Facial cleansing: mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic

Facial skin needs not only daily cleansing, but also periodic thorough deep cleansing. One of the most popular means of skin cleansing these days is ultrasonic facial cleansing, often abbreviated as ultrasonic facial cleansing . Ultrasonic skin cleansing is a virtually painless hardware procedure that allows you to achieve deep and effective cleansing of the skin from dead cells and clogged sebaceous glands. This cleaning is carried out using an ultrasonic scrubber. Ultrasonic vibrations of the metal plate, touching the patient’s skin, allow you to clean the skin pores, exfoliate the top layer of dead cells, even out the skin texture, and also stimulate the production of elastin and collagen in the patient’s skin, tone the facial muscles, and have a pronounced lifting effect. Ultrasonic facial cleansing has a restorative and rejuvenating effect without subjecting the skin to squeezing and stretching.

Ultrasonic skin cleansing is successfully used not only on the face, but also in the décolleté, back and shoulders and can be performed at any time of the year.

Indications for use

The ultimate goal of this procedure is to give the skin a more attractive appearance, improve its condition, activate blood flow and metabolic processes occurring in the subcutaneous fat, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The final result of cleansing directly depends on the method used, but some time after the procedures, many women note that:

  • the skin has become healthier, its color has changed for the better;
  • increased elasticity and firmness;
  • pores have decreased in size;
  • pimples, comedones and other defects are partially or completely eliminated.

If a cosmetologist recommended that a woman “get clean,” then he has every reason to make such a recommendation. It could be:

  1. Withering of the skin, deterioration of its color and appearance.
  2. Enlarged pores.
  3. Presence of pimples, acne.
  4. Poor turgor, “lifelessness” of the skin.
  5. The appearance of wrinkles.
  6. Increased greasiness of the skin.

What influences the success of cleaning

Each female body has its own characteristics; decisions regarding facial cleansing cannot be made spontaneously. When planning to visit a cosmetologist, you need to think about which day to sign up for; it’s better to do this before the weekend. So the ideal day is Friday.

In winter, you should refuse to cleanse, because in the cold the skin needs good protection, even if it is “armor” from dead epidermal cells. And the increased work of the sebaceous glands during the winter cold will only benefit the skin. The optimal month is March, because: the frosts are not severe, the sun is not active.

It is not recommended to come for cleaning during menstruation, as well as 5 days before and after it. During this “bad” time, the skin is characterized by increased sensitivity and a tendency to inflammation. Because of this, the damage that will inevitably be caused during mechanical cleaning will not heal soon.

If there is still a need to carry out the procedure, then you should give preference to the ultrasonic cleaning method as the safest. It is noteworthy that superstitious ladies prefer to cleanse during the waning moon. This makes sense.

In the summer, cleansing procedures can be carried out, but with great caution and in full compliance with all specialist recommendations. In addition, more intensive skin care should be provided.

Cost of mechanical cleaning procedure

Prices for manual facial cleansing in Moscow depend on the level of the place you go to. This could be a beauty salon, where a specialist without a medical education will work with you. In this case, the cost of the service will be lower, but the risk of complications after the procedure will increase significantly. At the Medial clinic on Leninsky Prospekt, patients are offered a comprehensive approach to skin cleansing. The price for the procedure, which includes peeling + cleaning + care, is 5,000 rubles. In this case, cleaning is done in combination - ultrasound + mechanical action. This is considered the "gold standard".

“Medial” doctors are specialists with higher medical education and 6 years of experience. By contacting our clinic, you receive:

  • individual approach;
  • personal skin care program;
  • flexible system of discounts;
  • special offers every month;
  • a guarantee for all procedures - if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and make a scheduled visit to the clinic, no complications will arise.

We help men and women of all ages achieve healthy and beautiful skin. Come to us for your portion of transformation!

What are the types of facial cleansing done by a cosmetologist in a salon?

