St. John's wort for acne

“Mom forbids me to go to water aerobics. She claims that such activities can provoke the growth of fibroids and even cause bleeding. Is she right? Olga N., Moscow
“I read that uterine fibroids are an endocrine disease. Is it related to thyroid diseases? How to combine treatment? Olga Lavrova, Tomsk
“One of my friends claims that she cured fibroids with infusions of the onosma flower. Could this be the case? And if so, how to use it correctly?” G.Zh., Almaty
“During my annual medical examination, I was diagnosed with a fibroid measuring 8 mm. The doctor said that there is no need to treat. Maybe she’s wrong, and I should look for another doctor, after all, fibroids are a serious matter?” Maryana, Klin
“A year ago, I had a submucous uterine fibroid removed using hysteroresectoscopy. Now a formation can be seen in this place again. The doctor suggests doing the same operation again. So now you’ll have to see a surgeon every year?” T.N., Moscow
“In our family, all women suffer from fibroids: grandmother, mother, older sister. I see how much effort it takes them to keep their illness under control. And I really want to avoid this fate. Are there any effective preventive measures?” Maria Weber, Minsk
“I learned that now it is possible to remove fibroids without surgery - using embolization. But they say that after this they always get better and the temperature and stomach ache last for several months. Is this really true? Olga Meliskina, St. Petersburg

Beneficial features

Among the people, many people know St. John's wort as hare's blood, bloodworm, St. John's wort, krovtsa, red herb. The plant has been very popular since ancient times and it is not surprising that it began to be used to solve dermatological problems, such as acne, pimples. By regularly using St. John's wort, you will be able to achieve the following positive results:

  • wounds and burns heal without leaving scars;
  • blackheads and inflamed pimples will disappear;
  • the skin will become much cleaner, acquire elasticity, an even complexion, and freshness;
  • irritation and age spots will disappear;
  • enlarged pores will narrow;
  • existing scars, stretch marks, and scars will lighten.

The effectiveness of St. John's wort for the skin has been scientifically proven; moreover, the medicinal herb has been actively used in pharmaceutical cosmetology for the production of cleansing and anti-inflammatory products.

Who will it harm?

St. John's wort, despite all its usefulness, can negatively affect human health. Therefore, in order to avoid the negative impact of the plant on the body, it is necessary to avoid it for people with high blood pressure and vascular diseases. The medicinal herb is contraindicated for nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as for patients who have undergone organ transplant surgery. It is better to avoid St. John's wort for patients undergoing treatment with antibacterial drugs, since the plant can reduce their therapeutic effect.

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