Zinc ointment for the face: beneficial properties and methods of use

Pharmaceutical preparation for local external use. Used to combat skin inflammation, fungus and injuries: acne, burns, psoriasis, diaper rash in babies, etc. The average cost of a 30 g tube of ointment is 28-30 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Zinc ointment is sold in all pharmacies and is stored for 5 years. The product has almost no contraindications or side effects, and rarely provokes allergies.

What is zinc ointment

This is a time-tested, inexpensive medicine for eliminating skin inflammation. Has an antiseptic, astringent and drying effect. The main active component of the ointment is zinc oxide. Available in the form of a viscous, homogeneous white or grayish substance. Packaged in glass or plastic bottles or metal tubes of 25 g.

The base of the ointment is white paraffin or petroleum jelly. Based on the zinc content, the dosages of the drug are 5, 10 and 20%. Variants of the drug with salicylic acid or sulfur are also produced, which have a similar effect.


The ointment is not used to treat skin diseases in patients prone to allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Zinc ointment is not applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth. Once zinc enters the bloodstream through the esophagus, it can cause poisoning, which can lead to convulsions, allergic skin reactions, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Exceptions may be the mucous membranes of the anal ring and foreskin, where the ointment can be applied to relieve the inflammatory process, accelerate the healing of cracks and disinfect the surface.

What does zinc ointment treat?

Zinc has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and in combination with petroleum jelly acts as a protector, forming a protective softening film on the skin. This allows the drug to be used for various injuries of the integument:

  • diaper dermatitis;
  • insect bites;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • abrasions, abrasions;
  • bedsores;
  • dermatitis, eczema;
  • chickenpox rash, urticaria;
  • other lesions, including infectious ones.

Due to its properties to disinfect, soften and whiten the skin, zinc ointment is popular as a cosmetic product. Its use helps smooth out fine wrinkles, even out facial tone, prevent inflammatory formations and other imperfections.

The drug loosens the stratum corneum of the epidermis, activates the process of regeneration and cell renewal, stimulates microcirculation, and prevents tissue damage from free radicals. As a result of regular use, the severity of facial folds decreases, pores narrow, microcracks, pigment spots and freckles disappear, and emerging pimples do not leave noticeable marks.

Composition and active substance

90% of the product consists of ordinary medical vaseline oil. 10% zinc oxide. In its traditional composition, the product is almost odorless, white, and greasy. It applies easily and is almost not absorbed. A Vaseline film forms on the skin. It is easy to remove, but while it is there, dirt and moisture do not penetrate under it.

Some manufacturers additionally add vitamins, fragrances, and emollients. The ointment acquires an aroma, is better applied, has a broad therapeutic effect, but is a little more expensive. Zinc oxide has a beneficial therapeutic effect:

  • healing;
  • UV protection;

  • protecting the skin from infections;
  • reduction of itching, burning in inflamed areas;
  • fight against infectious and inflammatory lesions;
  • softening the skin.

The protective film formed by the Vaseline in the ointment does not allow microorganisms and small particles of dirt to penetrate the wounds. The secretion of fluid from the tissues also stops. Zinc ointment helps fight peeling and crusting. For this reason, the remedy is often prescribed to people with psoriasis and lichen.

How to use zinc ointment correctly

The drug must be applied to cleansed skin. It is recommended to pre-treat damaged epidermis with an antiseptic: for example, Miramistin. The required amount of product must be carefully distributed over the affected areas. The procedure should be repeated 1-3 times a day, depending on the problem.

It is not advisable to cover the skin with film, patches or bandages after applying the medicine, so as not to create a greenhouse effect. When using other external medications simultaneously, it is necessary to discuss their compatibility with your doctor.

Analogues of the drug

If you cannot smear the damaged epidermis with zinc oxide for some reason, you can replace it with an analogue. Generics are available in different dosage forms and are sold without a prescription.

DesitinSulfur-zincTsindolZinc, 25%

Analogues differ in composition and state of aggregation, but the active substance is the same. During pregnancy, chickenpox, herpes, severe burns, infancy, acute psoriasis or eczema, zinc ointment and its analogues are used only as recommended or after consultation with a doctor.

Zinc ointment for the treatment of children

The drug is approved for use from 0 years. For diaper rash, diaper dermatitis and other skin problems, the ointment should be applied with light movements, treating all affected areas. The procedure is repeated after each diaper change and water procedures until redness and irritation disappear.

