Laser hair removal of the deep bikini area. Contraindications, photos, price of the procedure

Every girl makes sure that her bikini area is free of excess hair. It is beautiful and is done for hygiene purposes. Among the many techniques for getting rid of vegetation, sugaring is considered the most relevant. What does sugaring mean? This is a hair removal procedure using a sugar composition. The name comes from English. sugar or sugar, the technique comes from Ancient Egypt, where there was a cult of the body. The technique is similar to the wax method, but with a different composition. The base of the paste is sugar, not wax, which eliminates allergies, burns, and other undesirable consequences. Another difference will be the technique itself. During sugar hair removal, the mass is applied to the skin, and the hair is removed against growth, which reduces pain to a minimum and eliminates fragility of hair.

What is deep bikini laser hair removal?

In the bikini area, the skin is more delicate and sensitive, so not every hair removal method is suitable for hair removal. A laser procedure allows you to remove them without causing severe irritation and inflammation. The cleanliness of the skin after 1 procedure remains for 6 months. After completing the full course - up to 7 years.

When epilating using this method, the laser acts on the hair root. The specialist selects the required beam length based on the color and thickness of the hair. The flash produced by the device affects melanin (color pigment), which absorbs light and releases thermal energy, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle and damage to the blood vessels that nourish the hair.

The surrounding tissue remains undamaged.

After the root is destroyed, the hair dies and falls out (the process may take 3-5 days). The site of the follicle gradually becomes overgrown, without the possibility of new hair forming in it.

The device can destroy only active hair follicles (when the hair is in the growth stage); the laser does not affect dormant or dying bulbs. Depending on the type of laser, the quality of the procedure may be affected by hair color and skin tone. The darker the hair and lighter the skin, the more effective the hair removal.

How to prepare

Before hair removal begins, the skin is treated with a tonic, then with powder to degrease. The sugar paste is applied in long strips along the hairline, then torn off with a sharp movement. This removes hairs along with hair follicles and dead skin cells. There is no need to heat the paste, just knead it with your fingers, so there will be no burns . For the first treatment, you need to have hairs 5 mm long; for subsequent treatments, even 2 mm is enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal of the deep bikini area

Laser hair removal (including deep bikini) has both pros and cons.

Laser benefitsDisadvantages of the procedure
There is no damage to the integrity of the skin, as a result there is no risk of infection.The quality of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the novelty of the equipment.
You can immediately treat the required area, without dividing it into several procedures.If the laser beam length and exposure time are incorrectly selected, skin burns and increased pigmentation may occur.
The hair removal process takes from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated and the structure of the hair.Complete hair removal is impossible after 1 procedure, since the laser does not destroy the hair follicles that are in a “dormant” state and at the stage of dying.
Pain sensations are minimal.Gray, blond and red hair is difficult to eliminate.
Smoothness of the skin after the procedure from 6 months for 1 session, and up to 7 years when completing the full course.High cost of the procedure.
Possibility of treating delicate and sensitive skin.Hair not removed during hair removal cannot be removed by any other hair removal method for up to 1 month (can be cut or shaved).
After epilation there are no ingrown hairs.Before and after the procedure, visiting the solarium and saunas is prohibited for up to 7 days.

Before epilation in the bikini area, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist, dermatologist and therapist to exclude infectious diseases and other contraindications.

Is it possible to get rid of unwanted hair forever?

Modern science says it can; For this purpose, methods such as photo and laser hair removal are used. However, practice shows that even after several years of this or that depilation, a small part of the hair remains, so cosmetologists do not guarantee that the result will be one hundred percent, but a significant part of the hair will be destroyed forever.

Other methods discussed above are not capable of destroying hair forever. But there are some grandmother’s recipes, which, judging by the reviews of women who have tried them on themselves, give better results than laser or photo hair removal, and much faster. These include:

  • Datura decoction; 100–150 grams of dope must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and put on low heat; it is necessary to cook until the amount of liquid is reduced by four; Cool the broth, strain through cheesecloth and lubricate unwanted hair with it every day; store the decoction in the refrigerator; Each person’s body is individual, so it is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of this remedy; It is important to remember that Datura is a poisonous plant, so prolonged exposure to it on the body, especially in the bikini area, can lead to undesirable consequences;

    Datura is a very poisonous plant

  • rivanol is a drug; It is recommended to rub into problem areas every day twice for 15 days; if necessary, the course is repeated; the drug dries the skin and can also give it a yellowish tint;

    Practice shows. that rivanol can destroy the hair follicle in a few weeks

These two remedies are considered the most popular among women, since methods such as quicklime or a solution of alcohol and potassium permanganate can do worse for the intimate area than a decoction of dope.

In any case, no matter how you want to get rid of hair forever, consult a specialist in advance, paying special attention to the fact that your sexual health and, possibly, the health of your children depend on how safe the depilation method is.

