Belotero soft blanching with fillers. How it’s done, price, reviews from patients, cosmetologists

Belotero (Belotero) is a German filler based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. When developing the drug, a unique cohesive-polydensified matrix technology from Merz Aesthetics was used. This allows the product to work equally effectively at any depth of injection. Belotero filler can smooth out wrinkles, create a clear oval face, moisturize and nourish the dermis, and also increase the volume of the lips.

The drug has passed all stages of clinical trials and is absolutely safe for use. Now in Russia there are 7 types of the drug with different properties and compositions.

The difference between CPM technology and other methods of cross-linking HA (hyaluronic acid)

The use of this unique technology of cross-linking hyaluronic acid molecules has made the brand's products unique. The process consists of several stages:

  • a combination of native HA (hyaluronic acid) molecules of high molecular weight (a dense gel is obtained);
  • expansion and stretching of the matrix and the formation of interstitial spaces;
  • adding unbound molecules into the spaces.

The result is a polydensified gel that has different densities and is able to maintain the elasticity of various tissues. The Belotero lines also differ in the consistency of the filler. A liquid gel is used to fill fine wrinkles, and a more elastic one is used for lip augmentation. These properties are also achieved thanks to the exclusive CPM technology developed for Belotero.

Execution technique

The peculiarity of the blanching technique with hyaluronic filler is that the injections are performed as superficially as possible and with a special thin needle, including in anatomically dangerous areas where conventional fillers are simply not used.

This is the skin around the eyes, lips, forehead, neck, décolleté. Hyaluronic acid is injected directly under the wrinkle, not only straightening the wrinkle, gently and naturally filling it, but also forming a moisture depot in the tissue, which activates self-rejuvenation processes.

The technique is used on different areas of the skin, the drug acts gently, the only drawback is the lightening of skin tone in the course of injections. Hyaluronic filler is administered in two ways: subcutaneously and intradermally.

The first involves filling the intercellular space with straightening skin creases and tightening the contour. The second is injected into the cells themselves, smoothing out only superficial shallow wrinkles.

Belotero Balance

Belotero filler is characterized by a high degree of safety and good tolerability in all patients. The drug is available with lidocaine to reduce pain during the procedure. According to customer reviews, the procedure is almost imperceptible. Belotero is designed to replenish missing skin volume. Able to fill nasolabial folds, eyebrows, middle wrinkles, enlarge lips and hide scars. Injected into the upper and middle layers of the dermis.


  • sodium hyaluronate with a hyaluron concentration of 22.5 mg/ml;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride 3 mg.


The manufacturer has developed several types of fillers and biorevitalizant. Each drug has its own scope of application:

  • Belotero Hydro stands apart in the entire line of anti-aging products. The drug is not a filler. Biorevitalization with Belotero “Hydro” – moisturizes the skin as much as possible. Hydro gel improves the color and tone of the face, restores vibrant shine and elasticity, and has a preventive effect against wrinkles;
  • Belotero Soft is used to correct the delicate and quickly fading area around the eyes, and is also used to eliminate fine circular wrinkles on the neck, small folds in the forehead and mouth. Good reviews of Belotero “Soft” biorevitalization prove the effectiveness of the gel at the first signs of wilting;
  • Belotero Balance has a more powerful effect and is used to combat moderate wrinkles. “Balance” removes small scars, wrinkles between the eyebrows, in the nasolabial triangle, in the corners of the mouth;
  • Belotero Intense contains a higher amount of hyaluronate and is suitable for more extensive facial correction. The gel replenishes the volume of deep wrinkles, restores the contour of the chin and makes the oval of the face more expressive;
  • Belotero Volume. Of all the products in this series available to Russian customers, this one provides maximum efficiency. This is the most powerful drug for non-surgical plastic surgery. If Belotero “Soft” is recommended for light correction, then Volum will help to radically change the contours of the face, restoring it to its former youth and attractiveness.

