Zinc paste for acne: how to use, does it help?

To effectively get rid of annoying pimples, you don’t have to buy expensive medications or visit salon skin cleansing treatments.

You can buy inexpensive zinc paste for acne , which will help improve your skin and put it in order. Do not confuse zinc paste with ointment; these are different preparations.

Read below to see what their differences are and how the medicinal paste works.

Zinc paste and ointment - description

Zinc is a mineral

, without which the human body cannot exist. It takes part in cell division, helps tissues regenerate, is part of proteins, and helps the formation of blood cells. If there is not enough zinc in the body, even minor injuries take a long time to heal, and the skin often develops dermatitis. Read detailed information about zinc ointment.

Zinc ointment and paste - preparations

, which contain zinc oxide.
The properties of this mineral were the basis for the creation of drugs that have a number of positive effects:

  • heal wounds, abrasions;
  • dried;
  • destroy the infection, etc.

The ointment with zinc is quite thick and has a white, white-yellow tint. Cosmetic Vaseline is present as an additional ingredient. Some, "Acri", "Pharmaktivy Capital", "Mikfarm" and others) add other substances to give a more pleasant smell and provide an additional softening effect:

  • fish fat;
  • dimethicone;
  • lanolin;
  • menthol;
  • essential oils.

Zinc paste or ointment, which is better?

Zinc paste differs from ointment in thickness; it is denser, since there are more powdery substances in it. Due to its thick consistency, the paste penetrates tissues less well, but does not have a systemic effect at all. Therefore, the paste is recommended for use in acute cases, when cell permeability is increased. The ointment is best used for chronic conditions; it penetrates perfectly into deep tissues. The price of the paste (25 g) is 120 rubles. The ointment costs 80 rubles for 30 g.

Effect of the drug

The main active component has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect. Zinc oxide, when applied topically to the skin, can destroy a wide range of different bacteria, as it negatively affects the proteins of their cells. Ultimately, this causes the death of microbes. Of course, the drug is not an antibiotic; if the infection process is active, it will be powerless, but it is able to disinfect the surface of the skin.


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Other beneficial properties of zinc oxide are based on the following:

  1. Astringent and healing effect
    . The mineral destroys the structure of proteins and amino acids, and a thin film appears on the surface.

    The skin and mucous membranes under the film are protected and heal faster.

  2. Anti-inflammatory effect
    . Due to a decrease in skin infection and drying, inflammatory processes subside. The deeper layers are not involved in inflammation.
  3. Adsorbent action
    . This is especially true for zinc paste. Due to the presence of a large number of powdery substances, the latter absorb harmful elements and decay products of microbes.

Additional components of ointments and pastes are needed not only to give the desired dosage form. They soften the effect of the medicine, preventing excessive drying of the skin and mucous membranes.


Indications for use

The drug does not have a toxic, carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, therefore it is approved for use even in children, the elderly, and newborns. There are a number of indications for which zinc ointment is used in dermatology:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • allergic rashes;
  • weeping eczema;

  • contact dermatitis;
  • herpes;
  • different types of lichen.

Zinc ointment is needed to combat diaper rash; it helps well in the presence of bedsores. With its help, you can speed up the healing of cuts, wounds, abrasions, scratches and any type of damage to the integrity of the integument. This remedy is one of the most common in medicine to protect the outer layer of skin from further damage. With its help, you can disinfect wounds that are not complicated by purulent processes.

In children, the drug is widely used for diaper dermatitis - this pathology occurs in babies due to prolonged skin contact with urine and feces.

In cosmetology, the product is popular for acne on the face, youth acne, blackheads (comedones), and excessive oily skin.

Zinc can not only disinfect and dry, but also regulate the balance of the sebaceous glands, having a cumulative effect. The ointment helps against age spots - it lightens them, making them less noticeable. The product also copes well with the effects of sunburn.

Benefits of zinc

The use of zinc paste for acne is justified because:

  1. It effectively and quickly copes with various problems: pimples, blackheads, scratches, burns, insect bites.
  2. It is an absolutely safe medicinal product.
  3. Does not cause side effects or discomfort (pain, burning, itching).
  4. It has a low price (1 jar costs about 60 rubles).
  5. It has no contraindications, the only exception being individual intolerance to its components.
  6. Does not dry out the skin and takes good care of it.
  7. Suitable for the treatment of skin diseases for all people : men and women, newborns, infants, and the elderly.

Instructions for use of zinc ointment

The medicine should be applied externally to the affected areas of the body up to 4-6 times a day (as needed). If there is no improvement within 2-3 days, you should consult a doctor - you may have to replace the product. Avoid getting the paste or ointment in your eyes. It is forbidden to treat skin with signs of a purulent process - in this case, the ointment will not help. The course can last up to 2-3 weeks.