Types of lasers

Depending on the type of laser chosen, the area of ​​the treated area (per flash) and the requirements for hair and skin color change.

Types of lasers with a brief description of their action:

  • alexandrite. The procedure is effective for light-toned epidermis and dark hair. The beam destroys bulbs located at a depth of no more than 4 mm. The procedure takes place in a short period of time due to the larger diameter of the treated area with a laser flash. More gentle on the skin;
  • diode The laser destroys hair follicles (to a depth of up to 8 mm) of any shade, except very light tones. The color of the skin does not affect the quality of the procedure. To completely remove vegetation, fewer sessions are required. Due to the aggressiveness of the beam, severe redness of the epidermis after the procedure is possible;
  • neodymium. The beam penetration depth is 6 mm. For hair removal, this laser has low efficiency (it is more often used for tattoo removal and in the treatment of skin pigmentation). When choosing a neodymium laser, the number of sessions increases by 2-3 times when compared with an alexandrite laser. It is rarely used to remove hair in the bikini area due to the need for additional manipulations that irritate the delicate skin. The laser is able to remove gray hair, as it additionally affects the blood vessels, interrupting the nutrition of the hair with its subsequent death;
  • ruby. Not suitable for removing light and red hair and dark skin tones. The procedure takes a longer period of time and may be accompanied by significant discomfort. The beam can destroy bulbs at a depth of up to 3 mm; at a deeper location, the laser is not effective. Hair removal with a ruby ​​laser has a low cost.

The choice of laser is made by a cosmetologist after assessing the condition of the skin, determining the depth of the bulbs, and also after determining the skin tone and hair color.

How to reduce pain

Epilation in these places is very painful. To minimize discomfort, you can resort to:

  • painkillers;
  • non-medicinal means.

If you are planning waxing, take an analgesic tablet an hour before it. This will reduce the pain effect. Local anesthetics include lidocaine spray. Some people use ice cubes.

Always keep the skin taut, this will make it easier for hair to be removed. Try not to epilate on the day of your period. At this time, the body reacts more sharply. You should refrain from tanning in the sun or solarium 2-3 days before sugaring.

Choose a comfortable position. After all manipulations, redness is possible. This is absolutely normal. Just apply your regular moisturizing lotion.

Types of laser hair removal of the bikini area

Laser hair removal (deep, medium and total bikini has much in common) is selected according to the type and depth of treatment at the request of the client.


The classic (medium) version involves hair removal along the edge line of the underwear. On average, vegetation is removed 3 cm deep into the pubis and 2 cm on the inner thighs. It is possible to adjust the zone according to individual wishes (according to a swimsuit or the desired style of panties). The procedure takes 20-30 minutes.


During deep treatment, hair is removed from the entire inner thigh, pubic area and labia (outside). Vegetation in the buttock area and in the fold between them is also eliminated. If the client wishes, the master can leave a small strip of hair in the pubic area and on the labia.

The procedure for removing vegetation in the required areas takes at least 40 minutes. If desired, hair removal can be done in several sessions. It is recommended to use anesthetics, as the procedure is accompanied by pain.


With total hair removal, hair is completely removed from the intimate area, including hair on the inside of the labia and near the anus. The procedure is accompanied by pain and anesthesia is required. The duration of hair removal is at least 1 hour.

Differences from classic sugaring

The removal procedure is the same. The composition of the paste is no different. The main difference between regular classic bikini sugaring and deep sugaring is that the classic involves getting rid of hairs only along the panty line, as well as on the inside of the thighs. Deep is done in the groin area, affecting areas of the labia, anus, tailbone, and inner thighs.

How many sessions will it take to achieve smooth skin?

Laser hair removal does not destroy all hair follicles in one session, since it only affects active follicles. After the procedure, the hair (with the destroyed root) falls out within 3-5 days. Awakening of “sleeping” bulbs is possible after 1-6 months. The process is individual for each client, including in the deep bikini area.

With repeated treatment, inactive follicles may also remain, which can also “awaken” after 6 months.

To achieve smooth skin, on average, 5-6 sessions are required (depending on the type of laser chosen and the quality of the hair). Since an interval of at least 30 days is required between procedures, the duration of the full course takes up to 6 months. It is not recommended to do more than 12 epilations during the year.

How long does the effect last?

With the right actions, it allows you to avoid having to repeat the session for up to 20-25 days. In order to avoid ingrown hairs, it is worth scrubbing after 2 weeks. Each time new ones will grow softer and thinner, and you will practice the movements and the session will take no more than 30 minutes. There is no need to use razors during this period, because... new hair follicles will grow harder and faster. In addition, ingrowth and irritation are possible.

How to minimize pain when sugaring a deep bikini

Contraindications to the procedure

Laser hair removal in the intimate area is carried out in the absence of contraindications.

