Facial taping for wrinkles: schemes, recommendations, effectiveness, price, before and after photos

Cosmetic facial taping is a non-invasive procedure to get rid of signs of aging. Changes in appearance occur due to loss of skin turgor, weakening or spasms of the facial muscles.

Get a free face self-taping lesson online

Collagen and hyaluronic acid give elasticity and firmness to young skin. Normally, they are produced in sufficient quantities by the body itself. With age, their synthesis slows down and the rate of decay increases. This leads to sagging skin.

On the other hand, the frontal muscles, due to many years of active facial expressions, can remain in a spasmodic state, collecting the skin and subcutaneous layers into “folds.” The muscles of the lower part of the face, on the contrary, weaken, sag, and the oval loses its clarity.

Cosmetic taping helps stop these processes and restore normal tissue functioning.

Facial taping: what is this procedure, contraindications for facial taping

  • Before we start talking about schemes and techniques for facial taping, let’s say a few words about what kind of procedure this is, what results can be achieved with its help, and about contraindications to facial taping.
  • Facial taping is classified as a cosmetic procedure that helps improve the condition of facial skin and eliminate wrinkles.
  • In addition, taping improves blood and lymph flow, and this in turn helps remove excess fluid and, accordingly, get rid of swelling

Also, after regular taping procedures, facial skin is tightened, a double chin is removed, wrinkles and crow’s feet are eliminated, and muscles are relaxed.

Taping, application technique
Despite the fact that taping can significantly improve the condition of facial skin, this procedure is not suitable for everyone.

Here are some contraindications to facial taping:

  • Damage to the skin in the area where the tape will be applied
  • Skin irritation
  • Any skin ailments
  • Diabetes
  • Any ailments of the lymphatic system
  • Any other diseases in the acute stage
  • Tumors, neoplasms

Very often we ourselves do not know what ailments we have, so it is best facial taping at home

What are tapes and what are they used for?

Tape is a cotton tape that has elastic properties and has a hypoallergenic adhesive base. Tapes are attached to the skin of the face; their main task is to provide a lifting effect; the degree of tension is different for each zone. After attaching the tapes, muscle activity of the face decreases, this helps to minimize hypertonicity, lymph circulation becomes free, wrinkles are reduced, swelling decreases, and the general condition of the face improves significantly.

Facial taping is a technique that can be used to reduce the activity of muscle tissue in the facial area. Reduction of expression wrinkles is the most noticeable result, which is visible almost immediately after using the “patch lifting”.

The main advantage of taping is the simplicity of the procedure; you can do it at home yourself. Refresh the face, give it a toned and rested look, reduce wrinkles caused by facial activity, visually lift the eyebrow line, give a more detailed outline to the cheekbones, tighten the oval of the face, make it defined - all this can be done with a kinesiological stretching tape.

Using tapes is quite simple

Kinesio taping was developed back in 1973. The idea of ​​the method implied non-standard fastening of the skin using tapes; it was expected that lymph flow and blood circulation would be concentrated in the area that needed to be healed.

Kinesio taping is similar to the process of applying tape to athletes. The technique helps to avoid injuries and sprains during active sports. The use of tapes in cosmetology became known to mankind relatively recently, but is already quickly gaining popularity.

Facial taping: how to do it correctly, advice from cosmetologists

To get the maximum benefit from facial taping, it is important to do the procedure, taking into account the advice of cosmetologists.

Here are the main ones:

  • It is advisable to do the first procedure together with a specialist in order to understand how to properly stick tapes (special adhesive tapes, which are the main tool of the procedure) to what place.
  • Before taping, the facial skin must be thoroughly cleansed; this can be done with any cleanser. There should be no cosmetics on your face, especially fatty creams.
  • Before taping, it is advisable to do a light massage of the skin to warm it up and speed up blood flow.
  • Apply adhesive tape only to those areas where this procedure is acceptable. Avoid the eye area and areas directly under the eyes.
  • Tapes must be glued in such a way that creases and folds are not formed under any circumstances .
  • Some adhesive tapes, in order for them to stick to the skin better, need to be warmed between your hands or rubbed after sticking them to the desired area.

