Juvederm series fillers: how they differ from each other, how much they cost, what effect you can expect

Juvederm is a newly developed filler for contouring. This method can make facial features much more pleasant and improve skin health. This is a very effective and safe way to achieve a more attractive appearance. And due to the fact that Juvederm has more than one variety, the patient is advised to rely on the doctor’s opinion when choosing a drug. This is the only way to achieve good results.


Differences between Juvederm and other fillers

A very useful feature of this filler lies in its composition: hyaluronic acid does not contain a single harmful component that could cause even the slightest harm. In addition to it, Juvederm contains an anti-inflammatory substance - a phosphate buffer, which significantly reduces the risk of complications in the form of inflammation.

The drug injected into the lips will ensure their smooth outline. There is no clear outline or rough border from it.

Juvederm provides smooth lip contours

But it is dangerous to inject Juvederm under the eyes: this drug retains water, and therefore, being under the eyes, that is, near the nasolacrimal duct, can provoke many unpleasant complications.

Important ! According to experts, the most common case of these complications from Juvederm is swelling. Then you should choose a remedy for treating the periorbital zone.

Swelling sometimes occurs after using this filler.

Indications for Juvederm Hydrate injections

Biorevitalization with Juvederm Hydrate is indicated for the following problems:

  • Visible dehydration of the skin, accompanied by characteristic tightening and peeling;
  • Mesh wrinkles near the eyes;
  • Horizontal and vertical forehead wrinkles;
  • Nasolabial and marionette folds;
  • Purse-string wrinkles around the lips;
  • Hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis;
  • Dull color and defective skin texture;
  • “Bruises” under the eyes;
  • Swelling and puffiness of the face;
  • Signs of deformation aging (gravitational ptosis, pastosity, flabbiness).

Advantages of the drug "Juviderm"

Doctors speak so highly of this product because it is fluid and distributed evenly in the tissues. The treated area is filled equally, and bumps and compactions are almost completely eliminated.

This drug has other advantages:

  • is inserted easily without causing pain;
  • the resulting volume lasts for at least a year;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • rehabilitation is fast;
  • contains an anesthetic;
  • the concentration of hyaluronic acid is carefully selected.

Juvederm has many advantages

Juvederm is considered the most comfortable and safe of all modern series of fillers. It has been used long enough for its high effectiveness to be evident. In addition, this filler is removed from the body itself, which allows you to completely control your appearance.

Important ! Thanks to all these factors, Juvederm is highly respected by many medical and cosmetology institutions.

Many people love this filler


The product is equally often used for the procedure both in young and in adulthood. Its use is permissible if the patient has already reached 18 years of age. At a younger age, correction is not carried out. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to raise the drooping corners of the lips;
  • the patient does not like the shape of the lips;
  • the volume of the area is not large enough;
  • there are wrinkles and folds in the mouth area.

Additionally, the drug is actively used to eliminate even deep wrinkles. It is used as part of the correction of soft tissues of the chin and cheek area. Proper use of the product allows you to make your lips more voluminous and expressive, as well as improve their contour without losing their naturalness. At the same time, small folds and wrinkles are eliminated, and the corners of the lips are lifted.

A little more detail about the two Juvederm products

Juvederm Ultra 4

This product is the newest in the line. With its help you can achieve several goals:

  • elimination of pronounced folds and wrinkles;
  • getting rid of skin sagging;
  • enlargement of cheekbones and chin;
  • lip filling;
  • tightening the oval of the face.

Juvederm Ultra 4 helps correct many facial skin problems

The drug is homogeneous and has a suitable viscosity, so it is easy to administer and disperse evenly in the treated areas.

Important ! The main component of Juvederm Ultra 4 is HA, thanks to which you can achieve a double goal at once: correct the shape of the face and restore the water balance of the skin.

Hyaluronate is the basis of this product

When injecting, the doctor uses a syringe with an ultra-thin needle. The dosage and injection site are determined by the doctor, focusing on the goals that need to be achieved. If necessary, the dose can be adjusted. Since the product contains lidocaine, the injection will not cause pain in the patient.

The effect can be noticed immediately after the procedure, but the result builds up over a week or two. Then it lasts for about a year.

The effect of introducing such a drug is immediately visible

Juvederm Hydrate

This drug performs biorevitalization of “dry” skin. Here are its sure signs:

  • dull gray color;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dryness;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • irritation.