List of prohibitions for the procedureDescription of the influence of the cause on hair removal
DiabetesIn the presence of these pathologies, a strong decrease in immunity occurs, as a result of which the procedure may be accompanied by the development of complications.
Oncological formations
Colds and other infectious diseases (flu, dysentery, sore throat)If there is an infection, there is a high risk of infecting others, and also due to a decrease in the activity of the immune system, a negative reaction may develop.
Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia)An infection in the intimate area can disrupt the effect of the laser beam on the hair, and its effect can also aggravate the course of the disease.
Deviations in the functioning of the immune system (AIDS, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis)Hair removal for these pathologies can cause side effects.
Dermatological pathologies of an infectious nature (herpes, pustular formations, eczema)The laser can provoke a worsening of the disease.
The period of bearing a child and breastfeedingThe effect of the beam on the fetus has not been studied, and during the procedure it is recommended to use painkillers that can pass into breast milk.
During surgical procedures in the treated area (3 months before the procedures and 3 months after them)Operations affect metabolic processes and cause stress in the body; during hair removal, during this period, complications may develop from both procedures.
With menstrual flowDepending on the qualifications of the specialist and the well-being of the client, the procedure is allowed to be carried out conditionally. It is important that during this period the uterus is sensitive to infection. Strict adherence to sterility is important.
Very dark skinIf you have dark skin, the use of a diode laser is required. The master must be highly qualified.
More than 70% of hair is grayTo remove this type of hair, the use of a neodymium laser is required. It has low efficiency, the procedure is accompanied by pain and additional preparation is required, and irritation of the mucous membranes is possible.
Violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, abrasions, hematomas)These deviations interfere with the operation of the laser. It is also prohibited to use external painkillers. For hair removal, anesthetic ointments are mainly used.
Severe cardiovascular diseasesIf the activity of blood vessels and the heart is impaired, there is a high risk of worsening the course of the disease.
Recent long-term use of antibiotics (not a month before hair removal)Antibiotics reduce the functioning of the immune system, which can cause complications.
Presence of hairy moles or a large number of wartsRemoving vegetation on moles and near warts can provoke the development of a benign or malignant tumor.
Violations of blood composition, including disorders of blood clottingThe ban is conditional, as it can provoke the development of a negative reaction and deterioration in well-being.
Taking potent hormonal drugsThe drugs cause hormonal imbalance, which can also cause side effects.
Increased photosensitivity of the skinThe laser can provoke the development of hyperpigmentation of the skin and a severe allergic reaction.
Children and teenagers up to 18 years of ageAt this age, the body’s reaction to the procedure is unpredictable. The contraindication is conditional.
Epilepsy and diseases accompanied by voluntary muscle contractionWith these pathologies, shudders and involuntary twitching of the muscles in the treated area are possible, which will not allow achieving the desired result.

Depending on the type of device and the qualifications of the specialist, some contraindications are conditional (presence of menstruation, skin and hair color).

Methods for removing unwanted hair in the intimate area

There are several ways to remove unwanted hair in the bikini area, which are suitable for both women and men:

  • mechanical depilation;
  • electric hair removal;
  • sugaring;
  • waxing;
  • laser removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • chemical removal;

Some of these procedures should only be performed by specialists using a specific tool, while some can be done at home yourself.

Read more about hair removal at home in the article - Hair removal of the bikini area at home.

Mechanical depilation

Perhaps mechanical depilation is the easiest and fastest way to remove unwanted hair from any area on the body. To do this, you can use a regular razor or machine, which cuts off the hairs close to the skin, but does not touch the bulb.

The razor can be replaced with a machine

If you do everything correctly, you can remove vegetation without damaging the skin:

  • Soak in the shower for a few minutes to make the hairs softer and easier to cut;
  • guide the razor in the direction of hair growth; if not everything was removed the first time, repeat again, but do not against the growth, otherwise there will be irritation;
  • to improve sliding friction, use a special shaving cream (you can use a man’s face or a woman’s – there is one) or simple soap; the main thing is that it completely envelops every hair;

The foam envelops the hair and makes it more pliable.
And remember the most important rule in this method: the more blades, the better the depilation and the more carefully it needs to be carried out.

Mechanical depilation has a number of advantages over other methods:

  • this is the safest and most painless way; hairs are removed only from the surface of the skin, the bulbs are not pulled out, so there is no pain;
  • hair removal takes only a few minutes;
  • finances are spent exclusively on soap and a machine or razor, so this method is also considered the cheapest;

However, this method of getting rid of excess hair has some disadvantages:

  • if you move the razor against the hair growth, irritation will appear, and there may even be blood;
  • the hairs are removed from the upper layer of the epidermis, so after a few hours they begin to slowly grow from the bulb, and the very next day new small vegetation will appear;

Electric hair removal

An electric epilator works exactly like tweezers, only it removes a fairly large clump of hair in one pass. He exactly rips out the hairs from the roots, that is, from the bulb, so the procedure is very painful, although each time the hairs become thinner and softer, so the sensations will be calmer.

