Does Sulfur Ointment help with dandruff: treatment regimen, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems in humans. The disease manifests itself in children and adults, men and women. Eliminating the cause of its appearance and timely, correct treatment is the secret to the beauty and health of hair. In addition to its unaesthetic appearance, dandruff is accompanied by itching and further hair loss. The most effective, simple and cheap means to combat the problem is ointment. How anti-dandruff ointment works, the pros and cons of the dosage form, as well as which option to choose from a huge range of drugs are questions that almost every patient faces.


According to statistics, every fifth person has dandruff. Even beautiful hair will not look neat if there are white scales on the scalp. Also with this pathology there is a risk of developing eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Treatment is carried out using various means: ointments, creams, lotions and gels with antifungal action, special medicated shampoos.

Ointment for dandruff on the head has the following effects:

  • Eliminates itching.
  • Normalizes sebum production.
  • Improves the condition of hair and scalp.
  • Relieves peeling.
  • Disinfects the surface of the dermis, kills fungus.

The remedy not only helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations, but also prevents their occurrence, i.e. it is therapeutic and prophylactic.

If you have dandruff, you should contact a trichologist; after the examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe a method of therapy.

Instructions for use: how to treat seborrhea on the head

For seborrheic dermatitis, sulfur ointment is used only as part of complex therapy. You must first consult with a dermatologist, neurologist and trichologist. Their main task is to establish an accurate diagnosis of the problem and determine the cause of the disease. Regardless of the proposed treatment methods, a systematic approach involves eliminating external manifestations, eliminating the root cause (trigger) that provoked the pathogenic growth of the fungus, as well as a general strengthening of the immune system.

Effective methods of treating seborrhea of ​​the head:

  1. Comprehensive improvement of the internal organs of the body.
  2. Activation of the functionality of the autonomic nervous system with the help of specialized medications.
  3. For severe seborrheic pathology, hormonal drugs are prescribed.
  4. Active consumption of vitamins A, D, E, B, as well as medicines based on zinc and sulfur.
  5. Hardening the body, physical activity, being in the fresh air, swimming in open water.
  6. Strict diet: eggs, fruits, fresh vegetables, fermented milk diet; refusal of spicy, salty, fatty, canned, red meat.

At first glance, it may seem that these measures have nothing to do with seborrhea on the head, but thanks to them, the general condition of the patient’s body improves.


Oily seborrhea is characterized by the formation of a large amount of dandruff, acute itching, and intense secretion of sebaceous secretions. In this case, medicated anti-dandruff shampoos are used (the composition is applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the epithelial layer with massage movements). The head is treated 3 times every 7 days.

The following solutions will help get rid of the manifestations of a dermatological disease:

  • sulsen paste;
  • salicylic acid;
  • sodium thiosulfate.

A preliminary consultation with a trichologist is mandatory, since only a specialist can determine the exact etiology of the disease and prescribe an effective therapeutic regimen for oily skin.


This type of disease is characterized by the formation of dust-like dandruff on the scalp, localized not only on the head, but also on the neck, chest, and face. Advanced pathology can provoke partial or complete baldness.

To treat dry seborrhea of ​​the head, the following drugs are used:

  • sulfur ointment (only 10%);
  • boric acid (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • shampoos containing zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole.

Sulfur not only promotes skin regeneration, but also has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the medicine should be used in combination with other medications. The duration of therapy is from 1 to 4 weeks, based on the severity of the pathological process and the doctor’s recommendations.

Popular means

There are three most effective ointments that can quickly eliminate dandruff:

  1. Sulfuric.
  2. Salicylic.
  3. Zinc.

Let us consider the action and features of the use of each medicinal product in more detail.

Sulfuric ointment

This product is a suspension with an emulsion base. The main active component is sulfur, known in pharmaceuticals as a macroelement with antiseptic and disinfecting properties.

Sulfur ointment consists of:

  • Basics. Includes three parts distilled water, one part emulsifier and six parts petroleum jelly. Only 20 g.
  • Active component, i.e. sulfur – 10 g.

The concentration of the final product is 33.3%, which is considered the most effective for the treatment of advanced stages of seborrhea. If dandruff is not clearly expressed, an ointment with a lower concentration (10%) is used.

Mode of application:

  1. Rub the product into dry hair.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes. for the effect of the product.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure daily for a week. Then take a one-day break and start the course again.

Use in childhood

According to the official instructions for use, children under 3 years of age are strictly prohibited from using the medication in question. For children under 5 years of age - only as directed. Most often, sulfur ointment is prescribed for dermatitis in children. The composition is evenly distributed over the problem area of ​​the skin 1 to 2 times a day, not more often. In modern pediatrics, this pharmaceutical product is extremely rarely used due to the availability of modern means.

