Genyalift from Genyal is an effective new generation drug for biorevitalization

GENYAL is an innovative line of injectable products aimed at providing a comprehensive solution to aesthetic skin problems. The use of these products allows for an individual multi-stage approach to the prevention and correction of age-related skin changes, as well as “beautification”

faces of young patients.

The drugs in this line are effective, safe, and allow you to obtain fairly long-lasting and lasting results. Their use in practical cosmetology fully meets the requirements of both specialists and patients!

SWITCH technology used in production

is the result of almost 10 years of scientific work by scientists from the
Xcelence SA
(Switzerland) in the direction of stabilizing HA and homogenizing gels.

The revolutionary SWITCH technology for ordered volumetric “cross-linking” of HA molecules includes two successive stages:

  1. first, the chains of hyaluronic acid are aligned, arranged parallel to each other and stitched together “in the same plane,” forming layers;
  2. then volumetric stitching of parallel layers is carried out with each other using cross-links - a structure resembling a sandwich is obtained

The result is a unique SWITCH framework structure that is highly homogeneous and contains minimal amounts of BDDE. This structure is elastic and resistant to the action of hyaluronidase.

The main advantages of GENYAL drugs

  • High efficiency, predictable results
  • Safety - low endotoxic level <0.05 EU/g
  • Natural appearance after the procedure
  • Ease and convenience of use
  • Optimal hydration capacity: no early or late edema, good tolerability
  • No anesthetics in the formulations (minimal risk of developing delayed allergic reactions).
  • Long-term effect and prolonged visible results from 8 to 18 months
  • Patient satisfaction with the result of the procedure
  • Ease of storage and transportation: the drugs are heat-stable and do not require a cold chain.

Procedures using Genyal: features and contraindications.

The preparations do not contain any animal products, so the risk of an allergic reaction is minimal. Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned and an anesthetic cream is applied. The drug is administered by injection with very thin needles. The number of injections is calculated individually depending on the nature of the problem and the desired result. One procedure lasts from 15 minutes to 1 hour. The number and frequency of procedures may also vary.

The first changes are visible immediately after the end of the procedure; it is better to evaluate the final result a little later. For several hours after the procedure, there may be slight swelling and redness at the injection sites. It is recommended not to use cosmetics (including skincare) for three to four days, not to drink alcohol, not to visit the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool, and to refrain from physical activity. The effect of Genyal drugs lasts from 3 months to several years.

The procedure also has contraindications. It is not recommended for people under 18 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Colds, fever, ulcers and inflammation on the skin, and oncology can also become a problem.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

GENYAL Genyalift

GENYAL Genyalift is an injectable biorevitalizant with a prolonged hydration effect. Glycerol provides additional hydration to the skin. Hyaluronic acid in the composition of the drug performs signaling functions ─ regulates the processes of synthesis of components of the extracellular matrix, structural components of the dermis. Biorevitalizant with glycerol allows you to recreate the optimal physiological environment for stimulating the activity of fibroblasts and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid.

Aesthetic objectives:

  • prevention of formation and reduction of the severity of superficial wrinkles
  • restoration of hydrobalance, elasticity, firmness of the skin
  • improvement of skin color
  • correction of xerosis of various origins
  • preparing skin for laser and phototherapy
  • postoperative skin rehabilitation
  • rehabilitation of the skin of patients with chronic dermatoses (period of stable clinical remission)
  • in the complex correction of scars and stretch marks

It is used at the first stage as a single drug or in a combined protocol.


  • a unique combination of high concentration of HA with glycerol ensures maximum prolonged skin hydration
  • biointegration with tissues: the drug is able to naturally and gently fill the intercellular space, maintaining optimal water balance and stimulating the process of replacing old structural elements of the matrix with new, functionally active ones.

Characteristics of the drug:

  • volume 1ml
  • HA concentration – 18 mg/ml
  • glycerol concentration – 20 mg/ml
  • molecular weight – 3MDa
  • dynamic viscosity – 150.000 (mPas)
  • proteins (PPM) – 14

Main features and properties of the product

How does biorevitalization based on Genyalift differ from other similar procedures? The thing is that this filler has an extremely balanced composition. So, its main components are:

  • hyaluronic acid (18 mg/1ml);
  • glycerin (20 mg/1ml).

