Burning and pain under the armpit in women

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Itching under the arms occurs under the influence of irritating chemical and mechanical factors. The armpit area is richly supplied with sweat glands; it is delicate and vulnerable; even the slightest impact can cause an inflammatory reaction. Scratching the armpit can promote the penetration of coccal flora into the sweat glands, skin pores, and lead to inflammatory reactions.

If you experience frequent itching under your arms, you should consult a doctor. A dermatologist will examine the skin, identify the causes of inflammation and help eliminate them. People with excessive sweating and large body weight are especially familiar with itching under the arms.

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Answers to frequently asked questions about itchy skin:

  • Which doctor treats itchy skin?
  • What organs are affected by skin itching?
  • Why is itchy skin dangerous?
  • What tests should be taken for itchy skin?
  • What diet is needed for itchy skin?
  • What diseases does itchy skin indicate?
  • Itchy skin for no apparent reason?
  • What parasites cause itchy skin?
  • What microorganisms cause itchy skin?
  • How to get rid of itchy skin?
  • Should a patient with itchy skin be isolated?
  • Skin itching due to gastrointestinal diseases?
  • What are the main causes of itchy skin?
  • How to distinguish allergic itching from parasitic itching?
  • How to prepare for an appointment with a dermatologist?
  • How to get checked for skin diseases?
  • What diseases does a dermatologist treat?
  • What tests should be taken by a dermatologist?
  • What diagnostics can a dermatologist perform in the clinic?
  • Where to go with a skin disease?

Signs of inflammation of the skin of the armpit

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Peeling skin
  • Appearance of rash (ulcers)
  • Pain when scratching

Useful information on the topic of itchy skin:

  • Dermatologist
  • Itching due to skin diseases
  • Itchy skin without manifestations on the skin
  • Itchy skin in the groin
  • Itchy skin on legs
  • Itchy skin on hands
  • Itchy skin on the back
  • Itchy skin during pregnancy
  • Itchy skin in liver diseases
  • Itchy skin in children
  • Itchy skin in the elderly
  • Treatment of itchy skin
  • Night skin itching
  • Causes of itchy skin


Therapy should be comprehensive, aimed at excluding the root cause of the disease. Doctors prescribe bandages, the use of special ointments and dressings for mastopathy. A special place is occupied by the use of hormonal drugs in women, which allows them to cope with mastalgia and mastopathy.

If the cause of a burning sensation under the armpit is inflammation, infection and various bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. For allergic reactions, take antihistamines. A UHF (high frequency electromagnetic field) course is required.

It is important for the patient to maintain a vitamin diet. It should consist of fruits, vegetables, and low-calorie dishes. For successful recovery, it is important to give up:

  • pepper;
  • fatty meats;
  • alcohol;
  • nicotine addiction.

If the restorative course does not give the desired result, resection of the formation is prescribed. Another type of intervention can be used when all the pus is removed through an incision. If such cleansing does not give the desired results, the formation is resected along with the surrounding skin. Thanks to this, it is possible to cope with the infection.

Household causes of itching under the arms

Discomfort in the armpit can be caused by chemical irritation that occurs when using cologne and other alcohol-containing cosmetics. This reaction is individual; natural blondes have more vulnerable skin and are more prone to intolerance to active ingredients.

Individual intolerance to cosmetics: deodorants, sprays, hair removal products can be characterized by a local inflammatory process, accompanied by itching, swelling, redness, and rash of pathological elements.

The use of dull, contaminated razors that create microtrauma to the skin often leads to the introduction of coccal flora into the dermis and can be acute and long-lasting.

Methods for diagnosing skin diseases:

  • Diagnosis of skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin diseases at home
  • Diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of bacterial skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of viral skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of hair diseases
  • Diagnosis of nail diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin tumors
  • Skin scraping
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dermatoscopy
  • Demodex tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • Mushroom tests
  • Skin scraping

Sensitivity to deodorants and depilatory creams

Sensitivity to deodorants, colored clothing, detergents or depilatory creams due to a number of chemicals they contain can cause redness under the arms, scaly rashes and dandruff, burning and itching. In the worst case scenario, red bumps and blisters may appear, secreting the secretion. Then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

A skin reaction to deodorant may occur after the first use, as well as after several months of exposure. If a skin reaction occurs, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroid creams and order an allergy test.

People with atopic dermatitis are more likely to have reactions to deodorants, hair removal creams, and other irritants. To avoid inflammatory conditions, it is recommended to use unscented and alcohol-free deodorants, as well as natural-based deodorants without irritating chemicals.

Avoid using depilatory creams if you feel a burning sensation after application and notice redness after removing the cream.

Itching under the arms - as a sign of disease

The initial form of purulent skin diseases begins with the appearance of itching and soreness in the armpit. Boils and hidradenitis have the described onset.

The armpit is a poorly ventilated part of the body. Places that are inaccessible to air such as armpits, inguinal folds, skin under the mammary glands in women, and intergluteal folds are often affected by a fungal infection. Diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive system, and kidneys contribute to the development of the disease.

Itching in the armpits occurs when this area is invaded by psoriasis, eczema, and other itchy dermatoses. It should be noted that itching of the skin of the armpit is not the first sign of these diseases.

Symptoms of axillary lymphadenitis

The inflammatory process in the regional axillary lymph nodes is isolated and, as a rule, is characterized by a catarrhal or purulent course. Below are the most common clinical pictures of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.