When hairs are pulled out of the skin, it breaks the outer covering and causes irritation. To reduce this, the following measures must be observed:

  • hairs should be no longer than 1 cm, otherwise the device may not be able to cope with such vegetation; if the hairs are longer, they need to be cut;
  • it is necessary to steam the skin properly: the pores will open under the influence of temperature, and the bulbs will come out easier;
  • the skin in the treated area must be dry, since the device is electric, so blot the hair removal area several times with a towel;
  • disinfect the entire depilation area so that if wounds appear, nothing gets into them;
  • move the epilator against hair growth;

Electric hair removal can be done at home.
The advantages of this method are:

  • the result lasts for 2 weeks;
  • no additional funds are required, so the method can be considered inexpensive;
  • the procedure can be carried out at home at any convenient time;
  • each time the hairs become thinner and weaker;

The disadvantages of electric hair removal include:

  • painful sensations; even after 10 procedures there may be pain and irritation, especially if the skin is sensitive;
  • It is not advisable to use for a deep bikini;
  • more suitable for large open surfaces (such as the pubis).

For me, at the moment, doing a deep bikini at home with an epilator is the best solution.
There is nothing complicated. After a full bikini hair removal procedure, all that remains is to maintain the result, and this does not take much time. WiTu–10-dlya-menya-na-dannyi


This is a very old method of getting rid of hair, which, according to legend, was used by Nefertiti herself. For depilation, sugar or caramel paste is used, which can be bought in a store or can be prepared at home. In this case, the paste will not contain any chemicals, so it can be used by allergy sufferers and people with hypersensitive skin.

It is believed that Nefertiti used sugaring

Recipe for making sugar paste for sugaring:

  • take 1 glass of sugar, 2 tablespoons of thick liquid honey and 2 tablespoons of water;
  • mix all ingredients and place on low heat until thickened;

The preparation process usually takes a few minutes. After which it needs to be allowed to cool - do not use it hot - it will burn.

Sugaring is done with sugar and honey.

The principle of operation of sugar paste is as follows: balls are rolled up and adhered to the skin. The sticky mass envelops each hair and, when it is torn off, it pulls out the hair along with the bulb. This is a rather long process, since it is advisable to make the balls small, they cover small areas of hair, and some hairs cannot be removed the first time.

This is a very painful procedure, so the following measures must be observed before using the paste:

  • the skin should be steamed;
  • the hairs must be dry (so that there is good adhesion to the mass);
  • the balls are held for some time (10–15 minutes), after which they come off in the direction of hair growth;

Sugaring has one big drawback - it is painful, but women will not go to any lengths for the sake of a beautiful, well-groomed body. This method has many more advantages:

  • if the mass is made at home, it is hypoallergenic and safe;
  • the effect lasts up to 2 weeks;
  • the size of the balls is adjustable, so you can remove hair both from the legs and from the area between the buttocks;

I do bikini sugaring once every 40 days.
I've been growing my hair for a week and a half. That is, it turns out that for about 2.5–3 weeks my skin is perfectly smooth)) fimmi i-maximum-nuzhnoi-inf


Wax has long been used for depilation of intimate places, but in Russia it gained popularity only recently. For the bikini area, so-called hot wax is used. This does not mean that it is applied to the skin while it is hot - it can cause severe burns - it just has a higher melting point than regular wax.

The effect of wax is similar to sugar mass, only the wax is evenly distributed over the hair removal area, and does not roll into balls. The waxing technology is as follows:

  • the skin should be clean and dry;
  • To reduce pain, you can use baby powder;
  • heat the wax in a water bath until liquid;
  • Apply with a special spatula according to hair growth to those areas from which hair removal is intended;
  • put fabric or paper strips on top of the wax and leave for a while;
  • when the wax hardens (and it hardens very quickly), you need to tear off the strips from the skin in the direction of hair growth;

The wax covers the hair well.
If there is a small amount of hair left, you can pull it out with ordinary tweezers, and ordinary vegetable oil will help to wash off the remaining wax.

Benefits of wax hair removal:

  • the effect lasts from 2 weeks to a month;
  • the procedure can be carried out at home;
  • hair becomes thinner, but does not disappear completely;

The disadvantages are the following:

  • soreness;
  • if the wax is too hot, you can get burned;
  • Possible allergic reaction to wax.

I make my own bikini, I bought film wax (aka hot wax) in granules and a wooden spatula from a professional store.
It cost about 350 rubles. I melt it in the microwave and apply it with a spatula where I need it against hair growth (although it depends on what’s more convenient). I make myself a bikini once every 2-3 weeks. In the first week it is generally smooth, after which the hairs begin to grow slowly, but it does not look critical. There are ingrown hairs, but a hundred times less than after a razor. Elenochka.Kor

Laser removal

Already from the name it is clear that a laser is a tool for removing unwanted hair. It has a targeted effect, so laser hair removal can take a lot of time, depending on the size of the depilation area. The laser beam is absorbed by melanin, which is contained in the hair follicles, heats up and destroys the cells of the follicle, as a result of which the vegetation dies. But the laser only affects active hair that is in the growth phase, so the depilation procedure must be carried out at least twice.

