Facial contouring. Advantages. Methods. Photos BEFORE and AFTER.

"I do not know what to do. My friends say I'm beautiful. Men are courting me. But I look at photos of girls on Instagram and social networks - and cry, how beautiful others are, and how ugly I am.

When I look at my facial features separately, there seem to be no flaws. But, on the other hand, everything is not the way I want it. The face is somewhat rough, quite simple. I want to change my face, but I don’t know how!”

Natalya, 24 years old

Instagram undoubtedly brings celebrities closer. It’s so nice to come in and see how they live, what view they have from the window today, what they eat for breakfast, and how they see themselves in the mirror.

And if on Facebook people are increasingly measuring their intelligence and talents, then Instagram drives us into the narrow boundaries of faces and bodies. And few people at this moment realize the danger - the danger of comparing themselves with others!

Kim Kardashian

Zac Efron

Angelina Jolie

Ryan Gosling

In essence, we know nothing about the star person we follow, but pictures of his life kindly come to us with delivery. We look at them with complete trust and compare them with our real selves. But this is exactly what you don’t need to do.

Firstly, no one posts “raw” photos. You don't even need Photoshop. To make your skin cleaner, your facial features more graceful, and your figure 5 kilograms slimmer, just use filters.

Secondly, pay attention to how similar all Instagram beauties are to each other: just sisters. The fashion for the shape of the nose and the thickness of the lips will change, and at the age of 19 they will go to the dustbin of history, giving way to new fashionable faces.

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“Today, the approach to the concept of beauty has changed a lot.

To be a timeless beauty, you need to be original.

It is the creation of an individual image that I have been doing for the last 10 years of my practice and have developed my own method of harmonizing appearance.

Harmonizing surgery is a modern direction of aesthetic plastic surgery, the so-called “attractive medicine”. It is the term “attractiveness,” and not “beauty,” that is used as an evaluation criterion.

We are all different and all beautiful. It's just that some people's beauty needs to be helped to fully manifest itself. And this is already a matter of science and art, at the intersection of which I practice.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.


The procedure for correcting the oval of the face may include hardware, injection, and thread lifting methods, depending on the severity of the changes and the age of the patient.
The treatment program is developed by your cosmetologist after an initial consultation and examination, studying your health status, and analyzing contraindications. The clinic’s cosmetologists know how to tighten the oval of the face after 40 years, and how to restore the contour of the face after 50 years, without a scalpel, serious injuries, a long rehabilitation period, without traces. GTMClinic specialists will help you get rid of age-related changes quickly and as painlessly as possible. Sagging of certain areas of the face, deformation of the oval, drooping of the upper eyelid and lowering of the eyebrows, the formation of bags under the eyes - these changes can significantly change a person’s appearance, not for the better. Advances in modern cosmetology help effectively combat age-related appearance problems. With them, non-surgical modeling of the facial contour is possible during one session with minimal rehabilitation.

How to quickly enlarge lips

And finally, it's time to deal with the lips. There are three ways to enlarge your lips. The first is visual enhancement with the help of glitter-plumper and other decorative cosmetics. The second is augmentation with hyaluronic acid filler. And the third is the intervention of a plastic surgeon (“bulhorn”, lipofilling). The operation is rather needed to change the contour and shape of the lips. But if you want to make your lips not only voluminous, but also smooth, juicy, and moisturized from the inside, there is no better way than fillers.

Our advice: it is better to voice your wishes about changing your appearance during a consultation with your doctor. Believe me, a qualified doctor, be it a plastic surgeon or a cosmetologist, will always find the solution you need.


Any manifestations of aging are an indication for the use of a wide range of correction techniques. The most pronounced indications for the use of lifting programs:

  • blurring facial contours,
  • nasolabial folds become noticeable,
  • drooping of the corners of the eyes and lips,
  • drooping eyebrows and upper eyelid,
  • wrinkles appear on the forehead and between the eyebrows,
  • bags form under the eyes,
  • a double chin appears
  • wrinkles and folds form on the neck,
  • there is facial asymmetry.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Correcting the shape of the nose without surgery is another popular request. There is a technique for nose correction with fillers, when a cosmetologist injects a drug based on hyaluronic acid. However, our cosmetologists are against such interventions! The nose is a very complex vascular structure, and with an incorrectly selected drug or large dosage, there is a risk of disruption of the blood supply to the tissue and even necrosis. It is not uncommon for plastic surgeons to take on the task of correcting incorrectly made corrections with fillers. So, if you want to radically change the shape of your nose, go to a plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty.


The list of indications directly depends on the type of procedure, the patient’s age and the presence of health problems. Here are the main contraindications for hardware lifting sessions:

  • damage to the facial skin: ulcers, cuts, scratches, abrasions;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • metal plates, permanent fillers and threads, and a pacemaker were installed;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • systemic diseases.

Contraindications for injection and thread procedures:

  • oncological, infectious, inflammatory processes,
  • allergic reactions on the skin of the face,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • chronic skin diseases,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • age less than 18 years,
  • any diseases in the stage of exacerbation and decompensation.

To relax the masticatory muscle

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: place your fingers on the masticatory muscles at the level of the earlobes (as in the picture). Make clockwise gentle circular movements in place, relaxing the area. Repeat the movements counterclockwise. 30 times in each direction.

Result: ​recession of the cheeks and loss of their volume are reduced, ​facial proportions are restored.


Effective lifting and strengthening of the oval of the face is possible without damaging the skin using hardware lifting techniques. Invasive methods of oval correction are less traumatic. After injection sessions, there may be some slight redness and swelling, but this will go away quickly. Injection marks disappear a few hours after the sessions.

