Permanent eyebrow makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

Photo: Not everyone has been blessed by nature with luxurious sable eyebrows, which are now in fashion. If you don’t like their shape, thickness or color, but don’t want to constantly waste time on coloring, there is a way out! Previously, permanent eyebrow makeup was not very successful, but now everything has changed. Let's talk about the features of the procedure!

What is permanent makeup

The principle of permanent is reminiscent of a tattoo - the pigment is embedded under the skin. But, unlike a tattoo, the paint remains only in the upper layers. Therefore, the result looks natural and the discomfort is minimal. Unless over time it gradually brightens and correction will be needed. But if one day you want to change something, you won’t have to painfully remove the paint for years.


Unsuccessful result

If the makeup is disappointing, and it is important for you to know how long it will take for permanent makeup to come off, they resort to the chemical method. The method is suitable if the paint is not injected deeply. A concentrate is used that is injected under the skin. As a result of the reaction of the solution and the pigment, the latter is removed and comes off along with the crust.

To ensure that the effect of permanent makeup lasts for a long time, you should contact trusted specialists who strictly follow the application technology and use high-quality dyes.
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How long does permanent eyebrow makeup last?

There is no single standard for all cases, because the technique, skin type, paint, care, and the presence of correction all affect. On average, this is 1-2 years, although for some it can be up to 5 years. Dark shades fade more than light ones, the hair technique lasts longer than the powder technique, and on oily skin the pigment fades faster.



We found out how long eyebrow tattooing lasts. Now let's look at how to apply it. There are various methods.

  • The first method is shooting. The cavities of the entire part of the eyebrows under the hairs are filled. The pigment is applied in layers, a clear outline is visible. Permanent makeup is similar to having your eyebrows painted in with pencil or shadow. If any imperfections remain after the procedure, this can be corrected with the help of shadows. Hide, for example, a scar.
  • The second option is soft shading. With this method, solid lines are drawn, similar to a pencil. At the same time, eyebrows become much more beautiful and well-groomed. They look voluminous and also mask gaps in the eyebrows. The technique allows you to create a more shaded look than shooting.
  • The third option is the hair method of eyebrow tattooing. In the reviews, girls write that this method involves creating lines that are very similar to hairs. It looks very natural, the main thing is that the artist gets a good one. In some cases they are indistinguishable from natural ones. With this method, you can correct imperfections such as eyebrow asymmetry and hide scars.
  • Based on these options, you can choose the best eyebrow tattoo for yourself at your discretion. The long service life of biotattoo is directly affected by the qualifications and experience of the artist. If a woman has chosen the hair method for herself, then she will have to make a correction every year. Although in this situation it is not the tattoo technology that influences more, but the depth of insertion. The deeper it is made, the longer it will last.

    When to make the correction? A good specialist will tell you how best to do it, taking into account your pain threshold and skin type. 1-2 months after the procedure you need to make a correction. Then it will be clear whether deeper permanent makeup is needed. If a deep tattoo was done for the first time, it may take on a greenish tint. In this case, only a laser will help. When getting your first tattoo, it is recommended to choose a pigment that is a shade lighter than you would like. In this case, after the work has healed, it will be clear whether it is worth making permanent makeup brighter.

    What's happening to your eyebrows

    With permanent makeup, the needle penetrates only under the surface layers of the skin. The hair follicles lie much deeper, so they will not be damaged in any way. Also, before the procedure, you do not need to shave your eyebrows - on the contrary, they help you build a suitable shape and choose a shade.



    How long does permanent lip makeup last? The effect lasts 3-4 years. The longevity of the result is affected by proper care. The lip area is very delicate and sensitive, it requires timely correction.

    Light shades fade faster than rich shades. The duration is affected by excessive self-care. Peels, visits to the solarium and sauna reduce the time the tattoo remains on the lips. Girls who play sports will quickly be left without permanent hair. Physical activity activates metabolism.

    How to choose eyebrow color

    To make the result look as natural as possible, you need to choose a shade that matches your hair color and color type as a whole. For example, blondes are recommended to use light brown tones a couple of shades darker than their native ones. Light-skinned brunettes should choose a chocolate range, and dark-skinned brunettes should use dark brown and black shades.

    For owners of light brown and ash-colored hair, gray and gray-brown colors are best suited. For redheads - muted terracotta or chestnut, and for ladies with noble gray hair - gray and brown. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of pigments that can be combined and mixed, so this is not a problem!


