The consequences of Botox. Forewarned is forearmed

If this article stops at least one woman from smoothing out wrinkles with Botox, it was not written in vain.

The trouble is that the information field is clogged with one-sided concepts about Botox, generated by the cosmetology industry with one sole purpose - obtaining financial gain. But no attempts to create the appearance of the benefits of Botox can refute the fact that it is the most terrible poison of neuroparalytic action. All this diminutive rhetoric about “micro”, “baby”, “nano” doses is just a commercial ploy. Botox is definitely harmful, period. In any doses. This is a powerful poison that paralyzes nerve impulses and “turns off” muscles, giving ugly complications, and also insidiously penetrates into other parts of the body, beyond the injection area.

Before you inject yourself in the face with a substance, one gram of which kills a million people, let’s look at the facts and scientific evidence. We think and draw conclusions about how dangerous Botox is.

Botox: recommendations and contraindications after the procedure

When a patient decides to undergo rejuvenation using botulinum therapy and goes to a cosmetologist’s office, it is very important that the specialist warns him in detail about the restrictions after Botox and provides a full list of recommendations. Not only the effectiveness, but also the safety of the technique depends on how detailed this consultation is. At the same time, such a scrupulous approach should not frighten a person, because we are talking about the simplest precautions after Botox injections, the implementation of which does not require significant effort.

First of all, it is worth saying that Botox injections can be classified as “weekend cosmetic procedures” that do not require a long recovery period from the patient and do not limit performance. The duration of the procedure does not exceed half an hour, and recovery is not accompanied by severe pain or discomfort. At the same time, the minimal trauma of the technique is achieved by using local anesthesia and the use of ultra-thin cannula needles that do not leave marks on the skin.

So, you leave the cosmetologist’s office already young and beautiful and all that remains is to find out what not to do after Botox injections.

Injection techniques

Classic injection

The technique of injecting the drug deep into the facial muscle. Botox immobilizes her, so she assumes a calm position for up to six months or more. This technique is used to eliminate deep wrinkles and severe muscle tension.


An easier correction option that involves maintaining mobility of the facial muscles. It is good for getting rid of fine and moderate wrinkles. In this case, the injections are not made as deep as with the classical technique.

Can I drink alcohol after Botox injections?

Botox and alcohol are a hot topic and widely discussed on the Internet. Official medicine insists on the incompatibility of these substances, while all-knowing Internet gurus claim that there is nothing wrong with such a combination and they have “done this a hundred times.” So, who to believe and how much alcohol should you not drink after Botox?

You should definitely trust the specialists who list limiting the intake of alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing medications as one of the main recommendations after Botox injections. Such a strict prohibition is associated with the physiological effect of alcohol, which promotes vasodilation and can lead to accelerated removal of botulinum toxin from the patient’s body or, which is very unpleasant, cause improper distribution of the drug in the muscle. As a result of drinking alcohol after Botox, instead of the expected smooth and youthful skin, you can get a bumpy and visually unaesthetic skin surface.

When answering the question of how much you should not drink after Botox, most experts determine a period of at least two weeks during which the final effect of the procedure is formed. At the same time, some “lucky” ones claim that they did not observe complications, even without maintaining such a non-alcoholic period. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, so you should not conduct such experiments and risk your own health and beauty.

Why is Botox harmful?

If you are still not sure whether to inject a biological weapon into your face or not, let's move on to the main argument. Let's figure out exactly how facial wrinkles disappear due to Botox injections (small doses of poison). The neurotoxin blocks acetylcholines, which are transmitters of nervous excitation. Nerve impulses are paralyzed and signal transmission from nerve to muscle stops. That's it: the muscle no longer performs its function, it relaxes and does not contract.

Botox causes irreparable harm to health and beauty. And no benefit, except for a short-term and controversial aesthetic effect. Yes, wrinkles in the Botox injection area will smooth out for a few months, but at what cost! Muscle paralysis is not even a side effect, but the mechanism of action of the poison itself. And the side effects of Botox with such a “barbaric” approach to beauty are completely demonic (details in the next chapter).

Do not believe that doses of poison can be safe. No matter how “nano” they are, they block muscle function in any case. And then the replacement mechanism turns on: if some muscles do not function, neighboring muscles will work for them, that is, work for themselves and also for those immobilized, saturated with poison.

And this is where real aging begins, in earnest, and an accelerated process. The muscles that worked for their paralyzed neighbors become overstrained, and the vectors of skin tension change. A lot of new wrinkles, creases, and bumps appear on the face. Oh God! They weren't there a week ago? Where did you come from? From one small and insidious prick, which gave the illusion of youth for several months, but in fact, stole beauty.

The hard truth is that Botox accelerates age-related changes, not prevents them.

Why can't Botox and antibiotics be combined?

