Masks against wrinkles on the face after 55 years: 14 proven recipes against age-related changes

Proper facial skin care is equally important at 15 years old and at 55. After all, a woman always remains a woman, and she doesn’t want to look her age. You need to take especially careful care of mature skin, since due to the natural processes of restructuring the body during this period of life, wrinkles and other not the most pleasant age-related changes appear on the skin.

It is necessary to take care of your skin comprehensively. In addition to creams and lotions, you can also use natural home remedies to maintain youthful skin. So, an anti-wrinkle mask after 55 years will help to significantly improve your appearance, provided that the procedures are performed correctly and regularly.

Is the game worth the candle?

Is it worth the hassle of making homemade masks? After all, modern cosmetology can offer a variety of ways to combat aging, from Botox injections to plastic anti-aging surgeries.

However, despite all the achievements of cosmetology science, you should not give up home care. Firstly, not everyone can afford cosmetic procedures. Some people do not have enough funds, while for others such interventions are contraindicated for health reasons.

Homemade masks are available to everyone and have virtually no contraindications . For their preparation, ordinary products are used that are found in almost every kitchen. And to make home care even more effective, the formulations can be enriched with pharmacy vitamins . Vitamins E and A are especially beneficial for the skin.

Of course, homemade masks will not help you turn into a twenty-year-old beauty with a flawlessly smooth face.

But these procedures will be able to:

  • speed up metabolic processes and cell renewal processes;
  • nourish the skin with life-giving moisture , since with age the skin almost always becomes drier and dehydrated;
  • improve cell nutrition with beneficial vitamins and minerals;
  • smooth out superficial wrinkles and make deep age-related folds less noticeable;
  • tighten the skin , eliminating sagging.
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Of course, at 55 years old a woman can and should be beautiful. And it is a misconception to believe that this requires expensive salon procedures and elite care products - every lady is able to maintain her beauty and blooming appearance herself. Homemade facial products - lotions, scrubs, and especially masks - are very effective and natural remedies for reasonable skin care. And most importantly - very profitable.

Basic Rules

In order for a rejuvenation course carried out at home to achieve the best results, it is worth preparing cosmetic formulations and carrying out procedures competently.

  • First of all, you need to choose a suitable recipe for a cosmetic composition. For ladies aged 55 years and older, masks are recommended that have a moisturizing, nourishing, tightening and smoothing effect.
  • Mixtures should be prepared only from natural, fresh products and immediately before application . If the composition includes vitamins or fresh fruits and vegetables, then these ingredients should be added to the composition last, immediately before applying to the face. Since vitamins are quickly destroyed in air.

  • It is necessary properly prepare the face for the procedure. You not only need to remove makeup and cleanse the skin, but also take a steam bath or hot compress. This will help open the pores, and the healing substances can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • When applying the composition, it is very important not to put pressure on the skin or stretch it. It is convenient to apply the compositions with a brush, but you can also use your fingers. When applying, follow the directions of the massage lines, and move from bottom to top. That is, you need to start from the chin and finish applying the composition on the forehead.
  • Cosmetic compositions prepared for the face should not be applied to the lips and skin around the mouth , as well as the area around the eyes. To combat wrinkles in this area, use special formulations.
  • After applying the composition, you should not do household chores or chat on the phone with a friend. For the procedure to give the best result, you need to lie down and completely relax . To get into the mood for relaxation, you can turn on pleasant, relaxing music.
  • remove the compounds as carefully as you apply them. If the composition has hardened to form a crust (this is how masks with clay harden), then you first need to apply a sponge moistened with water to the surface of the skin, and when the crust softens, you can wash off the composition.
  • After this, you need to perform a contrast wash , alternately rinse your face with warm and cold water 2-3 times, you can use cosmetic ice. Then you need to lightly blot the skin (but under no circumstances rub it with a towel) and apply the cream.
  • You need to perform the procedures regularly , only then the effect will be pronounced. It is advisable to make a homemade anti-aging mask once every three days. It is recommended to perform the procedures in courses. Having chosen one recipe, make 12-15 masks using it. Then switch to another composition. With this approach, the skin will not get used to the same composition of the mask, so the result will be better.
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Anti-aging masks 50+ at home

Cosmetology is constantly evolving, new anti-aging products and procedures are appearing. But the advertised methods can be easily replaced with homemade masks. Natural compositions do not penetrate deep into the dermis, but help visually smooth out age-related changes in the skin. In addition, they are a good prevention of the formation of new wrinkles.

