Itching between the toes: how to treat it, why the skin itches and peels

Many people often encounter unpleasant cases when the skin peels off between their toes and feet. This problem is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and burning.

This type of problem can be provoked by a large number of reasons, the identification of which often requires a special examination. The occurrence of cases where there is a violation of the skin between the toes and feet requires a special type of treatment.

Otherwise, ulcers may form and further spread of the disease to healthy areas of the body. Also, great attention should be paid to the quality and condition of shoes and the rules of daily hygiene.

Why does the skin peel between my toes?

Skin can peel off for various reasons, which may be individual for each organism.

However, the most common reasons should be highlighted:

  • Poor-quality shoes - the use of low-quality shoes can lead to increased sweating, which often causes problems with the skin between the toes;
  • Uncomfortable shoes - improperly selected shoes, as well as high heels, can lead to compression of the skin and disruption of its integrity;
  • Lack of vitamins is most often observed in spring and winter. A lack of vitamins A and E can lead to peeling skin between the toes;
  • Being in too hot or cold conditions - exposure to low or high temperatures can lead to problems;
  • Staying in water for a long time - this especially applies to frequent trips to swimming pools. Chlorinated water can be hard on the delicate skin between your toes;
  • Lack of timely hygiene - it is worth devoting time to this point every day;
  • Disease with pathogenic fungi of the feet can disrupt the integrity of the skin between the toes;
  • Disease of the digestive organs tends to manifest itself in the form of skin disorders on the legs; enduring prolonged stressful situations - prolonged stress can negatively affect the condition of the skin, including the toes.

In addition to the main causes of the problem, there may be individual ones related to nutrition and lifestyle.

It is very rare to find out the reasons on your own, so it is recommended to visit a medical facility if you have unpleasant symptoms.

Causes of itching

The most obvious cause of itching is athlete's foot, scabies, dry or wet eczema. Infection can occur through contact with contaminated surfaces in public places, household items, and also by wearing someone else's shoes. In the presence of predisposing factors, the pathogen penetrates the skin, causing irritation, burning, and bruising. The fungus most often affects the tissues around the little finger and thumb.

Why does the skin on my feet peel off?

The skin on the feet can peel off for the following reasons:

  • Increased level of dry air - which negatively affects the condition of the skin;
  • Allergy to low-quality shoes - which reduces the supply of sufficient air;
  • Incorrectly selected preparations for the care of the skin of the legs, and the skin may itch;
  • Hormonal changes in the body can lead to a decrease in moisture levels in the layers of the epidermis;
  • Increased sweating of the feet is associated with complex processes occurring in the human body due to the presence of a large number of receptors on the feet;
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins and foot diseases;
  • Increased body weight , which leads to poor circulation in the extremities and the skin begins to crack.

The appearance of peeling skin on the feet can occur as a result of long-term use of antibiotics as a side effect, for the elimination of which you should consult with your doctor.

Pathological processes

There are much more serious reasons why the top layer of the epidermis peels and flakes. These are pathological processes that indicate the development and course of serious diseases.

  • Allergic reactions often appear in the space between the fingers. This may be an allergy to medications, cosmetics or food. When using antihistamines, the negative process will pass.
  • Some endocrine diseases, in particular type 2 diabetes mellitus, cause dermatological changes, resulting in cracks and peeling.
  • Psoriasis or eczema, caused by stress, depression or other psychological disorders, provoke redness, thickening and peeling of the skin.
  • When you get shingles, the skin between your toes also peels off.
  • Fungal diseases are infectious in nature and are transmitted through direct contact with a patient or with his household items. There are also frequent cases of infection through pedicure tools.

! A humid habitat is the most comfortable for bacteria to live, so visitors to swimming pools, saunas, public showers and baths are at risk.

When affected by fungal diseases, the skin not only flakes off, flakes off, but also itches. Moreover, this ailment is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. If these symptoms appear, medical consultation is necessary.

Why does the skin on my toes peel off?

There are the following reasons why the skin on the toes peels off:

  • Foot fungus – promotes the destruction of epidermal cells;
  • Bad habits and excess weight can impair blood circulation in the extremities;
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins or hypervitaminosis;
  • Footwear and hosiery made of artificial fabrics;
  • Age-related changes in the body, leading to hormonal imbalances, which tend to manifest themselves as a violation of the integrity of the skin on the toes.

Another common reason that leads to peeling skin on the fingers is prolonged exposure to hypothermia of the extremities.

Peeling skin on children's legs

The occurrence of a violation of the integrity of the skin in the leg area in childhood can cause a large number of unpleasant symptoms.