A very important aspect of preparing for botulinum therapy is the need to complete in advance (preferably at least 1 month) all medications that may affect the effect of Botox on muscle tissue. Antibiotics are also among these medications. In particular, you should limit the use of the following medications:

  • tetracycline antibiotics - this group of drugs significantly reduces the effectiveness of botulinum toxin, which will not allow obtaining the desired aesthetic result;
  • aminoglycoside antibiotics - these drugs, on the contrary, potentiate the effect of the drug, which can lead to such unexpected consequences of the procedure as drooping eyelids and changes in facial contour;
  • erythromycin, lincomycin, macrolides, polymyxin - these antibiotics can disrupt the distribution of Botox in tissues, which sometimes causes unpredictable visual consequences;
  • muscle relaxants - all medicinal substances that can affect muscle tissue are strictly contraindicated for at least two weeks after Botox injections due to the likely increase in effects;
  • aspirin and all anticoagulants - agents that can reduce blood clotting significantly increase the likelihood of bruising and hematomas at the injection sites of Botox.

You should limit yourself from taking antibiotics after Botox injections for 10-14 days. If there is an urgent need for antibiotic therapy, you should definitely inform your doctor about your recent procedure, in order to select the safest combination of drugs.

What does Botox consist of: let’s break down the drug according to its composition

Botulinum toxin type A is the only active ingredient in Botox of any brand, be it Botox, Dysport, Lantox, Relatox, Xeomin, Botulax, Neuronox, Meditoxin, Huetox or other drugs.

The difference in components is present only at the level of excipients.

What should you pay attention to in the composition of drugs based on botulinum toxin?

First of all, for the presence of stabilizers (albumin and gelatin) that restrain the BTA molecule. They are said to soften the effects of the venom and reduce its diffusion, that is, spread beyond the target muscle. True, this does not mean safety. The drugs still spread into neighboring tissues, wander throughout the body and are fraught with side effects.

The most popular stabilizer is human plasma albumin. It is contained in Botox, Botulax, Refinex in equal quantities. There is less of it in Dysport, more in Xeomin. Relatox and Lantox do not contain it at all, but its function is performed by gelatin of animal origin.

What other excipients do botulinum toxin-based preparations contain?

  • Sodium chloride.
    Contained in Botox, Botulax, Refinex. This component takes part in the dissolution of the crystalline botulinum toxin complex. It is contained both in the preparation itself and is used as a saline solution for its dilution before the procedure.
  • Lactose and sucrose.
    These are classic excipients in pharmacology, which are used to obtain dosage forms. Lactose is found in Dysport, sucrose in Xeomin, Lantox.
  • Other excipients.
    Dextran (found in Lantox and Refinex), maltose (Relatox), mannitol (Refinex).

As for botulinum toxin type A itself, it also has its own specifics in different drugs. They differ in the size of the BTA particles (molecular weight), dosages, and degree of purification of the poison. Namely:

  • Molecular mass of the toxin.
    The smaller it is, the more evenly the drug is distributed throughout the muscle, and at the same time, the more susceptible it is to spreading to neighboring areas, which increases the risk of complications. The largest molecular weight is Botox, Lantox, Botulax, Neuronox. Dysport has almost two times lower. The smallest is the German Xeomin and the Russian Relatox: six times less than Botox.
  • Dosage.
    Comparable for most drugs. Botox and almost all of its analogues have 100 units of activity. Some of them also have a second dosage option - 50 units. Dysport with its 500 units of activity stands out from the general picture.

    One unit of activity is the average lethal dose for a female mouse. But this criterion is determined by each manufacturer in its own way; there is no general methodology. Therefore, it cannot be said that drugs with the same number of activity units are equivalent. It is believed that Dysport requires three times more Botox to achieve the same effect.

  • BTA purification degree.
    It is believed that it is the highest for the German drug Xeomin.

Are cosmetic procedures after Botox safe?

Many patients are interested in how much the use of Botox limits cosmetic skin care and when they can return to their usual beauty procedures. In addition, we should separately highlight some procedures that are perfectly combined with botulinum therapy, enhancing the rejuvenation effect.

  1. Is it possible to do a facial massage after Botox? Facial massage after Botox can cause uneven distribution of the drug in the muscles, so such effects should be avoided for 24 hours after Botox administration. It is advisable not to touch your face or use cosmetics during this period in order to protect yourself as much as possible from the development of side effects;
  2. Is it possible to do biorevitalization after Botox? Injection of hyaluronic acid into subcutaneous structures, which in cosmetology is called biorevitalization, helps moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. Moreover, this procedure is perfectly compatible with Botox injections and can be performed even on the same day;
  3. Is it possible to peel after Botox? As for peeling effects, it is still better to refrain from combining it with Botox for 24 hours. This is especially true for aggressive types of peeling, such as microdermabrasion.

