10 best masks with Botox effect at home

Photo: wallpapercan.com Hair Botox is not an injection cosmetology at all, but a useful treatment for moisturizing and nourishing curls. In salons, a special mixture with vitamins, keratin and other useful additives is applied to them. This all needs to be properly soaked and dried. But the procedure is quite expensive, but I want to try it. Especially for you, we learned everything about Botox for hair at home!

What is it for?

Botox is similar to a hair mask, but its effect lasts for a couple of months. Unlike straightening with keratin, there is no need to straighten the curls. But the fluffiness and disheveled look with untidy split ends still go away.

Botox formulations contain dozens of nutritional components, plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, keratin and elastin. The procedure will appeal to girls whose hair is hopelessly dry after years of coloring and styling. If your curls have deteriorated due to illness, hormones and stress, or are naturally weak, Botox will also improve the situation.

It is important to understand that Botox is a cosmetic procedure, so its effects are temporary. But even this way it lasts up to 3 months, and after that you can safely repeat it. In addition, Botox supports cool shades of colored hair, and especially cool blonde without yellowness.

Photo: mybodyguru.ru


Depending on the application technology, there are several types of products.

  • Cold Botox. Recommended for girls who have scalp problems, split ends or dull, dry hair. It can also be used to stimulate hair growth. The duration of this procedure does not exceed 40 minutes, but after 3 weeks it is advisable to repeat it to consolidate the effect obtained.
  • Hot Botox. It is used not only to improve the health of strands, but also to straighten them. This procedure is carried out using ironing at high temperatures. But don't worry about the condition of your hair. After all, the composition of Botox prevents their damage even with such an aggressive effect.

You need to choose the best option not only taking into account your own wishes, but also depending on your hair type.

Choice of drug

Almost all major cosmetic brands produce their own series for the Botox procedure. When choosing, pay attention to the composition. For example, oils make hair smooth and shiny, but weigh it down, and Intra-Silan restores the structure of damaged hair, but not everyone uses it.

You can even make your own whey. Mix 2 ml of collagen with elastin, 3 ml of 15% hyaluronic acid, 10 ml of keratin and jojoba oil, 2 drops of 8% lactic acid, 1 capsule of vitamins C and E. All these ingredients are available in pharmacies, so decide for yourself, whatever is more convenient and profitable for you.

Photo: seahair.ru

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Review of products used for hair botox:

  • Fiberceutic complex from L'Oreal. The development of French scientists includes a healing serum and a separate bottle with a nourishing mask. The use of the complex ensures smoothness, shine and manageability of the strands after one procedure for about one and a half to two months. The mask should be used after every hair wash. Women who use Botox from L'Oreal speak positively not only about the effect obtained, but also about the price of the complex - it costs about one thousand rubles. The disadvantages include the difference between home care and a salon procedure, but the visible and structural changes in the hair correspond to the budget version of the set.

  • Botox RIO BLOND BOTTOX. The price for a 900 gram jar of the product in online stores reaches 8 thousand rubles. The product is suitable for all hair types, removes yellowness from blonde-dyed curls, softens strands and gives them elasticity. The advantages of this Botox include the ease of performing the procedure, compliance with the declared result, and the length of time the effect is maintained. The disadvantages include the rather high cost of the drug, but the large volume of the jar allows the procedure to be done several times.

  • Xmix Banho de Argila (Banho de Argila) from FELPS. The cost of the product is 3 thousand rubles. Botox Banjo de Argila not only softens hair and fills it with moisture, but also prevents increased hair loss, rejuvenates and eliminates excessive oiliness. The use of this Botox is allowed up to three times a month. According to reviews, the product copes well with hair frizz and moisturizing, but does not enhance shine and the resulting effect lasts up to 2-3 hair washes.

  • BRAZILIAN BOTTOX EXPERT. Botox from a Brazilian company provides daily hydration and nutrition to strands. The effect of smooth, manageable and shiny hair after the procedure lasts for a month. Additionally, the serum protects against thermal effects; after its application, the use of additional masks is not required. The cost of a 250 gram bottle is 2800 rubles, as the manufacturer claims, this volume is enough for 5-6 procedures.

