procedure, it must be immediately rinsed with plenty of clean running water.

Types of peelings

All skincare procedures are classified into different types. This also applies to peeling.

Daily procedure

Peeling happens daily. Most often this includes mixtures with fruit acids. It should be remembered that the concentration of such acids should be small. Such products are sold in beauty salons and can be used at home. You can also prepare such a scrub yourself. Experts recommend using night products, this will soften dead cells throughout the night. The next morning they will be easy to remove.

Weekly procedure

To carry out the weekly procedure, formulations containing fruit acids are used, the concentration being 7-8%. They are also sold at special outlets, but there are also homemade recipes. This skin peeling can only be done by those who are not highly sensitive to the components of the product.

Quarterly procedure

In this case, we talk about the use of enzymes and some acids. All acids in the composition are catalysts, solvents, they are of low concentration, which does not harm delicate skin. A procedure of this kind should only be carried out by an experienced person, so it is carried out in salons and clinics. It is better not to repeat the manipulation more than once a month. Experts recommend doing it once a quarter. This type of cleaning requires proper care after the procedure.

There are also peels that do not contain acid, so they do not have specific indications. Even those with very sensitive skin can use them.

Methods that are contraindicated

The following interventions should not be performed on the skin around the eyes:

  1. Scrubbing. Under mechanical influence, delicate skin stretches and wrinkles deepen.
  2. Cleaning using gommage. This procedure is based on strong rubbing, which causes stretch marks and wrinkles.
  3. Peels using acid solutions whose concentration is higher than normal. These procedures result in burns. After this, the skin cannot be restored.

Indications for use

The main indications for the procedure include:

  • pigmentation on the face that has spread under the eyes and created dark circles;
  • fine wrinkles due to age-related changes;
  • blue circles under the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes;
  • preparing the face for contouring or surgery.

After the procedure, the level of skin moisture will increase by cleansing the upper layers of the epidermis. Thus, creams and masks will penetrate much deeper than before cleansing. Pigment spots are eliminated. But you need to be very careful with skin pigmentation, as it tends to return and increase. A complex of peelings, masks, creams and massages will practically remove all puffiness and blueness under the eyes.

But still, there are situations when peeling cannot change anything. Peeling is powerless when there is sagging of the eyelid, both upper and lower, and the fatty tissue under the eyes becomes thinner or shifts. This problem can only be solved with the help of surgery, but even in this case, glycolic peeling is taken as the basis of the procedure.

The following procedures are prohibited

  1. Facial cleansing using gommage. The technique itself involves intensive rubbing of the skin. This promotes the appearance of new wrinkles much faster than using scrubs.
  2. Scrubbing. Mechanical intense friction strengthens existing wrinkles and actively affects the appearance of new ones. Abrasive particles, when rubbing against the skin, no matter what size they are, will irritate the upper layers of the skin and cause irritation.
  3. Peeling, which contains highly concentrated acids. Products with this composition cause burns on the skin, after which it will never recover.

Features of using ready-made peelings

If you use ready-made peels at home, you need to adhere to certain rules. If you neglect them, the condition of the skin may worsen, causing new defects to appear.

Read also: Why age spots appear and how to get rid of them with peeling

Exfoliation under the eyes should improve the adjacent tissue to problem areas. You need to pay attention to the following rules during application:

  1. The mixture is applied to the lower eyelid area above the bone. The edge of the eye should be avoided.
  2. The product should not come into contact with the inner area of ​​the eye.
  3. After the procedure, a recovery cream is required. If peeling is carried out during the day, then you need to create protection using products that contain light filters.

Similar procedures for the skin around the eyes should be done by people who do not have severe problems. This way, old age is pushed back several years, and the skin becomes as elastic as possible.

Skin care after peeling

There are rules that should be followed after cleaning. Only in this case will the resulting effect last longer, and there will be no unpleasant surprises in the form of age spots and rashes in the eye area.

During the first 12 hours you cannot:

  • wash;
  • apply decorative cosmetics.

Within 2–3 days:

  • Light foams are allowed, the use of cream is not recommended;
  • touching the face should be reduced to a minimum;
  • It is not advisable to go outside;
  • If you can’t stay at home, then you need to apply sunscreen before going out.

These requirements are met even after superficial peeling. After medium and deep for 2 weeks:

  • do not use decorative cosmetics: foundation, powder, makeup fixatives;
  • you need to use sunscreen;
  • do not visit the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, swimming pool;
  • do not swim in the sea or sunbathe;
  • You cannot change the brand of cosmetics;
  • Do not pick off the crusts that have formed.

You should not allow yourself to be frivolous even when carrying out superficial cleansing; you must follow the instructions of the specialist who performed the procedure.

Important! In the first days, you should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the skin. If something worries you, there is no need to postpone your visit to the cosmetologist.

Glycolic peeling

Of all the cleanings intended for this area, this particular method has gained great popularity. It renews cells, causing rejuvenation.

This procedure shows the following results:

  1. The water balance returns to normal, the cells are restored, the space between the cells is filled, causing fine wrinkles to be eliminated. The effect will be better if you combine such cleansing with creams and masks that tone the skin.
  2. Dead scales are removed, pores are cleaned, oxygen and vitamins flow normally to the cells.
  3. Pigmentation disappears, which evens out the color.
  4. Dark circles and swelling will go away if you do complex procedures.

Glycolic peeling is often used to prepare the skin for surgery or plastic surgery. This technique has been around for a long time. Previously, drugs with low concentrations were used. This manipulation is a safe procedure. After it, the skin turns red, but this effect goes away after a while.