Vacuum facial cleansing


The technique does not imply the use of devices and chemicals, because the main tools are the hands of the cosmetologist and simple devices in the form of “spoons”, “needles”, “loops”. The procedure is performed according to a specific algorithm

  • surface treatment with disinfectant compounds;
  • steaming;
  • acne removal;
  • application to the skin of a product that has a soothing, wound-healing and disinfecting effect.

It is not recommended to perform the procedure yourself, at home, as there is a risk of injury to the skin and infection. And if it is carried out, then in full compliance with generally accepted rules!


This is a deep cleaning using aggressive substances. Therefore, the procedure is contraindicated for women with sensitive skin. The fact is that the use of “chemistry” completely removes the top layer of the epidermis.

It is noteworthy that such measures are aimed at eliminating dead cells; they do not help get rid of acne, comedones, or completely unclog pores. The essence of the technique is simple: a mask consisting of fruit acids is applied to previously cleansed facial skin, which is removed after some time. A type of dry cleaning is the so-called “Hollywood”, which involves the use of phytic acid.


This procedure is characterized by a “multi-directional” action. That is, ultrasonic cleaning has a multifaceted effect on the skin: it cleans, disinfects, gets rid of defects, relieves inflammation, tightens pores, prevents the appearance of acne, and eliminates wrinkles.

The method is very effective and completely painless. Before the procedure, the skin is steamed and treated with special products that make it somewhat loose. After this, processing is carried out, which is done using specialized equipment with a paddle-shaped attachment. It is due to ultrasound that keratinized particles are removed and pores are cleansed.


The technique has a number of contraindications, but its essence is as follows: the skin is treated using a device with a vacuum attachment, which “draws in” all the impurities from the pores. If your face is literally “strewn” with pimples, then you cannot use the device, because the risk of spreading the infection increases. The presence of inflammation and skin diseases is also a contraindication to this procedure.


It is a symbiosis of two cleaning methods - mechanical and ultrasonic. Used in the most severe cases. For example, when you need to get rid of acne or a large number of blackheads. After preparation (steaming and treatment with special compounds), keratinized particles of the epidermis are removed using ultrasound, and especially “resistant” pimples are removed using “spoons” and other devices. The final stage is applying a healing cream.


The most effective cleansing method to date. Its essence lies in the treatment of the skin with a device that generates low-frequency electric current. This helps soften sebaceous plugs, melt sebum, open pores and eliminate impurities. The process is not quick; in order to treat the entire face, a cosmetologist may need up to three hours.

Facial cleansing with laser

In terms of comfort and safety, this procedure can be compared with dry cleaning. It also removes dead skin and cleanses the pores. The effect of laser improves the functioning of blood vessels, restores collagen and elastin, and nourishes tissues. Skin cleansing occurs without contact, so there is no chance of introducing any disease.

After the procedure, you get defect-free, completely healthy skin, restoration of hair color, narrowing of pores, removal of age spots.

This procedure is worth visiting for those who discover the following defects on their face. Oily, problematic, porous skin. You can see the result immediately, but your skin will become ideal after 2-3 sessions. The procedure must be repeated once a week.

Contraindications to laser facial cleansing:

  • Dry skin.
  • Age less than 25 years.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Epilepsy.

Facial cleansing at home

For these purposes, you can use the same devices that professional cosmetologists use. But not every woman can afford to buy a suitable device, which still needs to be learned how to use correctly. You can cleanse your skin using “at-home” methods; this requires sequential execution of the algorithm:

Facial cleansing at home

  1. Wash your face with baby soap or foam, pat dry with a towel.
  2. Apply a moisturizer, presented in any format, to the skin.
  3. Steaming is the most important step; it is better to use a bowl of hot herbal decoction or soda for this. You just need to lean over the hot steam, covering your head with a towel.
  4. Cleansing. Large comedones and pimples can be squeezed out with your fingers or special devices. All “instruments” must be sterilely clean. But it is better to use a scrub, peeling or a homemade mask.
  5. Disinfection. It is carried out using lotion or perhydrol.
  6. The moisturizer is again applied to the skin.