Belotero Hydro

Moisturizing filler from Merz Pharma, with a dynamically cross-linked hyaluronic acid molecule in its composition, will revitalize the skin, making it firmer, more elastic and fresh. Used as a prevention of early wrinkles, in autumn and spring for powerful rehydration. Can be used on the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

The hyaluronic acid in the composition quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, restoring the water balance. As a result, the skin becomes naturally moisturized, radiance appears, the removal of toxins is accelerated, collagen is synthesized faster, and a lifting effect is created. For the rejuvenating effect, Belotero Hydro contains glycerin.

It is recommended to do such injections from the age of 25 at intervals of 1-2 times a year. For quick results, you need to complete a course of 3 months (3 injections).


  • hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 18 mg/ml;
  • glycerol - 21 mg/ml.


Biorevitalizant and fillers from the Belotero series are produced by the German concern Merz Pharma. The company has been known since 2007. At the moment, it has branches in France, Spain, Russia, and Canada. The organization has recently included the American companies Bio Form Medica and Ulthera, and the Swiss company Neocutis & Anteis. The products of the German company are also produced under the brands Radiesse, Xeomin, and Glyton.

The largest German brand is focused on the aesthetic medicine industry, its priority areas are the creation of new products for skin rejuvenation along with the improvement of products that have already earned good reviews from customers around the world.

Belotero Intense

This is a viscous transparent gel that is designed to fill voids in the skin, replenish volume and contour. Belotero eliminates signs of “depression” and fatigue, glabellar and nasolabial creases, fills scars and deep wrinkles. With the help of Belotero Intense, you can create a clear oval face, increase cheekbones, lengthen the chin, and create harmonious facial features. You can also use filler to increase the volume of your lips.

This line is injected into the middle and deep layers of the skin to create volume and fill age wrinkles.


  • cross-linked hyaluron molecules 25.5 mg/ml;
  • phosphate buffer 1 ml.

Composition of the drug

The main component is monophasic hyaluronic acid, the additional component is phosphate buffer. Hyaluronic acid molecules are the same size, cross-linked and form a dense mesh.

Thanks to its structure, one molecule of the substance is capable of holding up to 1000 molecules of water, providing lasting and deep hydration of skin cells. The phosphate buffer prevents oxidation of the main component.

Belotero Soft

Biorevitalization with Belotero is done using the Soft line. This gel perfectly penetrates the upper layers of tissue to accurately correct imperfections. Suitable for preventing age-related changes, eliminating small creases, facial wrinkles and crow's feet. To achieve maximum effect, it is used in parallel with Belotoro Balance.

Filler cannot be used on the skin of the lower eyelid. After inserting the implant, no lumps remain; a light massage is used to ensure even distribution.


  • sodium hyaluronate 20 mg/ml;
  • phosphate buffer 1 ml.

Possible complications

Despite the popularity and widespread use of blanching, this procedure can be dangerous and have negative consequences.

They can appear for several reasons:

  • low qualifications of the cosmetologist who performed the session;
  • low-quality drug;
  • ignoring contraindications;
  • non-compliance with skin care rules after the procedure.

Complications after blanching may appear immediately or after some time. The long-term effect of the drug extends both to the effect after the procedure and to the risk of side effects.

Delayed side effects may appear after a few months:

  • stony edema;
  • local redness in affected areas;
  • local increase in skin temperature.

The reason for such manifestations has not yet been precisely clarified. There are several assumptions, one of the main ones is the reaction of the immune system to the presence of a foreign substance in the body. Also cited as one of the reasons is the use of drugs of different brands and compositions during repeated sessions, the interaction of which gives such a result.

Primary moderate complications are also possible immediately after filler injection:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • contouring;
  • improper distribution of filler;
  • change in skin tone at the injection site;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • formation of nodules;
  • malar edema.

Minor complications in the absence of proper attention and care can cause more serious damage: tissue necrosis, disruption of the integrity of the vascular system and occlusion of the retina.

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Belotero Volume

One of the most popular implants from a German company. He received the “Best Filler of the Year” award at the European Congress in Paris. Five-step cross-linking and purification of hyaluronic acid molecules makes this gel as homogeneous and easily digestible as possible. Volum contains a high concentration of HA - 26 mg/ml, the effect of which lasts for one and a half years.

