Grape masks for facial wrinkles: 15 proven recipes

Many modern women enjoy using natural cosmetics. And cosmetologists admit that such care is quite effective and can prevent premature aging of the skin.

Grapes are one of the oldest crops cultivated by humans. According to biblical texts, it was the vine that Noah planted when he came out of the ark after the completion of the global flood. This reverence for grapes is by no means accidental. The berries of this plant are a powerful natural antioxidant. Of course, ancient people did not know the chemical composition of berries, but they perfectly understood how useful they were for maintaining health, youth and beauty.

Women who want to stay young for a long time should definitely include grapes in their diet. In addition, a grape anti-wrinkle mask will help preserve your beauty. The substances contained in berry juice perfectly heal and nourish, giving the face a pleasant healthy color and restoring lost elasticity.

What's the benefit?

Interestingly, beneficial substances are contained not only in the juice, but also in the seeds of this plant.

The fruits of the plant contain:

  • fruit organic acids , thanks to which cells are renewed;
  • Vitamin A is a well-known retinol, which, along with fruit acids, is often used in beauty salons for peeling. This substance stimulates regeneration, so all damage quickly heals, and dead cells are replaced by new ones;
  • ascorbic acid is the most famous antioxidant; it protects the skin from negative external factors and gives the skin elasticity;
  • vitamin B9 is also a natural protector of cells from damage, the same substance stimulates the natural synthesis of collagen;
  • potassium contained in the juice helps preserve moisture in the cells and intercellular space, but dryness is one of the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles at an early age;
  • biotin is a very important substance that accelerates metabolic processes;
  • Vitamin E, which is found in large quantities in berry seeds, is one of the most important substances for maintaining youthful skin.
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Grapes for wrinkles under the eyes

The skin around the eyes is more delicate and sensitive, so the first expression lines appear in this place. Signs of aging may begin to appear after 20 years, but it is possible to hide them, the main thing is to set a goal.

Advertising is the engine of progress, imposing expensive cosmetic products on humanity. But you can fight the natural aging process at home, using absolutely natural, and therefore healthy, products.

Grapes contain fruit acids that have tightening properties. As a rule, anti-wrinkle eye masks are made from the pulp of fruits and vegetables with the addition of additional beneficial elements.

What impact does it have?

The effect of a grape face mask is determined by the chemical composition of the berries. This procedure:

  • promotes faster cell renewal, slows down the aging process, evens out fine wrinkles, and makes deep folds less deep;
  • activates the production of collagen - a substance due to which the skin maintains firmness and elasticity;
  • helps in healing problem skin, that is, it actively fights acne, comedones, helps relieve irritation and redness;
  • eliminates unwanted pigmentation , evening out the complexion; grape juice will help whiten freckles and spots that may appear on the face during pregnancy or with age;
  • perfectly moisturizes.

From all of the above, we can conclude that grapes can be used for cosmetic purposes by women of all ages. This product is perfect for teenage skin care, eliminating acne and other youth problems.

Young girls can use this product to prevent the appearance of signs of aging and effectively moisturize. For older ladies, grapes will help get rid of wrinkles and maintain the elasticity of the skin for a long time.

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Honey-grape mask: focus on clear skin

To lighten and cleanse the skin, you can use the combination of honey + grapes. The mask is prepared in a few minutes. You need to take grapes, mash them in a mortar, and then add a spoonful of liquid honey to the resulting paste. The mass is applied to the face and left for twenty minutes.

Regular use of this facial product will make your dermis healthy and radiant. The mask is suitable for women of various age categories, so young girls and ladies of “Balzac” age can keep its recipe for themselves.

Important nuances

A homemade grape mask for wrinkles will be more effective if you prepare and apply the ingredients correctly.

  • Which grape to choose? Beneficial substances are contained in berries of any variety, however, for masks it is better to choose varieties with light berries. Red and blue grape varieties can stain the skin .
  • For cosmetic compositions, you can use both juice and simply crushed pulp . It is convenient to use a blender for preparation. If you need to squeeze out the juice, this can be done through gauze or a fine strainer.
  • You should not prepare the compositions for future use; freshly prepared masks will bring the greatest benefit.
  • Apply the compositions to well cleansed skin. You can additionally make a steam bath.
  • You need to keep the mask on for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the composition. You can rinse off with warm water; it’s even better to use a warm chamomile decoction or lightly brewed green tea, this additionally tones the skin.
  • Making grape masks is useful during the grape ripening season . Berries that are sold year-round in supermarkets contain less nutrients.
  • Procedures can be done twice a week, or you can carry out a course of 12 procedures, performing them daily.
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Review of reviews on the cosmetic use of grape oil

Reviews of grape seed oil for the face are mostly positive. A variety of masks are often made from it. Many claim that this product is simply ideal for skin prone to flaking.