Correct application of tapes

Tapes are easy to remove, but sometimes they “stick” to the skin quite tightly. Do not wet them with water or other means under any circumstances, this will only worsen the situation - the glue will remain on the face. If you feel that you cannot remove the tape without assistance, use special tape removal products.

  • Tapes must be removed carefully , smoothly, following the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes or along massage lines.
  • After removing the tapes, be sure to moisturize your face. Any nourishing and moisturizing cream, gel or serum is suitable for this.

You should only apply tapes after you have checked whether you are allergic to the glue or the material from which they are made. To do this, cut a small piece of tape and stick it on your hand, wait 15 minutes. and assess the condition of the skin. If there is no itching, redness, burning, etc., then you can begin cosmetic facial taping yourself.


The natural aging process takes a significant toll on the body's largest organ—our skin. According to research, most visible changes are simply inevitable. Many factors influence the formation of the eyebrow fold, and one of the main reasons is active facial expressions. The habit of constantly frowning your eyebrows leads to the appearance of lines and furrows.

Other reasons for the appearance of the “gap between the eyebrows” are constant incorrect position during sleep, smoking, and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. If the problem is not addressed, over time the glabellar fold and wrinkles become more pronounced and can only be eliminated as a result of serious cosmetic procedures or surgery. In all situations, taping the area between the eyebrows can be used as a kind of prevention method. This is not only one of the safest and most effective treatments aimed at eliminating wrinkles, but also an easy way to prevent problems with the glabellar fold.

Facial taping for wrinkles

Wrinkles are the enemy of all women, and if previously this was a problem for more mature women, now wrinkles can be seen even in young 20-year-old girls. Fighting wrinkles is quite difficult, but it is possible. Proper facial taping against wrinkles gives noticeable positive results. Therefore, if you want to get rid of this problem, adopt the following scheme for facial taping against wrinkles.

Using taping we eliminate wrinkles near the eyes:

  • Prepare a tape no more than 2 cm wide. The length should be such that it is enough to cover the area from the eyebrow to the cheekbones.
  • Remove the protective paper from the tape and stick its middle part near the corner of the eye on the outside.
  • We fix the upper part of the tape near the eyebrow (outer corner). Now lightly rub the glued areas of the tape so that they stick better and begin to “work.”
  • We fix the lower part of the tape without tension, lowering it to the cheekbones. Now lightly rub this part of the tape, doing this from the middle downwards.
  • We repeat the procedure with the second eye.

Based on the fact that the skin in this area is very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable, all manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully. The glued tape must be removed no later than after 3 hours. You can repeat the procedure after a few days, depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Facial taping
We eliminate wrinkles on the forehead using facial taping:

  • You will need a wider tape – approximately 5 cm.
  • We look at the forehead, determine where the middle is, and glue the tape to this place. We do this immediately above the eyebrows, without rising higher.
  • Then, placing your hand on the top of the head, we pull the skin up, smoothing out wrinkles.
  • Apply the tape from bottom to top to the upper part of the forehead.
  • The tape itself should not be under tension.
  • We remove the tape after a few hours.

For wrinkles on the forehead
We eliminate wrinkles between the eyebrows using taping:

  • Prepare 1 ribbon approximately 5 cm wide, such that it is long enough to cover the area from the bridge of the nose to the beginning of the hairline on the forehead . Having prepared such a strip of tape, cut it in half lengthwise, not cutting 1.5 cm.
  • Prepare 1 more of the same ribbon, but cut it in half lengthwise to the end.
  • Glue the uncut tape between the eyebrows. At this point, glue the base of the tape (the uncut part).
  • We glue the remaining 2 ends from the bridge of the nose to the forehead. After this manipulation we get the letter “V”.
  • Now we glue the remaining 2 strips of tape. They go to the area above the eyebrows. First, glue the base of the tape, then pull the skin of the face up, placing your palm near the hairline, then glue the tape to the end.
  • We remove the tape after a few hours.