This type of problem can appear at absolutely any age, starting from the first days of life. Most often, to identify the causes of unpleasant symptoms, a consultation with a pediatrician is required.

Why does the skin peel off between the toes of children?

In childhood, the skin has increased sensitivity and reacts to external stimuli more acutely than adults.

Most often, the skin between the toes in children is damaged for the following reasons:

  • Infectious lesions of the skin of the feet - most often it is foot fungus;
  • Allergic reactions – it is possible that the skin may react to the artificial materials from which the shoes are made;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system - as a result, there is a sharp decrease in immunity to various external stimuli;
  • Dry indoor air disrupts water metabolism in the body and leads to damage to the integrity of the skin between the fingers;
  • Maintaining improper foot hygiene - incorrectly selected daily care products can provoke a violation of the integrity of the skin between the toes;

Very often, the problem can manifest itself as a result of using shoes that are too warm for the season.

Why does the skin peel off on children's feet?

The following reasons can cause problems associated with peeling skin on the feet in childhood:

  • Dysbacteriosis , which negatively affects the condition of the skin;
  • The presence of helminths can be manifested by symptoms of a violation of the integrity of the skin on the feet;
  • Lack of the required amount of vitamins A, E;
  • Fungal infections of various origins;
  • Damage to the skin by staphylococcal bacteria is most often observed in the first days of life;
  • Allergic reactions to household chemicals used to wash the child’s clothes;
  • Using chlorinated water for foot hygiene.

Almost every parent has encountered problems with peeling skin on their feet. After eliminating the cause that caused this type of disorder, as a rule, the symptoms disappear.

Why does the skin on my child's toes peel off?

The reasons that cause a violation of the integrity of the integument on the toes of a child are as follows:

  • Tight shoes interfere with blood circulation in the limbs;
  • Poor nutrition and sedentary lifestyle;
  • Too dry air that disrupts water metabolism;
  • Use of hosiery out of season.

Much more often, simultaneous skin lesions on the fingers and feet are observed. The disease can occur without any symptoms and is not treated by the child’s parents for a long time.

Peeling skin on legs during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, a woman can often face various problems. One of these problems is peeling skin on the legs.

The disease can manifest itself for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance – during pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur, which affects the condition of the skin;
  • Swelling of the legs - reduces blood circulation in the extremities and leads to peeling;
  • Improper daily care and unbalanced diet;
  • Tight and uncomfortable shoes very often cause increased sweating and compression of the lower extremities;
  • Infectious diseases of the skin of the legs.

Absolutely any external influence on a woman’s body during pregnancy can cause peeling of the legs.


The appearance of peeling on the feet and toes requires the use of special treatment. To identify the cause that provoked this type of unpleasant symptoms, you should undergo appropriate diagnostics.

It consists of the following:

  • Identification of symptoms during communication with the patient and external examination by a doctor;
  • Collection of damaged skin particles for analysis;
  • Blood test, including for hormonal disorders;
  • Urine and stool analysis.

Based on the results of the analysis, treatment is prescribed; in cases where the test results do not indicate the cause of the disease, additional types of examination may be prescribed.

What is maceration?

On hot summer days, almost all the feet sweat. One of the purposes of sweat is to cool the body, and therefore it is completely natural in the summer. Then the whole body, and therefore the feet, cool down. After all, there are over 500 sweat glands on the soles of our feet.

However, too much sweat on the feet can cause maceration, that is, softening of the epidermis. The macerated epidermis loses the features of vital tissue and becomes dead tissue.

Maceration in the interdigital spaces appears as cracked, uneven whitish epidermis. If this occurs on skin with hyperhidrosis, the skin around the maceration becomes intensely red and noticeably moist.

What should care be like?

Proper skin care around the feet will help prevent a large number of unpleasant symptoms.

It is recommended to follow the following care rules:

  • Choose comfortable shoes to prevent corns and calluses;
  • Wash your feet daily using soapy water and a special stiff brush for feet;
  • After washing your feet, apply a nourishing or antibacterial cream to your feet;
  • Monitor the condition of your nails and avoid overly long or ingrown nails. What can trigger the inflammatory process;
  • Once every few weeks, special foot baths will help reduce the likelihood of the formation of stratum corneum;
  • If there are minor damages , treat with an antibacterial agent to prevent infectious diseases;
  • For elevated feet, use special medications recommended for the prevention of foot and nail fungi.

After visiting public places with high levels of humidity, such as a bathhouse or sauna, you should treat your feet with antibacterial soap and dry them with a towel.

