Characteristics of preparations for skin biorevitalization

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: September 28, 2022

Review date: November 24, 2022

Biorevitalization is a procedure that instantly transforms the skin. From dry and lifeless, it will literally turn before your eyes into fresh, filled with youth, energy and beauty.

Biorevitalization is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology. The name of this technique literally means “natural revitalization.” Biorevitalization helps improve the appearance of the skin, as well as slow down the process of its withering.

The technique involves the subcutaneous administration of drugs based on hyaluronic acid or other substances using thin needles or devices, which allows you to adjust cellular metabolism and recreate the extracellular matrix characteristic of a young body. The natural processes of regeneration and cleansing of the skin, its intensive hydration and nutrition are stimulated.

But it is worth remembering that biorevitalization is still not an ageless procedure. Its most optimal use is in the age range of 25–50 years. The older a person gets, the more difficult it is to compensate for the lack of hyaluronic acid in the skin; here it is already necessary to use other methods of skin rejuvenation.

Types of biorevitalization

Initially, biorevitalization was carried out only through injections. But over time, the technology of the procedure was improved. Now there are different types of biorevitalization.

Injection biorevitalization

Hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using an ultra-thin needle. For pain relief, either special creams are first applied to the skin, or the drug contains lidocaine, a painkiller that has been proven over the years.

Non-injection biorevitalization (hardware)

Non-injection biorevitalization makes it possible to deliver hyaluronic acid deep enough into the basal layer of the epidermis without the need to cause any damage to the skin.

Laser biorevitalization

In fact, this is also a non-injection method, but it is distinguished separately because the laser has an additional effect on the condition of the skin. So, laser:

  • improves blood microcirculation, which increases the flow of nutrients and oxygen;
  • additionally stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • corrects minor flaws - uneven microrelief, post-acne.

Laser biorevitalization uses low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which better stimulates the activity of fibroblasts compared to high molecular weight. It reaches the cells to a depth of 4 mm and is distributed as evenly as possible.

This method of facial biorevitalization has a pronounced effect, has a minimum of contraindications (can be performed even on inflamed skin) and practically does not cause complications.

Indications for facial biorevitalization with peptides

  • decreased skin tone, loss of elasticity;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • formation of folds and creases;
  • “tired” skin;
  • gray complexion;
  • pigmentation, vascular network;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • peeling;
  • tendency to inflammation;
  • post-acne;
  • blurry contour of the lower third of the face;
  • bags, dark circles under the eyes;
  • wide pores.
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Preparations for biorevitalization

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid (the procedure is intended to moisturize the skin)

For the procedure, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are used. Injections allow you to moisturize the skin and activate natural biochemical processes in tissues. Hyaluronic acid is a natural moisturizer, so rejection of drugs based on it does not occur. Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid also activates the process of collagen and elastin production. Due to this, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

Peptide biorevitalization (promotes rejuvenation)

Peptides are special protein substances that trigger the process of cell renewal and restoration of their structure. Thus, peptide biorevitalization promotes rejuvenation.

Skinboosters (injections of stabilized hyaluronic acid)

These are injectable preparations that use stabilized hyaluronic acid - the molecules in the preparation are interconnected. Thanks to this, skin boosters have a long-lasting effect of moisturizing, smoothing wrinkles and lifting tissue.

Is rehabilitation needed? How long does the effect last?

After the procedure, medicinal cosmetics are applied to the face, which has a calming effect. It also strengthens the effect of hyaluronic acid.

The doctor assesses the condition of the skin and gives recommendations for care at home. They are standard:

  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for two days
  • Postpone physical activity, trips to the bathhouse, solarium, beach for 2 weeks
  • Do not drink alcohol for 2-3 days after the procedure
  • Try to drink as much clean water as possible
  • Wash with mild cleansers
  • Treat your face with the prescribed antiseptic

Biorevitalization gives a quick result, but how long it will last depends on heredity, the woman’s age, and the nature of the problems. On average, the effect of the procedure is noticeable within 6–12 months. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times. The quantity depends on the goals of biorevitalization:

  • preventive - 1–2 procedures;
  • therapeutic – from 5 sessions.

The interval is usually 2–4 weeks, more precisely determined by the doctor. Then, to maintain youthful skin, it is necessary to repeat facial biorevitalization every six months.

Advantages of bioreparation over classical biorevitalization

  • Complete painlessness and comfort;
  • No multiple punctures on the surface of the skin;
  • Enhanced protection against injury to the epidermis and capillaries;
  • Accelerated onset of results;
  • Possibility of combination with other procedures within one visit to the doctor.