Laser hair removal - salon procedure

Laser hair removal is most effective for black hair, which contains a lot of melanin, due to which the cells of the hair follicle are quickly destroyed.

It is necessary to follow a number of rules in order not to harm yourself:

  1. Laser hair removal is strictly prohibited for those people who have had genital herpes - the procedure can provoke viral infections.
  2. One month before the procedure, you cannot perform any type of hair removal except shaving.
  3. Immediately before visiting the salon, you must shave the hair from those areas that are subject to laser treatment.
  4. You should not visit a solarium a week before laser hair removal and a week after the procedure, since pigment spots may appear on the treated areas.

Advantages of laser hair removal:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • in a few sessions it is possible to permanently remove hair in the intimate area;


  • the procedure is carried out only in the salon by a specialist;
  • there are a number of restrictions that must be adhered to in order not to harm yourself;
  • high cost of hair removal;

Over these 2 years, I spent 70,000 rubles on hair removal.
Do I have any regrets? No. Because after all, my life has become much simpler, although I have not completely gotten rid of the unnecessary. If you have no contraindications, a sufficient amount of money and you want to at least ease the process of getting your bikini area in order, I RECOMMEND taking at least a couple of courses of laser hair removal. But there is no need to overpay for jade cooling - the second laser (Italian) was much more loyal to my tender places. And don’t expect that this will really solve the problem of unwanted hair FOREVER - now many people are making a note that no laser can give you a complete guarantee. [email protected]


Photoepilation is very similar to laser hair removal, with the only difference that the effect occurs not on one hair, but immediately on a bunch of hair, due to which the depilation process is accelerated. This method of hair destruction has contraindications:

  • chronic skin diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • skin damage;
  • genital herpes;

As in the case of laser hair removal, a week before hair removal and a week after it, you should not visit a solarium, and you should also stop taking photosensitive medications.

Photoepilation is also a salon procedure

Photoepilation is considered the most effective method of combating excess hair, since in a few sessions it can destroy vegetation forever. People whose unwanted hair is dark in color will need 3-4 treatments to completely eliminate hair in the intimate area, and those who have light hair there will need more treatments (perhaps even more than 10).

The advantages and disadvantages of this method are the same as those of laser hair removal.

The cosmetologist looked at my legs and noted that my skin was dry (it is).
She said that using a gel with an analgesic in this case is not so effective, because it also dries slightly. She suggested regular gels and asked if I would tolerate a slight tingling sensation. I agreed. Oh my, what kind of slight tingling is there?! I felt like molten lead was being poured on me! The doctor assured me that everything was fine, be patient - it’s like that for everyone. Having sweated 10 times from pain and horror, I somehow endured this terrible procedure, time passed terribly slowly, it seemed to me that I had been lying there for 3 hours. When I got up, I saw that all my legs were red, in some places even purple. The doctor said again - This is how it should be. On the way home, the burning and discomfort intensified. Plus, there was wind, and this made the sensations even worse; tears were already starting to flow from the pain. Arriving home, I urgently took off my pants and saw that my skin had burst and was already starting to come off in one place. To say that I was shocked and horrified is an understatement. I’ll omit the details of how I tossed around for the first few days... The burns were severe... My legs healed completely after February 20th! I was treating burns for a month... Such a nightmare, dears;( Constantly my entire shin was wrapped in bandages, it all hurt terribly... I had to see a doctor several times. Mirindiza

Chemical removal

This method is somewhat similar to waxing, but instead of a solid mixture of esters, special creams are used, which are applied to the treated area of ​​skin for a while, after which they are removed along with the hair with a special spatula.

For each area, you need to choose your own product: a cream intended for the legs will not be suitable for the intimate area. Moreover, for each area, the preparations differ in the time of exposure to the hair and in the active component. Therefore, in order for the procedure to be safe and effective, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and follow its instructions.

Depilatory creams are effective for all areas except intimate areas

The use of special creams is considered the best depilation method, since it usually does not cause irritation and hair removal is completely painless, however, practice shows that in the intimate area these products are ineffective, but they remove hair well on the arms and legs.

Benefits of creams:

  • painless procedure;
  • with successful exposure, the effect lasts 1–1.5 weeks;
  • the procedure can be carried out at home;
  • average-priced pleasure;

The only disadvantage is that chemical removal is practically ineffective for the intimate area and often causes irritation in this area.