The composition of this proportion allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect and maintain it for a long time. A course of anti-aging procedures based on this product will help increase the natural level of skin moisture, smooth out fine wrinkles, improve complexion and launch internal processes of rejuvenation and cell renewal. Among other things, indications include:

  • prevention of hyperpigmentation;
  • restoration of elasticity of the dermis;
  • preparation for laser therapy;
  • restoration of the epidermis after a series of aggressive cosmetic procedures.

The filler will help eliminate wrinkles, improve complexion and rejuvenate the skin.

GENYAL Polyvalent

GENYAL Polyvalent is a multifunctional biocorrector - filler that has high plasticity, sufficient elasticity, and thixotropy, which provides a pronounced and natural effect of increasing the volume of soft tissues. It has optimal hydration capacity, minimizing the risks of adverse events after the procedure. Stabilization of hyaluronic acid is carried out by a cross-linking agent (BDDE).

Aesthetic objectives:

  • correction of wrinkles and folds of any depth
  • shaping the lip contour and achieving a natural result while increasing their volume
  • correction of superficial and medium-depth nasolabial folds, eyebrow wrinkles, forehead and bridge of the nose, purse-string folds (small and medium)
  • bioreinforcement (creation of stiffeners, frame)


  • natural result of correction
  • prolonged effect for 8-12 months
  • uniform reticulation - the drug is destroyed sequentially, the decrease in volume occurs gradually, without the formation of “islands” and tubercles.
  • has an optimal “hydration capacity”, which allows you to avoid unwanted effects (swelling after the procedure, overcorrection)

Characteristics of the drug:

  • volume 1ml
  • HA concentration – 23 mg/ml
  • crosslinking agent – ​​BDDE 0.53 (ppm)
  • molecular weight – 3MDa
  • dynamic viscosity – 500.000 (mPas)
  • endotoxins (EU/G) – <0.05
  • full biocompatibility (pH 7.1)

What effect will biorevitalization with Genyalift help achieve?

Biorevitalization based on this product helps create a positive effect for most people. Lack of results is also possible, but this occurs in extremely rare cases and can be explained by the individual characteristics of the body or the unprofessional actions of the cosmetologist who performs the procedure.

After just a few sessions, you can notice that the filler has strengthened the walls of blood vessels, improved blood circulation in a specific area, and changed the turgor and relief of the skin in a positive direction.

GENYAL Volumae

GENYAL Volumae – “hybrid filler” ─ volumizer: combines the properties of the filler itself and the biorevitalizant.

As the latest generation filler for volumetric or 3D correction, it has a closed 3D structure necessary to capture and accumulate water, which ensures reliable fixation in the tissues. It has the ability to restore the physiological volume of tissues with a simultaneous revitalizing effect. It is able to act on the skin as naturally, safely and effectively as possible, providing visible changes in relief and causing structural changes that underlie the physiological rejuvenation of the skin.

The effect lasts from 10 to 18 months.

Aesthetic objectives:

  • correction of superficial and deep wrinkles, folds
  • increase in lip volume, lifting the corners of the mouth
  • replenishment of the volume of cheekbones, temples
  • changing the shape of the chin
  • correction of facial oval, angles of the lower jaw
  • nose shape modeling
  • correction of the intimate area


  • the natural result of the correction is noticeable immediately after the procedure
  • absence of hyperemia, edema, pain
  • complete biodegradation of the product

Characteristics of the drug:

  • volume 1ml
  • HA concentration – 23 mg/ml
  • crosslinking agent – ​​BDDE 0.53 (ppm)
  • molecular weight – 3MDa
  • dynamic viscosity – 1,000,000 (mPas)
  • full biocompatibility (pH 7.1)

The drugs have a Registration Certificate of the Federal Social Protection Fund No. 2011/10799 dated December 19, 2017.

, which guarantees the safety of the products.