Effects of bioreparation

  • Intensive nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • Stimulating healthy skin - natural glow, blush and density;
  • Lightening of age spots and freckles (with the use of appropriate medications);
  • Balancing the work of the sebaceous glands, reducing oily shine, reducing inflammation (acne) - when working with mesotherapy drugs;
  • Light skin lifting;
  • Increasing skin resistance to destructive age-related changes.

Combination with other procedures

Classic biorevitalization can be combined with other procedures as part of a rejuvenation program, at certain intervals (2-3 weeks) and according to a certain course.

, other procedures can be performed within one visit ! Bioreparation is often completed with superficial chemical peeling (which is unacceptable in the case of classical biorevitalization), due to which the overall healing and rejuvenating effect is enhanced.

Bioreparation goes well with contour plastic surgery and a number of hardware procedures.

Many patients ask questions regarding compatibility with botulinum toxin injections. We answer: if you have Botox in the areas of “crow’s feet” or in the forehead, any option of biorevitalization in these areas is undesirable. It can shorten the duration of action of botulinum toxins.

Biorevitalization is a universal option for rejuvenating and maintaining skin in excellent condition. Contact a competent cosmetologist so that the procedure and its effect will bring you pleasure and satisfaction.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The main advantage of the procedure is that it can very quickly change the quality of the skin. Literally before our eyes, a transformation occurs: tired, dehydrated, dull skin instantly comes to life. If you look at the photos of patients before and after the procedure, the difference is enormous. It's like two different people.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

In addition, microtraumatization of the skin through injections or hardware helps to trigger the synthesis of collagen and elastin - the main building materials of the skin matrix, thanks to which it remains firm and elastic.

Many modern drugs used for biorevitalization also contain substances that have lifting, anti-inflammatory, healing and smoothing effects. Thanks to this, the skin tightens and various skin defects disappear.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that it is effective until a certain age. In older age groups, laser, radio frequency and thread technologies are effective.

Possible complications and side effects

Immediately after the procedure, the patient may experience redness of the skin, discomfort at the injection sites, and swelling. These are temporary phenomena that should not cause concern.

Undesirable consequences will bypass you if the procedure was performed by a professional doctor and you followed his recommendations during the recovery period. When using a low-quality drug, inexperience of the doctor, or violation of the doctor’s instructions, the following may occur:

  • inflammation;
  • noticeable swelling, long-lasting itching;
  • impaired skin sensitivity.

Allergic reactions vary from person to person. Sometimes they cannot be predicted. If the patient reacts to the drug, the doctor changes the biorevitalizant or prescribes another injection or hardware method of rejuvenation.

Recovery after peptide biorevitalization

  1. It is necessary to use skin care products prescribed by a cosmetologist.
  2. Until the punctures heal, do not touch your face with dirty hands.
  3. In the first days you cannot go to the solarium, bathhouse, or swimming pool.
  4. It is advisable to avoid intense physical activity.
  5. You can't steam your face.
  6. Cold compresses are not recommended.
  7. You cannot stay in the sun without applying cream with SPF (cosmetologists recommend buying products with SPF 50).

Biorevitalization at A Clinic

At A Clinic, the best and most modern drugs are used for biorevitalization.

Thus, the Swiss drug Profhilo contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid obtained through a bacterial fermentation process and belongs to the “Highest Quality” class.

The drug is based on hyaluronic acid with low and high molecular weight in equal proportions. This is a special hybrid technology developed and patented by scientists from the world-famous Swiss company IBSA. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and gives a reinforcing effect. High molecular weight – improves local blood circulation, stimulates the production of your own collagen, and provides tissue lifting. This is achieved due to the accumulation of water molecules around the high molecular weight acid. This formula is called hydrolift.

Profhilo activates the vital activity of not only fibroblasts and keratinocytes, but also adipocytes (fat cells), supports their viability, which leads to the restoration of its own subcutaneous fat, the deficiency of which is determined with age.

High fluidity allows the components of the drug to freely pass through the subcutaneous tissue and dermis, which is not possible with traditional fillers with hyaluronic acid. Profhilo is ideal for introduction into anatomically complex areas - forehead, neck, submandibular areas. Profhilo smoothes out skin defects well, for example, post-acne scars or after chickenpox.

100% pure hyaluronic acid is also contained in the line of products for contouring from Italian and Swiss scientists Neauvia Organic.

This hyaluronic acid is extracted from the bacterium Bacillus Subtilis, which is probiotic and non-pathogenic to humans. The purer the hyaluronic acid, the lower the risk of its rejection by the body. In addition, the scientists who developed the Newvia Organic line of organic fillers decided to use a new cross-linking agent - PEG (polyethylene glycol) polymer. It is widely known and has long been used in the pharmaceutical and medical markets, is non-toxic, and completely decomposes in tissues. PEG helps the filler stay in the skin for a long time. Does not cause adverse reactions. It is PEG that makes the Newvia Organic line of drugs the most biocompatible with the human body. Their tissue rejection is reduced to almost zero. PEG reduces inflammation and granuloma formation.