Facial taping, photo
We eliminate wrinkles around the mouth using taping:

  • Prepare 2 ribbons 1-1.5 cm wide and approximately 10 cm long.
  • Bite your lower lip until the skin underneath is slightly stretched. Apply the tape under the lower lip, fixing its ends in the cheek area.
  • After biting your upper lip , apply the tape over it, fixing it in the cheek area on top of the first tape.
  • Make sure that the tapes do not bend or wrinkle anywhere.
  • Remove the tape after a few hours.

Facial taping, photo

Facial taping: nasolabial folds

The presence of deep nasolabial folds confuses many representatives of the fair sex. For this reason, many women try to get rid of unsightly furrows in a variety of ways.

Taping the nasolabial folds is an excellent solution to the problem:

  • Prepare 2 strips no more than 1 cm wide and approximately 5-7 cm long. In this case, you need to round the edges of the strips with scissors.
  • Tear 1 cm of tape and remove the backing.
  • the adhesive part of the tape to the wing of the nose.
  • Next, remove the remaining backing and glue the remaining tape along the nasolabial fold.
  • Check that after the manipulation the corner of the lips rises up and does not fall down.
  • Lightly rub the tape from bottom to top.
  • Repeat the procedure on the other side of the nose.
  • After the first procedure, it is advisable to remove the tape within an hour. Then you can walk with it for 2-12 hours.

Tape in this area will help relieve swelling, muscle spasms, and make the skin more elastic.

Facial taping for swelling

Edema is a serious problem for many people. If you experience a swollen face after sleeping, swelling after eating a lot of salty foods or drinking a lot of water, you should try lymphatic drainage facial de-edema taping. Facial taping in this case will improve blood and lymph flow, making facial skin firmer and more elastic.

  • Prepare 2 ribbons approximately 1.5 cm wide and about 6-7 cm long.
  • Round the corners on 2 strips, but only on one side.
  • Cut each strip into 3 identical strips, leaving about 1 cm short of the end (the base of the tape - the uncut part should be rounded).
  • Tear the tape to remove the backing from the base.
  • We glue the base to the temporal part, just above the corner of the eyebrow. Glue without tension. It turns out that the 3 cut ribbons “look” down towards the cheek.
  • Now we remove the backing from the tape, which is closest to the eye, and glue the tape under the eyebrow.
  • We glue the middle tape just below the eye socket and glue the remaining tape a little lower. All tapes are glued without tension.
  • Afterwards, rub the tape a little and leave it on your face for 2-4 hours, then carefully remove it.


All taping techniques must be performed only on cleansed skin:

  1. Wash using gel, foam, mousse.
  2. Wipe your face with tonic.
  3. Apply the cream to the skin until completely absorbed 30 minutes before application. You can also apply tapes to a dry face, and treat the free areas with cream after taping. If you are prone to swelling, it is recommended to use the cream 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
  4. Make applications.

Before the taping procedure, it is useful to perform self-massage of problem areas and gymnastics.

Facial taping from the double chin

A double chin is a problem for many people, because it happens that even in a slender person it hangs and spoils the whole appearance. If you encounter such a problem, solve it by taping your face in this area.

  • Prepare a tape approximately 5 cm wide and long enough to extend from one ear to the other through the chin.
  • the resulting ribbon in half and cut the free edges in the middle by 3 cm, rounding the ends of the ribbon.
  • Now tear the tape, or rather its non-adhesive part, in the middle and along the edges of each individual tape.
  • Tilt your head back slightly - this will slightly stretch the skin on your chin. Initially, apply the tape to the chin, slightly extending onto the lower jaw. It turns out that the middle of the tape is already glued and the not yet glued tapes hang freely on the sides.
  • Now remove the backing from one side of the tape and stick it with movements from bottom to top, but without much tension.
  • Then remove the backing from the cut pieces of tape and secure them near the parotid and postauricular lymph nodes.
  • Repeat the same manipulations with the remaining tape.
  • Check that the tape does not tighten the skin or pull down the corners of the lips.
  • You can do a similar procedure for a month. It is permissible to walk with the tape applied for 12 hours, that is, you can apply it overnight.

