Europeanization of the eyelids: surgery. Photos before and after

In terms of popularity, only breast surgery and rhinoplasty can compete with blepharoplasty. This type of correction provides an excellent opportunity to get rid of a number of defects, restore freshness to the look and even change the appearance. Among all the types of blepharoplasty, plastic surgery for Asian eyes is far from least in demand.

For obvious reasons, this type of correction is in demand among people belonging to the Mongoloid race with characteristic appearance features. With the help of plastic surgery, it is possible to change your appearance, achieve an aesthetic ideal, increase self-esteem and self-confidence, and achieve psychological comfort. The operation is quite simple, has a short recovery period, has virtually no complications and can be recommended for most patients.

Who is the operation indicated for?

First of all, correction is recommended for patients with pronounced Mongoloid features, such as the absence of a supraorbital fold and the presence of an epicanthus. But with the help of surgery it is also possible to remove defects such as drooping eyelids, hernias under the eyes or excess skin. The main indication for surgery is always the patient’s desire to change his features and get rid of self-doubt.

Classic blepharoplasty is mainly in demand among patients aged 45-55 years. But in the case of sangapuri, Asian eyelid surgery, young people aged 18 years and older often turn to the surgeon. Indications for surgery may also include individual anatomical features that interfere with normal life and cause internal discomfort.

Sangapuri is suitable for people with Mongoloid appearance.

Asian eyelids

Asian eyelid surgery is an operation aimed at correcting the structural features of oriental eyes. Manipulation is also often called "Singapuri". The correction is carried out in order to bring the eye shape closer to the European one. There are no medical indications for the operation - it is performed solely at the patient’s personal request and with the permission of the surgeon.

It is important! Asian eyes are not just narrow. They have a specific structure, which is noticeably different from the European one. But thanks to the development of plastic surgery, this feature can be corrected.

What is Asian eyelid surgery?

The procedure has gained popularity recently. Thanks to the operation, it is possible to create a so-called double European eyelid and eliminate the epicanthus. Thus, eastern eyes do not have a supraorbital fold, or fold of the upper eyelid, and the upper eyelid appears more voluminous than the lower. There is an overhanging fold of skin in the inner corner of the eye.

Indications for Asian eyelid surgery

  • Too narrow eye shape.
  • Absence of the supraorbital fold or its smoothness.
  • Aesthetic necessity.

Plastic surgery allows you to eliminate overhanging tissue and form a fold in the upper eyelid, resulting in a more open and clear look. In the “before” and “after” photos you can see how your appearance changes as a result of such an operation!

The main types of Asian eyelid surgery

  • With an incision - this is the gold standard in the correction of Asian eyes. The incisions are made in the natural folds of the eyelids, which allows you to carefully disguise the traces of surgery. No seams, scars or visible stripes! The only thing is that with this technology, recovery after surgery will take longer.
  • Without an incision (special suture technology) – involves making incisions on the inside of the eyelid. It is done when the skin of the eyelids is thin and there is a small fold. Popular among young patients. Recovery after correction is relatively quick.

Preparing for plastic surgery

Preparing the patient for the upcoming surgical intervention is the same as for other eyelid surgeries. The person is examined by a surgeon, ophthalmologist, and specialized specialists. It is necessary to take a general and biochemical blood test, a urine test, a cardiogram, etc.

Stages of Asian eye surgery

  • Stage No. 1 – during the “incision” operation, the eyelid is cut in two places. Excess tissue is excised from the upper eyelid, after which the edge of the skin of the lower incision is sutured to the aponeurosis of the muscle and the skin of the upper incision. A continuous suture is applied. With the suture method, a fold of the upper eyelid is formed, all layers between the muscle aponeurosis and the skin are sutured. Small punctures are made through which sutures are placed.
  • Stage No. 2 – smoothing of the epicanthus. After some time, the area of ​​the supraorbital fold is smoothed out.
  • Stage No. 3 – removal of fatty hernias. Incisions are made through which the fatty tissue is removed. The manipulation is performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. The average duration of the operation is from 90 to 120 minutes, depending on the complexity. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, although in some cases general anesthesia may be necessary.


  • After the operation, a bandage is applied to the eyes.
  • Bruising and swelling will persist for 10-14 days.
  • For suture surgery, the sutures are removed on days 3-5, and for blepharoplasty with incisions - for 7-8 days.
  • After 3-4 weeks, postoperative scars noticeably lighten and become thinner.
  • After just a couple of weeks, you can apply makeup to your eyes.
  • The final effect can be assessed 2-4 months after surgery.
  • The patient can return to a normal lifestyle 2 weeks after plastic surgery.

Immediately after surgery, surgeons recommend:

  • use antibacterial drops and pain-relieving gels;
  • apply sterile cold compresses to the eyelids;
  • do not engage in active sports for 1-2 months;
  • limit visits to the pool, sauna, bathhouse;
  • Be sure to protect your eyes with sunglasses.


Despite its simplicity, blepharoplasty is a full-fledged surgical intervention, which is performed under anesthesia and has contraindications. You will not be able to get on the operating table if you have severe health pathologies or acute conditions:

  • diabetes,
  • severe arterial hypertension,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • infection or inflammation
  • acute phase of a chronic disease,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • autoimmune diseases,
  • oncology.

It is also not recommended to perform surgery on women who are menstruating, pregnant or breastfeeding. Contraindications will also include eye or skin diseases - dermatitis, herpes, dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis, lesions of the tear ducts and more. After eliminating the contraindication, the operation can be performed. If the condition cannot be treated and eliminated, plastic surgery is impossible.