What is the difference between maceration and mycosis?

In contrast to maceration, mycosis is sometimes caused by Trichophyton rubrum or Trichophyton interdigitale. Mycosis on the feet differs from maceration in both appearance and smell. The smell of mycosis is very characteristic and is easily recognized by an orthopedist.

The appearance of mycosis is distinguished by its yellowish-brown color and the presence of additional, not yet cracked, microscopic bubbles that appear next to the already cracked and jagged ones. The vesicles are filled with liquid containing fungal spores. Often they are so small that only the experienced eye of a podiatrist can see them with a magnifying glass. Deposits of necrotic, fungal epidermis can stick together, becoming a threat to the formation of interdigital ulcers, which are very painful and difficult to remove and heal.

Drug treatment

If peeling occurs on the legs, it is recommended to carry out appropriate treatment to prevent further development of the disease. The type of treatment and course are prescribed by the attending physician depending on the type of disease.

To eliminate excessive dry skin, it is necessary to saturate the body with beneficial vitamins and use the following types of medications:

  • Salicylic acid – has an antimicrobial and softening effect. Apply a thin layer to the skin of the feet after washing. The duration of treatment is determined individually. Not recommended for use by people under 12 years of age. Average cost 70 rubles ;
  • Calendula ointment - used for moisturizing and antibacterial effect. It is prescribed twice a day with a thin layer on previously cleansed skin of the feet. Allowed for use from the age of 5 years. Average cost 60 rubles ;
  • Bepanten – helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms and accelerates the process of skin regeneration. Apply twice daily. Duration of treatment until the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. In childhood, it is used from the age of 1 month, for a course of no more than 5 days. The average cost is 440 rubles .

Salicylic acid Calendula ointment Bepanten
To eliminate pathogenic fungi, the following types of drugs are prescribed:

  • Fluconazole is used to eliminate fungal infections and other types of infections. Use one tablet twice a day for a course of treatment of up to 5 days. Not prescribed during pregnancy and for children under 14 years of age. Average cost 90 rubles ;
  • Lamisil spray - used to eliminate peeling on the feet and between the toes caused by fungal infections. Prescribed twice a day after cleansing the skin. The course of treatment is prescribed until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Can be used from the age of 7 years. Average cost 400 rubles ;
  • Terbizil cream - has the property of penetrating deeply into the layers of the epidermis and destroying fungal cells. Apply once a day in a thin layer to cleansed skin, treatment duration is up to 14 days. Prescribed for children over 12 years of age. The average cost is 250 rubles .

Fluconazole Lamisil Terbizil
For diseases associated with vitamin deficiency, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Use of vitamins A and E - can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of gelatin capsules for daily use. Prescribed for ages over 7 years, one capsule for 14 days. Average cost 120 rubles ;
  • Foot balm "Doctor Biokon" - used to nourish and restore the skin of the feet and fingers. Apply once a day after washing your feet. Duration of treatment until symptoms disappear. Allowed for use from the age of 12 years. Cost 80 rubles ;
  • Radevit – contains vitamin complexes and has a wound-healing effect. Apply once a day, course of treatment is up to 15 days. Cost 350 rubles .

Aevit Doctor Biokon Radevit
Peeling of the feet caused by dry air and improper care requires the use of the following medications:

  • Zorka is a drug that contains petroleum jelly and nutritional components, applied twice a day to cleansed skin of the legs for the duration of treatment until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. Can be used from the age of 12 years. Cost 60 rubles ;
  • Foot cream “Five days” with sea buckthorn oil is prescribed to nourish and moisturize the skin. Apply twice a day for 5 days. Appointed from the age of 6 years. Cost 60 rubles .

Zorka Five days
It is recommended to use medications only after consulting a doctor to prevent the formation of allergic reactions and aggravation of the disease.

How to treat?

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms at home, you can use traditional methods, creams and ointments based on natural ingredients and oils, but if the condition does not improve within 3-4 days, you should visit a dermatologist.


The choice of drug depends on the disease that caused excessive dryness and cracking of the skin. Treatment is aimed at eliminating itching, inflammation, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, and accelerating the regeneration process.

How to treat peeling skin:

  • Miconazole, Terbinafine - external agents for the treatment of athlete's foot, they should be used twice a day for a week;
  • Nizoral, Mycozoral - antifungal agents for the treatment of rubromycosis;
  • Itraconazole, Ketoconazole - antimycotic agents for the treatment of interdigital mycoses caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • Orungal, Fluconazole - tablets with an antifungal effect, prescribed for moderate and advanced forms of mycosis;
  • Betadine, Shostakovsky ointment - moisturizes the skin well and promotes rapid healing;
  • SixtuMed is a remedy for the treatment of cracks and peeling of the skin in diabetics.

