Comedones: causes and methods of correction

Comedones - what are they?

Comedones are signs of acne or acne - derived from the Latin language from acne comedonica. They are deep subcutaneous rashes - black and white dots that appear on the skin due to clogged pores.

Comedones on the face are a common problem for oily and combination skin types. Against the backdrop of excessive work of the sebaceous glands, blockage of pores and sebaceous ducts occurs - excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells, remnants of makeup and external impurities, forming a sebaceous plug.

Important(!): without timely care, an inflammatory element may occur at the site of the comedone: the sebaceous plug creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of acne bacteria, which provoke inflammation.

Causes of comedones

Comedones are rashes that appear on the skin of the face, upper back and chest as a result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the accumulation of sebum in the pores of the skin. Rashes can be open or closed.

The former are much easier to treat, which is due to the rapid penetration of the components of various agents into the tissue. Closed rashes can provoke complications because they do not have an open top through which excess sebum is removed.

There are many reasons that can provoke the appearance of closed comedones.

The most common predisposing factors are the following:

  • Hormonal imbalance as a result of somatic disorders and other factors.
  • Poor nutrition, in which the diet is dominated by fatty, spicy, salty foods, as well as smoked foods, canned food, alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland of various forms and degrees of neglect.
  • Weakening of the immune system due to insufficient nutrition or increased stress, both physical and emotional.
  • Infectious and bacterial pathologies.
  • Skin damage by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Chronic pathologies of the skin that occur against the background of vascular damage and some other factors.
  • Regular stressful situations.
  • A sleep disorder manifested as insomnia.
  • Intestinal pathologies accompanied by frequent constipation, flatulence and bloating.

In addition, other types of rashes can cause closed comedones. In each case, there may be several predisposing factors.

Types of comedones

In dermatology, there are two types of comedones, depending on the depth of their formation:

  • Open comedones
    are the usual blackheads - superficial blockage of pores with sebum mixed with external impurities and makeup residues. Open comedones acquire their characteristic dark color due to the oxidative reaction of the sebaceous plug and oxygen.
  • Closed comedones
    are white subcutaneous nodules that look like pimples without purulent contents. They arise against the background of an imbalance of sebum regulation: when excess sebum, mixed with toxins and the keratinized layer of cells, blocks the deep sebaceous ducts and the mouths of the hair follicles, accumulates in the pores and creates a kind of compaction or cyst - a subcutaneous sebaceous plug.

Why do you need special care for skin with closed comedones?

According to the international classification of acne, the formation of comedones is the zero or initial stage of acne development.

Impaired evacuation of sebum leads to the development of a retention cyst in the gland itself, which can subsequently lead to inflammation when acne bacteria are activated.

If cleaning is performed incorrectly, for example, with excessive force, the integrity of the sebaceous gland is disrupted, leading to aseptic inflammation.

Summary: treatment for closed comedones is necessary to prevent the development of more severe forms of acne.

Localization of comedones

Most often, comedones on the face are found in people with oily and combination skin with a tendency to acne. The more sebum is secreted, the higher the risk of clogging pores and forming a sebaceous plug.

Black comedones can also occur in people with dry and normal skin types. Subcutaneous whiteheads are the most common signs of acne due to increased oily skin.

Such imperfections are predominantly localized in the T-zone of the face - on the forehead, but on the nose and chin - areas of the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands. Often comedones appear on the back, shoulders or chest - the sebaceous glands in these areas are also active, and the pores are enlarged.

What causes comedones: the main reasons

Alexander Prokofiev, a dermatovenerologist, expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, talks about the possible causes of comedones:

  • Incorrectly selected care, for example, some compositions of cosmetics can clog pores, excessive frequent esfoliation with scrubs and peels can disrupt the hydrolipid mantle of the epidermis, to which the skin will react with increased sebum secretion.
  • Insufficient or excessive cleansing of the skin: in the first case, residues of pollution and decorative cosmetics clog pores and cause inflammation. In the second, the skin barrier is damaged, dries out, peels off - the keratinized layer of cells mixes with sebum and creates a sebaceous plug in the pores.
  • Some diseases, for example gastrointestinal disorders, as well as hormonal changes in the body can trigger rashes.
  • Touching your face with your hands stimulates the sebaceous glands, which increases the risk of comedones and other imperfections.
  • Synthetic clothing does not allow the skin to breathe; the skin reacts with increased sebum and sweating, which also causes clogged pores in the back, shoulders, neck, and chest.
  • Poor nutrition and non-compliance with the drinking regime negatively affect the condition of the epidermis: insufficient drinking regime affects the face with dryness, flaking, unbalanced nutrition and bad habits disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Some cosmetics may contain ingredients that clog pores. If your skin is prone to imperfections, choose cosmetics labeled “non-comedogenic” and “for oily problem skin.”

In what cases should you consult a doctor for treatment?

If there are no visible results from home care in combination with cosmetic procedures, you should consult a dermatologist. After an in-person examination and based on test results, the doctor will select individual drug treatment using, for example, hormonal drugs or antibiotics.