Belotero Volume is used to correct deep wrinkles, modeling temples, Jolie angles, chin and cheekbones. The composition contains virtually no protein or endotoxins, which reduces the chances of an allergic reaction to almost zero. Reviews about Belotero Volume are only positive; patients note the natural smoothness of the lines and volume after injection with the drug.


  • hyaluronic molecules with a concentration of 20 mg/ml;
  • solution with pH 7 - 1 ml.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Belotero gel has a dense structure and is effective for rejuvenating and corrective procedures.

Both specialists and clients are satisfied with the quality and effect of using the product.

Svetlana, Moscow I have been working with the Belotero brand for 4 years. During this time, I completely abandoned other fillers. It suits clients perfectly - I have never seen strong side effects. The drug has a pleasant texture, it is easy and convenient to work with even for a beginner who is just getting his hands on.

Anna, St. Petersburg Having tried several hyaluronic preparations, I chose this one. I like that it is suitable for all skin types, for correcting acne scars on young skin. The gel is evenly distributed and provides a lasting effect.

Patient opinions

Tatyana, 50 years old I have been using Belottery gel for 3 years, before that I injected other drugs. I like this brand better: it is easier to tolerate, not as painful, and the effect lasts for almost a year.

Irina, 35 years old I had my first procedure a year and a half ago - I wanted to remove acne scars on my cheeks. I'm happy with the result - it lasted more than 1 year. Now I'm going to do it again. I liked that after Belotero fillers the swelling goes away quickly and there are no unpleasant sensations such as tightness and itching.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Belotero belongs to a new generation of fillers that can be used safely by almost all patients. Depending on the problem and wishes of the client, a drug is selected. Main indications for the use of implants:

  • unclear facial contour;
  • asymmetry;
  • age and expression wrinkles;
  • scars;
  • skin dehydration.

Contraindications include diabetes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Patients with sensitive, allergy-prone skin are allowed to receive Belotero injections.

What it is?

Belotero is an effective intradermal drug for contouring. Its subcutaneous administration allows you to correct the shape of the face, make the skin smoother and more elastic, and fill voids.

With its help they carry out:

  • Contour plastic surgery, filling wrinkles.
  • Intensive skin hydration.
  • Lip contouring and lip augmentation.
  • Elimination of cosmetic defects - disorders of skin texture and scars after acne, injuries.
  • Elimination of expression wrinkles under the eyes.

Belotero can be used not only for the face - it is often used for the skin of the hands and neck.

The manufacturer of the product is the German company Merz Pharma, a well-known brand of products for youth and beauty, and health products.

Carrying out the injection

The beauty injection procedure with Belotero always begins with collecting the patient’s medical history. Afterwards, the drug is selected according to skin type and depending on the desired effect. The cosmetologist removes makeup with professional products, disinfects the skin and, if necessary, applies preliminary application anesthesia.

The package with Belotero filler must be opened directly in front of the client. Afterwards, the specialist begins the procedure, performing injections using a suitable technique. During the procedure, the specialist massages the skin to distribute the drug evenly.

At the end, the skin is wiped again with disinfectants.


It is necessary because the procedure is invasive and is carried out in three stages:

  • medical history excluding allergies and contraindications, drawing up a blanching plan taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • development of a care algorithm during rehabilitation with the selection of specific cosmetics;
  • additional measures to prepare the skin for the procedure - resurfacing, chemical peeling, dermabrasion or laser use.

Two days before the session, alcohol, smoking, exposure to the open sun, and makeup are excluded.

Recommendations after Belotero injections

In order to see the maximum effect of the injection, it is recommended to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Minimize the use of decorative cosmetics during the skin healing period.
  2. For several days after the manipulation, wipe the skin with an antiseptic solution (as prescribed by the doctor).
  3. Temporarily limit physical activity and visits to baths, saunas, and beaches.
  4. Do not drink alcohol for several days after injections.

The cosmetologist gives additional individual recommendations to each patient directly at the appointment.