  • H-BRUSH Botox Capilar line. Manufacturer: Brazilian-Japanese company. The complex consists of a preparatory shampoo and a reconstructor serum. The products do not contain formaldehyde, the drugs are used economically. After the procedure, the hair becomes smooth, its fluffiness disappears, and split ends are sealed. The treatment effect is long-term, lasting up to three months. The only disadvantage of the complex is its high cost; you can purchase a set for a price of 12 thousand rubles.

  • Kashmir Keratin hair System complex – country of origin: Israel. The set consists of 10 ampoules with nutrients and botulinum toxin type C, under the influence of which all the necessary components easily enter inside. Kashmir Keratin hair System is recommended for the restoration of colored and severely damaged hair. The cost of ampoules is 10 thousand rubles. According to reviews, this Botox not only improves the appearance of strands, but also stops their loss; it is advisable to repeat the procedure once a month.

  • XBTX Plastica capilar from The cost of the product is 1500-2000 rubles. Contains Ojon and Macadamia oils. Botox eliminates frizz 100 percent, seals the cuticle of split ends, and restores curls along the entire length. Girls who use the product note that Plastic smoothes out curls well and makes styling easier. The disadvantages include the fact that the smoothness effect lasts only two weeks, but subsequently the volume of curls remains moderate.

  • Kallos Botox – ampoules with serum from the Hungarian company Kallos Cosmetics. The set includes 6 ampoules, its cost is within two thousand rubles. The use of the product is simple - just apply the contents of the ampoule to damp hair for 5 minutes and rinse with shampoo without using a mask. Reviews about the product are mostly positive; girls who use it note the appearance of pronounced hair softness and a lamination effect. Split ends are covered perfectly. Most consider the only drawback to be that the result is not long-lasting - the curls gradually begin to take on their previous appearance after washing your hair 3-4 times.

  • Magic Efecto Botox from Tahe Cosmetics. Botox from a Spanish manufacturer is available in ampoules, the cost of one piece is about one and a half thousand rubles. After use, the strands become silky, manageable, and frizz is eliminated. The effect lasts up to one month.

  • Botox for hair from Spain “Deep restoration”. The product is designed to instantly restore dull, weakened and lost curls. Positive reviews of the serum describe the drug as one of the few means that can truly achieve a noticeable and long-term improvement in the condition of the strands. Botox is used sparingly, and hair smells pleasant for a long time after its use. The cost of a bottle of the drug is a little more than one thousand rubles.
  • HONMA Tokyo H-BRUSH Botox Capilar Mini. A line of products for the Botox procedure is produced under this name. An integrated approach allows you to heal dry and dull hair, restoring its brightness and color saturation, softness and manageability. The set is suitable for any type of curls. The cost of HONMA Tokyo H-BRUSH Botox Capilar Mini is two and a half thousand rubles.

  • HONMA Tokyo H-BRUSH Botox Capilar Intensive Reconstructor – Step 2. Suitable for restoring curls of any type. Intensive reconstructive serum is applied after using shampoo of the same brand. Its use provides long-term straightening and smoothing of strands, healthy shine, strengthening and improving color intensity. The cost of the bottle is quite high - more than 11 thousand rubles.

Application of the drug

It is most convenient to apply the drug with a large syringe without a needle or a bottle with a narrow spout separately on each strand. Be sure to step back a centimeter from the roots, because Botox cannot be applied to the scalp. To distribute the product, use a fine comb.

Photo: 101hairtips.com

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Description of the action of the composition

Let's figure out what this drug is.
The main active ingredient of the product is Intrasilam. It has a unique property: getting inside the hair, Intrasilam turns from one into many tiny molecules, distributed over the entire area of ​​the curl, and stays there for a long time, thereby making the strands strong, healthy and well-groomed. Additional components of Botox are elastin, valuable amino acids, vitamin complex, hyaluronic acid, and vegetable oils.

Hair care after Botox

We recommend doing the procedure in the morning or afternoon, since you cannot lie down for at least 5 hours after it. Also, you should not collect your hair, do hairstyles or wear hats - nothing that will contribute to bends and creases.

In the future, you can use shampoos, conditioners and even occasionally masks - but only sulfate-free ones. Sulfates quickly wash out the mixture, so the effect will only last a couple of weeks. Also, for 1.5 weeks, avoid the scorching sun, salt water, solariums, swimming pools and saunas.

