What to use to combat age spots?

  • Removal
  • Every woman, regardless of age, strives to be the most charming and attractive. Each of us strives to become the owner of beautiful and healthy skin. However, in the fight for the title of “most-most” there are various obstacles that we are forced to overcome. Together with you, we will find out the cause and how to get rid of age spots on the face.

    Skin pigment is a coloring substance of organic origin. They come in different shades and thereby determine the color of a person’s skin. One of the pigments we know best is melanin. It is responsible for the dark color of the skin.

    When exposed to sunlight, the pigment can darken, thereby forming a tan. The function of the pigment is to protect the skin from excessive exposure to UV rays. By the way, pigment is also produced in the iris of the eye and in the hair. This is why we see brunettes and blondes.

    The appearance of age spots on the face is an alarming reason to think that the body has malfunctioned and requires special attention. Therefore, before you wonder and start choosing an effective cream for age spots on the face for your skin, it is worth looking for the reason for their appearance.

    Causes of age spots

    • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation
      , especially leading to sunburn.
    • Hormonal surges
      due to endocrine diseases, pregnancy, taking birth control pills.
    • Problems
      with the liver, gall bladder,
    • Taking
      certain medications, such as

      tetracycline antibiotics
    • Age-related changes

    Darkening of the skin is caused by a substance called melanin. It is produced by melanocyte cells, which can all work at the same time - then a beautiful tan is obtained. If they are activated in separate groups, uneven coloring occurs.

    Laura mesoeffect serum with mesoroller, 30 g, Evalar

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    Types of pigmentation

    • chloasma. They have different color shades, differ in geographical outlines, and are most often located on the cheeks and on the skin of the forehead.
    • Melasma. General name for pigmentation on the face
    • post-traumatic hyperpigmentation. Occurs due to the influence of two factors: after acne and as a result of complications caused by harsh or aggressive effects on the skin (including as a result of cosmetic procedures, for example, chemical peels)
    • solar and age-related lentigo
    • lentigo and coffee spots
    • common freckles (ephelides)
    • natural hyperpigmentation, which is observed in women with the fourth, fifth and sixth skin phototypes.

    How to deal with age spots on the skin?

    If age spots on the face and body appear due to a malfunction in the hormonal system or due to diseases of the internal organs, serious treatment under medical supervision is necessary. In all other cases, we will be helped by a set of measures that anyone can carry out independently.


    , you and I can use special creams for age spots - they are produced for the face and hands (these areas are most prone to uneven coloring and are also always visible).

    Whitening cosmetics necessarily contain acids that destroy melanin: malic, citric, ascorbic, salicylic. They also add extracts of plants that lighten the epidermis and even out its tone: aloe Barbados, white mulberry, madder, etc.


    , we must pay attention to moisturizing and nourishing the skin to make it denser and more elastic - then the pigment layer will not show through. A variety of moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics will help achieve the effect. Thirdly, it will be useful for each of us to feed the skin from the inside, and more specifically, to enrich the diet with the following vitamins:

    • A and C - they discolor the pigment;
    • PP and E – prevent the appearance of darkened areas;
    • B12 – regulates the production of melanin.


    Lightening cream against pigmentation, 50 g, THE SKIN HOUSE

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    Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

    Pigmentation: causes of appearance

    • The appearance is caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on human skin, as a result of which an excess amount of melanin accumulates in the skin.
    • Pigmentation appears in the form of small spots on the skin, most susceptible to ultraviolet rays in the summer.
    • Most often we encounter pigmentation in the form of formation (darkening) of a certain area of ​​​​the skin in the form of a spot or spots. They can be of different sizes, shapes and colors - from pale yellow (coffee stains) to dark brown (chloasma, melasma).
    • People with the third and fourth skin phototypes experience the greatest discomfort from the appearance of age spots.
    • Pigment spots may also appear on the skin of the fifth and sixth phototypes, but due to its special dark complexion, such a defect appears invisible to the human eye.
    • It is easiest for people with the first skin phototype, because their body practically does not produce melanin, so the appearance of dark brown spots on skin of this type is almost impossible.
    • However, there are cases when a person with the first skin phototype and red hair also develops pigment spots that have a light brown or yellowish tint.

    Rating of creams for age spots by sales in Phytomarket

    Today there are many manufacturers of cosmetics on the market.
    These are such popular brands as Meishoku, SANA, LIBREDERM, Weleda, AHROMIN. They produce moisturizing and nourishing creams, as well as products for getting rid of unnecessary pigment. This rating is based on sales in our online store. We assume that the demand for these creams for age spots is determined by their effectiveness.

    1. Brightening regular cream for age spots for face and body, DERMATOLOGY, LIBREDERM
    2. Concentrate Achromin for whitening age spots
    3. Cream Clearvin for face whitening against freckles and age spots
    4. Sunscreen cream for face and décolleté against age spots SPF50, LIBREDERM
    5. Sunscreen cream for face and body against age spots SPF50, LIBREDERM
    6. Course of face masks against age spots, JAPAN GALS
    7. Whitening serum-concentrate for pigment spots for spot application, LIBREDERM
    8. Lightening concentrate, against age spots MEZOLUX, Librederm
    9. Bio-reinforcing anti-aging hand cream for age spots, LIBREDERM MEZOLUX
    10. Anti-pigmentation lightening cream, THE SKIN HOUSE

    Peeling with fruit acids

    You can make an appointment with a specialist using the form or call the phone number Moscow, Kashirskoye Shosse, 24, building 8


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    Timely, careful cleansing of the skin is the key to youth, health and beauty. Modern cosmetology offers a wide selection of peeling products. Some of the most effective, but gentle, are compositions based on fruit acids. Properly selected components not only help cleanse the skin, but also eliminate pigmentation, post-acne, and eliminate signs of aging.