Face taping for jowls

Shave or simply sagging cheeks really spoil the appearance of your face, because even if you have a beautiful appearance, stretched skin and sagging muscles spoil the whole picture. Jowls appear due to the fact that the skin ceases to be firm and elastic, the muscles lose tone, or due to the accumulation of extra pounds. And if the last reason can be dealt with quite simply, then the rest are not so easy to eliminate. Despite this, there is a way out - aesthetic jowl taping to tighten the oval of the face.

  • Prepare 2 strips of tape approximately 5 cm wide and so long that the tape is enough from the earlobe to the middle of the submandibular area.
  • We cut each strip lengthwise , but not all the way - leaving the base about 3 cm.
  • Now we tear off the non-adhesive paper from the base and glue it near the ear, covering both the jaw area and the neck area.
  • Then we remove the non-adhesive paper from the cut pieces and glue them - one along the lower edge of the lower jaw, the other just below the previous one.
  • Afterwards we smooth out the tape and check that it is glued correctly.
  • We repeat the procedure on the other side of the face.
  • You can walk with this tape for about 2-5 hours, then you need to carefully remove it.

Facial taping for jowls and double chin

Facial taping for neuritis

Neuritis of the facial nerve is a serious disease that manifests itself as weakness of the facial muscles of varying degrees, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the organs of smell and hearing. Of course, facial taping cannot cure the disease itself, however, it can significantly speed up the rehabilitation process and improve the general condition of the patient.

  • It is important to understand that in case of neuritis of the facial nerve, taping should only be done by a professional. Self-application of tape is possible only with the permission of a doctor.
  • Prepare 2 strips of tape approximately 2.5 cm wide and about 10 cm long. Round the edges of the strips
  • cut one strip half lengthwise approximately to the middle.
  • Tear off the paper backing where the strip remains uncut.
  • Glue the base of the tape to your face at the level of the middle of your ear.
  • Then tear off the paper backing from the cut strips and glue them: the top one is closer to the hairline, the bottom one is a couple of cm below it (above the eyebrow).
  • Next, take the previously prepared strip and cut it into 3 parts, also leaving an uncut base of about half the strip.
  • Tear off the paper backing at the base of the tape and glue it to the base of the first tape (on top of it).
  • Then we remove the paper base from the 3 cut strips and glue them: the upper one - above the upper lip, the middle one - under the lower lip, the lower one - along the lower part of the lower jaw.
  • It turns out that 2 strips of tape form one continuous tape with branches in the upper and lower parts of the face.
  • Now prepare another 1 strip of tape, 2.5 cm wide and about 5 cm long, round the edges. Then cut it lengthwise to the middle into 3 strips.
  • Remove the backing from the base of the tape and stick it to the middle of the previously created tape.
  • Then remove the paper backing from the cut strips and glue them: the top one to the area of ​​the lower eyelid, the middle one to the beginning of the nasolabial fold, the bottom one 2 cm below the middle one.
  • You can keep this tape for up to 8 hours. The procedure can be repeated for 5 days, then take 2 days off and repeat the course.
  • Do not forget that before applying the tape you need to rule out allergies to it.

Basic principles

To get rid of rough wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Purchase tapes only from trusted manufacturers and suppliers.
  2. Don’t forget to do an allergy test on the cheekbone area if you are using a new brand of kinesio tape.
  3. Properly prepare the skin.
  4. Learn techniques for applying “Third Eye” and “Bird” tapes.
  5. Use the 15 minute rule.
  6. In the morning, remove the tapes very carefully, without injuring the skin.
  7. At the initial stage, perform applications every day, before bed, for 21 days. Then in a maintenance mode 1-3 times a week.
  8. Develop a new habit - not frowning.

To learn taping in practice at a professional level and save thousands of rubles on visits to salons, you can take a course on taping live or online.