There are signs that make it clear what dry skin looks like.

If you introduce Juvederm Hydrate into such skin, the product will stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, restore water balance to the skin cells, and vitality to the skin itself.

This drug is not administered too deeply, since it affects its upper and middle layers. The natural appearance of the face is ensured immediately after the injection.

Juvederm Hydrate does not need to be injected deeply

Among the components of the drug Juvederm Hydrate is mannitol. This substance protects the skin from free radicals and also allows HA to remain in the skin longer.

The bright result lasts up to 10 months. It includes:

  • deep skin hydration;
  • getting rid of fine wrinkles;
  • good lifting effect;
  • skin elasticity;
  • its elasticity;
  • radiant complexion.

The effect lasts for 10 months

Operating principle

Fillers, which include Juvederm preparations, are transparent biogels intended for intradermal injections. To understand how these products work, you need to understand the causes of skin aging and wrinkles.

A comparison of dermal tissue with an orthopedic mattress would be appropriate here. Its elasticity depends on the strength of the springs and the quality of the filler, which fills all the free space inside the mattress cover. While the mattress is new, all its parts hold their shape well, the cover is taut, and in the event of any dent, it immediately returns to its original position. But as soon as the spring stretches, the inner layer sag, and the appearance is completely different. Folds, depressions, and creases appear.

Similar processes occur in our skin. Important here are collagen and elastin fibers, which hold the tissue frame like springs. But the main role is played by hyaluronic acid, which is part of the intercellular substance that fills the space between the protein threads. HA is able to attract and hold a large number of water molecules near itself, transforming the liquid into a gel-like state. Thus, it moisturizes the skin and creates a viscous, elastic environment, holding the main components of connective tissue in the correct position.

Understanding the importance of HA for maintaining optimal skin condition, many manufacturers of anti-aging and modeling products have relied on using it as the main active ingredient in their products. This substance is also included in the composition of gel fillers that are used in contour plastic surgery.

Juvederm or Restylane

Many patients ask what is better to choose between Juvederm and Restylane. Doctors can answer something like this: both drugs are of artificial origin, are more effective, and have a lasting effect. They differ only in density. Juvederm preparations also differ according to it: density and effect are proportional to the concentration of HA.

Restylane and Juvederm are very similar

Effect and result of the procedure

After volumetric correction with Juvederm Volux :

  • The oval of the face will noticeably improve, the face will become more aesthetic and sculpted;
  • Lines and contours will become clearer, the proportionality of the face will be restored;
  • The fabrics will acquire the required volume;
  • The angles of the lower jaw will become expressive;
  • The shape of the chin will acquire an ideal and harmonious appearance;
  • The condition of the skin will improve due to the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid;
  • The face will look younger.

Drug safety issue

A kind of proof of the safety and effectiveness of Juvederm is the fact that it is produced. This manufacturer perfectly cleans all biopolymers, and makes hyaluronic acid artificially, so it is almost never an allergen.

Important ! If the patient has no health problems, the risk of “side effects” is minimized. The exception is taking blood thinners, or, alternatively, vitamin E: both of these in combination with Juvederm preparations can cause swelling and bruising.

Juvederm is safe for health

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Once the injections are completed, the recovery procedure begins. It requires compliance with a number of rules. They are as follows:

  • a temporary ban on physical activity has been imposed;
  • Do not drink strong coffee, alcohol, or smoke;
  • It is prohibited to visit the solarium and sunbathe;
  • Do not touch the affected area for 2 days;
  • The use of decorative cosmetics is prohibited for at least 12 hours.

To speed up healing, you can make compresses and use anti-inflammatory ointments. It is recommended to coordinate all procedures with a cosmetologist. This will minimize the risk of negative consequences.

When should Juvederm not be used?

Although people turn to cosmetologists in order to become more attractive in appearance, no one has yet canceled the Hippocratic oath. This means that the doctor is obliged, first of all, not to cause harm to the patient’s health. That is why he has the right to refuse “beauty injections”, having found out that the client has the following problems:

  • any neoplasms in the body;
  • intolerance to HA, the main component of Juvederm fillers;
  • aggressive reaction of the skin to a puncture - severe swelling and tissue growth in case of damage;
  • diabetes;
  • compactions and lumps where filler is supposed to be injected;
  • the patient had an unpleasant experience with the same filler;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • any skin inflammation;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • high temperature at the time of the proposed injection;
  • blood clotting problems.