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Recipes for masks with Botox effect, prepared at home

Attention! If you experience an allergic reaction to the ingredients, stop using and rinse your face thoroughly with warm water.

No. 1 Mask with sour cream and starch


  • 1 tablespoon potato starch,
  • 4 tablespoons freshly squeezed carrot juice,
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream.

Add a little water to the starch and heat it up (in a water bath). The mass should turn into jelly. Add juice and sour cream to this jelly-like slurry, mix everything well. After this, the mask is ready for use. Apply it in three layers with your fingertips. Once the first coat is dry, apply the next one. This mask should remain on the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse the resulting crust with water and apply a nourishing cream.

No. 2 Mask with gelatin, cream and honey


  • half a glass of cream,
  • teaspoon of gelatin,
  • a tablespoon of honey,
  • spoon of olive or almond oil.

Pour the gelatin into the cream and let it swell. Then heat this mass using a water bath until smooth. Cool this mixture, add honey and olive oil to it. Mix the mixture well and apply to problem areas of the skin. Let it work for about 20 minutes. Then rinse everything off thoroughly and use a moisturizer. The remaining mask can be refrigerated. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. Use it every other day for a week, then take a break and repeat.

No. 3 Botox mask made from wheat flour


  • 30 grams of wheat flour,
  • 2 tablespoons of clean water,
  • one egg white,
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

Mix the flour with water and heat until it thickens. Beat the butter, salt and egg white well, and then add to the flour mixture. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, then you can add a little flour, and if it turns out to be thick, then you can add water. Apply the mask to your face and keep it on for 25-30 minutes. This flour mask is ideal for problematic oily skin. It dries, tightens and tones the skin well, giving it a Botox effect.

No. 4 Firming honey mask


  • 2 tablespoons cocoa,
  • 2 tablespoons honey and heavy cream,
  • spoon of oatmeal.

Place all this in a glass bowl and stir well. Then put on the fire, heat until it thickens. This Botox effect mask should be applied for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin will be enriched with vitamins and microelements present in honey. This is simply a magical remedy!

No. 5 Fruit and clay mask


  • Grind one of the following fruits in a blender: banana, orange, grapes, peach or any other.
  • Add cosmetic clay to this mass in such an amount to obtain a thick mixture. In this case, you can experiment and instead of clay add honey, protein or cream to the fruit.

After such a mask, collagen is well produced, and a lot of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals get into the skin. Masks made from vegetables are very effective: cucumbers, potatoes, carrots.

No. 6 Mask with Botox effect from potatoes


  • Peel one potato and grate it on a fine grater. Add 15g of vegetable oil to this mass. Apply the product to your face and leave for half an hour.

Useful tips

Before you decide to try hair botox at home, catch some more useful facts and recommendations!

1. Botox can and should be done on short hair - this way you can get rid of daily styling in the morning. 2. It is impossible to unambiguously calculate how long the effect will last and how pronounced it will be. This is always very individual and depends on the condition of the hair. 3. It is not recommended to do Botox for pregnant or breastfeeding women, because the result can be unpredictable. 4. If you have skin diseases or damaged scalp, you cannot do the procedure before treatment. 5. If you wear makeup, we recommend doing it 5 days before Botox to avoid unexpected reactions. 6. To dye your hair over Botox, choose a dye half a tone darker than usual. It will not appear as bright and rich. 7. During the procedure, always dry your hair with a hairdryer - it doesn’t matter whether it’s cold or hot. 8. Styling products, curling irons and flat irons can be used, but rarely. Each styling shortens the duration of the Botox effect.

Photo: womanishclub.com

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Precautionary measures

As already mentioned, Botox for hair is prohibited if contraindications to the procedure are established.

During the session you should also adhere to certain precautions:

  • You need to dilute and apply the product while wearing gloves, this will help protect the skin of your hands from irritation;
  • Try not to apply the serum to the scalp;
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of running water;
  • It is necessary to postpone the healing session if there are signs of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, or fungal infection on the head.

Botox products can increase dandruff formation, cause irritation and itching. If these changes are recorded, then, unfortunately, you need to refrain from such improvement of curls.