    Permanent lip makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

    Ways to extend the life of a tattoo

    The dye used for permanent tattooing tends to fade in the sun - you need to remember this. The color that is used is a combination of several colors. Gray and red tones are more durable.

    If you are in the sun for a long time, the color of the drawn hairs may gradually change. They may take on a reddish or gray tint.

    In order for the color of the tattoo to please you with its original appearance, you need to take care of it and follow simple rules:

    • do not stay in the sun for a long time;
    • When visiting a solarium, use sunscreens with a high protection factor - at least 30-40;
    • be careful when choosing facial cosmetics and do not use products with a whitening effect;
    • do not peel or apply scrubs to the tattooed area;

    With proper care, the color of the tattoo will remain for a long time, and the lightening will be almost invisible.

    Choosing an eyebrow shape

    The shape is always selected individually, taking into account the natural appearance of the eyebrows and the contours of the face as a whole. Conventionally, all options can be divided into four categories - straight, curved, rounded and with a break. They can be low, medium or high according to the location of the arch.

    Keep in mind that permanent makeup greatly affects your facial expression. For example, eyebrows that are too lowered make the look look heavy, while eyebrows that are too raised make you look eternally surprised. If you wear glasses, be sure to come to the specialist wearing them to take into account the specifics of the frame.


    Types of paints

    How long does it take for eyebrow tattoo to fade? The quality of the dye directly affects how long the effect will last. This procedure can be performed with two types of paints. The former do not change color under the skin because they consist of organic components. The latter may change, acquiring a reddish or green tint if the material is not of high quality. They are created from minerals and are considered more durable.

    Permanent eyebrow makeup techniques

    For a long time now, no one has been making those terrifying graphic threads that the unfortunate owners then correct for years. Let's talk about modern techniques!

    Hair technique

    The master draws eyebrows literally hair by hair with thin strokes, so that from a distance they cannot be distinguished from real hair. It looks more natural if you use several adjacent colors in the same range and change the direction of the strokes. This is a great way for those whose eyebrows are too faded or sparse.


    Powder technique

    This is a soft and delicate blend, leaving a slight haze as a result. Eyebrows become more expressive, but not too bright - as for daytime makeup. A sprayer is used to work, and the shades are layered like a gradient. This is the most atraumatic technique, which causes almost no discomfort during the procedure.


    Combined technique

    To make eyebrows look as impressive as possible, experts combine hair and powder techniques. The process uses several shades for smooth transitions. You can also adjust the density of the outline.



    Technically, this is a slightly different procedure, but the essence is the same - to introduce pigment under the skin. The craftsman manually makes small cuts and scratches with thin strokes and fills them with pigment. When the skin is restored, microblading looks very natural.


    Three main technologies

    with which eyebrows are corrected:

    • hair method,
    • combined,
    • blending is soft.

    The question itself, which will last longer, is not correct. One or another tattooing technology is chosen based on the effect they want to achieve. Then girls are interested in how long eyebrow tattoo lasts? You will find the answers in the article.

    Those who want to significantly change the shape of their eyebrows, for example, make them wider, choose the hair method. At the same time, the hairs are carefully drawn and the result is very similar to natural eyebrows. They become thicker and more beautiful. The vast majority of girls like it. Of course, guys sometimes resort to such tattoos. These are either actors, people of creative professions who need to look bright on camera, or teenagers.

    The hair method is good and appropriate if your eyebrows are naturally sparse, narrow and not the shape you want. If eyebrows are too light, we do not recommend tattooing in 2016, since bleached ones are in trend. It happens that eyebrows are somewhat asymmetrical. This is true for everyone, but for some it is not very pronounced, while for others it is obvious. Asymmetry can irritate a girl, and she uses the hair method to make them approximately the same.

    Thanks to the shading, which is done softly, the eyebrows look more voluminous and fluffy. The lines here are continuous. After everything heals, it will seem that the woman used a correction pencil a little.

    Stages of permanent eyebrow makeup

    The process may seem scary, but it's actually quite simple. Avoid alcohol, solarium and sunbathing in advance. First, the master cleanses the skin, models the arch and, if desired, applies anesthesia. After marking and choosing a shade, a machine with a small needle introduces pigment.


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    Hair technique

    Eyebrow hair tattooing can be done manually (microblading) or using a hardware method. I advise girls who have multiple gaps in hair growth or suffer from alopecia to pay attention to this technique. It is important to understand that this method is not at all suitable for girls with combination or oily skin, since after a few months the hairs will float and turn into a shadow. It is also worth abandoning the hair technique for owners of dry and thin skin - this is fraught with the appearance of scars.