The hairs on my body are thin, sparse, but strong, they sit well)) Just so you can compare and understand whether this cream is suitable for you - it removes hair well (the cream does not pull out the hair by the roots, of course, it just “cuts” the hairs very short , so you can see the black bulbs under the skin, this is not sugaring, of course);
- they begin to grow back after 2-3 days, such a hedgehog appears); - but the hair grows back very soft and much less itchy; — the cream did not cause irritation; I used this cream for several years, for some reason I thought that there was no alternative, and I can say that the cream has a huge drawback! It smells absolutely disgusting! Rotten eggs and some kind of rot. Just an incredible smell. It’s impossible to go into the bathtub after depilation for several hours; you generally need to ventilate the apartment! DavveroVero

Possible negative consequences

If contraindications are ignored or the technician is inexperienced, a negative reaction may develop after the procedure:

  • burn of the treated area (due to insufficient cooling of the skin or incorrect settings of the device);
  • increased pigmentation at the treatment site;
  • inflammation of hair follicles;
  • exacerbation of existing diseases;
  • allergic rash, itching and swelling to the pain relievers used.

If you neglect to use safety glasses, your vision may be impaired. If the preparation conditions are observed, as well as skin care after hair removal, if you undergo specialists before the procedure (to exclude contraindications) and if you choose the right salon, side effects are extremely rare.

Selecting material for depilation

Since sugar paste became a popular means of removing unwanted hair, many manufacturers have begun making sugar-based hair removal products. Today, conventionally, all caramel products are divided into three types: soft, medium, hard. The soft paste is suitable for pulling out light and fine hair. Medium - for hair of medium hardness. Hard - for problem areas with very thick and dense hair. Hard sugar paste is suitable for intimate areas.

Today, the choice of depilation products is wide. However, not all manufacturers make quality products. You can often find products with the wrong chemical composition. Therefore, before purchasing pasta, you need to carefully read the features of each product. What to look for:

  • aggressive particles in the composition. If the paste contains flavorings and aggressive additives, this indicates the use of low-quality raw materials and possible allergic reactions after use. It is not worth purchasing such a product;
  • plant components. A high-quality paste contains a plant or herbal extract. It helps moisturize the skin and protect it from damage;
  • oils Sugar pastes for sensitive skin should contain essential oils of chamomile, lavender, and eucalyptus. This means that the paste will soften the skin, moisturize it, and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Particular attention should be paid to product expiration dates, information about dermatological studies and quality certificates.

Preparation for laser hair removal of deep bikini

Laser hair removal (deep bikini has more contraindications than hair removal on other parts of the body) is more effective and reduces the likelihood of complications after proper preparation for the procedure:

  • Eliminate the presence of contraindications. To do this, you need to be examined by a dermatologist, therapist and gynecologist.
  • If you are taking strong hormonal or antibiotic medications, they should be discontinued 30 days before hair removal.
  • Sunbathing, visiting the solarium and saunas are prohibited for 10-14 days.
  • One month before the procedure, do not use other methods of hair removal. Hair removal should be done using a razor.
  • The length of hair in the treated area should be optimal for a high-quality procedure (discussed with the specialist and depends on the type of laser).
  • If you are prone to developing herpes or thrush, use suppositories before hair removal for preventive purposes.
  • Do not use aggressive ointments and washes 3 days before hair removal, as they may react chemically with the pain reliever.
  • Avoid menstruation during the procedure, as during this period the intimate area becomes more sensitive to pain, and general health also worsens.
  • Apply a topical anesthetic before the procedure. Before choosing, you should take into account contraindications for the drug, the time of application before the procedure and the duration of action of the composition.
  • Washing intimate areas before the procedure using baby or antibacterial soap.

The diagram shows how a laser hair removal device works on hair in the deep bikini area.
If there is a possibility of developing a negative reaction, it is recommended to initially choose the classic hair removal option. If there are no side effects, you can deepen the treatment area.

Is pain relief necessary?

In the classic version, pain relief is required for increased sensitivity of the skin. For deep and total hair removal, the use of external anesthetics is recommended.

Before using these drugs, it is necessary to test for sensitivity to the components in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction during and after the procedure.

Recommended ointments for hair removal:

  • Emla;
  • AneStop;
  • Sustain;
  • Depilflax;
  • Super Numb.

These drugs eliminate the pain symptom for a long time, additionally eliminate the likelihood of inflammation, swelling and have a disinfecting effect.

Optimal hair length

The length of hair in the treated area depends on the type of Laser chosen. If the hair is too long, then the power of the beam will be absorbed by the hair itself, the destruction of the bulb will not occur. But the likelihood of getting burned will increase. If the hair is too short, the beam may not see the hair.

Hair parameters depending on laser type:

  • diode and neodymium. Hair must be removed using a razor before the procedure;
  • alexandrite and ruby. The hair length should be 3-5 mm.

A more precise length of hair needs to be checked with a specialist in the salon. Since the parameters may change depending on the newness of the equipment.

Features of bikini depilation

A modern girl should have smooth and well-groomed skin, especially before the opening of the beach season, but the rapid growth of unwanted hair on the body can greatly interfere with this and spoil the holiday mood, especially if the hair is dark, standing out against the background of white skin that has not yet had time to tan. the beginning of the vacation.