Sources of wrinkles around the eyes

  • Dry skin . Under the influence of external factors, the eyelids and the immediate areas around them lose the required amount of moisture, which is what causes the loss of the skin’s former elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles
  • Eye makeup . Basically, girls spend some time every day to make their eyes look expressive. They apply cosmetics that dry out their eyelids, and when this process occurs, beauties often squint their eyes. After such daily actions, expression wrinkles are inevitable.
  • Stress, worries . Withering of the skin due to such unpleasant factors occurs due to disruption of body functions. After all, when experiencing stress, a person does not watch his diet. As a result: diseases arise, and the body does not receive the necessary microelements and vitamins
  • Impact of external factors . Expression wrinkles form most often in the summer. Girls who don't use sunglasses squint. In addition, the sun dries out the skin. Direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided

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Contraindications and possible harm from the procedure

Since the technique does not involve an aggressive effect on the hair structure and scalp, it does not have many health restrictions. However, there are some points that need to be taken into account first:

  • Allergy to solutions;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Nervous system lesions;
  • Dermatological problems.

No other restrictions are prescribed; they can only be based on the client’s well-being. If you feel unwell, it is better to postpone the manipulation.

The procedure does not pose any potential danger to the health of vegetation. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the recommendations for the use of cosmetic products prescribed by the manufacturer.

Because of this, when the solution is left on the hairs, the product negatively affects their condition, reducing the effectiveness of the technology.

Recovery process (step by step)

Improvement of hair growth is possible only if the application process is followed correctly. The steps of the procedure are as follows:

  1. Washing your hair. Wash your hair thoroughly with clarifying shampoo. For better cleansing, repeat the procedure to completely remove all dirt.
  2. Drying . Dry your hair by towel drying. Do not use a hairdryer or other drying device; it is better to just wait for the strands to dry naturally.
  3. Application of the product. A serum containing botulinum toxin is applied to the curls, distributing it evenly along the entire length (to facilitate application, it is best to use a special syringe). Then the hair is collected in a bun and a “greenhouse effect” is created by covering it with cellophane and leaving it for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Massage effect. After time, perform a light massage of the hair and skin with your fingertips. Simultaneously with the massage effect, the serum is rubbed.
  5. Thermal impact. Dry the curls with a hairdryer until completely dry (about 5-7 minutes).
  6. Wash off the composition. Upon completion of the rejuvenation procedure, I wash my hair thoroughly. You can use hypoallergenic shampoo or soap.

The entire healing process takes no more than an hour. Therefore, it can be carried out not only by experienced craftsmen, but also by ordinary citizens.

The main thing is to maintain consistency and not exceed the holding time.


Cosmetic products are a real salvation for some, while for others they are completely contraindicated. Therefore, before using botulinum toxin protein serum, read the contraindications:

  • If you are allergic to the components of the serum (before using, apply a small amount of the composition to the inside of your forearm and wait 5-10 minutes, if the skin does not turn red or start to itch, you do not have an allergic reaction).
  • There are skin diseases (various types of fungi that affect the skin).
  • There are mechanical damage to the epidermis (scratches, abrasions, wounds, cuts, etc.).
  • Old age is another limitation on the use of serum. The drug is not recommended for use by persons under 18 and over 60 years of age.
  • During the period of hormonal surges (menstruation, adolescence).
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers (active components entering the bloodstream can harm the child’s body).

Preparing inventory

Here is a list of what is needed for the procedure.

For the cold method

For cold Botox you will need:

  1. glass container;
  2. a syringe without a needle with which the product will be applied;
  3. polyethylene cap;
  4. terry towel;
  5. comb;
  6. latex gloves;
  7. hairdryer

For a hot look

To carry out the hot Botox procedure, you will need all of the above items. In addition to this, you will need to prepare an iron .

Possible mistakes

The most common mistakes are incorrect application of the Botox composition . For example, if you inattentively read the recipe before preparing the composition or leave it on your hair for too long and wash it all off with shampoo (you will find tips on choosing a shampoo after Botox here, and here we wrote about how to properly wash your hair before and after procedures). The first two are fraught with damage to the hair so that it will be very difficult to restore it later. And the third mistake will simply negate all your efforts during the process.

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