Comparison with analogues

NameHomeland of the brandNumber of drugs in the lineHyaluronic acid contentDuration of action
BeloteroGermany518-264-12 months
FilorgaFrance55-233-10 months
Juvederm (Yuvederm)France6241-1.5 years
PrincessAustria4236 months-1 year
RejeunesseSouth Korea4248 months-1.5 years
Restylane (Restylane)Sweden5206 months-1 year
StylageFrance916-264-12 months
SuccessIsrael518-261 year-16 months
Teosyal (Teoseal)Switzerland715-252-18 months

Pros and cons of the procedure

The big advantage of using it is that there is no need to carry out allergy tests. After the procedures, patients experience virtually no swelling. The result can be seen immediately after the manipulation, and it will improve every day. Belotero fillers have all the necessary quality certificates and the results of clinical studies. According to reviews, the effect is longer lasting in comparison with other implants of the same effect.

The only downside is that the injections are slightly painful.

Side effects

At the initial consultation, the cosmetologist must inform the client about possible adverse reactions that may occur after the injection procedure.

What are the side effects of Belotero soft:

  1. Minor bleeding may occur during filler injection. It disappears on its own, without additional manipulation.

  2. Possible oteclocal nature along with injection under the skin. It is considered normal when this side effect lasts up to 7 days.
  3. When punctures occur, redness occurs. This side effect is noticed in 95% of clients. It lasts from 3 to 7 days.
  4. The occurrence of allergies is the active component.
  5. Small swelling may occur during injections.
  6. Discoloration of the skin area where the procedure was performed.
  7. Itching at the site of filler injection (occurs in 5% of cases).
  8. Any side effects should go away within 7 days. If this does not happen, or pain occurs, then you should contact a specialist for help.

Belotero soft is a drug that will allow for facial contouring. The filler collects positive feedback from patients. It copes well with shallow wrinkles and is able to remove small defects and the consequences of injuries.

Belotero contouring price

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Belotero Balance 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 17,500
Belotero Intense 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 16,500
Belotero Soft 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 15,500
Belotero Volume 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 21,500
Lips Contour+Lips Shape 1.0 ml Introduction of an artificial implant into soft tissuesRUB 18,500

What examinations need to be completed

Blanching in cosmetology has its own contraindications, so before the procedure you need to make sure that they are absent. This must be done even if there is confidence in the absence of such pathologies. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpleasant.

First of all, you should make sure that there is no pregnancy. To do this, you will need to be tested for hCG, a hormone that is produced only by a fertilized egg.

The analysis is carried out by examining venous blood. It is better to take it in the morning on an empty stomach, and the last meal should be no later than 8-12 hours. The cost of the study is from 250 rubles. You can also buy pregnancy test strips at any pharmacy; their price ranges from 50 to 500 rubles.

You also need to make sure there is no diabetes and other pathologies of the endocrine system. To do this, you should visit an endocrinologist and undergo a full examination.
In this case, he will most likely prescribe the following tests:

  • glucose tolerance test (price from 200 rubles);
  • general blood test (from 150 rub.);
  • biochemical blood test (from 150 rubles);
  • test for C-peptide (from 300 rubles).

Some tests can be taken free of charge at your local clinic. In addition, before the procedure, you can take a complex of vitamins in order to boost immunity and improve the functioning of the immune system.

To find out the level of blood clotting, you need to donate blood for a coagulogram, which reflects a number of important indicators. Blood is drawn in the morning on an empty stomach. The cost of analysis is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Blanching is a rather serious procedure and it is worth taking the preparation for it very seriously. Especially if it is being done for the first time. When you visit a cosmetologist again, you don’t have to undergo a full examination, but only get tested for those indicators that might have changed. For example, blood sugar levels.

Popular questions

Is it possible to combine the use of Belotero fillers with drugs from other brands?

In some cases - yes. For example, you can inject Belotero gel into the nasolabial folds, and another drug under the eyes or forehead. However, you cannot enhance the effect of Belotero gel with fillers of another brand in the same part of the face or body if you are not satisfied with the result obtained. First you need to wait for the gel to biodegrade.

Is it possible to speed up the removal of gel from tissues?

There are no special medications for this, but intense exercise and a love of tanning can speed up the process.

Is there an addiction effect to Belotero fillers?

No, that's not true.

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