Main types of blepharoplasty:

  • classic blepharoplasty,
  • transconjunctival blepharoplasty,
  • extended blepharoplasty (in combination with check-lifting),
  • blepharoplasty of Asian eyes (deorientalizing),
  • repeated (reconstructive) blepharoplasty.

Lately, endoscopic blepharoplasty has also become popular, since this technology makes it possible to minimize the invasiveness of the procedure.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is used mainly when the patient does not show any changes in the eyelid area other than fatty hernias.

The type of surgical intervention required in each specific case is determined during an individual consultation with a surgeon.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for plastic surgery begins with the first consultation with a plastic surgeon. The doctor will issue a list of tests and examinations that must be passed to obtain permission to undergo surgery. These include general tests, biochemical, coagulogram and tests for infections. It is also necessary to determine the blood group and Rh factor. You will need to undergo an ECG and fluorography. A consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. In some cases, additional consultations with other specialists may be prescribed.

After the examination, if there are no contraindications, a date for plastic surgery is set. It is strongly recommended to give up alcohol and cigarettes 3-4 weeks before the date. Completely stop taking blood thinners and hormonal medications within 2-3 weeks. For 1-2 days - do not use decorative cosmetics. The day before surgery, do not eat or drink for 8 hours.

How the operation is performed

Correction of Asian eyelids is slightly different from classic blepharoplasty. There are two correction methods: with and without an incision. In the first method, the doctor makes a small incision on the upper eyelid, removes excess fat and skin, then forms a fold of the eyelid at the site of the incision and applies sutures. Epicanthus plastic surgery is performed and, if necessary, hernias under the eyes are removed.

With the no-incision technique, work is done from the inside of the eyelid. Small sutures are placed on the mucous membrane, with the help of which a fold of the upper eyelid is formed. Epicanthus plastic surgery is also performed. The correction differs from the previous type by a lower risk of complications and a short rehabilitation period. But this technique can only be recommended for slight drooping of the eyelid.

There are two types of techniques for performing sangapuri.

About plastic surgery of Asian eyelids

Correction of Asian eyelids is fundamentally different from European ones. In this case, the main request of patients is to remove the characteristic features inherent in the Mongoloid type of appearance and make the eyes closer to the Caucasian race. These features are understood as:

  • absence of supraorbital fold on the upper eyelids,
  • drooping eyelid,
  • excess adipose tissue,
  • presence of epicanthus in the inner corners of the eyes.

For simplicity, surgery is often referred to as changing the shape of the eyes, but technically this is not entirely accurate. Sangapuri, as Asian eyelid surgery is also called, does not change the shape of the eyes. But correction allows you to give the eyelids features characteristic only of the Caucasian race, and thereby bring your appearance closer to the European standard of beauty. Therefore, mainly young people belonging to the Mongoloid race apply for this type of plastic surgery.


For quick healing and high-quality results, the patient must follow a number of rules and prohibitions prescribed by the plastic surgeon. These include a ban on sports and physical activity, visiting a bathhouse and sauna, taking a hot bath or shower, as well as a solarium and the beach. For several months you will have to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation and wear sunglasses every time you go outside.

To ensure that the stitches heal quickly and are as invisible as possible, it is recommended to adjust your lifestyle and habits. It is advisable to extend the cessation of alcohol and cigarettes for at least a month. To reduce swelling, it is advisable to reduce the amount of salty, hot and spicy foods. In the first week, you should also not expose your eyes to stress: read books, use gadgets, watch TV. You should also not wear contact lenses.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Typically, the recovery period after blepharoplasty for Asian eyes is about a week. Immediately after the operation, a sterile bandage is applied for several hours. The patient does not have to stay in the hospital for a long time. If there are no emergency indications for this, he can be discharged within a few hours. During the first few days, swelling, redness and soreness persist, so the patient is prescribed drops (antiseptics and moisturizer).

After minimally invasive surgery, the sutures are removed after 5 days, if the incision was made along the entire length of the eyelid - after 10 days. After the sutures are removed, the patient can return to their usual rhythm of life, but the final aesthetic result can be assessed no earlier than after 4-6 months.

During the rehabilitation period, the following rules must be observed:

  • do not strain your eyes at the computer or read books;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid eye irritation;
  • do not be under the sun without sunglasses;
  • exclude heavy physical activity;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • follow all doctor's care instructions.

What is the result of plastic surgery?

Contrary to popular belief, a plastic surgeon cannot change the shape of the eyes. But during correction, excess fatty tissue is removed, a fold is formed on the eyelid and the epicanthus is straightened. Taken together, this makes it possible to make the appearance close to European. The eyes visually become more open and larger, the gaze becomes more expressive.

The operation is quite simple, recovery is very fast. You can leave the clinic on the day of the intervention. It will be possible to return to normal life in the near future, provided that the patient strictly follows all the doctor’s recommendations. Complications occur rarely; in most cases they are a consequence of the surgeon’s insufficient qualifications or the patient’s failure to comply with rehabilitation rules. With the right choice of doctor and a responsible attitude towards your health during the recovery period, the effect of the operation will be as high as possible and will last for a long time, ideally for a lifetime.

Rehabilitation: Micro-needle RF lifting.

Fractional thermolifting is used for a wide variety of areas of the face and body, including the most delicate ones, carefully adjusting the depth and intensity of the treatment.

  • Microneedles are used to deliver RF energy to the desired tissue level, but the procedure is bloodless.
  • Innovative technologies help launch regeneration processes, activate blood flow, and restore lymphatic drainage.
  • RF needle lifting goes well with various procedures.

The skin tightening effect is observed immediately after the end of the session.
Subsequently, with the launch of the production of new collagen and elastin, the lifting effect increases and becomes more pronounced. More about the procedure

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