Homemade cleansing masks

From soda and shaving foam . These ingredients are taken in equal proportions, mixed and applied to steamed skin. Leave for 15 minutes to act, and then you need to do a light massage with your hands and rinse off the remaining mixture. Those who are especially brave can use a moderately hard toothbrush for massage.

Honey-oatmeal . You will need: soda, honey, oatmeal, lemon juice, taken in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each). Apply to face, leave for 10 minutes, massage and rinse with warm water. 3. Yeast. Prepare a mixture from milk (3 tbsp) and compressed yeast (1 tsp). Allow the yeast to activate a little and apply to your face. Rinse off with warm water 10 minutes after the mixture has completely dried.

Homemade scrub : coffee grounds + sea salt.

There are many recipes for cleansing masks, but almost all of them are applied to steamed skin! At the end of cleansing, it is recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes (frozen decoction of chamomile, calendula and celandine).


  1. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  2. Damage to the skin (wounds, scratches, infectious rashes).
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Inflammations on the skin (ulcers, boils).
  5. Menstruation.
  6. Herpes, psoriasis, eczema.

Mechanical cleaning is not recommended for bronchial asthma and hypertension. During periods of extreme heat and severe frosts, cleaning is not carried out. As for pregnant women and nursing mothers, questions regarding the advisability of specific procedures are resolved on an individual basis. For those with dry and sensitive skin, it is not recommended to cleanse more than 3 times a month.

Normal, combination and dry skin

If a person’s skin is not prone to oiliness, then cleansing the face in the spring is the best procedure after the winter cold. The skin will be refreshed and eliminated from dead areas and unpleasant rashes.

When choosing the type of facial cleansing, it is necessary to take into account the age, skin condition, external factors and lifestyle of the patient.

For oily skin, it is recommended to cleanse once every 2-3 months.

For people with normal or dry skin type, facial cleansing is recommended no more than 1-2 times a year, most often in the spring and autumn.

In the summer, cleaning is not recommended for people with a normal type. Hot weather can quickly negate all the efforts of a cosmetologist. In addition, after a session with a cosmetologist, it is not recommended to swim or be in the bright sun for some time, which is difficult to avoid in the summer.

By and large, there are no seasonal contraindications for facial cleansing.
It can be done both in autumn-winter and spring-summer periods. If the procedure is performed correctly and all necessary recommendations are followed, then the manipulation will be very effective.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Winter is also not the best time for cleansing. Dry air and cold can lead to irritation. At this time of year, it is better to make an appointment at the salon for moisturizing and rejuvenating treatments.

Question answer

When is it better to do facial cleansing: before vacation or after? Here a lot depends on what period the vacation falls on. The optimal time is spring, autumn. If you have a trip to the sea, it is better to carry out cleansing procedures after it.

At what age can you undergo the procedure? Depends on what. For example, the use of homemade masks, especially yeast ones, is relevant for 15-year-old girls. But procedures performed using ultrasound are recommended for girls over the age of 25. All other “aggressive” methods are available to all girls who have reached adulthood.

How do you know which cleaning is right for you? This can only be learned by trial and error, and in order to select the best options, you need to determine your skin type very accurately. Ideally, you need to contact a competent cosmetologist.


The times when it was impossible to go outside for a week after cleansing your face are long gone, but still, the quality result of the procedure also depends on proper care after it.

  • Don't touch your face unless necessary
  • Do not wash your face with very hot or very cold water.
  • Avoid overheating your skin
  • Avoid solariums, baths, saunas and swimming pools for at least two weeks.
  • Moisturize your skin well
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Use products with SPF factor. Be sure to follow all the specialist’s instructions and do not forget about moisturizing and nourishing the skin; Protective moisturizer SPF30 with a matting effect can help with this
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