    Eyebrow microblading is performed using a pen and a special attachment with needles. The pigment is introduced into the skin according to a certain pattern using hair-shaped incisions.

    Among the advantages of hair technology:

    • hairs fill gaps, look thin and natural;
    • the effect after microblading lasts longer than after hardware tattooing;

    Disadvantages of this method:

    • greater trauma than with hardware technology;
    • sometimes pain and swelling are possible;
    • complexity of artistic execution.

    You should sign up for such a procedure only with real professionals in their field to avoid unpleasant consequences: too deep incisions, scars, blurring of pigment or darkening.

    The hardware hair technique is less traumatic than the manual technique, which is why craftsmen use it more often. During the procedure, the machine creates a line using dozens of micro-punctures, so it is much easier to avoid scars. The hardware hair method allows you to achieve delicate and natural eyebrow makeup.

    Eyebrow care

    The specialist will give recommendations, taking into account your skin type and pigment depth. Basically, you shouldn’t wash your face for the first couple of days, and use chlorhexidine and cotton swabs for cleaning. You cannot rub or wipe anything, take a hot bath, go to the sauna or to the beach.

    You can apply healing and softening ointments so that the crusts do not dry out too much and go away faster. On hot days, be sure to protect your eyebrows from the sun. You shouldn't put sun block on them, but use glasses and a hat.


    Where can I do it?

    The tattooing procedure is taught quickly, so there are a lot of masters in this field. Before you decide to correct your eyebrows, you need to carefully choose a specialist. Many people work from home. Others provide this service in specialized salons or clinics. When choosing, pay attention not to the place, but to the experience of the person you trust with your face, look at examples of his work. Popular places in Moscow where most clients go are:

    • DeltaClinic;
    • Good Hands;
    • Mywaytattoo;
    • Style-salon.

    How eyebrows heal

    Swelling, irritation and redness practically disappear within a day, with the exception of those with overly sensitive skin. After another day, the shade becomes darker and brighter. After a couple of days, dry crusts form that cannot be peeled off or touched. They should come off on their own - this takes 5-7 days.

    After this, the shade of the makeup will lighten because it will be overgrown with a new stratum corneum of skin. The final result can be assessed after a few weeks. After about 1.5 months, correction is prescribed as necessary.


    How to extend the durability of a permanent

    In order for permanent eyebrow makeup to last longer, while maintaining the original shade and aesthetic appearance, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

    • Strictly adhere to the rules of post-procedure care. In the first few days after tattooing, protect the treatment area from moisture, direct UV rays, and mechanical influences. It is strictly forbidden to pick off the crusts that form during the healing process - the pigment will be removed along with them.
    • After the healing period is complete, avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This does not mean that you will have to give up active sunbathing or visiting a solarium - it is enough to first apply a sunscreen with a high degree of SPF protection to your skin.
    • Scrub the skin in the area where the tattoo is applied as little as possible, subject it to peeling and grinding.
    • Limit the use of acid-containing cosmetics, bleaching and lightening creams.
    • Avoid intense exercise in the gym, frequent visits to the sauna and swimming pool. Increased levels of moisture, steam, chemicals in water, and intense sweating accelerate the removal of pigment.
    • Adhere to the correction regimen recommended by the specialist.

    If the pigment is not fixed due to complete rejection by the body, it is impossible to correct the situation. In this case, you can correct your eyebrows using henna or special coloring compounds, or apply makeup using decorative cosmetics.

    Is eyebrow tattoo correction necessary?

    The first correction is carried out after the procedure to correct minor imperfections, correct the shape and final shade. At the same time, the master will evaluate how the healing went. The following corrections are made as the pigment fades, on average once every 1.5 years. They are usually faster, easier and cheaper than the first procedure.


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    Why are changes happening?

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    How long does eyebrow biotattoo last? As we found out, permanent makeup is a type of tattoo. It lasts a long time compared to simple coloring. How long does it take for eyebrow tattoos to fade? From 6 months to several years. It all depends on the depth of application and the client’s wishes. Moreover, for some women the color remains unchanged throughout the entire time, while for others it changes. Why is this happening? The answer is simple:

  • Experience and quality of work of the master.
  • Permanent makeup application technique.
  • Quality materials.
  • Physiology of the body.
  • Good eyebrow care after the procedure.
  • Exposure to sunlight, etc.
  • All these points can be considered in more detail and you can learn all the nuances of the eyebrow tattoo procedure.

