Zinc ointment for blackheads: method of application, reviews, how to use

Zinc ointment for blackheads helps eliminate this problem and significantly improve the condition of the skin .

In this case, the product must be applied according to the instructions. This will allow you to get the desired effect and not cause harm to the dermis.

So, how to use zinc ointment for blackheads?

What it is?

Zinc ointment for blackheads is a preparation for external use that has a drying and disinfecting effect. Available in cans or tubes in various volumes - from 25 to 100 grams. When it penetrates the skin cells, this drug begins to absorb excess fat and harmful substances. By reducing the intensity of sebaceous gland production, the skin becomes cleaner.

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Zinc ointment for acne and blackheads can be used as a main therapeutic drug or in combination with other medications or cosmetics. Its basis is the chemical element zinc oxide; as for the auxiliary components, they are: petroleum jelly, fish oil and mineral oils.

Using zinc ointment with erythromycin for acne

If you have acne on your skin, you can try an excellent remedy - this is a mixture prepared from zinc ointment and erythromycin ointment. Preparing this composition is quite simple:

  • Take a little of the first and second ointment.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply the resulting product to the places where you have problems (preferably at night, when you go to bed).

Zinc ointment with erythromycin for acne
As a rule, problematic lesions gradually begin to calm down on the second day - the inflammation goes away, the pain subsides, and the pimple itself becomes much smaller.


The positive effect of any remedy will be achieved only if it is used correctly. As for the ointment based on zinc oxide, to eliminate blackheads with its help you need:

  • Pre-clean your facial skin from excess fat and decorative cosmetics. Foams or gels for washing will be an assistant in this. Deep cleansing of skin tissue can be done by breathing for a few minutes over a warm decoction of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort.
  • Before applying the ointment to the skin, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  • The product is applied to the problem area in a thin layer. To improve absorption, this should be done with massaging movements.
  • Zinc oxide should be left to soak for 10 minutes. Then, it should be washed off and moisturizer applied to the skin.
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    It is recommended to use zinc ointment for blackheads on the face before bed. It is prohibited to go outside for 2-4 hours. Neglecting this rule may cause skin irritation.

Zinc ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use

The ointment contains 2 components:

  • petrolatum
  • zinc oxide

It is the latter component that helps relieve inflammation, and also accelerates healing and dries wounds.

  • Before using the ointment, you must read the instructions.
  • Apply a thin layer of product to clean skin.
  • For a positive effect, you need to use the ointment 3-4 times a day.
  • Applying ointment before going to bed is mandatory.

Zinc ointment
To obtain the desired effect, also do the following:

  • The use of ointment during illness should be regular.
  • Avoid eating products with copper.
  • Eat as many nuts and legumes as possible, as well as all foods containing zinc.

Blue clay mask

Zinc ointment for blackheads with the addition of blue clay is an elixir for the skin. To prepare it, owners of mixed and dry skin types should:

  • pour 40 grams of blue clay into a container;
  • dilute it with water until a consistency similar to sour cream forms;
  • add 10 grams of zinc oxide to the clay;
  • mix the contents thoroughly.
  • The combination of clay powder and zinc oxide will give the skin an unrivaled effect: fill it with nutrients, open pores, restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands and promote rejuvenation.

    Composition and active substance

    90% of the product consists of ordinary medical vaseline oil. 10% zinc oxide. In its traditional composition, the product is almost odorless, white, and greasy. It applies easily and is almost not absorbed. A Vaseline film forms on the skin. It is easy to remove, but while it is there, dirt and moisture do not penetrate under it.

    Some manufacturers additionally add vitamins, fragrances, and emollients. The ointment acquires an aroma, is better applied, has a broad therapeutic effect, but is a little more expensive. Zinc oxide has a beneficial therapeutic effect:

    • healing;
    • UV protection;

    • protecting the skin from infections;
    • reduction of itching, burning in inflamed areas;
    • fight against infectious and inflammatory lesions;
    • softening the skin.

    The protective film formed by the Vaseline in the ointment does not allow microorganisms and small particles of dirt to penetrate the wounds. The secretion of fluid from the tissues also stops. Zinc ointment helps fight peeling and crusting. For this reason, the remedy is often prescribed to people with psoriasis and lichen.

    Complex care mask

    Zinc ointment for blackheads, intended for comprehensive skin care, suitable for all skin types. To prepare it you should:

    • place in a deep container 15 grams of zinc ointment, 20 grams of 10% salicylic ointment, 15 grams of sulfur ointment, half a teaspoon of birch tar and 7 drops of vitamin A;
    • mix all components thoroughly;
    • add 10 drops of essential oil or tea tree to the contents;
    • Stir the resulting mixture again.

    The finished face mask can be stored in the refrigerator. Its regular use will give positive results: the skin will become cleaner and softer, it will eliminate the first signs of aging and get rid of wrinkles.

    Zinc ointment for blackheads, presented in the form of masks prepared according to one of the above recipes, is applied to the skin for 10 minutes, then washed off. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to additionally apply a moisturizer after the procedure.

    Zinc against blackheads: theory

    A blackhead, or open comedon, is a “plug” that clogs a pore. This formation consists of sebum (sebum), mixed with dirt, remnants of cosmetics, and dead particles of the epidermis. Annoying “blotches” are typical for those with oily or combination skin with enlarged pores. Typically, comedones are found in the T-zone: on the forehead, nose and chin - it is in these areas that the sebaceous glands work especially intensively.

    Experts classify blackheads exclusively as cosmetic defects, but their appearance may signal:

    • disruptions in intestinal function and other health problems;
    • poor nutrition;
    • unhealthy lifestyle;
    • using low-quality cosmetics;
    • improper skin care.