  • Acute catarrhal form. This inflammatory process is more common than others and often occurs in a mild form. It is characterized by severe pain, enlarged lymph nodes and their hardening. With catarrh, the lymph nodes are easily separated and do not lose their mobility. In the axillary area, hyperemia and mild swelling may develop. The patient may notice worsening of the condition, discomfort during shoulder abduction, and mild low-grade fever.
  • Purulent form. This type of inflammatory process poses the greatest danger due to the formation of a purulent focus, which can be represented by single or multiple abscesses. The lymph node itself loses its mobility and becomes painful and swollen. Nearby tissues are sharply hyperemic and may be subject to alteration or melting. Possible fusion of lymph nodes with the skin.
  • Chronic course of lymphadenitis. Sluggish inflammatory processes occur quite often, in which the lymph node under the arm becomes inflamed when the immune system is weakened and the body’s resistance to various infectious agents is reduced. Symptoms in this form are mild, the lymph nodes are mobile, but there is slight pain.

Diagnosis and treatment of itching

If discomfort appears that is severe and disrupts the usual course of life, it would be rational to consult a specialized doctor - a dermatologist. In special cases, you can use the service of calling a dermatologist at home.

The doctor will interview the patient and identify the prerequisites for the occurrence of the disease. Examination of the skin will help the doctor make a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm a skin disease, the following tests are performed:

  • Analysis of scrapings from the skin of the armpit allows you to determine the pathogenic microorganism.
  • A detailed blood test is necessary to identify signs of allergies and hidden infectious processes.
  • Culture culture is indicated for skin lesions due to a pustular process.

When choosing a treatment tactic, a dermatologist takes into account all the patient’s complaints, visible signs and test results.

Treatment of itching caused by chemical exposure and allergens comes down to the use of agents that improve regeneration, desensitizing therapy and stopping skin contact with the irritant. Treatment of skin diseases depends on the causative agent of the disease.

You can contact a dermatologist through the “Your Doctor” Help Desk website for private clinics in Moscow.

Publication date: 2018-02-03

Treatment of lymph nodes

Treatment of lymphadenopathy of the axillary lymph nodes consists of selecting the correct etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy. The main thing is to remember that patients are strictly prohibited from attempting to independently eliminate this manifestation of the inflammatory reaction.

As a rule, all treatment is based on the elimination of the inflammatory focus, which caused the development of axillary lymphadenitis. Often, a course of antibacterial therapy or a number of anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for this. In addition, it is advisable to use compresses with Dimexide, immunomodulating drugs and a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, which will contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

If a malignant process develops with concomitant lymphadenitis, the patient is advised to undergo a course of chemotherapy or surgical treatment.


In order to initially eliminate burning under the arms or make it impossible in the future, it is important to observe personal hygiene measures. It is necessary to carry out water procedures in a timely manner, using soap and other hygiene products. This is important for children and adults.

After a shower or bath, the skin is wiped dry and lubricated with a special cream. You can use tonic drops. Thanks to this, the skin will not dry out or become inflamed. If there is a tendency for wounds and cuts to appear, it is recommended to avoid hair removal under the arms for a while. After hygiene procedures, it is recommended to use camphor alcohol. It is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the skin.

Prevention of serious diseases is possible only with timely diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, men and women need to be examined once a year, not self-medicate and not neglect any unpleasant symptoms.


To understand the source of the discomfort, it is necessary to conduct a clinical examination. And there is no way to do this without a doctor. The specialist will conduct a survey, finding out complaints and anamnestic information. Based on this alone, certain assumptions can be made.

For example, acute pain is characteristic of purulent processes and mechanical damage, aching pain on the left with radiation to the arm can be bothersome in case of coronary heart disease, and stabbing pain can be bothersome in case of pneumothorax. But subjective data are necessarily confirmed by signs identified during a physical examination. This is how a preliminary diagnosis is made.


A purulent-inflammatory process involving the hair follicle and surrounding tissues is called a boil. First, a burning sensation is felt at the site of the future boil, the skin turns red and bulges. The swelling increases in size over time, and a necrotic core forms inside it.

As pus accumulates, inflammatory signs intensify, body temperature may rise, and sometimes malaise and headaches appear. All this speaks of systemic intoxication. A clearing forms in the center of the mature boil, and soon the pathological exudate breaks out. As the wound is cleansed of pus, inflammation decreases and the general condition normalizes. The resulting defect heals due to the formation of granulations.

Folk remedies

A common and useful plant is aloe. It helps in the treatment of purulent and ordinary wounds. The use of clean leaves, which are divided in half and applied to the inflamed area, helps to cure.

Another remedy used in folk medicine is plantain juice. Use tea from birch buds or leaves to relieve itching and burning and kill infection. Other effective compresses used in folk treatment:

  1. Celery leaves. It is best to use freshly picked ones. They are washed and applied to the armpits.
  2. Boil an ordinary large onion in milk. This liquid is formed into a paste. Be sure to knead the onion and apply it in the form of compresses. The resulting paste is kept on the problem area for two to three hours. You can add a little olive oil.
  3. Rye bread. It is recommended to use fresh. It is cut into pieces and fried. Then they make a paste from the composition and also apply it to the armpits.

To soothe neuralgia and at the recovery stage in case of cardiovascular diseases, tonic herbs and plants are taken. For example, a decoction of chamomile, fennel or calendula. It is important that such treatment complements the main therapy and is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

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