It is easier to prevent and delay external signs of facial aging than to wait for an “advanced case”

There are several types of masks that differ in focus:

  • whitening agents - fight pigmentation;
  • tightening - have a rejuvenating effect, but are more suitable for oily and combination types, because they cleanse and narrow pores;
  • moisturizing - maintain hydrolipid balance, which is useful for everyone at any age;
  • nutritious - replenish the lack of nutrients, a salvation for dehydrated and sagging skin;
  • modeling (lifting) - strengthen turgor, allowing you to slightly correct and tighten the oval of the face;
  • toning - give a rested look, refreshing and improving microcirculation.

Massage lines indicate areas and directions of least stretch of the skin

It is important to understand that using masks occasionally will not bring positive results. Depending on the composition of the procedure, do it from 1 to 4 times every 10 days. In this case, you must follow the general recommendations:

  • the skin must be cleansed in advance, using a scrub or soft peeling;
  • the mixture should consist only of fresh and proven products;
  • the metal oxidizes, so the ingredients are mixed in glass, ceramic or wooden containers;
  • natural masks have no expiration date - they are used immediately after preparation, and the remains are thrown away;
  • the mixtures are distributed over the face from bottom to top, strictly along massage lines;
  • after application, it is advisable to minimize the effects of gravity by adopting a horizontal position;
  • keeping the mask on the skin for more than half an hour is pointless;
  • When removing the mixture from your face, do not use soap or cleansers.


There are many effective recipes that can be used by women aged 55 years and older to rejuvenate their skin . Here are the most popular ones that have proven their effectiveness:

Green tea and cocoa

This is a very effective mask against wrinkles on the face; with its regular use, even deep wrinkles can be made less noticeable. To prepare, you will need leafy green tea without additives; it is not advisable to use granulated tea.

Grind a tablespoon of tea leaves in a coffee grinder to a powder. Mix tea with cocoa powder (you will need half a tablespoon). Pour this mixture with hot, but not boiling water so that you get a very thick paste. Let the mixture cool slightly and add a spoonful of liquid honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. Stir. Apply to cleansed and moisturized facial skin for twenty minutes.


This is an effective anti-aging composition. To prepare it, you need to prepare a fabric mask by taking a piece of fabric (100% cotton) and cutting holes in it so that the lips and eyes remain open.

In addition, you will need to purchase burnt alum at the pharmacy and prepare a bay decoction. To prepare the decoction, you need to boil half a glass of water, put 3 large, chopped bay leaves in boiling water and cook at a very low boil for 10 minutes. Then let the broth cool and drain the liquid through a strainer.

Add burnt alum (3 grams), a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil and raw protein to the broth. Mix everything, preferably with a mixer. Then soak the prepared mask in the prepared solution and apply it to your face for at least forty minutes, preferably an hour.

Cognac with egg

This composition effectively stimulates blood circulation, which improves cell nutrition, rejuvenation and freshness of the skin.

You need to beat one medium-sized chicken egg or two quail eggs, mix it with 20 ml of good cognac and 5 ml of lemon juice. Add oat bran (sold in health food departments) to the prepared mixture until a fairly thick mass is obtained. Apply a thick layer for twenty minutes.


This is a rather complex multi-step procedure, but it gives an excellent result. The procedure should be performed in the evening.

You need to prepare four mixtures:

  • First mixture: mix finely ground oatmeal with any unrefined vegetable oil in a one to one ratio.
  • Second mixture: grate a green apple without peel on the finest grater, adding a spoonful of liquid honey to the puree.
  • Third mixture: stir half a glass of kefir and half a teaspoon of finely ground sea salt.
  • Fourth mixture: mix dried chamomile flowers and plantain herb in equal parts and prepare an infusion based on 250 liters of boiling water per spoon of the mixture. After three hours, drain the liquid.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Apply the first mixture to the skin along the massage lines, making circular massage movements with your fingers. The duration of the massage is 2 minutes. Then we just sit quietly for five minutes.
  • Then, without washing off the first mixture, apply mixture number two and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • The next step: take a cotton swab or sponge, soak it in mixture number three, and carefully wash off the previously applied compositions with this swab.
  • The last stage: wash with the prepared herbal infusion, let the skin dry without wiping it with a towel, and apply night cream.


This composition perfectly tones and rejuvenates. You need to mix two tablespoons of fresh grapefruit and carrot juices. Then add a spoonful of rich sour cream to this “cocktail”.

And using rice flour (grind regular rice in a coffee grinder) bring the composition to the required thickness.


This composition perfectly nourishes and tightens the skin, eliminating sagging. You need to mix a tablespoon of dry instant yeast with warm milk (a quarter cup). Separately, heat the honey and mix it with flaxseed oil (take a tablespoon of both). Combine both mixtures.

