Advantages and disadvantages of the drug Belotero for biorevitalization

Modern cosmetology has made a big step forward - it is now much easier to restore youth, without the need to resort to surgical intervention. Belotero fillers are an innovative monophasic drug with a thick structure; its use in contour plastic surgery allows solving the problems of age-related changes and correcting facial contours.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The fillers are made in Germany using the latest cohesive polycompacted matrix (CPM) technology, due to which the artificial preparation is combined with natural hyaluronic acid molecules. This achieves a more widespread effect and lengthens the effectiveness of the procedure.

General Product Information

Belotero injection fillers are presented in the form of intradermal gels based on cross-linked hyaluronic acid of synthetic origin and an additional component - phosphate buffer.

During a series of injections, the water balance in the cells of the dermis is normalized, which undergoes a number of changes with age.

The result is a natural “tension” of the skin and a smoothing of wrinkles. The phenomenon is due to the fact that hyaluronate is able to retain about 1000 water molecules near itself.

Subsequently, the substance penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium and forcibly triggers the production of collagen and elastin, which, as in the case of hydration, slow down over the years. Activation occurs extremely delicately, without negatively affecting the biological processes of the body.


Biorevitalizant and fillers from the Belotero series are produced by the German concern Merz Pharma. The company has been known since 2007. At the moment, it has branches in France, Spain, Russia, and Canada. The organization has recently included the American companies Bio Form Medica and Ulthera, and the Swiss company Neocutis & Anteis. The products of the German company are also produced under the brands Radiesse, Xeomin, and Glyton.

The largest German brand is focused on the aesthetic medicine industry, its priority areas are the creation of new products for skin rejuvenation along with the improvement of products that have already earned good reviews from customers around the world.

Overview of varieties

The line of fillers is produced by the German company Merz Pharma. The series is represented by several drugs, in which the component composition and focus on achieving certain results differ slightly.


Designed for course therapy for restoring skin turgor; after use, a slight peeling effect is observed.

Hydro is one of the products for biorevitalization and has a relatively low level of hyaluronic acid compared to others - 18 mg/ml.

Used to maintain skin tone in the neck, face and hands. The component composition is supplemented with glycerin, which significantly enhances the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid.


Another drug in the Belotero series with a low hyaluronate ratio - 20 mg/ml.

Soft is used in cosmetology for reinforcement in the neck area. Solves the problem of shallow wrinkles and scars near the lips and at the corners of the eyes.

It is possible to use the gel at the preparatory stage; it is used before injections with a thicker consistency.


The drug is injected into the middle and deep layers of the dermis to fill the intercellular space, as a result of which deep wrinkles disappear. The effect is achieved due to a higher concentration of hyaluron – 22.5 mg/ml.

The product is used mainly to solve problems of relief in the area of ​​the nasolabial area and between the eyebrows. It is possible to eliminate age wrinkles, facial and shallow scars.


Injections with Intens are recommended for people with pronounced furrows and creases in the skin in the forehead, neck and face as a whole.

It is possible to use the gel to enlarge the lips and give them the missing volume or correct the chin in case of disproportion to the oval of the face.

The concentration of the active substance is 25.5 mg/ml.


Volume is the leader among the drugs in the Belotero line in terms of density. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 26 mg/ml.

The filler is intended for facial reconstruction - filling sunken cheeks, sagging temples, as well as for sculpting the chin and cheekbones in case of insufficient volume in these areas.

For greater comfort during procedures, the manufacturer provides the presence of lidocaine in the composition.

Comparative table of drugs

CompoundCross-linked hyaluronic acid
Duration (in months)6-128-106-12918
Volume 1*1ml

The difference between CPM technology and other methods of cross-linking HA (hyaluronic acid)

The use of this unique technology of cross-linking hyaluronic acid molecules has made the brand's products unique. The process consists of several stages:

  • a combination of native HA (hyaluronic acid) molecules of high molecular weight (a dense gel is obtained);
  • expansion and stretching of the matrix and the formation of interstitial spaces;
  • adding unbound molecules into the spaces.

The result is a polydensified gel that has different densities and is able to maintain the elasticity of various tissues. The Belotero lines also differ in the consistency of the filler. A liquid gel is used to fill fine wrinkles, and a more elastic one is used for lip augmentation. These properties are also achieved thanks to the exclusive CPM technology developed for Belotero.

Indications for use

Depending on the drug, the indications for use vary.

