Pigment spots after acne (Post-acne): cause and how to get rid of them

What kinds of post-acne acne occur?

There are 3 types of post-acne, not only age spots:

  1. Scars are the most undesirable complication of post-acne
  2. Pigment spots – brown spots on the sites of former rashes
  3. Congestive erythema - redness accompanied by compaction from an unresolved element

All three types of post-acne can be present on the skin either simultaneously or separately, depending on individual characteristics and the tendency to develop pigmentation or scars.

Expert tips for treating acne


When it comes to finding the right acne , there are a million different products available, from cleansers and gels to creams and even special patches. Because of this, it is often difficult to decide which of these tools is best suited for a particular situation.

However, what is even more depressing is the fact that acne does not go away with age. Everyone thinks that acne will stop after the last call, but in reality this is not the case. In fact, they appear even after 50 years. And often, the older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to deal with skin rashes. Experts talked about the most useful methods for treating acne .

Why do pimples pop out?

Acne occurs when oily and dead skin cells come together, causing a plug to form that clogs the pores. Usually the skin gets rid of them naturally. But according to the American Academy of Dermatology, when the body produces too much sebum, dead skin cells become stuck in the pores.

There is no single solution to get rid of acne .

Each person responds differently to treatment, and sometimes the skin condition can get worse before it gets better.

In this regard, the best solution is to contact a specialist.

He will be able to select an individual course of treatment for acne , depending on the reasons behind their appearance on the skin.

This is not at all as scary as it seems at first glance. At the beginning , the doctor will determine the severity of the acne and assign it a “grade” (from one to four).

This way, the specialist will find out which treatment is best for the patient: local or internal (or possibly both).

Who cares?

The topical form of treatment is the most common type of acne .

The main goal is to kill the bacteria that causes acne or reduce sebum production.

acne treatment ingredients may include products with retinoids, antibiotics, or salicylic acid (more on these below).

acne treatment involves medications that must be taken orally.

They come in many types. Antibiotics can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation; Birth control pills can help with hormonal problems, and isotretinoin is suitable for serious conditions.

Here are the most effective substances that will help fight skin rashes.

Salicylic acid

It is the ideal and most common substance. If you go to the pharmacy, you can find it as an active ingredient in a lot of acne .

Salicylic acid can gently exfoliate dead skin cells.

Salicylic acid also has some anti-inflammatory properties.

But keep in mind: if you use it too often, it can make your skin dry.

Thus, it is advisable to use only one salicylic acid-based product for daily use.

Glycolic acid

It exfoliates the skin well and gets rid of dead cells that can clog pores.

Like salicylic acid, glycolic acid can be found in cleansers, peels, moisturizers, gels and serums sold in specialty beauty salons or local pharmacies.


Everyone has probably heard that retinol-based cream is used as an anti-aging agent. But not many people know that vitamin A can be good for acne . Since this substance helps stabilize sebum production.

In addition, acne is an inflammatory process, and retinoids are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.

Experts often recommend them to people prone to acne . When compared with other methods of combating acne , one more undoubted advantage can be identified - retinoids not only treat acne , but also prevent their appearance.

However, it is worth remembering that retinoids can sometimes cause irritation. If your skin is sensitive, the retinoid may be too strong.

In any case, no matter what drug is used, it will take some time to get results.

Published in Cosmetology Premium Clinic

The main predisposing factors for the appearance of post-acne

  1. Severity of acne – acne of III and IV severity often leads to complications, because affect the deep layers of the skin.
  2. Individual skin characteristics, genetic predisposition - such as dark skin color, a tendency to increase melanin production at the slightest inflammation or damage to the skin.
  3. Lack of treatment, inappropriate treatment, or late treatment is when the process has been present in the skin for a long time and has affected deep tissues.
  4. Skin injuries during mechanical cleaning, i.e. when roughly squeezing out pimples.

The presence of at least one predisposing factor may be the cause of the development of post-acne.

Why do acne appear?