This filler has a large number of contraindications


To ensure that the result does not bring disappointment, but makes you happy, listen to the following recommendations:

  • The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy, exacerbations of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, or infections.
  • The procedure cannot be performed if blood clotting is poor.
  • 7 days before the procedure, stop taking anticoagulants that thin your blood.
  • Make sure you do not have any allergic reactions to anesthetics. Ask your esthetician what anesthetic will be used during the procedure, and then do a test to see how your body reacts to this drug.
  • After the procedure, avoid direct sunlight on the treated area.
  • After the procedure, avoid high temperatures.
  • Do not strain your muscles or touch your face after the procedure.
  • Avoid massage for a while after the procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure and how does it go?

Two weeks before any injection, you must stop taking the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • antimicrobial drugs;
  • anticoagulants.

The worst thing is if the patient took drugs from the last group more than a couple of weeks before the injection. Including Heparin, Fraxiparin.

Many medications need to be excluded from the dosage list.

Important ! You also need to “give up” with scrubs and peelings within the same couple of weeks at least. The day before the injection you should not drink coffee or alcohol. On the day of the injection, you should not drink anything strong or eat anything spicy. A woman is not recommended to use fillers on her menstrual days.

You should not drink coffee or alcohol the day before using the filler.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the patient is seated in a chair;
  • clean his face;
  • use an antiseptic, if necessary, give anesthesia;
  • the drug is administered;
  • then the patient spends another 15 minutes to half an hour in the chair;
  • After making sure that the patient is in good health, the doctor will allow him to get out of the chair and return to normal life.

The procedure does not last long


The use of Juvederm fillers is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, people with severe allergic reactions and patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. In addition, it is not advisable to use the drug if there is any inflammation (pimples, redness, etc.) in the area of ​​the intended injection. Combining contour plastic surgery with laser resurfacing or chemical peeling procedures is also strictly not recommended.

Those who want to try the new Juvederm Hydrate for themselves should remember that not everyone can use this filler. Those who are intolerant to the new component - mannitol - will have to postpone the procedure. The drug itself can only be injected into areas that do not contain any other filler.

What those choosing Juvederm need to know

There is no need to be afraid to combine several types of filler. This is completely acceptable. If, for example, it is necessary to get rid of small wrinkles around the eyes and increase the volume of the lips, then the cosmetologist is simply obliged to offer two different types of drugs. Each of them has its own viscosity, which makes them effective for solving strictly defined problems. And if one drug perfectly copes with a large nasolabial fold, this does not mean that all types of contour plastic surgery should be done only with its help.

Side effects

Juvederm filler injections rarely cause any complications. However, it also happens that even the best doctor cannot prevent unexpected reactions of the body. Usually this is filler rejection due to intolerance to HA. This happens quite rarely, and the doctor can stop such cases quite easily.

Not all people can tolerate hyaluronic acid

There are other side effects that are more common. However, they are less serious. Here they are:

  • swelling is a natural reaction of the skin to damage and stretching from the inside;
  • bruise - a slight blue discoloration where a puncture was made that damaged the capillaries;
  • soreness;
  • slight redness;
  • swelling around the eyes;
  • lack of pigmentation where the puncture was.

There are side effects of using Juvederm

However, when using the Juvederm filler, the place where the product was injected cannot fester; an increase in temperature is also excluded, as are problems with the mobility of the treated area.

Important ! If at least one of these three effects occurs, you must urgently contact a cosmetologist who will take appropriate measures.

Carrying out injections

Indications for the procedure

  • Drooping corners of the mouth;
  • Asymmetrical features;
  • Wrinkles, including purse-string wrinkles, in the perioral area, as well as the neck and forehead area;
  • Thin lips;
  • Blurred outline;
  • Prominent nasolabial folds;
  • Crow's feet";
  • Lack of volume in the area of ​​the cheekbone and cheeks;
  • The need for bioreinforcement of the oval of the face;
  • Age-related sagging of the skin flap;
  • Skin creases.