Very few girls nowadays have a flawlessly smooth body covered with soft, barely visible fluff. The rest, as a rule, have to struggle with this problem. Depilation of the bikini area depends on many factors, such as nationality, and people with eastern genes have much more body hair than those living to the north and west, as well as a large amount of male hormones.

Intimate bikini hair removal is a procedure that most women undergo. Unwanted hairs cover a large area of ​​the body. Intimate areas are no exception, but this procedure comes to the aid of women. For women, this has caused a lot of problems since ancient times. What girls agreed to do to make their bodies attractive, beautiful and, most importantly, smooth.

At the moment, there are many different ways to give smoothness to any part of the female body. Various options for epilation of the bikini area allow you to choose the best option for solving the problem of body hair, considering options for combating it both at home and with specialists performing procedures in beauty salons.

How is the procedure performed, does it hurt?

Sequence of laser hair removal:

  1. If classic hair removal is chosen, then underwear should outline the desired treatment area. For deep or total hair removal, underwear must be removed.
  2. The client is placed on a specialized chair.
  3. When choosing an instant-acting pain reliever, the specialist applies the composition to the treatment area;
  4. Safety glasses must be worn to prevent retinal damage.
  5. The technician adjusts the device to the desired length and treats the skin.
  6. To improve the passage of the laser beam, a special gel is used, which is evenly distributed over the treated area.
  7. The session duration ranges from 20 to 90 minutes. Depends on the depth of processing.
  8. The specialist removes any remaining gel.
  9. A special composition is applied to the skin to protect against irritation.

When choosing a course of hair removal, the specialist sets the date for the next procedure.

The nuances of skin care are also discussed. The pain of the procedure depends on the client’s pain sensitivity and the choice of painkiller. On average, a session may be accompanied by slight discomfort.

Required Items

Despite the fact that performing the procedure takes a short amount of time and does not require special skills, you must always study the instructions - how to do sugaring correctly.

This will prevent you from using it incorrectly and doing it consistently.

The first step is to mix all the ingredients or heat the prepared paste in a water bath.

The second step is to put on gloves one size smaller than your hand - in tight ones you can feel the process and the liquid mixture much better.

To use and apply the liquid, you need to purchase a spatula for sugaring or waxing. She will do her job perfectly and will not allow her hands to stick together.

But for removal it is not suitable; you need to find lint-free or paper strips. They are put on top of the liquid paste and abruptly torn off.

Safety measures and skin care rules after the procedure

Laser hair removal (deep, total or classic bikini is carried out after preparation in the absence of contraindications) requires special care of the skin after the procedure.

Skin care tips:

  • within 5-7 days it is required to use protective agents with anti-burn effects (Sulfargin, Radevit, Bepanten);
  • cosmetics can be used after 14-20 days;
  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna is allowed after 3 days. Wash in the bath or shower after 24 hours;
  • When washing the epilation area, do not use aggressive agents or a rough sponge;
  • visiting the solarium and sunbathing is allowed after 10-14 days;
  • remaining hairs can only be removed using a razor. Plucking with tweezers is prohibited;
  • if you choose another hair removal method, the procedure is allowed after 14 days;
  • underwear should be of natural material.

After 1 or 3 treatments, increased hair growth may be observed. This is the body’s response to the lack of vegetation in a given area. This provokes the awakening of dormant bulbs. Subsequent procedures will make the skin smooth for a long time.

Irritation occurs after sugaring: what to do

If problems appear after depilation, this means that the woman used the wrong hair removal scheme. With severe skin sensitivity, women may experience irritation and pustular inflammation. To get rid of the problem, you will need to treat the affected areas with healing ointments - Levomekol, Sintomycin - 2-4 times a day. If the discomfort is accompanied by severe pain, you can take a painkiller tablet.

If skin injury occurs, herbal lotions are made. A small amount of dry herbs (chamomile, sage) is poured with boiling water, the resulting decoction is infused, a cotton pad is dipped into it, and applied to the problem area for 10 minutes. If the inflammatory process does not go away within a week, you need to seek help from a dermatologist or allergist.

Cost of laser hair removal for deep bikini in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of the procedure depends on the laser used, the type of treatment (classical, deep, total) and the region in which the hair removal salon is located.

CityTypes of laser (average cost of procedure in rubles)
Saint Petersburg450054008100350051006500
CityTypes of laser (average cost of procedure in rubles)
Saint Petersburg155025004000410050007600

K - classical processing; G – deep; T – total.

Laser hair removal cost also depends on the qualifications of the specialist; if the price for the procedure is greatly reduced, visiting this salon is not recommended. Before starting the sessions, you must undergo a full examination to exclude contraindications.

If epilation in the bikini area is being done for the first time, it is recommended to choose the classic option. If there are no side effects, you can choose deep treatment during the subsequent procedure.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana


You should prepare 2 things in advance: your body and the necessary tools.