Acne is a serious skin disease that can occur with varying degrees of severity. The following can lead to the development of acne:

  • Hormonal changes in the body.
  • Poor nutrition (consumption of dairy products, sweets, soda, fast food), as well as taking certain medications. By the way, various steroid drugs, which athletes who visit gyms especially like to take, are dangerous. Muscles will appear along with acne on the face.
  • Incorrectly selected care products and external therapy (a number of creams contain substances that can worsen rashes).
  • Genetic predisposition plays a big role in the occurrence of acne. It has been proven that if one of the parents suffered from acne, then the child may also develop acne. And if both parents had this disease, then the child is much more likely to also have complexes due to acne.
  • Stress associated with passing exams, unrequited love, etc., have a negative impact on the condition of the skin.
  • Self-squeezing pimples further aggravates the skin condition. A teenager’s desire to solve problems in such a radical way can lead to irreversible consequences. This is primarily due to the structural features of the pustules. By getting rid of one, you will only contribute to the spread of infection into the deeper layers of the skin, and more pronounced inflammation and even more pimples will most likely appear in this place.
  • “Irrational treatment and self-medication can lead to deterioration of the skin condition,” warns the doctor. - Progression of the disease, as well as serious complications, including the appearance of marks (scars) on the facial skin, which the child will then have to live with. Therefore, in case of such problems, you should definitely consult a doctor for an individual selection of treatment.”

Important! Overly clean children also suffer from acne. Often, teenagers, in the fight against acne, begin to fanatically wash their faces and wipe their skin with various lotions. But they usually contain alcohol, which dries the skin and causes active work of the sebaceous glands.

How to avoid age spots and scars

  1. Start acne treatment immediately. Even mild forms cannot be ignored - grade 0-2 acne, when there are single elements on the skin.
  2. Don't push! A banal but difficult point to implement. Skin cleansing can be done and sometimes even necessary, but it should be done carefully and competently by a cosmetologist.
  3. Use medications with anti-inflammatory effects. Not to be confused with antibacterial! Anti-inflammatory drugs have both preventive and therapeutic effects.

Recommendations follow from the previous paragraph - exclusion of predisposing factors.

How to get rid of post-acne

Recommendations of the International Society of Dermatologists and Cosmetologists: 1st line drugs for acne and post-acne treatment are retinoids .

  • Have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Normalize the functioning of pigment cells, lighten pigment spots;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With acne, the amount and composition of sebum changes - the main reason for the development of acne;
  • Increase local immunity, which helps fight inflammation;
  • Stimulate the synthesis of collagen necessary to fight scars.

Due to such a wide range of cosmetic effects on the skin, retinoids are recognized as the gold standard for the treatment of acne and post-acne.

The result of using retinoids:

  • lightening pigment spots
  • smoothing skin texture
  • reduction of scar depth

Retinol benefits:

  • Physiological – is a substance familiar to the skin, because the body itself supplies vitamin A to the skin in low concentrations;
  • Has no toxic effect;
  • Suppresses the increased activity of melanocytes, without destroying them, but normalizes melanin production;
  • Penetrates well into the skin, reaching the necessary layers;
  • Stimulates cellular renewal, preventing colored cells from remaining on the surface, and accelerates their exfoliation.

Seborrheic dermatitis. Causes

The main causes of this disease are:

1) genetic predisposition;

2) metabolic processes;

3) influence of the external environment.

In 1874, the French microbiologist L. Malassez first hypothesized that the causative agent of seborrheic dermatitis is the yeast-like lipophilic fungi Pityrosporum, which later received its name in honor of this scientist. Fungi of this species are concentrated in the middle and superficial parts of the stratum corneum, inside and between the horny scales, as well as in the hair follicles.

Until now, both names of the causative agents of the disease can be found in the literature: Pityrosporum and Malassezia. Currently, the role of the pathogen Pityrosporum in the pathogenesis of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp and dandruff has been confirmed by numerous clinical and laboratory studies.

These yeast-like lipophilic fungi are a permanent component of the healthy skin microflora in more than 90% of the population. Fungi concentrate around the sebaceous glands and use their secretions for growth and development. Pityrosporumovale (P. ovale) or according to another classification Malassezia furfur is more often found on the scalp, and Pityrosporumorbiculare on the skin of the trunk.

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