Apply this composition with a brush in several layers. Wash off twenty minutes after applying the last layer.

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Professional face masks after 55 years

Lifting mask Honey Elizavecca

Allows you to restore the oval line and saturate the covers with important elements. The Korean brand has created a unique product for the care of mature skin.

As a result of using a fabric mask, the epidermis becomes soft, velvety, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Intensive hydration and nutrition will increase protective properties against adverse factors. Enriched with honey, this tightening mask tones the skin, accelerates blood flow, and strengthens fine capillaries. The cost of packaging (23 ml) is 70 rubles.

Faberlic regenerating cream mask

It is aimed at intensive rejuvenation of the skin and has powerful lifting properties. As a result of application, the number and depth of wrinkles is noticeably reduced. The skin looks transformed and rested.

The composition contains hydrolyzed wheat proteins, which are powerful antioxidants. Application allows you to neutralize the effect of free radicals and stop age-related processes. Allantoin restores hydrobalance and promotes renewal of cellular structure. Sesame oil nourishes and protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. You can buy 50 ml for 529 rubles.

Face mask “Age expert 55+”

Instantly firming L'Oreal Paris from the famous French company will give radiance and freshness to the skin. The product helps get rid of wrinkles and restore elasticity to sagging skin.

The composition contains goji berry extracts, which have powerful anti-aging and regenerating properties. The complex of oils ensures restoration of cellular structure, nutrition, and saturation with vitamins. Price 50 ml 370 rub.

Fighting wrinkles around the lips

The following cosmetic compositions will help eliminate vertical wrinkles

  • Protein . This is a very simple but quite effective procedure. Beat one egg white into a foam and apply it to the problem area using a brush. It should be applied in 5-6 layers. Apply a new layer after the previous one has dried. After the last layer has dried, wash off the composition.
  • With avocado . This composition requires ripe soft fruit. A small amount of pulp needs to be crushed and mixed with an equal amount of honey. Apply to the lips and area around the mouth for a quarter of an hour.
  • Yolk . The egg yolk needs to be ground with the addition of butter and honey. Take a teaspoon each of both ingredients. You can take flaxseed, olive or almond oil.
  • Carrot-sour cream . To prepare the mixture, ideally you need homemade sour cream, but you can also use store-bought sour cream, choosing a product with a high degree of fat content. Mix equal volumes of thick sour cream and fresh, finely grated carrots, spread the mixture on gauze napkins and apply them to the skin of the eyelids for a quarter of an hour.

Surgical procedures

Many women have appreciated the rejuvenating salon procedures. Before going to a cosmetology clinic, you should remember that you can only trust your face to a professional who has extensive experience in this field. Do not hesitate to ask for a contract for the provision of medical services, as well as quality certificates for certain products. After all, not only your beauty, but also your health will depend on the quality of the services provided.

The most popular cosmetic procedures are:

  1. Invasive mesotherapy - the skin of the face is pierced at certain points with a needle. A specially developed vitamin complex is injected into the dermis to promote facial rejuvenation.
  2. Mesotherapy – helps increase the amount of collagen. To do this, injections with a vitamin or amino acid cocktail are injected into the skin.
  3. Fractional mesotherapy - the effectiveness of this procedure is much higher. The restorative and tightening effect is achieved with the help of injections that are given by a cosmetologist to all areas of the face.
  4. Aquaphoresis is a special set of cosmetic procedures that help achieve facial rejuvenation in a short period of time. The procedure includes electroporation, lymphatic drainage, laser therapy, myostimulation, laser facelift.

Also in the field of cosmetology, there is hardware facial rejuvenation after 50 years.

Surgical anti-aging procedures are very popular among women.

  • SMAS lifting is a popular surgical procedure that allows you to tighten and fix the skin in the muscular aponeurotic system. Cosmetic manipulation is carried out in two versions: classic and gentle. After SMAS lifting, a decrease in swelling is observed for several months. Complete skin restoration occurs 2 weeks after the procedure.
  • Blepharoplasty is surgical correction of the eyelids. The effect of plastic surgery lasts almost 10 years, recovery will take more than a month.
  • Platysmoplasty - surgery allows you to correct the line of the neck and chin.
  • A circular facelift is one of the radical rejuvenation methods that allows you to quickly remove deep wrinkles and smooth out the skin. A facelift is recommended for women over 60 years of age.
  • Endoscopic lifting is a cosmetic operation that is considered gentle because it is performed without the use of anesthesia. The duration of the operation is 3 hours.