    If you want to preserve and maintain youthful and healthy skin, we suggest you sign up for peeling with fruit acids at the medical cosmetology department. When developing drugs, our specialists are guided by the principles of GLP (“Good Laboratory Practice”). The experience of dermatovenerologists and cosmetologists ranges from 5 to 15 years.

    Indications for fruit peeling and results.
    • Peeling with fruit acids is indicated for skin pigmentation disorders (presence of spots) - after therapy, complexion evens out.
    • Fruit acid-based formulations are effective in treating a variety of rashes, including acne, mild acne, and dermatitis. After peeling, both the rashes themselves and the manifestations of post-acne are eliminated.
    • Peeling with fruit acids is indicated for dry and flaky skin, as well as for signs of aging - the procedure promotes sufficient hydration and saturation of cells with oxygen.
    • Another indication for peeling is increased oily skin; after therapy, the production of substances is normalized.
    • Indications for peeling are also the presence of blackheads and enlarged pores.
    Types of fruit acids.

    To carry out peeling with fruit acids, combinations of the following substances are used:

    • Lactic acid.
      Contrary to the name, this substance is found not only in dairy products, but also in blueberries, apples, and tomatoes. The composition promotes rapid healing and hydration of tissues.

    • Lemon acid.
      This is one of the main components of peeling products. Found naturally in lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, pomegranate, and pineapple. In combination with tartaric acid, this substance helps eliminate age spots. In addition, citric acid has bactericidal and antioxidant effects.
    • Wine acid.
      This fruity substance can be found in ripe grapes, old wine, and also in oranges. In peeling compositions, this acid is used as a means of moisturizing the skin, improving complexion, and slowing down aging.
    • Apple acid.
      The substance is found in apples and tomatoes. This acid promotes the delicate exfoliation of old cells, supports tissue development, having a beneficial effect on water and fat balance.
    • Glycolic acid.
      In nature, this component is found in cane and green grapes. Due to the low molecular weight of the particles, this substance is able to penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin. As a result, complexion improves, even the most pronounced age spots are eliminated, and aging slows down.
    Contraindications to fruit peeling.

    Cleansing (peeling) with fruit acids should be avoided under the following circumstances:

    • intolerance to the components of the peeling product (you should consult your doctor on this issue);
    • impaired integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended exposure, inflammation;
    • fresh tan (it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun in advance; the same regime is temporarily maintained after fruit peeling);
    • skin diseases - psoriasis, dermatitis, herpes;
    • taking certain medications (you need to check with your doctor);
    • pregnancy;
    • increased skin sensitivity (possible burns).
    How to peel with fruit acids.
    • Exploratory survey.
      At this stage, the condition of the skin is assessed and the desired result is formulated, based on the data obtained, a unique composition is prepared based on fruit acids, vitamins and additional reagents necessary to increase the effect.
    • Skin preparation.
      Makeup is removed (it is advisable to avoid it altogether on the day of the procedure), then the surface of the skin is disinfected and degreased. These measures prevent the development of inflammatory processes and infections.
    • Application of drugs.
      The prepared composition is applied to the skin. The concentration of the composition depends on whether this procedure is the first in the course or one of the subsequent ones.
    • Removal of drugs.
      The applied composition is removed, the substances are neutralized. Next, moisturizing and soothing agents are applied to the skin to relieve itching and speed up recovery.

    If you value your beauty and health, we invite you to make an appointment with a dermatocosmetologist by phone.

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    How to cook mash?

    The composition of the drug directly depends on the problem that this suspension is supposed to cope with. The dermatologist will tell you in detail how to make a chatterbox and how to use it. Self-medication is unacceptable, since it is impossible to choose the right composition on your own. At the same time, time spent on unsuccessful treatment will only worsen the situation: the problem will become more serious.

    Acne mixture – salicylic alcohol plus Levomycetin


    • salicylic alcohol – 40 ml;
    • Levomycetin – 10 tablets;
    • boric acid solution – 25 ml.

    Preparation, use

    1. The tablets are crushed into powder.
    2. Combines it with alcohol and acid.
    3. Shake the bottle with the prepared composition vigorously and leave it for several days at room temperature.
    4. Use this solution to wipe the rashes.

    Recipe for face mash with Trichopolum


    • alcohol – 250 ml;
    • Trichopolum – 4 tablets.

    Preparation, use

    1. Crushed tablets are mixed with alcohol.
    2. The solution is poured into a dark glass container and left for a couple of days, periodically shaking the contents of the container.
    3. Inflamed areas are wiped with a prepared product. After 5 minutes, cover the skin with moisturizer.

    Recipe for chatter with Aspirin


    • Aspirin – 5 tablets;
    • boric alcohol – 70 ml;
    • Zinc ointment – ​​20 g.

    Preparation, use

    1. Powdered Aspirin is mixed with ointment and alcohol. You should get a homogeneous suspension.
    2. Apply the solution to the cleaned inflamed area.

    What is a chatterbox in medicine?

    This is a medicine that can be purchased at a pharmacy in finished form or you can buy its components and make the “drug” yourself. It is important to understand what talker is, because it is actively prescribed to solve many problems. This suspension is very popular due to its natural composition. More often the mash is prepared using a water base. If necessary, the composition can be enriched with oil or alcohol.

    What does chatter help with?

    There are many options for such a suspension. The effect of using this medicine directly depends on what components are in the mash.

    Traditionally, the suspension has the following positive properties:

    1. The composition moderately dries out the skin.
    2. This liquid for acne on the face helps and minimizes the risk of relapse.
    3. It has a local antiseptic effect on the affected area of ​​the skin.
    4. Has a tonic effect.
    5. Stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.
    6. Provides vitamin and mineral nutrition to skin cells.
    ( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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