Side effects

In some cases, after applying ointments, the following may occur:

  • Itching.
  • Redness of the scalp.
  • Rash.
  • Peeling.

These side effects occur due to increased sensitivity of the skin or a reaction to certain components of the medications.

When using the ointment, you should strictly follow the instructions, do not increase the duration of therapy or the frequency of application of the product.


There are no complete analogues of sulfur ointment. Compositions consisting of two components are considered similar in their mechanism of action: sulfur-salicylic, sulfur-zinc, sulfur-tar. The listed ingredients enhance the effect of the main components.

In case of individual intolerance to sulfur, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • "Benzyl benzoate";
  • "Spergal";
  • "Scabicar."

They are suitable for the treatment of head lice and scabies. Only the attending physician prescribes or cancels a substitute after an individual examination of the patient.

Features of the impact

There are many reasons for the appearance of dandruff in humans, but the main one is disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Such a lesion in the medical field is called seborrhea.

An incorrectly designed diet, regular stress and emotional stress, diseases of internal organs, damage to the digestive and endocrine systems - all this provokes the appearance of dandruff. If you do not begin timely treatment of the lesion, then the person risks losing some of his hair in the future.

To eliminate dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases of the scalp, which cause severe burning and white scales, special creams, shampoos, sprays, tablets, and lotions are used.

But the most common and effective remedy for combating dandruff among doctors continues to be ointment. Anti-dandruff ointment is a medicine of varying consistency. It may contain active ingredients and other medicinal substances, plant extracts, mineral components and vitamins. The formula of the drug helps not only to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the process of skin peeling, but also to enrich skin cells with nutritional components, improve the condition of the immune system, restore metabolic processes and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Depending on the active component in the base of the product, there are 4 groups of medicinal ointments against dandruff:

  1. The first group is products with tar, climbazole, ketoconazole, octopirox and sulfur. Their effect helps reduce the activity of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the upper layers of the skin, leading to their gradual death.
  2. The second group is preparations with zinc pyrithione. Such substances quickly dissolve in the sebaceous glands and have an antifungal effect. They help improve skin condition, reduce flaking and relieve symptoms of dermatological lesions.
  3. Third group. The active ingredients most often used are salicylic acid. The effect of this product helps to quickly exfoliate dead skin cells and ensure active regeneration of new skin cells. Medicines from this group are prescribed to patients with seboria and psoriasis.
  4. The fourth group is medicinal products that contain resin of pine, juniper, cedar, as well as calendula and chamomile extract. The natural components in the composition have a calming effect, help eliminate the inflammatory process and restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Such components actively fight bacteria and fungi and also help stop their spread.

Local preparations are applied in a thin layer to the diseased area of ​​the body, which helps protect the skin from the spread of the disease and provokes the death of the infection.

It should be noted that ointments to eliminate seborrheic dermatitis are simply applied, do not spread and help eliminate the infectious process. The drug is used sparingly, and its cost is affordable for everyone.

Factors leading to dandruff

The following negative factors can lead to dandruff:

  • failure to follow hygiene rules, poor body and hair care;
  • problems with the functioning of certain systems or organs (disturbances in the production of hormones, problems with the functioning of the digestive system);
  • regular nervous tension, emotional outbursts, depression;
  • insufficient daily physical activity, lack of fresh air.

The described factors significantly increase the risk of dermatological lesions. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp can be eliminated using sulfur ointment.

Causes of dandruff in humans

A certain amount of fungi and bacteria are regularly found on human skin. In the normal state of the body and immune system, their spread is controlled by a person’s internal defense mechanisms. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms remain invisible to the human body.

But any disturbance in the balance of systems (most often this occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, regular stress, nervous strain, problems in the production of hormones) provokes the emergence of favorable conditions for the development and spread of pathogenic microflora.

When malfunctions occur in the functioning of the protective system, the risk of formations in the form of dandruff increases significantly. In this case, the dermatological disease will provoke unpleasant itching and peeling of the epithelial layer of the skin. Most often, this process indicates problems with the functioning of certain organs or systems in the patient’s body.

For oily dandruff

The instructions for using sulfur ointment indicate that the product should be applied to the head three times a week. Oily dandruff is characterized by its abundance, strong burning sensation, and the release of a large amount of sebaceous secretion. In this case, you should use special anti-dandruff shampoos.

To combat the lesion, the following solutions are used:

  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • salicylic acid;
  • sulsen paste.
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