For older children, burns, abrasions, chickenpox blisters or mosquito bites are treated with zinc ointment, applying the product exactly to the affected area as needed. It is not advisable to use the medicine for more than 7 days in a row, so as not to dry out the skin.

For acne


Zinc ointment for acne helps only as part of complex therapy. The product does not get rid of the main cause of acne - bacteria that multiply in the ducts of the sebaceous hair follicles. Zinc ions are part of compounds that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. A drug for treating acne must contain at least 20% zinc oxide. A more concentrated zinc paste is preferable to the 10% ointment. After acne heals, red or brown post-inflammatory spots remain. The anti-acne remedy is used in the same way as for acne. Apply a pinhead-sized lump of product directly to a previously cleansed area of ​​skin and rub in gently. Use for several days while inflammation and redness persist. Recommendations: To clean the problem area before applying the ointment, use a chlorhexidine solution or antibacterial lotion. If there is one small pimple, then makeup is applied on top of a thin layer of ointment. After a few hours, the skin is cleaned with a cotton pad moistened with warm water, and a layer of ointment is applied again. You can leave the product on your face at night and wash it in the morning. Often, bruising remains after squeezing pimples. Such injuries are also treated with zinc ointment.

How to use zinc ointment for the face

For juvenile acne, it is recommended to apply the drug to the inflammatory elements. You should first remove makeup from your face and wash your face. For acne, salicylic-zinc or sulfur-zinc ointment has a more effective effect, this should be taken into account with frequent severe skin rashes. When treating acne, it is useful to enrich your diet with foods containing zinc and copper: legumes, nuts, beef liver, chicken eggs.

With the initial signs of aging, the ointment can be used as a care product: as a softening, whitening and smoothing mask:

  • Apply as a cream, a thin layer to cleansed facial skin;
  • the medicine cannot be used under a foundation;
  • The application procedure should be repeated 1–3 times a week; more frequent use of the ointment may result in drying out;
  • when used as a mask, wash off the remaining ointment from the face after 20–30 minutes, then apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream;
  • Avoid applying zinc ointment to the thin skin around the eyes.

If necessary, it is allowed to mix the drug with other cosmetics: aloe juice, sea buckthorn or almond oil.

After applying zinc ointment, you should appear less often in the open sun. Ultraviolet light enhances the drying effect of the drug, which can harm turgor.

Pharmacological properties

If you read the instructions for zinc ointment, you will see a large list of indications for which this external remedy is prescribed:

  • therapy and prevention of diaper dermatitis;
  • diaper rash;
  • bedsores;
  • photocontact dermatitis;
  • minor skin damage - cuts, scratches, abrasions, minor superficial wounds and burns;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • prickly heat;
  • diathesis;
  • chicken pox;
  • herpes;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • acne.

The impressive list of uses is explained by the unique properties of zinc oxide. This chemical has a beneficial effect on affected skin:

  • reduces inflammation and exudate;
  • relieves irritation;
  • dries;
  • increases local tissue immunity;
  • normalizes metabolism in epidermal cells;
  • disinfects;
  • heals;
  • corrects the production of sebaceous secretions;
  • restores skin structure.

If you listen to the advice of cosmetologists, the range of beneficial properties of zinc ointment is much wider. Its use on the face leads to noticeable positive results:

  • the formation of new wrinkles slows down;
  • redness and increased oiliness of the skin disappear;
  • small ulcers dry out;
  • pigmented areas fade and become less noticeable;
  • epidermal cells are restored and renewed faster;
  • porous skin becomes smooth and uniform.

All these properties make zinc ointment an indispensable product for facial skin care. The drug can be used independently or as one of the main components in nourishing and rejuvenating masks.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of the medication indicate the following indications for use:

  1. eczema, psoriasis (other infectious and non-infectious diseases);
  2. diaper dermatitis in newborns, diaper rash in a child, diathesis (from pimples on the cheeks);
  3. violation of the integrity of the skin (cuts, abrasions) - eliminates signs of inflammation, stops bleeding, disinfects);
  4. chickenpox (spot application of ointment helps dry out pimples).

However, this is the “official” list of indications for the use of the ointment. Among the people, salicylic-zinc ointment is used much more widely.

Will zinc help fight hyperpigmentation?

Zinc has bleaching properties, so theoretically it can be used to lighten age spots.

However, experts believe that the main thing in the treatment of these cosmetic defects is to find out the cause of their appearance. To do this, you need to undergo a medical examination by visiting a dermatologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Only after eliminating the factors that provoke increased melanin production does the use of whitening products make sense.