Contour plastic surgery is permitted only by a certified specialist.
Doing this yourself at home is strictly prohibited. The cosmetologist first determines the required amount of filler for the correction area and a one-time puncture of the dermis. No more than 1.5-2 ml of product is consumed in one session. If there is not enough substance, you can continue only after some time (not earlier than a week).

How it goes

  1. The skin is cleaned of impurities, makeup is washed off, then treated with a disinfectant (salicylic acid, medical alcohol).
  2. Open the package with the drug. Check the expiration date. Make the necessary entries in the outpatient card.
  3. Injection occurs.
  4. Treat the skin with an antiseptic.
  5. Give a light massage. The cosmetologist can knead the corrected area to more evenly distribute the filler in the subcutaneous layer.
  6. The doctor gives recommendations for a quick recovery.

The procedure takes, on average, about half an hour, in extremely rare cases the time is doubled.

Course duration

The results of the procedure using Juvederm fillers are visible immediately. In some cases, with a large perimeter of the treatment area, the course may consist of several sessions.

The effect lasts for a long time - it lasts about a year, but when modeling lips, the period is reduced to 6 months.

Healing period

After the injections, slight swelling and redness are observed for the first few days.
These phenomena are not at all dangerous and go away on their own within a few days. If symptoms persist for a long time, you should seek help from a leading specialist.

To quickly return to your normal rhythm of life, it is important to adhere to a number of recommendations (individual advice is given by your doctor).

  1. For the first few days, it is strictly forbidden to touch the correction area. You can’t even wash your face or apply decorative cosmetics. It is possible to use medicinal care products.
  2. For a couple of weeks you should not visit the solarium, gym, sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool.
  3. For the next 7 days, give up alcohol, salty foods and cigarettes (tobacco smoking is especially contraindicated after lip correction).
  4. When performing plastic surgery in the cold season, you need to reduce your exposure to the cold.
  5. It is possible to use specialized ointments such as Traumeel C to relieve inflammation and various herbal compresses based on chamomile, linden or plantain. You should first consult with a cosmetologist.

Features at different ages

It is permissible to perform contour plastic surgery from the age of 18. In this case, it is necessary only in the presence of congenital or acquired defects in appearance. Quite light and soft gels can be used for the procedure.

After 30 years, the requirements for fillers also increase. Only denser dermal fillers provide guaranteed results.

Preventing problems

If you follow some rules, all cosmetic procedures will be noticeably easier to tolerate. First of all, you need to remember: most correctors are injected locally into the deep and middle layers of the skin, and the filler disperses evenly in the treated area. But biorevitalization is the use of a product in the upper layers for general facial rejuvenation. Fillers are also not used to fill the eyelids, and they also do not allow them to enter the blood vessels.

Following the rules makes the procedure easier

Only a professional has the right to decide how much of the drug to inject under the skin.

Important ! After the injection, you should not wear makeup or do self-massage of your face for a day. Until a couple of weeks, you should not sunbathe, go to the bathhouse or sauna, or expose your face to heat or cold in any way.

Description of varieties

There are several Juvederm products available. Let's compare them with each other and consider their features.

Ultra 2

Dense physiological filler for the correction of wrinkles, as well as lip augmentation and contouring.

Injected into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis.


  • skin tightening occurs;
  • elimination of “crow’s feet” in the outer corner of the eye;
  • wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed out.

The product is intended for the age category of 25-30 years. Available in a package with two 0.55 ml syringes.

Ultra 3

This dermal filler is not suitable for the periorbital area. It is used for lip contouring and correction of pronounced nasolabial folds.

In rare cases, it is used to fill insufficient volume of the cheekbones and chin or to reinforce the facial frame.

Ultra 4

The most viscous dermal gel. Injected into the middle or deep layers of connective tissue.

Designed to solve severe aesthetic problems. It is actively used in facial contouring (cheekbones, cheeks, chin) and for lip augmentation.

Thanks to the density of the product, a noticeable change in strong skin creases in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and between the eyebrows is ensured.

Ultra Smile

A universal drug for any age, intended for the correction of the perioral zone.

Result: Giving lips a seductive volume and eliminating wrinkles around the mouth. It has a natural effect.

In some cases, it is used to model other areas of the face and slightly tighten the skin.


Juvederm Volift Retouch is a product with a low molecular weight of hyaluron (occupies 90% of the total filler composition).

