Zinc for Acne: Does It Work? How to use, side effects and more

Rating of acne vitamins

In order to correctly evaluate the most effective drugs, we conducted a large study with the support of dermatologists and cosmetologists who shared their medical practice and the effectiveness of a particular product. We also conducted a series of personal tests, which assessed:

  • Quick relief of symptoms;
  • Combination with other drugs;
  • Admissibility for various diseases;
  • The presence of general contraindications;
  • Side effects;
  • Admissibility during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Prevalence in different regions;
  • Duration of admission;
  • Multicomponent composition;
  • The presence of a cumulative effect.

Additional help in the analysis were reviews from customers who were convinced from their own experience of the effectiveness of a particular product. The rating did not include complexes with an inflated price, only a preventive effect, and limited availability in various regions of the country.


  1. Open comedones or blackheads. Area of ​​distribution: chin, chest, back, cheeks, nose.
  2. White or closed comedones, millet, wen. Most often they appear on the chin and forehead, looking like a grain.

Comedones (closed and open) are the first sign of acne and are non-inflammatory in nature. However, improper skin care aggravates the situation and leads to serious consequences (the appearance of unevenness, age spots on the surface of the dermis).

3. Bluish-red or pink papules. They are inflamed areas in the form of compactions, tubercles, indicating an advanced form of comedones.

4. Yellow, gray pustules. Essentially, these are ulcers that form papules on the surface.

5. With painful nodes inside. They are located deep under the skin, with a diameter of over 5 millimeters.

6. Crimson seals made of nodules, up to 5 centimeters. Cysts attack different parts of the face and body. This is the most severe degree of acne.

Remember, if you can fight comedones and papules on your own, then you need to be especially careful with pustules, inflamed painful nodes and purple seals. Under no circumstances should you get rid of them yourself, as this can seriously complicate the problem and leave a mark on your face in the form of scars.

Squeezing does not lead to the disappearance of rashes; on the contrary, it stimulates the appearance of new acne and pimples.

Alternative options

If you choose, there are several other alternative vitamin and mineral supplements to combat acne. This includes:

● Aloe vera, a plant extract for topical use, available as a cream or gel; has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and is rich in antioxidants.

● Vitamin A, an over-the-counter and prescription nutrient (retinol), promotes cell turnover and skin healing.

● Vitamin E, a nutrient that can be taken as a supplement or used as a topical treatment, strengthens the immune system and speeds up cell regeneration.

Your dermatologist can help you determine which treatment is best for your skin type and acne condition.


The complex effect of the drug is explained by the elements present in the composition:

  • vitamin B1. Actively affects neuromuscular regulation, takes part in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine;
  • vitamin B6. Stabilizes the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Involved in the process of metabolism and the production of neurotransmitters;
  • vitamin B12. Has a positive effect on the liver and central nervous system, improves blood clotting, takes part in the production of amino acids and the metabolic process;
  • nicotinamide Involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • folic acid. Takes part in the production of amino acids.

special instructions

If the choice is made in favor of Pentovit vitamins, then you cannot take other vitamin preparations at the same time in order to exclude possible cases of overdose.

Do not exceed the dose indicated in the instructions.

The tablet shell contains sugar, so people with high blood sugar levels should be extremely careful and consult a doctor in advance.

Taking vitamins does not in any way affect the ability to drive a vehicle or operate other mechanisms that require increased attention.

Vitamins can be purchased at any pharmacy and are available without a doctor's prescription. Can be stored for 36 months from the date of production. It should be kept in a dry place out of direct sunlight.

You should not take Pentovit in parallel with alcoholic drinks. Otherwise, the absorption of the constituent components will be significantly reduced.

When taking the vitamin complex and biguanides simultaneously, a decrease in the absorption of cyanocobalamin may be observed. Do not use drugs that increase blood clotting together. With a long treatment course of anticonvulsants and parallel intake with vitamins, a lack of thiamine is noted.


  • Vitamin B1. Absorption occurs in the small and duodenal intestines. The vitamin is evenly distributed throughout the tissues. Approximately 1 mg of thiamine is produced each day. Excreted via the kidneys.
  • Vitamin B6. Absorbed from the stomach, after which it is processed by the liver into pyridoxal phosphate, i.e. takes an active form. Excreted by the kidneys.
  • Vitamin B12. When the vitamin is contained in large quantities, absorption occurs through diffusion. The metabolic process is slow. It is excreted along with bile.
  • Vitamin RR. In a short time it is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Evenly distributed throughout the body.
  • Folic acid. A small amount is absorbed through absorption, and a significant amount through diffusion. Distributed throughout the body. There is no information yet on the metabolic process of folic acid.

How to choose vitamins for acne

In order to choose the right treatment and not harm your body, you should consider some tips before taking it. They will also help prevent unnecessary spending.

The doctor's consultation

To understand which vitamins to take for acne, first of all you need to consult a doctor for medical help. Most likely, you will need to undergo a complete blood count, then a test for hormonal imbalances. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the dermatologist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

Composition and presence of side effects

After a specialist prescribes certain drugs, it is worth studying their composition for contraindications, as well as all kinds of side effects. To begin with, you should not buy large packages; it is better to observe your body for several days. You need to be especially careful when taking it during pregnancy and lactation, since almost all vitamins from this group have contraindications.


Each human body has an individual structure. For some, some drugs are suitable, for others they do not provide any benefit. You can evaluate the effect after two weeks of use. If no positive reaction is observed, consult your doctor again.


Customer reviews are not the basis for selection, but they are still worth studying before accepting. If they are predominantly positive, then this will serve as additional confirmation that you will throw money away and also avoid unpleasant consequences. Avoid purchasing drugs from unfamiliar companies on the Internet, even if they have positive reviews.

In what cases is it prescribed?

It is advisable to take vitamins in the following cases:

  • for preventive and therapeutic purposes in case of lack of vitamins in the body;
  • the body needs a large amount of B vitamins;
  • during the recovery period after infectious diseases;
  • dermatitis;
  • neuralgia.

Indications for use can only be determined by a doctor who monitors the specific course of the disease.

How to use

Your doctor will recommend either topical zinc or oral supplements; both are available over-the-counter (OTC). Both forms differ in recipe and method of use. And different types of zinc are absorbed and processed by the body differently.

Before you begin zinc treatment for acne, your dermatologist or doctor will likely evaluate your diet to determine whether you have a deficiency.

Topical zinc

For people who get a lot of zinc from their diet, their doctor will likely advise using topical zinc. Topical preparations are available in the form of gels, ointments and creams.

Topical zinc can be used in combination with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs). It can also be used in a treatment plan along with other acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, retinol, or resorcinol. Combine acne products only under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Some topical zinc products should be used more often than others. Check the label before use. Your dermatologist may also recommend that you start slower and less often than the label suggests, so don't be shy about asking them.

Always test new topical products on a small area of ​​skin before applying them to a larger area. Stop use and talk to your dermatologist if you experience skin irritation or signs of an allergic reaction.

Oral zinc

Zinc supplements are available in tablets, pills, and chewable forms. Oral zinc is used as is, in a multivitamin, or in combination with other nutrients and minerals.

Take supplements only under the supervision of a physician. Typically, the maximum dose for adolescents is 34 mg per day; adults up to 40 mg.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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