The drug in the form of an ointment and Zinc paste help against various skin pathologies, here are some instructions for therapy:

  1. Burns
    . The product can be used against burns if their area is not higher than 8-10 sq. cm. Also, burns with signs of deep tissue damage (large blisters, scabs) should not be treated. To treat burns, carefully apply the product to the skin twice a day using a cotton swab or fingers.

  2. Herpes
    . The ointment is not capable of curing herpetic rashes, since it does not have an antiviral effect. But paste and ointment can dry them out and prevent the rash from spreading to healthy areas. Against herpes, you need to lubricate the skin of the lips and genitals three times a day.

  3. Pityriasis rosea
    . The paste can be used as a drying agent at the earliest stages of pathology. It helps reduce the size of lichen plaques. The rate of use is four times a day until the manifestations of the disease disappear.

  4. Diaper dermatitis
    . It is imperative to lubricate the skin under the diaper three times a day after washing the baby (only on dry skin). Do not put on a diaper for 15 minutes. The duration of use of the drug is discussed with the doctor.

Zinc oxide can even be added to your own creams to enhance the effect of acne lotions. Anti-acne paste is applied to the skin 4 times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

The main and strict contraindication is an allergy to zinc, starch, additional components of the drug, hypersensitivity to the ingredients. Also among the prohibitions are acute purulent processes on the skin and mucous membranes. Ointment can be applied to these areas only after surgical treatment and with the approval of a doctor.

Pregnancy is not a prohibition for treatment with zinc; this drug is harmless for expectant mothers and the child.

The active components of medications do not pass into breast milk, so zinc products can also be used during lactation. But it is preferable to buy a paste to ensure that systemic absorption is excluded.

Occasionally, patients experience local side effects during therapy. In most cases, there is an allergic reaction to zinc and other substances that was not previously identified. Symptoms may include:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • rash, small spots;
  • skin hyperthermia;
  • redness;
  • excessive dryness.

In this case, you should immediately refuse treatment. If there is no improvement, you should visit a doctor.

special instructions

Despite the fact that zinc paste is a safe product, you still need to follow the recommendations in the instructions .

If you do not know how to use this drug and whether it will help you at all, then it is better not to rush to buy it, but first consult with a dermatologist .

If after applying zinc paste against acne you feel itching, burning of the skin, you must urgently get rid of the product using vegetable oil to avoid an allergic reaction.

Many people ask the question: “ Is it possible to smear open wounds with this paste so that they heal faster and the infection does not get under the skin?”

Definitely not , since direct exposure to the paste can easily cause an allergic reaction on an unprotected area of ​​the skin. A person must carefully apply the paste, and to do this, soak a cotton pad or a piece of bandage with the product and apply it to the wound.

If the medicine gets on the mucous membranes, there is no need to panic. You need to rinse your eyes well with running water.

Zinc ointment should be stored in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator. If it is stored at temperatures above 25 degrees, its beneficial properties will simply disappear.

The duration of use of zinc paste depends on the nature of the disease and is determined by the doctor.

Analogues and other information

How many analogues of the product are there in pharmacies? There are not so many of them, some have a higher price compared to Zinc ointment and paste.

A drugComposition (main components)Price, rubles
DesitinZinc oxide260
TsindolZinc oxide160
ZinkundanZinc undecylenate, salicylanilide450
Salicylic-zinc pasteZinc oxide, salicylic acid85
DiadermZinc, essential and base oils170

Overdose of this drug is impossible; no cases have been reported. , dark pigment spots may appear on the skin.

, which should be taken into account when treating various chronic pathologies of the face and body.

You should not overuse ointment to treat acne on the face - it can cause severe drying of the skin.

Sometimes it can be difficult to wash off Zinc ointment or paste from the skin of the face; in this case, it is recommended to use tar soap. On the contrary, patients with dry skin should use only special nourishing washes, milk, tonics, and after the procedure apply a moisturizer to the face.

How to quickly and with what to wash off zinc paste?

Many women encounter a problem when using this product - they cannot wash off the paste properly . It is especially difficult for those people whose skin peels where the drug is applied. Then it seems that it is impossible to wash off the product.

But here the following drugs can come to the rescue:

  1. Tar soap . It effectively removes paste residues the first time. In addition, tar soap heals the skin and fights excessive oiliness of the skin. It can only be used for oily skin types.
  2. Salicylic or boric alcohol . It is suitable for those people who have dry skin type. It is enough to dip a cotton swab in such alcohol and wipe the problem areas with it. Zinc paste is easily washed off and will not leave any traces behind.
  3. Vegetable oil . To wash off the remaining paste easily and painlessly, you can first apply vegetable oil to the skin.
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