Dermal gel is designed to uniformly fill the space of skin folds (in particular nasolabial folds), eliminate wrinkles on the neck, in the area between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose, and additionally provides deep hydration of the skin.


Volbella is a fairly soft gel in texture that can be evenly distributed in the matrix.

A unique feature of the drug is the cross-linking of long and short chains of active substance molecules. In this regard, viscosity indicators increase and the likelihood of swelling after the procedure decreases.

Due to the high concentration of hyaluronate, the level of hydrophilicity - the absorption of moisture from other tissues - is reduced.

Designed to enlarge and correct lips, eliminate asymmetry and drooping corners of the mouth. The gel also helps to cope with wrinkles in the perioral area (including marionette lines).

After use there is no discomfort in facial expressions.


Voluma filler is used to replenish the volume lost with age in the cheekbones and cheeks.

Not suitable for correction of the lips and eye area due to its fairly high density.

Effect stability

The patient can admire the results obtained from Juvederm Ultra for almost a whole year. And if the first generation Juvederm drugs are used, they last only 9 months, and then the procedure must be done again. To preserve the results for as long as possible, you should drink at least a liter of purified water to maintain water balance.

The older the filler generation, the shorter the validity period

This information is averaged, since the individual characteristics of the organism are very important here. For example, how quickly it processes HA molecules.

Important ! A patient who has discussed all the nuances with the doctor from the very beginning greatly increases the chances of being satisfied with the effect of the procedure. It is necessary to immediately warn a specialist about all the pathologies and allergies that exist: the most seemingly insignificant illness can easily cause a lot of trouble for your health.

Timely discussion of issues with a doctor increases the chances of a successful and enjoyable procedure

Comparison with other fillers

Taking into account the fact that the popularity of injection cosmetology is gaining momentum every day, manufacturers are producing more and more different fillers to create the ideal image.

Only a cosmetologist can make the right choice among all products, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client.

Juvederm Ultra is often compared to Surjiderm or Princess. If we consider the first analogue, then it significantly loses in terms of the shelf life of the effect, but the advantages include a wider range of tasks to be solved.

When comparing with Princesses, there are also several pros and cons. Juvederm injections do not require the additional use of an anesthetic, because they contain lidocaine. But the result from two different fillers is almost identical.

Answers on questions

How long does the effect of Juvederm injection last?

On average from 8 months to a year. After lip augmentation - only six months.

Is it possible to remove already injected filler?

It is quite possible to correct or remove all of Juvederm. To do this, you need to introduce a product containing hyaluronidase.

A few hours later, swelling and bruising were noticed at the site of the injection. What measures need to be taken?

Nothing bad happens, this is the norm. If after two days the detected defect does not go away on its own, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or the cosmetologist who gave the filler injection.

No need to worry if you notice a bruise

Are there any restrictions after getting a Juvederm injection?

After the procedure, the swimming pool, solarium, sauna, and exposure to direct sunlight are prohibited for a week. During the first few days, the injection site may itch and be red, but this will go away with proper treatment of the skin.

Which drug is of better quality - Juvederm or Princess ?

According to experts, Juvederm. Of course, “Princesses” is also a good product, and noticeably cheaper. However, Juvederm contains lidocaine. And thanks to this component, it is possible to avoid conduction anesthesia and reduce the chances of additional correction. Juvederm also lasts longer, and the manufacturer cleans it more thoroughly, ensuring higher quality. Be that as it may, it is up to the patient to decide.

Which Juvederm is best for your lips?

This is determined by the desired result. To create large volume, emphasize the contour and to “unfold” the lips, the thick Juvederm Ultra Smile gel is most suitable. And for a natural and slight lip augmentation, it is better to use Juvederm Volbella, which is amazingly suitable for very young ladies.

It is necessary to select a specific drug for a specific case

Which drug is most suitable for making your face fuller?

Juvederm Voluma can help here: it works longer and better, eliminating even the largest losses of facial volume.

What is the reason for the higher price of Juvederm Ultra compared to plain Juvederm or Surgiderm , although the effect is the same?

Although these drugs are produced alone, this is its newest development. This product option is produced using higher quality technology.