Fighting wrinkles around the eyes

After 55 years, the skin of the eyelids needs not only hydration and nutrition , it is necessary to choose formulations that have a tightening effect. Here are some mask options:

  • Mix of oils . This useful procedure can be done every evening. Prepare a mixture of oils by mixing equal parts of almond, olive, jojoba and wheat germ oils. Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle. For 50 ml of the mixture you need to add 10 drops of vitamin E. Mix everything and store in a dark place. Apply every evening to the skin of the eyelids for half an hour, then carefully remove the remaining mixture with paper napkins.

  • Carrot . This composition is also suitable for daily care. You need to prepare a spoonful of carrot juice, add a few drops of peach oil to it and stir. Soak cotton pads or gauze pads in the resulting liquid and apply to the skin of the eyelids.
  • Banana . Mash a small piece of ripe banana, add the contents of three capsules of vitamin Aevit and a spoonful of almond oil to the puree. Apply under the eyes for a quarter of an hour.
  • Dill . You will need to sew two small fabric bags and pour a spoonful of dill seed into them. Boil some milk, immerse the filled bags in the hot milk, let them cool in the milk. Then squeeze a little and apply to closed eyes.

What does aging skin need?

After 55 years, almost all women complain of sensitivity and dryness of the facial epithelium. Unfortunately, skin aging is associated with hormonal changes as a result of menopause and hereditary factors, so it will not be possible to stop aging. But you can slow it down by identifying and satisfying the needs of the skin after 55 years :

  • Hydration . By replenishing the moisture deficiency in the surface tissues of the epithelium, you can restore its elasticity and softness. To do this you need to drink 1 liter. clean water daily. Cosmetic care should include age-appropriate moisturizers. It is also useful to spray your face with special thermal water during the day;
  • Toning . Contrast washing can restore tone to the skin of the face, but for women over 55 years of age, this procedure has its own peculiarity: you should not use very cold and hot water, even if the temperature difference is small;
  • Peeling . Removing dead skin cells will not only make the dermis soft, but also improve blood circulation and facilitate the transport of nutrients. Scrubbing can harm aging skin, but fruit masks at home will do an excellent job of this task;
  • UV protection . After 55 years, facial skin is prone to the appearance of age spots, and sunbathing will only worsen the problem. If possible, you should avoid walking in clear weather, wear hats with a visor and do not forget about creams with a UV filter;
  • Nutrition . The condition of the epithelium directly depends on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and liver: proper nutrition and timely treatment of chronic diseases will significantly prolong the youth of the face. The diet should be balanced, with a large proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits. Diets should be avoided—moderate exercise and an active lifestyle are preferable for weight loss.

Precautionary measures

As already noted, homemade masks have few contraindications, however, we should not forget about precautions.

First of all, you need to make sure that your skin is not hypersensitive to any of the components of the cosmetic composition. Don't rely on the fact that you've never had an allergy before. It’s better to spend a couple of hours doing the test than to later see a reddened face covered in a rash in the mirror.

Just apply a drop of the prepared solution to your wrist and wait a while. If no negative reaction appears within an hour or two, then the composition is safe and can be applied to the face.

Contraindications and possible consequences

It is undesirable to use tightening masks in several cases:

  • age less than 25 years;
  • any damage to the skin - wounds, burns, scratches, etc.;
  • allergy (intolerance) to the components used;
  • thin, weakened or visible vessels, including rosacea and “stars”;
  • any inflammation - acne, comedones, etc.;
  • recovery period after injection or surgical rejuvenation.

Negative effects do not occur so often, most of them being an allergic reaction, lack of results or worsening of the facial condition. The reason for this may be either ignoring contraindications or excessive abuse of masks that are not suitable for the skin.

If you are overweight, anti-aging care using homemade masks often turns out to be ineffective or even harmful, making wrinkles only more pronounced.

Skin irritation is not necessarily due to allergies; itching and redness can be caused by the use of spoiled products

Tips from cosmetologists

After 50 years, women experience a strong decrease in hormone levels in the body. All this time, the skin effectively protected the body from the effects of the external environment, so by the age of fifty, age-related changes in the body greatly affect the weak, fading dermis. Also, the fact that the face is always open and not covered with clothes affects the rapid aging of the skin. Therefore, it ages faster than, for example, other parts of the body.

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Hormonal changes in the female body occur around age 50. Its cause is considered to be the onset of menopause. At this time, the body stops producing progesterone and estrogen. The deficiency of these hormones contributes to a decrease in elastin and collagen in the dermis. They are the ones who make the skin elastic and tightened. Modern cosmetology does not stand still; many women have appreciated the effect of the latest generation of cosmetic products, which help keep the skin toned and promote rejuvenation.

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