Those with oily epidermis are advised to use this product, which helps get rid of unpleasant greasy shine. Among other things, there are reviews about the benefits of grape oil for the face against wrinkles, which are noticeably smoothed out.


There are various recipes for grape masks, from the simplest, one-component, to complex, consisting of several ingredients. It is necessary to choose an option taking into account existing skin problems.


The simplest option is masks made from berry juice. To carry it out, there is no need to prepare anything, just cut a few berries and wipe your skin with them. You can use this version of the grape mask against wrinkles around the eyes. But when applying the juice to your eyelids, you need to be careful and not stretch the thin skin.

About 20 minutes after application, you should wash your face and use your usual cream.

You can combine a grape mask and cryotherapy. To do this, you need to prepare grape juice in any available way and pour it into ice molds. Freeze the juice and use it to wipe your face. It is necessary to move the ice cube along the massage lines. A quarter of an hour after using the ice you need to wash your face.

With oatmeal

To prepare this composition you will need regular oatmeal. Choose in the store those that need to be cooked for at least 20 minutes; a product that is recommended to simply be poured with boiling water will not work.

The flakes need to be ground using a blender or coffee grinder; you don’t need to make the product look like powder, it’s better if small grains remain. We will need two tablespoons of these ground flakes. They need to be filled with fresh juice squeezed from grapes. You need to take enough juice to get a mass of sour cream consistency. Now you need to leave the mixture for a few minutes so that the flakes swell.

Meanwhile, separate the egg white from the yolk. Beat the whites, adding half a teaspoon of the finest salt, then mix with a dessert spoon of unrefined vegetable oil. Now all that remains is to combine both prepared mixtures. Apply to moisturized facial skin and rinse after twenty minutes.

With potato starch

A grape mask with the addition of potato starch will help tighten your skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. For this composition, it is recommended to use crushed berry pulp. A few pieces need to be ground and then mixed with starch. Add the second ingredient gradually, achieving the desired consistency of the composition. The result should be a mass reminiscent of sour cream in thickness. Wash off after half an hour with warm water, then use cosmetic ice.

If the skin is very oily and prone to pimples, then it is recommended to add a little (about a teaspoon) of juice squeezed from lemon to the composition described above. This mask also perfectly whitens the skin.


Grape juice in combination with natural honey is a powerful rejuvenating agent. Take all the ingredients (except for the yolk) in a tablespoon.

It is necessary to make a water bath and heat honey and vegetable oil in it, both of these ingredients must be mixed until smooth. Then add the beaten yolk and grape juice into a warm but not hot mixture and grind. This composition is applied using a foam sponge. After the first applied layer has dried, it is necessary to apply a second one. Continue this way until the prepared mixture runs out.

It is recommended to wash off the composition using the same sponge, moistening it in a warm decoction of chamomile or sage.


Thick village sour cream is ideal for preparing this composition. But you can also take an industrially produced product, choosing sour cream with a fat content of 20% or higher. The fermented milk product and mashed berries are mixed in equal volumes and mashed. Apply for 20 minutes. This composition is recommended for normal or dry skin. If your skin is prone to oily skin, you should use natural yogurt instead of sour cream.


This is a very effective composition that is suitable for preventing the formation of wrinkles and eliminating existing ones. You need to mix fresh grape juice with an equal amount of milk.

In this liquid you need to moisten gauze, folded in 5-6 layers and apply it to your face. You need to cut holes on the folded gauze so that the area around the eyes and lips remain open. You need to keep this fabric mask for about half an hour, after which you wash your face with water.

With essential oils

This composition not only fights wrinkles, but also effectively relieves irritation and flaking. For preparation you will need esters:

  • tea tree;
  • chamomile;
  • sandalwood;
  • ylang-ylang.

Take all these oils one drop at a time and mix with a quarter cup of chopped berries. The berries must be blended in a blender along with the peel and seeds. Apply the composition for half an hour.


This composition nourishes and smoothes wrinkles well; it can also be used for the area under the eyes. It contains only two ingredients – cottage cheese and grape juice.