Additional properties increase the overall price of Juvederm filler

Let us quote the French specialist Hervé Raspaldo, the best plastic surgeon, a professional in various anti-aging techniques, a member of the European and American Academies of Facial Surgeons:

“Recently, a product has appeared that has provoked major changes in our work - Juvederm Ultra. The components include not only hyaluronic acid, but also lidocaine. And this is a painkiller that is effective from the very injection. And now the patient’s free time and the doctor’s office hours are not spent waiting half an hour for the anesthetic to take effect. The patient also does not feel any discomfort, and thanks to this he can relax. The face remains calm, its features are not distorted by unnecessary facial expressions, which allows you to treat the problem area as carefully as possible. Moreover, to process some of them you just need jeweler's precision of work. Juvederm Ultra is also good because of its structure - it is a very smooth gel. Therefore, such a product can be administered freely, it does not require pressure, and it also disperses into the tissues very easily. In short, the drug has a lot of advantages - it is completely safe, patients like it, and is easy to use.”

What does the drug contain?

The popular filler Juvederm is based on hyaluronic acid.

But this acid is not of animal origin, which significantly reduces the risk of allergies to dermal filler.

Watch a video about lip augmentation using Juvederm Ultra 3 fillers:

Features of hyaluronic acid

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are in great demand among competent cosmetologists for a reason. The fact is that the human body produces this substance itself in some quantities and uses it to restore tissues and regulate their activity. Therefore, our body calmly accepts additional doses of hyaluronic acid injected under the skin, without trying to reject it in any way.

By the way, hyaluronic acid is used not only by cosmetologists; doctors of various specialties use this substance to treat diseases.

What do patients say?

Marina, Samara

“I am extremely delighted with Juvederm Ultra Smile. Everything was perfect - both the injection itself, during which there was not the slightest pain, and the result. Conventional fillers are injected only under preliminary anesthesia, but this does not completely eliminate problems with the sensations of the injection. But this remedy makes up for everything. And what lips they turn out like - just lovely!”

The girls are happy with the procedure

Antonina, Moscow

“Every year I get Juvederm injections to get rid of wrinkles. The result is noticeable for a long time, the skin is fresher, the face is significantly rejuvenated.”

Inna, Makhachkala

“After trying various products to fill wrinkles, I settled on Juvederm. The cost-quality-expiration date ratio suited me perfectly. There is not the slightest flaw among the effects. And also, during the injection there is absolutely no pain.”

Judging by the reviews, Juvederm almost never produces side effects

Alena, Vladivostok

“I’m only 24, but I’m already noticing small wrinkles on my face. I don't like it, of course. At any age, it's nice to look a little younger. I’m afraid to use Botox and similar products, so I settled on fillers. The doctor recommended that I use Juvederm because it rarely causes side effects and is suitable for young girls. The effect is truly wonderful! I can’t say that I have noticeably rejuvenated, simply because I constantly take care of my skin and I haven’t had any significant age-related changes. But the fact that the wrinkles are completely gone is for sure! Magic! I didn't expect such an effect. I don’t think that I will have to repeat the procedure in the coming years, but if necessary, I will definitely use Juvederm. By the way, there was no pain or side effects.”

Price for the procedure

The cost of invasion is quite high.
Approximate price: from 10,000 to 35,000 per session. However, contouring with fillers such as Voluma, Volift and Volbella will cost even more.

The final amount, in addition to the type of filler, is also affected by the reputation of the clinic, the level of qualifications of the cosmetologist, the quality of the accompanying materials used and the location relative to the development of infrastructure.

In Moscow, prices are always higher than in the provinces.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after using Juvederm Hydrate

Photos before and after using Juvederm Ultra

Photos before and after using Juvederm Ultra Smile

Photos before and after using Juvederm Voluma

Photos before and after using Juvederm Volbella

Photos before and after using Juvederm Volift

Let's sum it up

The Juvederm line of fillers is an effective means for eliminating various skin defects and improving appearance. With their help, you can remove wrinkles, scars, enlarge lips, and rejuvenate skin in different places. With proper use of such drugs, the effect will not be long in coming.

Benefits of Juvederm Ultra Smile

Using the product is associated with the following advantages:

  • it is possible to obtain a natural result;
  • it is possible to achieve a positive effect in one session;
  • the rehabilitation period after using the product is quite short;
  • the likelihood of side effects is minimal;
  • the composition includes an anesthetic, which reduces the level of pain;
  • the positive result lasts quite a long time;
  • Not only external rejuvenation is observed, but also a general improvement in the condition of the skin.
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