Facial taping: before and after

  • If you are seriously thinking about learning how to properly do facial taping at home, the book “Aesthetic Taping of the Face and Body,” authored by Dilya Shcheglova, will come to your aid. Shcheglova Dilya is a neurologist, certified specialist in taping, author and developer of the course “Aesthetic taping of the face and body.”
  • The results of facial taping are truly amazing, and you can see this for yourself by looking at the before and after results or by trying facial taping on yourself. As you can see, the procedure significantly improves the quality of the skin, makes the skin elastic, toned, eliminates wrinkles and folds, and tones the muscles.

Facial taping, before and after results

Results of facial taping, photo

Facial taping, before and after photos

Doctors' opinions

Experienced doctors are of the opinion that facial taping can give the desired effect if done correctly:

Another doctor who is actively involved in taping also confirms the effectiveness of the method, but notes that for the desired result it is very important to perform it according to a certain scheme. We have given different options above. Here's what the doctor says:

It is also worth noting the words of cosmetologist Astrid Oveyan, who recommends using tapes at a young age.

Facial taping: price

The price of facial taping will depend on many factors, and the main one is whether you will do the taping yourself at home or seek help from a specialist.

  • If you do facial taping at home , the price of the procedure will be equal to the price of the tape.

A tape 2.5 cm wide and 5 m long costs approximately 300 rubles, 3.75 cm wide and 5 m long costs approximately 500 rubles, 5 cm wide and 5 m long costs approximately 650 rubles. It is also worth considering the fact that tapes vary (material, manufacturer) and this also affects their price.

  • If you turn to a specialist for help, facial taping will cost you much more. The price will depend on the problem you want to solve with taping, the experience of the specialist, etc.
  • The approximate price of 1 facial taping procedure is 500-700 rubles. For the procedure to be effective and give results, you need to do it at least 5-10 times.

You can do taping at home

Where to find quality tapes, cost

For facial care, it is important to choose high-quality materials so as not to harm delicate skin. Therefore, before making a decision to carry out a particular procedure, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the method, the technique of its implementation and the materials used.

The cost of tape for one course of taping is low. A roll of high-quality tape can cost from 300 to 500 rubles. Also, the use of premium products provides a pleasant tactile and aesthetic sensation.

Taping experts recommend paying attention to popular brands that have many positive reviews. These are Korean and Japanese companies whose products are subject to constant quality control. For example, Nasara, Kintex, Spol, VBTape.

When choosing tapes for kinesiotherapy, you should pay attention to the following signs of product quality:

  • Fabric composition: pure cotton, viscose, artificial silk.
  • The base adhesive is hypoallergenic and soft, made from 100% acrylic.
  • The base material should be dense, elastic and pleasant to the touch.
  • Individual packaging made of high-quality cardboard must be provided with complete instructions in Russian;
  • The box must indicate the date of manufacture, expiration date and batch number.

High-quality materials for kinesiotherapy can be found in specialized sporting goods stores or ordered online, having previously familiarized yourself with the characteristics and photographs of the product.

Facial taping: reviews

  • Marina, 35 years old: “After 30 years, the wrinkles on the face became deeper and more noticeable. I tried several creams, but didn’t notice any special results, and then I came across information about taping. Without hesitation, I tried this procedure on myself, and I’m pleased with the result.”
  • Irina, 50 years old: “For my 50th birthday, the children gave me a certificate for a facial taping procedure. Of course, I had no idea what it was, but the youth explained it and begged me to try it anyway. To say that I am pleased with the result is to say nothing. At 50 years old, the face looks younger, fitter and more well-groomed than at 45.”
  • Christina, 28 years old: “Despite her age, I always suffered from swelling on my face, I tried diuretics and special diets, but only facial taping helped. Now I wake up as a normal person with a rested, toned and beautiful face.”
  • Anna, 44 years old: “And I always had another problem, although I am slim, I have a double chin. I decided to try facial taping and was very pleased. Combined with the massage, I got excellent results.”

If you have no contraindications to facial taping, be sure to try this procedure. The result will definitely please you, because tightened, elastic skin without wrinkles is the dream of any woman.

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