Cosmetical tools

Today you can find many cosmetic products that are aimed at combating the problem. It is worth noting that in most cases, the preparations contain ingredients that can regulate sebum production and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on the skin.


Today, there are many gels for use to normalize sebum production and prevent the formation of comedones. Additionally, these remedies eliminate inflammation, make lesions less noticeable and help eliminate them completely after completing the course.

The most popular means:

  • Aloe gel from the Holika Holika company is a unique product based on aloe juice, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Apply a thin layer to the entire face 2 times a day after cleansing the skin of decorative cosmetics. The product can be used on an ongoing basis, which will ensure maximum beneficial effects.

  • Gel based on snail mucin is also actively used for patients with various rashes on the face. The product normalizes sebum production, improves skin condition, tightens pores and leads to the gradual disappearance of comedones. Used for application to the entire face 2 times a day. The product can be used as part of daily ongoing care.

Gels should not be used if you are intolerant to their components or have a tendency to such manifestations.


Closed comedones (pharmaceuticals are not always necessary in therapy) can be eliminated at the initial stage using lotions based on natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

  • Super Lotion is considered one of the popular products designed to dissolve closed comedones. It contains witch hazel extract as the main active ingredient. The substance helps fight closed forms of rash and has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the composition contains chamomile extract. The product is applied with a cotton pad to the entire facial skin before going to bed. Before use, you should cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics.
  • Clean Line lotion against blackheads is used to improve the condition of facial skin with comedones. The product tightens pores, regulates sebum production, and prevents the re-formation of lesions. The lotion is applied to previously cleansed facial skin using a cotton pad. It is better to carry out the manipulation before bedtime. The product is used as a method of daily care.

The use of lotions is not allowed if the patient’s skin is prone to severe dryness, and there is intolerance to the components of the composition.


Cosmetic face masks can be used to improve the condition of skin with comedones. Despite this, experts prefer the use of natural ingredients for making homemade masks.

Most popular recipes:

  • White clay It is considered a good product for caring for oily skin prone to rashes. To obtain a mask, take 20 g of clay, add a little water until a thick mass is formed that will be easily distributed on the skin. You can add 3-4 drops of lemon essential oil to the composition. This mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a week for a month.

  • A mask made from chopped parsley is considered the best tonic for the skin. It improves blood circulation, has antiseptic properties and prevents the appearance of new foci of inflammation. It is necessary to chop a small amount of parsley, apply the mixture to the face, leave for 20 minutes. Procedures are carried out at least 2 times a week for 4-6 weeks.

Homemade masks have no contraindications and have pronounced therapeutic properties. The only obstacle to their use is considered to be intolerance to the components included in the mixture.

Other means

Closed comedones (pharmaceutical products are considered effective, but are selected individually) can be eliminated by selecting the right facial skin care products. Particularly popular today are various serums that nourish the skin and prevent excessive sebum production, which leads to the elimination of lesions.

Serum based on hyaluronic acid is considered a good and effective remedy. It is used daily before bed, apply 2-3 drops to the face, and then spread with fingertips. The product can be used in courses of 2-3 weeks or on an ongoing basis.

Retinol serum also regulates sebum production. The product additionally helps improve tissue regeneration, which helps eliminate comedones and improve complexion. The product also has anti-inflammatory properties. The serum should be used for 2-4 weeks, applied to the face in the evening, and rubbed in with your fingers.

Serums are not used if allergies develop during initial application.

Cosmetology procedures for removing comedones in the salon

A corrective home routine can be supplemented with salon beauty treatments on a regular basis or courses. Procedures and salon care are selected individually by a cosmetologist based on the type, condition and needs of your skin. Aesthetic procedures do not replace the basic steps of regular home care: daily cleansing, toning, moisturizing and mattifying will help oily, problem skin stay clear and look healthy for a long time.

List of salon treatments for comedones:

  • Cleaning (mechanical, ultrasonic, hardware);
  • Peels of various types and depths of exposure (superficial, medium, deep);
  • Phototherapy – the procedure reduces acne, smoothes post-acne (pigmentation and scars);
  • Biodermabrasion or Microdermabrasion (resurfacing) - procedures fight hyperkeratosis and enlarged pores, improve microcirculation, help skin cells regenerate faster, reduce post-acne, and are suitable for treating non-inflammatory forms of rashes.

How to choose the best remedy for closed comedones

When choosing a suitable product, it is worth remembering that pharmaceutical products are selected by a specialist individually, taking into account the degree of neglect of the condition and the characteristics of the skin of a particular patient. You should not use medications without a preliminary examination and identifying the cause of comedones.

When using cosmetic products, you should pay attention to their composition. A prerequisite is the presence of plant components that are safe and have a mild effect.

In addition, it is important to remember that there is no universal product for all skin types. In each case, the choice is made taking into account the characteristics of the individual patient. The most important condition for therapy is constant and proper skin care after eliminating the problem. Only in this case can you count on a complete recovery.

Among patients of all ages, closed comedones are a common problem that worsens the condition of the skin and provokes psychological discomfort in a person. Pharmacy and cosmetic products help eliminate lesions, but treatment must be comprehensive. In any case, the most important thing in therapy is getting rid of the cause of comedones.

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