Both products must be fresh, just prepared. Cottage cheese should be prepared from homemade milk mixed with a small amount of kefir. Fresh cottage cheese must be well squeezed from the whey and mixed with juice squeezed from grapes. Apply for half an hour.


A mask made from grapes and banana is suitable for healing and moisturizing the skin. It is necessary to chop the fruits, you will need a spoonful of banana and grape puree, and mix them with an equal volume of liquid honey. You need to keep this composition for a quarter of an hour.

With clay

This option is ideal for combination and oily skin, as it not only smoothes out wrinkles, but also cleanses pores. Two tablespoons of clay (it is recommended to use black or white) are diluted with fresh grape juice until a creamy mass is obtained. Add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Keep for about twenty minutes. If the mixture begins to dry out on top, periodically spray your face with water (preferably mineral water) from a spray bottle.

With melon

This composition promotes active exfoliation of the top layer of dead cells, so after the procedure the face looks noticeably fresher. It is necessary to grind the pulp of a melon slice into puree and grind with an equal amount of grape pulp. Add a spoonful of flaxseed oil. If the mass turns out to be liquid, add a little flour. It is necessary that the consistency allows you to apply a thick layer of the mask on your face. You need to wash it off after twenty minutes.

With gelatin

This composition will help replenish collagen deficiency, so your face will be smoother and fresher. Pour 15 grams of gelatin with fresh grape juice (half a glass). Then heat the mixture a little until the gelatin dissolves. Add 10 ml castor oil. Apply the composition using a brush. Wash off after half an hour.

Lifting effect

This is an excellent express remedy that can be used before a date or other important event. It is necessary to mix two parts (one part can be taken as a tablespoon) of mashed grape pulp, one part each of thick, non-acidic sour cream, and fresh carrot juice. You need to gradually add rice flour into this mass until you get a composition whose consistency resembles a cream. Rice flour can be made at home from regular rice by grinding it in a coffee grinder. You need to keep this composition for about half an hour.

Milk-soda scrub

This option is suitable for combination skin. It is necessary to puree the berries so that you get about half a glass of puree. Then mix unrefined vegetable oil (a tablespoon) and baking soda (half a teaspoon) with the berries. Then you need to add flour (oatmeal or wheat) until a thick mass is obtained and dilute with warm milk. Apply the composition in a circular motion along the massage lines. The massage should last at least five minutes. Then you can wash your face.

From the seeds

You can also prepare a rejuvenating mask from grape seeds. The seeds contain a lot of vitamin E and other beneficial substances. The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder to flour, then mixed with an equal amount of liquid honey. Keep this composition on the skin for 20 minutes.

Grape face masks: what is important to know before the procedure

In order for the effect of the “sunny fruit” on the skin to be as effective as possible, it is important to know some rules for choosing berries for home cosmetology, for preparing and applying your own anti-aging products.

If you decide to treat aging skin with fresh berries, it is better to choose green grapes, since the skin of representatives of black and red varieties, for example, Isabella, is tougher. Plus, very dark berries contain pigment and can give your skin unnecessary color highlights. Naturally, it is better to choose good quality berries for masks; rotten ones are not suitable.

The most basic way to rejuvenate with grapes is to simply apply cut grapes to your face. You can also prepare masks based on gruel from this fruit, juice squeezed from berries, or even powder from seeds, which can be found in a pharmacy. Lovers of natural cosmetics actively use face masks with grape seed oil in home cosmetology.

Precautionary measures

Before starting a course of rejuvenation using grapes, you should make sure that your skin is not particularly sensitive to the juice of these berries. The test is quite simple, just cut one berry and rub its juice on the skin on the inside of your wrist.

If within an hour you do not feel discomfort, and the skin at the site of the test does not turn red or break out in a rash, then you can safely begin a course of masks. But if you plan to use masks with a complex composition, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to any of the components.

A relative contraindication to grape masks is the presence of damage to the skin, including purulent acne in the inflammatory stage. After the skin has healed, you can begin the course.

Helpful advice

Cosmetologists advise regularly wiping your face with ice cubes; this simple procedure will allow your skin to maintain beauty and youth for a long time. Grape juice can be frozen using ice cube trays; cubes from the freezer will be a real salvation for those whose skin looks tired.

This cosmetic product can be used instead of lotion, immediately after waking up and before bed. It is necessary to apply ice along the massage lines; do not immediately wipe your face; wait until the liquid is absorbed into the skin.

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