At certain temperatures that can be reached during procedures in aesthetic hardware cosmetology, such as exposure to laser, ultrasound, and others, traditional hyaluronic acid filler begins to break down. But not Nyuvia fillers. PEG makes the acid much more resistant to heat without limiting the range of aesthetic treatments.

Newvia fillers also have amazing elasticity and plasticity. That is, the ability to change shape and size under the influence of external loads and maintain them or return to their original position. Therefore, each filler in the line adapts to the patient’s existing anatomical structures and at the same time maintains the required shape for long-term aesthetic correction. Nuvia fillers are able to create the desired volume without causing compression of surrounding tissue, thus always providing natural-looking results.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, Newvia Organic contains calcium hydroxyapatite. This naturally occurring mineral triggers the formation of new collagen in the skin. As a result, the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin improves, acquiring the ideal double effect of volume and hydration.

The peptide drug Aquashine is capable of slowing down the aging of the dermis at the cellular level.

Peptides are organic substances that regulate the condition of cells. When introduced into the body, they force cells to work correctly. The effect of restoration of the affected organ or tissue occurs due to the normalization of work at the cellular level. Aquashine preparations contain several peptides. For example, Acetyl Decapeptide-3 activates the production of fibroblasts. Oligopeptide-24 improves skin regeneration, increases collagen production, improves tone, and reduces scars. Oligopeptide-34 stops the aging process, fills skin cells with energy, and reduces the appearance of pigmentation. Oligopeptide-72 prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes the skin. Oligopeptide-23 improves metabolism. Oligopeptide-51 shrinks pores and stimulates the formation of elastin.

In addition to peptides, the line’s preparations contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins, including 9 representatives of group B, vitamins C, A, E, K and I (inositol), 24 amino acids, coenzymes, nucleic acids, and minerals.

Hyaluronic acid is contained in Aquashine preparations in two forms - high molecular weight and low molecular weight. At the same time, high molecular weight acid helps transport peptides into the layers of the skin and their accumulation, while low molecular weight acid quickly saturates the skin with moisture and serves as a “transport” for other components.

Vitamins nourish and restore cells, amino acids supply building material for fibroblasts - cells that synthesize collagen and elastin. Coenzymes transport nutrients to cells and activate their defense and division. Nucleic acids are needed to update DNA, and minerals are needed to improve metabolic processes.

The drug from the American company Allergan Juvederm is already a golden classic of hyaluronic skin rejuvenation.

It is suitable for biorevitalization of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. In addition to moisturizing, Juvederm has a healing, restorative, and anti-inflammatory effect. Contains the antioxidant mannitol, which enhances the effect of hyaluronic acid up to three times. The special formula provides effective prevention of skin aging and eliminates signs of aging, tightens the skin well, and restores its turgor. At the same time, Juvederm injections eliminate peeling, enlarged pores, age spots, uneven color, fine wrinkles, and scars.

Thanks to Juvederm, dull, dull skin with signs of sagging and fatigue becomes fresh, radiant and youthful again.

The American biofiller based on hyaluronic acid Restylane can also be called a classic of the genre.

Restylane is especially effective in correcting wrinkles in the forehead, at the outer corner of the eye, on the bridge of the nose and in the nasolabial folds. The drug is also used to correct the shape of the lips. Several effects are achieved here. Firstly, the drug smoothes the skin of the lips, removing small wrinkles that appear with age. Secondly, it corrects the shape of the lips. Thirdly, it is able to increase their volume. Due to Restylane injections, lips not only become fuller, but also acquire a clear contour.

Restylane does not have any adverse effects on the skin, and therefore is often used by patients as a preventative against the appearance of fine wrinkles already at the age of 25-30.

Dermal filler from the German company Merz Pharma Belotero consists of hyaluronic acid molecules stitched together into a mesh polymer, which increases its ability to retain more moisture and start skin renewal processes many times faster.

The drug is ideal for patients with very sensitive skin. A unique feature of Belotero is that, due to its dense structure, it is able to model the contours of the face and neck, removing gravitational ptosis, that is, drooping of facial tissues, and smoothing out neck wrinkles.

Fillers from the Belotero line, in particular, perfectly correct the areas of the cheeks, chin, area around the eyes or forehead, ideal for increasing volume or changing the shape of the lips.

Before and after photos



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