Warts between the toes: causes and methods of getting rid of them

Causes of warts between toes

The appearance of warts between the toes is associated with many factors, but the main reason for their growth is infection with the human papillomavirus. It easily penetrates the body through close contact with a sick person or with objects that he/she used.

Routes of transmission of HPV, which causes warts between the toes:

  • Direct contact . The areas of the body with warts are most contagious. A huge population of the virus is concentrated in the growths. The most likely way to become infected is to come into contact with such tumors. The situation is aggravated by the violation of their integrity, which causes migration of the microorganism. Often infection occurs during a kiss, handshake, intimacy, or massage. Sometimes children become infected from their mothers during childbirth.
  • Self-infection . When at least one wart appears on the body, the risk of spreading the infection throughout the body increases. Growths that appear on the palms often cause the growth of such tumors on the face, knees, as well as warts between the toes.
  • Indirect contact . Provides for infection through objects and surfaces. The virus can survive on dry things for a couple of hours, on wet things a little longer. Thus, infection occurs when sharing towels, washcloths, and foot scrapers. The cause of the appearance of warts between the toes is also considered to be when performing a pedicure using undisinfected instruments. More dangerous in this regard is wearing someone else's shoes, because... inside it there is a large accumulation of various microorganisms, including HPV.

Causes of warts between toes:

  • Damage to the skin . Healthy skin serves as a barrier to many infections, including HPV. However, the presence of even the slightest damage can lead to illness, because the microorganism freely penetrates into the comfortable basal layer of the epidermis and is embedded there inside a healthy cell. Thus, a high risk of infection occurs in case of injuries from mechanical, chemical or thermal effects, as well as in the presence of certain skin diseases, for example, fungal diseases, lichen, psoriasis, herpes, etc.
  • Insufficient care . Improper care can negatively affect the integrity of the skin. Because the integument in this area is subject to friction with shoes. There is a special microclimate here, characterized by high humidity. This contributes to the deterioration of skin respiration and the formation of pathogenic microflora. All this requires daily hygiene procedures. Without them, irritation, peeling of the skin, cracks and ulcerations appear, which open the path for HPV and are an indirect cause of the appearance of warts between the toes.
  • Weak immunity . Another equally important factor influencing infection and activation of HPV is immunity. If it is strong, it can overcome the virus before it integrates into cells or prevent it from multiplying in the future. A decrease in the body's defenses occurs for many reasons. Among the external factors are unfavorable environmental conditions, natural conditions, for example, elevated temperature or extreme cold, ultraviolet rays. The person himself can harm the body by drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, self-medicating and refusing adequate therapy using traditional medicine. An unbalanced diet, lack of rest, and nervous tension have a bad effect on the functioning of the immune system.
  • Other factors . A wart between the toes can appear due to impaired blood circulation and constant friction due to wearing uncomfortable and small-sized shoes. In such cases, local immunity also weakens, calluses and epidermal injuries are formed. Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, flat feet, osteoarthritis, arthritis, etc. can also lead to this.

What do warts between the toes look like?

Photo of warts between toes

The formation of benign growth tissue occurs in a special way. Initially, the virus integrates into the cell and promotes its mutation. It turns off the natural division control mode and provokes the uncontrolled creation of new modified cells, from which neoplasms are gradually formed. For some time, during the incubation period, the HPV population increases depending on the strength of the immune system. The weaker the human body, the shorter this period will be. This is followed by a subclinical stage, during which new tissue is formed. A person may already be the source of the disease, but does not yet have external manifestations. Next, the body of the wart emerges between the toes on the surface of the skin. Growth progression is observed. Appearance and size depend on the variety.

Types of warts between toes:

  • Plantar warts . Their origin most often occurs in places of strong pressure and frequent friction with shoes, i.e. on the side of the thumb and little finger, as well as on the lower surface. However, this species is characterized by strong growth. Dimensions can even reach several centimeters in width. The structure is characterized by increased density, so the growths are strongly felt when pressing and walking. The rough body of the wart between the toes leads to severe pain. The surface is distinguished by the presence of a noticeable layer of keratinized particles in color from whitish to dirty gray. Around the growth, the skin also becomes slightly thicker and acquires a whitish or yellowish tint.
  • Vulgar warts . The outer surface layer also has a noticeable stratum corneum. A vulgar wart between the toes noticeably protrudes like a dome above the skin by 3-4 mm, and is therefore subject to strong friction and injury during hygiene procedures. The structure is compacted. The outlines are round. The diameter is usually up to 4 mm. May be multiple.
  • Flat warts . They look like flat growths of a pink or yellowish tint. Characterized by blurry outlines of a round or irregular shape. Diameter - up to 10 mm. They almost always affect large areas of skin and grow together. More often they appear during the period of youthful natural hormonal correction and can disappear without a trace without treatment. In addition, such growths in this part of the integument occur very rarely. Because of this, there is practically no need to worry about how to get rid of warts between the toes.

Sometimes one or another type of wart can grow into the periungual space and grow under the nail plate. In this case, it is highly not recommended to start the course of the disease, otherwise you may lose your nail.

The main symptoms are pain, itching, discomfort, increased sweating. In advanced forms, swelling of nearby tissues, redness, and burning may occur. If the course is unfavorable, there is a danger of the formation of cancer cells.

When the growth changes color or grows very quickly, fluid or blood appears from it, you should consult a doctor and decide how to treat foot warts between the toes safely and effectively.