Botox in cosmetology

The migration of Botox to cosmetology was inevitable. And we owe this to the American doctors, the Carruthers spouses. While using Botox to treat some kind of eye muscle disorder, they noticed a smoothing effect in the forehead area. Oh miracle, revolution, sensation! One injection and no wrinkles.

So, since the early 1990s, the gears of the giant business of eliminating wrinkles with the help of miraculous Botox injections have been turning. Allergan began to shovel money. “Magic” procedures bring Botox manufacturers several billion dollars a year.

In Russia, Botox was officially approved in 1994.

Side effects after Botox

Side effects of Botox are extremely rare and are most often the result of an incorrectly performed drug administration procedure or the result of non-compliance with post-procedure recommendations. The composition of Botox itself does not have any significant toxicity to the body and is not capable of causing complications or unpleasant consequences.

The most common side effects of Botox include:

  • Swelling after Botox . Many patients are interested in what to do if Botox causes swelling under the eyes or in other facial areas. This complication occurs in approximately 4% of patients and, depending on the severity and location, may resolve on its own or require additional correction. The most unpleasant option is eye swelling after Botox, which is recommended to be eliminated with medication and physiotherapy;
  • Headache . About 2% of patients experience headaches after Botox, which is corrected by taking mild analgesics;
  • Eyelid ptosis after Botox . Another rare complication of the procedure is ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid, which occurs in no more than 1% of patients. Treatment of ptosis of the upper eyelid after Botox is usually not carried out, since after 2-3 months, after the drug is removed from the body, muscle tone is restored on its own. The same rule applies to those cases where the eyebrows have drooped after Botox;
  • Hematomas . They develop after injections in 6% of patients and go away on their own within 3-4 days.

A guarantee of the absence of side effects and complications after Botox will be the qualifications of the cosmetologist and strict adherence to all post-procedure recommendations. The NEOMED clinic is ready to provide cosmetology services using safe drugs and under the supervision of experienced professional cosmetologists.

Find out the cost of the Botox procedure

Indications for the use of Botox

Botulinum toxin can smooth out wrinkles in almost any area of ​​the face. However, Botox shows the greatest effect in its upper third. So, the drug allows you to get rid of:

  • horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
  • wrinkles around the eyes (so-called “crow’s feet”);
  • folds on the back of the nose;
  • so-called “marionette wrinkles” - labiomental folds;
  • cords on the neck.

Botox is also used by highly qualified specialists for:

  • correction of the shape of the eyebrows, their height position;
  • narrowing of the wings of the nose and raising its tip;
  • raising the drooping corners of the lips;
  • visual lengthening of the chin;
  • correction of facial asymmetry caused by blepharospasms and other spastic effects.

Botulinum toxin is also often injected into the feet, palms and armpits to reduce sweating. This procedure is indicated for people with hyperhidrosis, but it is often used by healthy patients on the eve of summer.

Botox for hair Honma Tokyo: composition

Manufacturer Honma Tokyo promises that their H-BRUSH Botox Capilar acts at the cellular level, filling the hair structure and restoring it. The advertised composition of Honma Tokyo Botox is N-Acetyl cysteine, Luna Matrix system (Silver Matrix), elastin, green tea extract, prakaxi oil.

But let's not blindly trust promises. Let's look at the label. And we are horrified. The next few positions after water are occupied by cheap surfactants, the same surfactants that are used in mass-market cosmetics. This:

  • Cocamidopropyl betaine.
    Among other things, it has a conditioning effect: it facilitates combing and prevents electrification. As with any chemical, local allergic reactions are possible.
  • Cocamide DEA.
    Used to improve the appearance of the product and give it thickness. Has a softening and antistatic effect on hair. A number of scientists talk about its carcinogenicity, the ability to cause cancer. The fact that this is an unsafe component is evidenced by the fact that there is a standard for permissible concentrations of this substance in cosmetics. There is information that side effects may include dry hair, itching, and dandruff.
  • Triethanolamine.
    Preservative and solvent. May cause dry skin, peeling, irritation, itching, burns. The permissible level of content in substances of prolonged contact with skin is 5%.

    Next comes the also popular chemistry:

  • Phenoxyethanol.
    Known as a repellent, that is, a means to repel insects. In cosmetics it is used as a preservative. A regular on top cosmetic ingredients that are irritants. The permissible concentration in cosmetics is 1%. Prohibited in organic cosmetics by all European certificates.
  • Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride.
    The detangling conditioner thickens and moisturizes hair. For some, it leaves a feeling of unwashed hair - “icicles”.
  • Sodium chloride.
    Everyone knows it as table salt. In cosmetics it is used as a thickener. May lead to dryness, irritation and hair loss. Neutralizes the effect of keratin. Will you voluntarily rub salt into your skin and hair?