    The master must be highly qualified. It would also be good to have work experience so as not to be the first “experimental” client. Therefore, it is best to carry out this procedure in a good beauty salon. Read the reviews before or just find out for yourself how and who carries out the permanent makeup procedure.

    It is worth paying attention to how the office is equipped, the mandatory presence of a couch, disposable materials and cleanliness in general. A professional master will conduct consultations and give advice on the shape and pigment that will suit you best. The master is also obliged to tell about all the consequences that may occur. Starting from redness and swelling, ending with something more serious. The specialist must also find out about the client’s illnesses. Also master:

  • He will tell you how the procedure will go step by step.
  • Can show the process on video.
  • He will definitely tell you who should not get a tattoo.
  • What methods of pain relief are there?
  • He will let you see the work license and quality certificates for all materials.
  • This is a really serious matter, and everything needs to be fully studied so that there are no negative consequences.

    Is it possible to remove permanent eyebrow makeup?

    If the procedure was unsuccessful or for some other reason you want to get rid of the permanent, there are two ways. It’s a long time to wait until the paint fades naturally and make corrections. A faster option is laser removal, but keep in mind that you will need a series of unpleasant procedures that can also take a year.


    Advantages and disadvantages of tattooing

    How permanent makeup is done, pros and cons.

    Positive sides:

    • perfect eyebrows that do not require care every day;
    • saving time;
    • changing the usual contour of the eyebrows.


    • after a permanent procedure, natural hair becomes weaker;
    • in case of errors by the master, the possibility of obtaining a result that is exactly the opposite of what was expected;
    • redness and damage to the skin after tattoo removal;
    • painful permanent procedures, both application and removal.

    Does it hurt?

    The answer to this question is clear – it hurts. Any type of makeup means repeated puncture of the skin with needles and it cannot be pleasant. But, as a rule, before permanent procedures, the surface of the skin is treated with painkillers such as gels or ointments with anesthetics.

    Of all the types of permanent makeup, the least painful is the powder spraying method, since the depth of the punctures is shallow and does not require filling the entire eyebrow area with paint as tightly as possible. It’s true that this coating lasts no more than a year or a year and a half.

    Contraindications for eyebrow tattooing

    No one is immune from individual sensitivity or intolerance. To determine whether you have allergies or problems with the skin’s perception of pigment, a small test is done.

    There are also standard contraindications for any tattoo - acute inflammation, poor blood clotting, malignant tumors, a tendency to form keloids, viruses, fungi, epilepsy. It is not recommended to get tattooed during pregnancy, while breastfeeding or at the beginning of your cycle. We advise you to consult your doctor in advance!


    How to prepare for the procedure?

    The day before the procedure, you should avoid drinking any alcohol-containing drinks, coffee or strong tea, which reduce the speed of blood flow. It is also necessary to stop taking antibiotics and blood thinners. Visiting solariums is prohibited.

    If you have allergic reactions, you should take an antihistamine on the day of the procedure. To strengthen the overall immunity of the body, you can take vitamin C, which you need to drink a week before tattooing.

    Since the permanent makeup technique is characterized by a violation of the integrity of the skin, its implementation is often characterized by such natural effects as inflammation, swelling and redness. In order for the skin around the eyebrows to return to normal, you need to wait from 2 to 7 days. Therefore, you should properly plan the time of the procedure.

    Also, on the eve of tattooing, you should avoid peeling, facial cleansing, injections or contouring. You should not drink a lot of water or take painkillers. Before the procedure, you can drink valerian, which will calm the nervous system.

    Permanent eyebrow makeup – before and after photos

    To help you finally decide whether you want to get your eyebrows done, and to understand what it looks like in real life, we have collected a large selection of before and after photos!







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    Features of a woman's body

    The characteristics of a woman’s body affect the service life.

    The immune system:

    • if it is weak, then it does not reject dyes for a long time.
    • strong promotes self-cleaning.

    Thin skin gets rid of drawn eyebrows faster, while thick skin helps maintain the original appearance.

    White skin is not suitable for tattooing, but dark skin lasts longer. You must tell the specialist if there is intolerance to the components.

    Why the permanent may not stick

    Why might the permanent not last? Hormones, diseases, skin properties affect resistance. The right technique helps.

    1. During the first week, the skin is not lubricated and the crust is not torn off.
    2. Using an antiseptic helps.
    3. The rejection of pigments by the body cannot be corrected unless correction and coloring are used.

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