Here are several ways to correct a sagging face without surgery:

1. Hardware: Ulthera System (or SMAS-lifting), Thermage, Infini.

Ulthera System ultrasonic smas-lifting is a deep lifting of facial tissues (skin and muscles), the result of which is comparable to surgical correction. This type of procedure smooths out wrinkles and folds of the skin, eliminates a double chin, and returns a clear contour to the oval of the face. SMAS lift also tightens the skin, returns the corners of the eyes and lips to their natural position, and helps get rid of the “sad expression” on the face.

2. Laser: Sciton (Halo, SkinTyte), Dermablate, Fraxel, MultiPulse CO2,

3. Phototherapy Sciton BBL and M22.

4. RF lifting Reaction.

5. Zeltiq Coolsculpting for severe fat deposits in the double chin area.

6. Contour plastic surgery.

7. Botulinum therapy.

8. Aptos thread lifting.

To improve the quality of the skin, in addition, procedures such as biorevitalization, bioreparation, and plasma therapy can be performed.

The result of a facelift using hardware methods, injections and threads will pleasantly surprise you. It is comparable to surgery, lasts a long time, and does not require incisions or stitches. Any consequences of the procedures pass without the help of a cosmetologist. Using non-surgical techniques, you can get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin, restore a clear contour to your face, and remove a double chin. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

Non-surgical breast augmentation

Breast enlargement without surgery is one of the most popular requests on the Internet.
We look for all sorts of miraculous remedies on the Internet: massage, vitamins, exercises, soda, red clover, iodine, oils and, of course, the notorious cabbage... Exercises will strengthen the back muscles and improve posture, but will not affect the volume of the bust in any way. These are the structural features of the tissue of the mammary glands: it will not be possible to “pump up” the breasts. As for other folk remedies, let's think sensibly: if, for example, cabbage helped, would there really be plastic surgery clinics? Conclusion: breast enlargement will not be possible without surgery. But a plastic surgeon will be able to make not only the desired size, but also create a beautiful breast shape.


Do not use blood thinners one week before your session date.

After hardware and injection lifting sessions, swelling and redness may occur. Injection marks disappear within a few hours after the procedure. It may take 1-5 days for the swelling to subside.

It is not advisable to sunbathe for 7 days after the procedure, and much longer after resurfacing. Do not visit the fitness club, sauna, or swimming pool until a week after the session to avoid complications.

A facelift may be required at 30, 40, or 50 years of age, depending on hereditary factors and the patient’s health status. The sooner you seek help from a cosmetologist, the better. Minor changes in the shape of the face can be removed quite simply by using hardware treatment methods, but to eliminate serious deformations, a combination of hardware, injection and thread techniques will be required.

Exercise with fists

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: fold your hands under your lower jaw, press your elbows to your chest. If you can't keep your back straight, lean against the back of a chair. Do not push your head forward, otherwise the exercise will be ineffective and there will be a risk of damaging the back of your neck. Press your tongue onto the upper palate, resisting with your hands, and hold for 1-2 seconds. Perform 25 times at a slow pace. Relieve tension with light pats under the chin.

Result: reduction of the double chin, tightened skin of the neck and lower face.

What determines the elasticity and firmness of the skin on the face?

Turgor is the correct regulation of water-lipid metabolism, due to which osmotic pressure in cells is maintained. Firmness and elasticity are functions of the base layer of the dermis, which is located between the epidermis and fatty tissue. The connective tissue of this foundation is made up of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Each substance has its own role:

  • collagen provides elasticity;
  • elastin - fibers that hold the dermis together;
  • hyaluronic acid – attracts and retains water molecules to maintain moisture;
  • hydro-lipid film protects the skin from external environmental influences.

Over time, the number of fibroblasts decreases, and the level of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid depends on their number. This happens due to changes in hormonal levels during menopause. Blood and lymph flow slow down, reducing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the dermis. The hydro-lipid film becomes thinner as the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. All these processes provoke a deterioration in the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

In aesthetic medicine, flabbiness and sagging of the skin is called ptosis. This means that there has been a drooping of soft tissues and loss of facial contours. It is customary to define three types of ptosis:

  • Stage 1 can begin at a young age, marked by a slight lowering of the outer corners of the eyebrows and eyes;
  • Stage 2 – bags and swelling in the eye area, deepening of the nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds, jowls;
  • Stage 3 – deep wrinkles, creases and folds that appear by age 55.

The level of skin turgor can decrease for various reasons throughout life:

  • unbalanced diet, excess fats and fast carbohydrates;
  • excess weight;
  • deficiency of micro- and macroelements;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation – photoaging;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • frequent stress;
  • insomnia;
  • improper skin care and use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • excessive alcohol consumption and smoking;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • incorrect posture;
  • non-compliance with the regime.

Also, the cause of loss of skin elasticity can be chronic fatigue, so even people with a high level of performance even need to take proper rest on a regular basis.

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“Zoning” in facial plastic surgery

Conventionally, the face can be divided into three zones, by thirds:

  • lower,
  • average,
  • top.

For each zone, it is advisable to use a specific correction method to achieve the best effect. So, for example, check-lifting is optimal for tightening the soft tissues of the middle zone of the face, SMAS facial lifting is suitable for correcting the lower third of the face and neck, and with imperfections in the upper third of the face (forehead, eyebrows), endoscopic or classic open forehead lifting is most often used .

It should be noted that the range of aesthetic surgeries, including facial plastic surgery (lift), is indeed very wide. And therefore, the right decision is to draw up an individual rejuvenation plan, based on an analysis of the individual characteristics of the patient.

To relax the chin muscles

Photo: AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky
Starting position: grab your chin with your fingers, stroke it down. Make sure your lips are relaxed. Repeat 3-5 times. Don't pull the corners of your lips down. Don't overdo it: you can easily get bruises on your chin.

Result: relaxation of the mental muscles, softening of the jawline.

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