Table: pros and cons of products when used against age spots

  • Lighten pigment spots;
  • provide properties beneficial to the skin (dry out rashes, exhibit antibacterial properties, reduce sebum production).
  • They provide only a cosmetic effect and do not eliminate the cause of the stains;
  • may have a detrimental effect on dry and overly sensitive skin;
  • cannot be used under makeup.

Why does skin change pigment?

Pigment spots are local darkening of the epidermis of a light or red-brown color, having a varied shape, outlined or blurred edges. They can appear at any age, but most often appear after forty years. The reasons for changes in skin pigmentation can be very different. But the main ones are:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the liver and biliary tract;
  • chronic inflammation of the urinary organs;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • traumatic damage to epithelial cells;
  • consequences of removing skin lesions;
  • use of skin irritants;
  • skin aging;
  • consequences of working in hazardous industries;
  • result of taking medications.

One of the ways to get rid of skin manifestations of this kind is bleaching with cosmetics. Among them, ordinary zinc ointment .

Reviews about the product

There is zinc ointment, and there is salicylic-zinc ointment. The latter dries out pimples well and is prescribed for problem skin. And zinc ointment is greasy, it’s really good for lubricating dry areas of skin, chapped lips, hands, it heals wounds on the lips. I speak with full responsibility, because I myself use this ointment from time to time.



Zinc ointment is a very good remedy for acne, acne, bruises, bruises, mosquito bites, and so on. I use it myself. It even smoothes out wrinkles and does not dry out the skin at all, but on the contrary...



After reading your advice, I tried applying zinc ointment to my face. And for sure: it whitens and smoothes wrinkles, and also relieves minor irritations and inflammations!



The teacher told us about zinc ointment at school when we were pimply teenagers. Available in the form of a white paste. I applied it to each pimple with a cotton swab. She dries them. I apply it at home at night. Everything gets dirty - yes. Is it possible for the whole face? I don’t know about that.

La George


The product is good. It clears up acne relatively quickly, the only problem is that it dries out the skin a lot. Therefore, I used it in combination with Metrogil. It soothes irritated areas and removes excess dryness. As a result, in a couple of weeks I cleared my skin completely, I didn’t even believe the effect. Now I use zinc ointment to eliminate accidentally occurring inflammations, plus I treat skin wounds with it and even dry out colds on my lips. In general, this product has taken quite an honorable place in my home medicine cabinet. And if you consider that it costs no more than forty rubles, then it is clear that I am very happy with my discovery. By the way, my sister treated my nephew’s diaper rash with zinc ointment, and it helped a lot.



Zinc ointment in my first aid kit is a necessary and irreplaceable thing for me. Moreover, it’s also cheap, I bought it for 30 rubles. I use it if acne suddenly appears on my face, which under the influence of this product dries out quite quickly and disappears. But this is not the only thing that zinc ointment is good for me. To my great surprise, it helps perfectly with dry and flaky lips. I realized this absolutely by accident - it so happened that my lips were very chapped and chapped, and practically nothing helped. And here, probably out of despair, I decided to lubricate my lips with this product at night. And the next morning, some of the cracks healed, and it immediately became clear to me that the ointment was really effective for this too. This ointment is white in color, odorless, and has the consistency of a rich cream. And I almost forgot to say - it can leave marks on clothes or linen, so be careful.



My aunt recommended this ointment to me when I was a teenager, when she looked at my face and was horrified by the huge number of acne. I wiped them with lotions, used creams, but they did not go away, and she suggested a simple pharmaceutical remedy for my youthful problems. I bought an inexpensive ointment and began to lubricate my face before going to bed. This product is very thick and takes a long time to absorb. I had to rub it into the skin for a long time, but I still found greasy stains from the ointment on my pillow in the morning. It dries out not only inflammation, but also the skin. If you smear it often, the skin will peel off a little. Despite such troubles, I continued to smear my face, and after a few days it really became cleaner, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed this. Since then, zinc ointment has always been on my shelf, because in critical situations it quickly deals with unpleasant pimples.

Nadezhda Ovchinnik


Zinc is a very important microelement for maintaining youthful skin. Zinc ointment, if used not exactly as intended, helps to quickly get rid of acne, inflammation, and other problems typical of oily skin. It visually rejuvenates the face, evening out its color and texture. Since this is initially a drug, before you “prescribe” it to yourself, consult your doctor about the possibility of using the ointment, the duration of the course and how to use the drug correctly.

  • Author: woman
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