Nizoral is an effective treatment for fungus

When diagnosing allergies, antihistamines are prescribed - Suprastin, Kestin. To treat eczema, hormonal ointments are needed - Prednisolone, Trimistin.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods will help eliminate itching and flaking of the skin; they can be used as first aid. Include in complex therapy for the treatment of dermatological diseases.

Therapeutic bath to moisturize and cleanse the skin

Mix 5 g of soda, 10 g of salt, 3-4 drops of tea tree oil, dissolve the mixture in 1 liter of warm water. Immerse your feet for a quarter of an hour, sting the top layer of the epidermis with a scrub or pumice stone, and rinse your feet with cool water. Dry, apply moisturizer or medicinal ointment. Carry out sessions until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear; for prevention, you can do the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Baths with baking soda, salt and oils are good for getting rid of flaking.

Steam baths

If the skin becomes very inflamed, bursts and peels, steam baths will help. Boil 1 liter of water in a small saucepan, add 30 g of chopped hops or chamomile. Place the affected limb over the container and cover with a thick towel. Carry out the procedure for 10 minutes every other day.

Steam baths are good for your feet


If the skin between the fingers is affected by a fungus, ammonia will help - dilute 15 ml of ammonia in 200 ml of water, moisten a piece of thin natural fabric in the solution, and wrap the affected limb. Put a plastic bag and a thin sock on top. The compress should be done before bedtime. To improve the condition, 10–12 procedures will be required.

Ammonia fights fungal infections

Oil wraps

An excellent product for nourishing and moisturizing the epidermis. Heat 100 ml of castor or any vegetable oil in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees, add 4 quail yolks. Mix. Apply the mixture to the feet, between the toes, put on plastic bags, and on top - thin socks made of natural materials. After 45 minutes, remove the compress, rinse your feet with cool water, dry well, and apply a moisturizer.

Healing oils will moisturize the skin on your feet

What to do if a child has peeling skin?

If your child has peeling and peeling skin between his fingers, you should consult a dermatologist. When diagnosing a fungal infection, the doctor will prescribe safe antifungal drugs - Exoderil, Terbizil, multivitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system. If other dermatological problems are identified, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, and antipruritic agents for external use may be prescribed.

Exoderil can be used for children

If a child has peeling skin not only between the toes, but also between the hands, it is necessary to urgently check the blood sugar level. Such symptoms are often the first sign of diabetes in children.

Traditional methods of treatment

To reduce peeling of the skin in the area of ​​​​the feet and toes, it is recommended to use the following traditional medicine methods:

  • Apple with milk - grate one green apple on a coarse grater and add two tablespoons of milk. It is recommended to apply the resulting mixture to the damaged areas and secure with a bandage. Duration of treatment is 5 days. Allowed for use from 3 years;
  • Olive oil – heat a small amount of oil and apply to the damaged area using a cotton pad. Put on socks and leave the oil on your feet overnight. Use until the unpleasant symptoms of peeling completely disappear;
  • Foot baths with soda are recommended for fungal infections. Add a tablespoon of soda to a liter of hot water. Leave the bath for 20 minutes, then apply antiseptic cream to your feet. Duration of treatment is up to 10 days;
  • Bath with salt and tea tree oil - add a liter of warm water to a tablespoon of salt and two drops of tea tree oil. Leave the bath for 15 minutes, then lubricate the skin with baby cream. Used from the age of 6 months. Duration of treatment up to 8 days;
  • Iodine baths are used for fungal infections and reduce the further development of the microorganism in the epidermis. Add 5 drops of iodine to a liter of hot water and lower your feet. Leave the bath for 5 minutes, then apply an antibacterial drug. Prohibited during pregnancy. The course of treatment is 10 days of daily procedure.

The use of traditional medicine methods helps eliminate mild degrees of skin damage; for more complex ones, the use of special drugs is required.


Treatment of fungal infections on the legs is carried out on an outpatient basis. Complex therapy includes pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

When a bacterial infection occurs, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and bactericidal agents are added to the treatment regimen.


Fungus between the fingers is difficult to treat. Therapy for the disease lasts from 1 month to a year. Mild forms of pathology are eliminated faster and easier. The disease cannot be ignored in the early stages, when the first mild symptoms appear. If you experience discomfort in your toes, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Inflammation is relieved using 20-minute foot baths with the addition of manganese permanganate. After the procedure, the skin is dried and cleaned of dead and flaking tissue. Then treated with an antiseptic:

  • make an application with boric acid or resorcinol,
  • Fukortsin.