  • HYDRO. Restoration of the skin in the face, neck, hands, and décolleté area.
  • SOFT. Elimination of wrinkles in the lip area, elimination of folds in areas with very thin dermis, fight against crow's feet.
  • BALANCE. Correction of lip contour, Correction of wrinkles in the perioral and periorbital areas.
  • INTENSE. Correction of deep wrinkles, facial modeling.
  • VOLUME. Volume restoration.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The Belotero filler is characterized by a pronounced lifting effect, at the same time, without complications in the form of fibrosis. In addition, the product not only eliminates wrinkles on the face, but restores the volume of tissue in the décolleté area and the back of the hands.

Popular questions

Is it possible to combine the use of Belotero fillers with drugs from other brands?

In some cases - yes. For example, you can inject Belotero gel into the nasolabial folds, and another drug under the eyes or forehead. However, you cannot enhance the effect of Belotero gel with fillers of another brand in the same part of the face or body if you are not satisfied with the result obtained. First you need to wait for the gel to biodegrade.

Is it possible to speed up the removal of gel from tissues?

There are no special medications for this, but intense exercise and a love of tanning can speed up the process.

Is there an addiction effect to Belotero fillers?

No, that's not true.

Why choose Belotero

A distinctive feature of fillers is that they are intended for injection exclusively into the upper layers of the dermis, which ensures the safety of the procedure and virtually no distortion of facial expressions.

The advantages also include:

  • there is no discomfort or feeling of foreignness (the drug is easily absorbed even by hypersensitive skin).
  • the end result is as close to natural as possible due to the uniform distribution of the gel.
  • There are no compactions or nodules in the corrected area.
  • minimal risk of side effects in the form of swelling, itching, redness and allergies, which is due to the cleaning of the drug during production using special innovative technologies.
  • high effectiveness - the effect of the procedure becomes noticeable immediately and can last throughout the year.


Hyaluronic acid, the main component of the filler, is produced by Merz Pharma using a patented technology for forming a CPM (cohesive polydensified matrix) in 5 stages:

  1. Preliminary purification of raw materials and production of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Pulling and aligning its chaotically located chains.
  3. Cross-linking of acid molecules to obtain a monophasic gel that is resistant to biodegradation.
  4. A new extension of molecules formed as a result of the previous stage.
  5. Repeated stitching and cleaning.

Uses hyaluronic acid using patented technology

Hyaluronic acid obtained by this method is not divided into large and small particles, as is usually the case, but is a homogeneous (homogeneous) gel with areas of single and double cross-linked acid of varying degrees of density. Thus, manufacturers kill three birds with one stone:

  • single cross-linked sections and homogeneity ensure easy penetration of the gel into tissues;
  • double stitched ones guarantee a long service life of the filler;
  • different densities contribute to a more uniform distribution of the gel in the internal structure of the dermis, which is heterogeneous in nature, and prevents its migration.

The characteristics of the resulting hyaluronic acid are as close as possible to the natural characteristics of the skin, so it is easily integrated into the tissue, and the risk of allergies or hematomas is negligible. According to research, no more than 5%.

The action of the acid is complemented by a phosphate buffer, which ensures the hydration of skin cells and the desired pH level. In addition, some drugs in the Belotero line contain lidocaine.

List of main contraindications

Rejuvenation and contouring procedures are not carried out if there are certain contraindications (some of which are temporary).

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Age category up to 18 years.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Keloid scars.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypersensitivity to the component composition of the drug (detected through a preliminary allergy test).
  • Chronic diseases in the acute phase (injections are possible with the consent of the doctor during remission).
  • Viral and infectious diseases accompanied by fever.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Herpes.
  • Diseases of fungal origin in the corrected area.
  • Oncology.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that Belotero preparations are safe to use, side effects after the procedure may still occur.

The reason in most cases lies in an incorrect medical history or inexperience of the doctor. Therefore, the client should inform the cosmetologist about known diseases in the necessary manner, and also pay attention to the selection of a specialist. It is advisable to read reviews about the clinic and staff.

Possible negative consequences are presented in a short list. But remember that if any discomfort occurs, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • Changes in the color of the skin at the sites where the gel is introduced (the shade becomes lighter).
  • Formation of compactions.
  • Identification of the contours of the product through the epidermis.
  • Fibrosis.
  • Tissue death when blood vessels are exposed to blood clots that form when a needle enters the capillaries.
  • Loss of skin sensitivity.