Photos before and after procedures

As you can see from the photo, after peeling the skin became noticeably tightened, the upper eyelid gained elasticity, pronounced wrinkles disappeared, and the face acquired a youthful glow.

Paraffin procedure

Paraffin peeling is ideal for those who do not have enough time for salons, as this procedure can be easily performed at home. During the manipulation, some instructions should be taken into account:

  • it is necessary to control the temperature of the paraffin, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned;
  • After the procedure, staying outside is prohibited;
  • It is recommended to carry out 10-15 procedures for the best results;
  • contraindications must be taken into account.

Read also: Gelatin anti-wrinkle cream at home

To prepare the product, you need to purchase cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy. It is melted in a water bath, stirring. You need to monitor the temperature, which should not be higher than 45 degrees. The prepared mixture is applied to the skin. To do this, use a brush or cotton pad. The paraffin is covered with cling film to retain heat. After 20 minutes, the paraffin is removed. After the procedure, cream is applied.

Benefits of paraffin treatment

A paraffin mask shows the following results:

  • pores open;
  • subcutaneous fat comes out;
  • whiteheads do not appear;
  • the skin is moisturized and nourished;
  • rejuvenation occurs, wrinkles are smoothed;
  • swelling is eliminated;
  • acne scars disappear.

In addition, we should not forget that the procedure can be easily performed at home.


Contraindications for any peeling are:

  • skin wounds;
  • allergy;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, in particular herpes;
  • individual intolerance to some components.

For medium and deep cleaning, there may be more contraindications. The procedure is not performed if:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart diseases;
  • oncological diseases.

Retinoic peeling

This is a unique procedure that has no restrictions regarding the time of year, and does not cause complications. Most often, retinoic cleansing is performed on the entire face at once. It is able to restore the skin in a short time, smooth it, and restore elasticity.

Before starting the procedure, the skin must be cleansed. For this purpose special means are used. Next, the active substance is applied. After a few minutes, the mask is discarded. For better results, apply an additional mask or cream.

Opinion of cosmetologists

According to cosmetologists, peeling around the eyes eliminates fine wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. There are special formulations for this, but universal ones can be used.

The skin type and the problem that arises determine the choice of peeling. Expert advice will help you understand what type of cleansing will be most suitable.

The fight against aging is the main purpose of peeling. Cosmetologists recommend laser cleansing, which does not require long preparation and is effective. It is especially important for sensitive skin.

Experts believe that after 45 years of age, cleansing only eliminates fine wrinkles on the lower eyelid; Botox works better with deep wrinkles.

Some tips for home care

Home care will help improve the results of any procedure. It is recommended to constantly use peeling masks that are based on natural products. This:

  • mixtures of greens that are good for toning;
  • products with avocado and cucumber, which moisturize and add shine;
  • masks based on starch and honey that tighten the skin;
  • masks made from fruits and dairy products that give the skin a healthy color.

Patient reviews

Patients consider chemical peeling effective and accessible when the first age-related changes appear. In their opinion, choosing the right specialist is half the success.

Many ladies do cleansing at home using fruits and store-bought peelings based on fruit acids and clay. In their opinion, such procedures cope with problems quite well: tones and whitens the skin.

Why do you need to do it?

Delicate and sensitive eyelid skin requires special care and is most sensitive to age-related changes.

Fatigue and slower cell regeneration processes lead to the formation of fine wrinkles, swelling, and dark circles under the eyes. To eliminate them, classic daily skin care is often not enough.

Peeling (exfoliation) allows you to achieve a complex effect:

  1. The skin is deeply hydrated and its elasticity increases.
  2. Can smooth out and remove fine expression and age wrinkles.
  3. Swelling is relieved and the skin structure is evened out.
  4. A massage effect is created, which improves microcirculation and absorption of nutrients from the applied composition.
  5. When exfoliating dead cells, oxygen saturation of tissues increases.

The procedures eliminate whiteheads, have a tonic effect, improving the color and condition of the skin.

Operating principle

The exfoliation effect is based on controlled, targeted damage to the skin using chemical agents. Aggressive effects activate the production of new cells , increased production of collagen fibers and elastin. The chain of reactions leads to renewal and rejuvenation of the skin, increasing elasticity.

Important! Peels are classified according to the depth of impact and the active substance. Only superficial exfoliation products are used in the eye area. Medium and deep peels thin the skin, so such compositions are not applied to the periorbital area.

Professional products based on the following types of acids are used for the eyelids::

  • glycolic;
  • retinoic;
  • hyaluronic;
  • dairy;
  • almond.

Eye peeling has a mild effect; the compositions used in cosmetology gently soften the stratum corneum. The effect is noticeable after the first session; to obtain a lasting positive result, a course of procedures is carried out.

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Peeling of the sensitive area around the eyes using chemical compounds must be done under the supervision of a cosmetologist in a salon. Professional products can be harmful to health if used incorrectly. For home treatments, it is recommended to use safe formulations made from natural ingredients.

Important! A prerequisite for exfoliation is the absence of active exposure to ultraviolet radiation; in the summer, procedures are not recommended.

Indications for use

Peeling in the eye area is carried out when the condition of the skin deteriorates due to age-related changes, environmental exposure, and chronic fatigue. Main indications :

  • loss of skin firmness and elasticity;
  • wrinkle network;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dark circles;
  • puffiness, bags under the eyes.

The procedures are prescribed as a preparatory stage before facial contouring.

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