  • See also what a chicken wart on the leg looks like

Symptoms and diagnosis

Warts on the fingers look like round-shaped formations, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. They are hard to the touch, often rough and lumpy.

If the growth is injured or the patient tries to eliminate it at home, the formation takes on the appearance of a sea sponge with many tentacles.

The color varies from light pink (almost flesh-colored) to dark gray. Black dots visible through the skin indicate blockage of blood vessels. It is possible for closely lying growths to merge into large plaques. Overgrown skin papillomas bring pain and discomfort when wearing narrow, tight-fitting shoes.

A characteristic symptom of growths on the feet are so-called kissing warts located on adjacent toes. They often form near the little finger.

The final diagnosis is made by a dermatologist based on an external examination of the callus. If necessary, additional tests are prescribed.

Ways to treat warts between toes

The benign nature of warts between the toes allows in some cases to go without treatment. However, the presence of unpleasant symptoms, the contagiousness of a person, discomfort from an unsightly appearance and the danger of degeneration into cancer force one to consult a doctor to determine suitable options for combating this disease.

Radical removal of warts between toes

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to get rid of its external manifestations. Currently, there are several effective instrumental methods for combating benign skin tumors. To find out how to remove a wart between your toes safely and effectively, you should consult a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis, identify all the risks and recommend the most suitable option.

Modern methods for removing warts between the toes, their advantages, disadvantages and costs:

  • Radio wave surgery . A special radio knife delivers a stream of radio waves to skin formations, which excise it almost painlessly. Each blood vessel is coagulated through the same flow, so bleeding does not occur. Along with this, there is no spread of infection. Thanks to this, the relapse rate in the coming months is quite low. In addition, complications almost never appear after such a procedure. Patients note that restoration of the skin after radio wave removal of warts between the toes occurs in less than a week. Price - from 1900 rubles in Russian clinics and from 650 hryvnia in Ukrainian medical institutions.
  • Removal with liquid nitrogen . This method involves applying very low temperature liquid nitrogen to the body of the wart between the toes. The procedure is dangerous because the product can freeze not only the tumor, but also healthy cells. As a result, tissue frostbite occurs, which destroys the treated cells. A blister appears, it can become inflamed, red, and swollen. After such manipulation, deep scars may remain, and in the case of thin toes, even bones and cartilage may be injured. Based on this, the doctor may say that cryodestruction of a wart on the foot between the toes is not advisable. The lowest price is 400 rubles or 190 hryvnia.
  • Electrocoagulation . Elimination of external manifestations of HPV is carried out due to the burning current. The procedure is painful and produces an unpleasant smell of burnt skin. The person feels severe tingling and discomfort. Often after manipulation, swelling develops and tissue inflammation begins. However, the excision is carried out quite accurately and effectively. The price in Russia is 350 rubles, in Ukraine – 200 hryvnia. Read real reviews about electrocoagulation of papilloma.
  • Laser removal . This method is widely popular due to its accessibility, effectiveness, safety and painlessness. It also allows you to shorten the healing time of scars and restore the normal structure of the skin. The laser burns out the wart cells between the toes in a targeted manner. An experienced specialist performs the manipulation with high precision, thanks to which healthy tissue remains intact. The price in Russia is 1000 rubles, in Ukraine – 400 hryvnia. See indications for laser removal of papilloma.
  • Surgical excision with a scalpel . It is performed in the operating room under local anesthesia. It has a number of significant disadvantages. Complete removal is carried out with simultaneous excision of healthy tissue; bleeding often occurs during manipulation. There is a need for sutures. Rehabilitation can take quite a long time. There is a danger of infection or spread of HPV to new areas of the integument. Prescribed as a cheaper alternative if the growth is too large to be removed by other methods. The cost in Russia is 450 rubles, in Ukraine - 250 hryvnia.

The price for each procedure varies depending on the clinic, the location and size of the growths, as well as their number.

It is possible to refuse radical removal of warts between the toes if there are contraindications due to concomitant diseases or signs of inflammation or the beginning of the cells degenerating into malignant ones.

Instrumental excision of viral formations should be carried out in combination with drug treatment to reduce the risk of reactivation of the human papillomavirus.

Wart removal methods

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The formations need to be removed. There are different ways in which you can get rid of warts between your fingers. The choice of method depends on the size of the formations and their location. Small surface elements can be removed with folk remedies or medicinal patches. In any case, the callus must be shown to a doctor. The doctor will determine the type of growth and recommend the appropriate treatment method. There are three main directions in treatment: hardware removal (laser, radio waves, liquid nitrogen), surgical techniques, medication (medicine patches, ointments).

Hardware techniques

The techniques involve the use of various equipment to remove warts. They differ in the agent of influence. There may be extremely low temperatures (liquid nitrogen), high frequency waves (radio waves), laser and diathermo-electrocoagulation of the blood vessels feeding the growth. The advantage of such methods is minimally invasive and targeted effects.

The operations are bloodless and are performed under local anesthesia if necessary. When performed correctly, there are no postoperative scars left.

After cryodestruction, severe swelling and discomfort in the area of ​​the ulcers often form in the first day.


Surgical treatment involves excision of the formation using a scalpel. Many surgeons insist on just such a removal; this is the only way to completely remove the pathological formation.

The method is recommended for large foreign elements (more than 3 cm) penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis.

Surgery is performed under local anesthesia, after pre-treating the wound surface with antiseptics. The removed pieces are sent for mandatory histological examination. The wound is sutured with small stitches. The duration of the intervention takes on average 5 minutes.

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