Video: Introduction of Belotero Soft and Balans fillers using a new technique

Merz Pharma's drugs combine scientific progress and high German quality - it is not for nothing that they are willingly certified in Europe and America. However, judging by the presence of a certain percentage of negative reviews, all this is not a guarantee of an excellent result. To make a final decision, find a good specialist and consult with him. Perhaps Belotero will be just the drug that will help solve your problems. Or maybe the doctor will select another filler that is more effective in your case.

Stages of the procedure

The chronology of the sequence of actions of a cosmetologist is standard for injection cosmetology, and the process itself is divided into several stages: preparatory, the correction session itself and subsequent rehabilitation.


Preparatory work before aesthetic correction does not present any difficulties. The cosmetologist talks about all the subtleties at the initial consultation.

Basically, recommendations include a ban on physical activity, the use of cosmetics, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking a couple of days before the event.

Administration technique

Fillers are injected into a fairly wide range of areas of the body: from lips and eyes to hands (this depends on the criticality of the skin condition and the desired result).

However, you should avoid injecting the gel into small vessels, capillary meshwork, muscle or close to bone, as well as in the area of ​​the mammary glands and lower eyelid.

The contour injections themselves are carried out using the canal method, which allows you to experience virtually no discomfort during the session.

Biorevitalization is performed through the formation of papules under the skin - peculiar “containers” for dermal filler.

Process description

  1. Introductory conversation with the patient, identification of the corrected area and determination of the injection technique.
  2. Treating the skin with a disinfectant.
  3. When injecting the drug into particularly sensitive areas, an anesthetic cream is first applied (lidocaine may be used). You can also ask for this individually.
  4. Demonstration by the doctor of the package with filler, checking the expiration dates, opening and subsequent injection of the drug into the epidermis.
  5. Repeated treatment with antiseptic.

Duration of action

Basically, the biorevitalization process takes about half an hour; a similar time is required to correct minor facial relief defects. Larger contour plastic surgery takes from 1 to 2 hours.

Neutralize the effect

The result obtained with drugs based on hyaluronic acid can be corrected by injecting a neutralizing substance under the skin. Don't try to do this yourself. Actions may make the situation worse. The doctor corrects the negative effect with microdoses of a special substance (lidase, hyaluronidase).

A large volume of the drug can completely neutralize the result. To smooth out the effect, doctors also use hardware physiotherapy. Microcurrents and darsonval will speed up the leveling of achievements.

Photos before and after

Healing period

The rehabilitation period after injections with Belotero is short.
Immediately after the event, swelling and slight redness may form on the skin, which will disappear without a trace in the next few hours (maximum within a day). To avoid complications, you need to follow a number of recommendations for 5-7 days.

  • Do not visit the sauna, gym or solarium, because sweat, high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation cause irritation of the epithelium.
  • It is worth sticking to a healthy diet, eliminating fatty foods and alcohol from your diet. It is better to give up smoking for a while.

Comparison with other drugs

Drug nameCompany nameManufacturer countryHA concentration (mg/ml)Duration of effect (in months)Price, rub.)
BeloteroMerz PharmaGermany18; 20; 22,5; 25,5; 26Up to 124000-12000
Teosial (DeepLine)TEOXANE SASweden251210900
AquashineCaregenco LTDSouth Korea156-123200-4100
HyaluformToscani LaboratoryRussia10; 18; 252-97000
JuvedermAllerganUSA13,5; 15; 17,5; 20; 243-124100-11300

Belotero contouring price

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Belotero Balance 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 17,500
Belotero Intense 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 16,500
Belotero Soft 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 15,500
Belotero Volume 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 21,500
Lips Contour+Lips Shape 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 18,500

Opinion of cosmetologists

Belotero is in demand among cosmetologists due to its ease of use, minimal risks and natural effect.

A doctor from St. Petersburg talks about the softness of the drug:

A specialist talks about his experience and shares his observations regarding several fillers in the line:

Here the cosmetologist reveals his cards on how to eliminate the unwanted result:

A specialist’s opinion on the possibility of using the drug on relatively young facial skin:

Patient reviews

Here's what you can read in reviews from clients of beauty salons and clinics. This woman is more than happy with the way Belotero Soft filler worked on her crow's feet and wrinkles on her neck.

This patient had her smile corrected using fillers.

But the drug left this girl nothing but disappointment.

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