The list of cheap chemicals in Honma Tokyo Botox is completed by several more synthetic preservatives, fragrances, stabilizers, and alcohols. And only the last two components - 2 out of 18 (!) - have something in common with the useful composition that the manufacturer promises. This is green tea extract and prakaxi tree oil. All! Considering that they are at the very tail of the lineup, their number is miniscule.

Conclusion: the entire effect of Honma Tokyo Botox is based on the most ordinary chemistry used in economy segment products. This is how unique compositions with intriguing names are created! Matrix of silver! And now the fanfare: 250 ml of this “Botox” costs 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Composition of Botox for hair

Botox for hair has nothing to do with drugs based on botulinum toxin. This is a fundamentally different category of products: not medical, but cosmetic.

Essentially, hair Botox is yet another highly-hyped deep conditioning treatment for hair. They simply attracted the attention of the target audience with a catchy word, behind which there is nothing fundamentally new. A mask is just that: a mask, it’s just that it’s applied for a long time, strand by strand, the procedure is accompanied by additional stages (shampoos, activators, sprays, masks) and at the end the cosmetic effect is consolidated using heat.

Botox for hair contains all the same components as in other masks and serums. Sources interested in the commercial success of Botox mention only natural and safe substances: keratin, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, collagen, extracts, oils, protein, vitamins. This is what the promotion of Botox is based on. The fact that the product contains a lot of different chemistry is kept silent. And this is so: endless surfactants, silicones, parabens, alcohols, conditioning elements, preservatives and the like. And often they form the basis of the product.

Some due to some of their developments with big names. For some it is the Luna Matrix (Silver Matrix) system. Others have a breakthrough intra-silane molecule (aminopropyltriethoxylane). They supposedly penetrate deep into the keratin, stay there for a long time and restore the structure of the hair.

We recently published an article about Botox for hair, in which we questioned its restorative and healing effects. Manufacturers and cosmetologists call this procedure health-improving. Allegedly, the active substances penetrate the hair keratin and restore it. But, in fact, smooth and manageable hair is only a short-term cosmetic effect. Some people don't feel it at all. But many complain about the opposite result: the transformation of curls into a dry, tangled and unruly washcloth and hair loss.

Let's look at one randomly chosen example of how it works: what the manufacturers promise, and what the actual composition of Botox for hair is.

What procedures should be used to supplement botulinum therapy?

“Beauty injections” correct facial contours, make facial wrinkles less noticeable, but have almost no effect on the condition of the skin. For better results, it is worth adding a set of anti-aging procedures.

What can be combined with Botulax?

  • Mesotherapy and biorevitalization - injections of cocktails based on hyaluronic acid with the addition of antioxidants and vitamins, promote the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Chemical and hardware peelings will renew the surface of the skin and eliminate pigmentation.
  • Fillers smooth out deep folds and create the correct relief.

After the age of fifty, combined methods work much more effectively than any monotherapy.

Use of the drug in complex programs

In a modern medical center, botulinum toxin injections are used in the final stages of various rejuvenation programs. Their main task is to consolidate the results obtained. Guaranteed results are provided by injections Botox acid injections with contouring. The effect is achieved by blocking the facial muscles and then filling the wrinkles with fillers.

Indications for the use of botulinum toxin injections in cosmetology:

— Age category of patients 18-45 years. The decision to perform facial correction with botulinum toxin in people over 45 years of age is made by a dermatocosmetologist.

— Correction of wrinkles in the perioral area, fight against platysma bands and formation of an ideal facial oval.

— Treatment of local hyperhidrosis, which is expressed by increased sweating. — Correction of facial wrinkles in the periorbital area, on the bridge of the nose and in the frontal area of ​​the nose.

Is Botox dangerous for health?

Botulinum toxin is a poison, and it cannot be safe, no matter what cosmetologists say about micro and nanodoses. In any case, the muscle is paralyzed and does not fully recover.

In addition, the neurotoxin travels beyond the injection site and puts not only neighboring areas at risk, but the entire body. This happens every time a victim of botulinum therapy comes for a new portion of poison. And the procedure is allowed to be done once every three months.

BTA is addictive. With each new visit to the cosmetologist, the dosages are increased so that there is at least some effect. Faces are disfigured. And most people fail to get off the needle.

Which Botox is better to inject?

The modern cosmetology market offers several drugs that contain botulinum toxin type A. The most popular, in addition to the world-famous American Botox, can also be considered the French drug Dysport. The main differences between these products are the dosage of botulinum toxin, as well as the speed of formation and duration of the final effect. An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the most suitable drug for yourself, but most experts recommend giving preference to the classic American Botox from the Allergen company, due to the greater knowledge of this product.

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