When the weeping disappears, the epithelium dries out, the lesions are lubricated:

  • brilliant green,
  • Fluorocort,
  • Ultralan with corticosteroids.

Antimycotic drugs begin to be used after suppression of inflammation.

Treatment for bacterial infection

If the fungus is complicated by a bacterial infection, combined medications are used. Apply to damaged epithelial tissues:

  • Betamethasone,
  • Akriderm,
  • Pimafucort is an ointment based on hydrocortisone,
  • Natamycin,
  • Neomycin.

Systemic treatment with drugs in tablets

Various complications develop against the background of fungal infections. Patients develop allergies, erysipelas, eczema, and concomitant pathologies become aggravated.

Allergic reactions and itching are relieved with antihistamines:

  • Suprastin,
  • Diazolin,
  • Zyrtec.

Simultaneously with antiallergenic tablets, injections of 10% calcium gluconate are given. To cure the disease, antimycotic drugs in tablets or capsules are used.

Patients are prescribed tablets based on terbinafine:

  • Lamisil,
  • Terbinafine-Teva.
  • Orungal,
  • Irunin.

To relieve a fungal infection, medications containing fluconazole are used. Tablets with this active substance are called:

  • Diflucan,
  • Flucosan,
  • Mycomax.

Basic therapy is supplemented with medications that improve certain functions of internal organs:

  1. Festal normalizes intestinal function and restores the process of absorption of nutrients.
  2. Trental improves blood flow in the feet.
  3. Arbidol and Taktivin increase immunity.

At home

Baths are made according to the following recipe:

  1. Soda-salt solutions are an effective home remedy for fighting fungus. The water is heated to 38-40 ℃. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and soda to the liquid. Soar your feet for 20-30 minutes. Cleanses the skin of dead tissue. Treat feet with local antimycotics. The procedure is carried out daily before bedtime.
  2. Herbal. Prepare the collection: mix chamomile, plantain, and celandine in equal quantities. Boil 1 liter of water, add 3 tablespoons of raw materials. Cool the infusion to 38-40 ℃. Immerse your feet in the liquid for 20 minutes. Remove dead tissue from the surface of the skin. Treat your feet with antifungal drugs.

Lotions help fight fungus:

  • soak a cotton pad with a 9% vinegar solution,
  • apply the application to the lesion,
  • wrap in plastic wrap, leave for 5 minutes,
  • wash the foot with warm water,
  • lubricate the affected areas with a local antimycotic.

This recipe is used to treat adult patients. On the delicate skin of children, the application may leave a burn.

All folk remedies are used in combination with medications. Use home methods on the recommendation of a dermatologist.

Recommendations for treatment

For successful treatment, it is recommended to follow the following types of recommendations:

  • Saturate your diet with healthy vitamins and minerals that will enhance the natural processes of skin cell regeneration;
  • Use special antibacterial sprays to treat shoes;
  • During the treatment period, do not visit public places such as the beach, sauna;
  • Use individual personal hygiene items and clothing;
  • When applying the drug, use special socks to achieve quick results.

Proper treatment will quickly eliminate peeling and unpleasant symptoms of itching.

Hypergranulation and maceration

Maceration is often accompanied by ingrown nails and hypergranulation. The area is always wet, and therefore an infection easily attaches to the wound, which quickly moves from the side to the back, that is, the base of the nail plate. A purulent paronychia forms with pronounced redness and pain.

If timely treatment is not carried out, paronychia can spread to the finger tissue and cause panaritium, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

If maceration can be treated in a podologist’s office, then associated complications require contacting a surgeon.


Proper care has a special place in maintaining the health of the skin on your legs.

It is recommended to follow the following prevention rules:

  • After washing your feet, it is recommended to dry the skin with a towel, not ignoring the area between the toes;
  • When washing your feet, use laundry soap or a weak solution of manganese;
  • When choosing shoes, use products made of genuine leather and the right size;
  • In case of excessive sweating, use special medications to reduce the functioning of the sweat glands;
  • Treat fungal skin lesions in a timely manner, and if calluses and corns appear, be sure to eliminate the problem;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to places with high humidity and direct sunlight;
  • Trim nails in a timely manner and ensure the cleanliness of socks and hosiery;
  • After visiting public areas, treat your feet with antibacterial agents.

Proper care will help not only eliminate the problem of peeling feet and toes, but also prevent the formation of various infectious diseases.

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