    Only eliminating the cause of their appearance can overcome comedones forever, while methods designed to remove blackheads from the skin give only a temporary effect.

    An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the right facial care products to prevent the appearance of blackheads

    Cosmetologists note the positive effect of zinc on the skin. When used correctly, this substance:

    • exhibits drying properties, regulates sebum production;
    • tightens pores;
    • has an antiseptic effect;
    • relieves inflammation.

    These effects help reduce the risk of blackheads.

    Table: pros and cons of using products with zinc against comedones

    • Eliminates oily shine;
    • reduce the number of blackheads by narrowing pores and reducing sebum production.
    • Not suitable for dry and sensitive skin;
    • mainly used for local application;
    • may cause a feeling of tightness;
    • with prolonged use may cause deterioration of the skin condition;
    • Not suitable as a base for makeup.

    Recommendations from cosmetologists

    Cosmetologists also shared their opinions on the effect of this product on sensitive cells and tissues. They claim that it is suitable for owners of all skin types. But the positive effect of using zinc ointment for blackheads will be achieved only if the following rules are observed:

  • It must be used regularly. One or two applications are not enough to become the owner of a well-groomed face.
  • It is recommended to use a cosmetic product based on it in courses - 2-3 times a week for a month. Then, take a break and repeat the procedure again if necessary.
  • Do not use other cosmetics that are intended to eliminate blackheads during the treatment period.
  • Eliminate foods rich in copper and soy protein from your diet. These substances contribute to the fact that zinc will be poorly absorbed, therefore, the effectiveness of the cosmetic product will decrease.
  • When using zinc ointment against blackheads, it is recommended to include eggs, beans and nuts in your diet.

    Contraindications and possible harm

    Zinc ointment against blackheads is a natural medicine and is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to zinc compounds and other components. For people prone to allergic reactions, it is advisable to test the product on the thin, delicate skin of the elbow or wrist. Do not use the ointment if there are ulcers and ulcers on the skin, or abuse the drug for a long time. Ignoring safety measures increases the likelihood of such unpleasant consequences as irritation of the dermis, itching, peeling, hyperemia, and expansion of the area of ​​rashes.

    Contact a specialist if treatment with salicylic-zinc paste is intended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, children under 12 years of age, people with blood and kidney diseases.

    Contraindications for use

    The preparation based on zinc oxide is suitable for owners of all skin types. As for contraindications, these include individual intolerance to the component. After applying zinc ointment for blackheads on the nose or other part of the face, an allergic reaction may occur, presented in the form of irritation or a rash.

    Another contraindication is the development of an inflammatory process or the presence of open wounds on the skin. In this case, you need to wait until it recovers, only after which you can begin performing the cosmetic procedure.

    Zinc ointment for dandruff

    Our grandmothers used zinc ointment to treat dandruff. Typically, it is used for oily skin.

    Zinc ointment is considered an antiseptic; it relieves inflammation and forms a protective shell that prevents foreign irritants from penetrating.

    Anti-dandruff ointment

    Apply a thin layer of zinc ointment to the scalp. After 1 hour has passed, wash off the product. Since the ointment dries out, it is not advisable to use it on dry hair and skin. In this case, dilute the ointment with any vegetable oil, for example, olive or baby cream.

    Positive reviews

    Zinc ointment for blackheads has been tested by hundreds of women. During this time, a lot of reviews have been generated about it, most of which are positive.

    Basically, representatives of the fair half of humanity highlight the following advantages:

    • low cost;
    • rapid onset of effect - the problem disappears literally before our eyes;
    • Possibility of use in adolescence;
    • the presence of an additional effect after use, presented in the form of whitening, drying, removing redness and eliminating acne;
    • ease of use;
    • long shelf life;
    • lack of addictive effect;
    • minimum list of contraindications;
    • freely available for sale.

    Cosmetologists also consider this product to be the best “fighter” against problem areas, if used correctly. It is created on the basis of natural ingredients and brings only benefits.

    Analogues of the drug

    If you cannot smear the damaged epidermis with zinc oxide for some reason, you can replace it with an analogue. Generics are available in different dosage forms and are sold without a prescription.

    DesitinSulfur-zincTsindolZinc, 25%

    Analogues differ in composition and state of aggregation, but the active substance is the same. During pregnancy, chickenpox, herpes, severe burns, infancy, acute psoriasis or eczema, zinc ointment and its analogues are used only as recommended or after consultation with a doctor.

    Negative reviews

    Reviews of zinc ointment for blackheads are found in isolated cases, but women still speak out about them, so they cannot be ignored. First of all, they relate to the appearance of peeling and irritation of the skin. Many girls felt discomfort after applying the cream. Such a symptom indicates an individual intolerance to the component. You should wash your face thoroughly with cool water and apply an emollient cream to the skin.

    There are negative reviews of a different nature. Many girls like the effect that zinc ointment allowed them to achieve, but they were dissatisfied with its consistency or smell. The release form, reminiscent of a medicinal product, also did not cause a pleasant impression. Representatives of the fair sex would like to see more attractive packaging in their cosmetic bag.

    What to remember

    1. Zinc ointment draws out fat accumulations inside the pores, inhibits the production of sebum and stops inflammatory rashes.
    2. Using zinc ointment to remove blackheads, you not only get the opportunity to eliminate dermatological imperfections, but also whiten your skin, giving it an even, smooth, beautiful matte appearance.
    3. To achieve maximum effect, follow the instructions, pay attention to proper nutrition, sufficient water consumption and timely removal of makeup from the face.
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