Technological and sanitary control is carried out from the preparation of raw materials to the packaging of finished products. All production standards comply with European quality standards ISO13285CE 0120


Advantages of Genyalift filler

Genyalift is a product that has quite a lot of advantages. A large amount of positive information about it contains reviews from real users and professionals. Manufacturers claim that the filler:

  • Can be used without anesthesia for most people with a stable pain threshold; the substance is easily injected under the skin and causes almost no discomfort.
  • Almost does not cause allergic reactions, since the components have undergone several degrees of purification and take root well in the inner layers of the epidermis.
  • It has significant and long-lasting results. You can notice the desired changes within a couple of minutes after completing the first session, and after completing the full course, you can consolidate the effect obtained for up to one year.
  • Characterized by safety. After a year, the drug is completely eliminated from the body and does not in any way affect your health.
  • Helps create the most natural sensations, as it has a physiological pH level of 7.1.


Genial preparations are not used if:

  • oncological diseases;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.



Genyal preparations are distinguished by high viscosity and elasticity, which ensures an excellent aesthetic result that looks completely natural;

Genyal is resistance to destruction: high molecular weight (3 million Daltons) and especially strong cross-links of molecules that maximize the time the drug remains in the tissues;

Genyal is a minimal risk of allergic reactions: hyaluronic acid molecules are connected using butanediol diglycedyl ether (BDDE), the safest reagent used for these purposes;

Genyal is highly purified, which minimizes the number of side effects;

Due to the homogeneity of the composition, the gels are smoothly and evenly introduced under the skin with a fairly thin needle (27G).

Nonproprietary name

Gel based on non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid.

How is it produced?

In the production of Genial , advanced technologies are used, thanks to which a three-dimensional matrix with strong bonds is created, which makes it possible to obtain a more uniform gel compared to other drugs. And, despite the high viscosity, due to its homogeneity, the gel is smoothly and evenly introduced under the skin, providing a very good and long-lasting aesthetic result.

Is preliminary allergy skin testing necessary?


Is the drug temporarily or permanently present in the tissue?

Hyaluronic acid completely biodegrades in the skin over several months, leaving no traces.


Medical device for intradermal implantation

Who can give injections?

Trained specialists with medical education

Line of drugs

Genyal Genyalift is a drug for skin biorevitalization. Used to rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and back of the hands. Allows you to create an optimal physiological environment to stimulate the synthesis of fibroblasts, as well as restore neocollagenesis, the synthesis of collagen and other components of the cellular matrix.

GenyalGenyalift combines hyaluronic acid and glycerin in high concentrations (18 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml, respectively) and has a very high molecular weight of 3 million Daltons, which is two to three times higher than other similar drugs.

Genyal Polyvalent is a universal dermal filler. Contains reticular hyaluronic acid in high concentration - 23 mg/ml, as well as free hyaluronic acid, which provides an additional biostimulating effect.

Genyal Polyvalent is used for any type of aesthetic correction, primarily for smoothing small and medium-sized wrinkles, increasing lip volume and changing their contour.

Genyal Volumae is a special tool for volumetric modeling. This gel has a high concentration of hyaluronic acid (23 mg/ml), strengthened by intermolecular bonds. It provides the necessary volume increase without tissue damage

Genyal Volumae is designed to correct deep wrinkles and folds, restore or create facial volume and increase lip volume.


High hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid.

Duration of effect

The duration of the effect depends on age, skin type, lifestyle and facial activity.

Side effect information

The high degree of purification of the drug reduces the number of side effects to a minimum.

How does the procedure work?

A contouring session usually lasts about half an hour. During this time the following is carried out:

  1. cleansing the skin, removing makeup, treating with an antiseptic;
  2. anesthesia with a local drug (if necessary);
  3. injection of filler;
  4. distribution of the drug in soft tissues;
  5. removing anesthetic residues from the skin, applying a protective cream.

The unique homogenization technology used in the creation of drugs makes it possible to increase the viscosity and elasticity of the gel, ensuring a prolonged effect, and also making it possible to introduce fillers with thin needles (which reduces the pain of the procedure). Redness and swelling usually disappear within a few hours after injections.

To maintain the optimal effect, as well as to prevent complications, within two weeks after a contouring session, it is recommended:

  • refrain from drinking alcohol;
  • protect skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and extreme temperatures;
  • avoid increased physical activity.

How long does the Genyal effect last?

The effect of Genyal Volumae lasts about one and a half years. The effect of Genyal Polyvalent lasts a little less: throughout the year. At the end of this period, the drug is naturally eliminated from the body without having any negative effect on it.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, injection of fillers will also have to be postponed.

Price for contouring with Genyal fillers

The cost can be clarified during a free consultation at our Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology!

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