The part of the body that will undergo the hair removal procedure should be scrubbed in advance with any scrub or cream with added sugar. This action will cleanse and expand the pores, and also dry the skin for high-quality depilation.

While the body dries, prepare the paste, cut strips and disinfect the spatula.

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To make sugar paste at home we will need:

  • One and a half kilograms of sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of water.
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.
  • A saucepan with a thick base.

Pour all the ingredients into a container and add water, put it on low heat and wait. While the mixture is heating up, stir it constantly.

When the sugar acquires a caramel color, pour it into a convenient plate. The paste can be used when it has completely cooled.

That's all you need for sugaring. It is important to use the liquid only once, because then it is no longer suitable.

Sugaring technique with strips

This technique is best suited for home use, because the manual method should be performed by a master or a person with experience. Manual sugaring does not require paper or fabric napkins.

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Bandage technique:

  • Apply a thin layer of sugar caramel to the disinfected and scrubbed skin - using a hand with a rubber glove or spatula.
  • We apply the necessary strip on top, but at the same time leaving a piece of the edge for further grip.
  • Pull the loose skin over yourself and give the bandage a sharp tug, which will instantly remove all hair.

As you can see, doing sugaring yourself at home has never been so easy.

Where can I do it?

Epilation of the bikini area is carried out exclusively in a salon. The better and more powerful the device, the more reliable and lasting the effect of hair removal, so it is better to choose a salon for the procedure not by the beauty of its design and decor, but by its availability of the latest equipment.

Where to do it in Moscow

  • Clinic "Lama": st. 26 Baku Commissars, no. 6. Contact phone number.
  • Salon "Infinity": st. Tatarskaya, 5, building 2. Contact phone number.
  • Beauty and Health Center "Air": Maly Levshinsky Lane, 10. Contact phone number.

Where can I do it in St. Petersburg?

  • Beauty Institute "SPIKA": Pirogovskaya embankment, 5/2. Contact number.
  • Salon "LazerMed": st. Furshtatskaya, 33. Contact phone number.
  • Salon "Asmedia": prosp. Chernyshevsky, 17. Contact phone number.

Where to do in Kyiv

  • Beauty salon “Zazerkalie”: st. I. Kudri, 42. Contact phone: +38 (093) 100 1002.
  • : st. Tereshchenkovskaya, 13. Contact phone: +38 (044) 568 0201.
  • Beauty salon "El.En.": st. Pavlovskaya, 26/41. Contact phone: +38 (044) 384 0616.


I finally decided to have bikini photoepilation and I’ll tell you that this turned out to be the most effective area for me, the result was visible after just 3 procedures, I think a couple more sessions and I’ll forget about it. Really, I’m really happy with the result on the bikini, I can just breathe out.


I did a deep bikini and armpits. Personally, my armpits hardly hurt, the result was excellent the first time. A deep bikini is WILDLY painful, the pubis is tolerable, and the lips and clitoral area are hell. The result on my pubic area turned out to be good, but in the area of ​​the lips and clitoris - not so much, since my skin there is too dark, and my hair, due to long-term sugar hair removal, has a structure that is not suitable for photos.

Medusa Gorgon

I want to share my impressions about the photoepilation procedure... Exactly 3 years have passed since the first session, I don’t regret spending my time and money on it. The result is good. Now I recommend this procedure to all my advanced friends who are tired of dealing with this problem using “grandmother’s” methods. The procedure itself is a little uncomfortable, but it’s quite possible to wait half an hour and it’s not fatal. If your pain threshold is very low, you can ask for pain relief (I realized that this is important for the bikini area). In my opinion, waxing is much more painful, and the effect does not last long. Much depends on the level of the clinic (not a beauty salon or beauty salon) and the specialist; my doctor (I emphasize a dermatologist) did a wonderful job of carrying out the procedure, attentive and tactful, and also had time to chat with her. I recommend starting photoepilation in the off-season.


The procedure is quite delicate; the length of the hairs must be only a few millimeters, otherwise they will melt and stick to the device. Therefore, during the first procedure, the cosmetologist herself shaved off my hair, leaving a small stubble, oh, as I remember, it’s already embarrassing. Then they gave me goggles, put some cooling gel in there, and told me to start squealing if it hurt. There was no additional pain relief. The pain is felt, BUT! From the height of electrolysis, which I am doing at the moment, I want to say that it does not hurt at all! Well, or extremely tolerant. I “oohed” to myself, but didn’t show it or make a sound. But the girl at the reception complained that she also wanted to undergo photoepilation, but was very afraid of the pain. The procedure itself takes about half an hour - an hour for a deep bikini, it's quite fast. The coverage area of ​​the tip of the device is the size of a thin rib of a matchbox, so the process goes quickly. After the first session, I didn’t notice the result at all; it began to appear from the third procedure. My hair began to fall out before my eyes, or rather, it fell on my underwear, its growth slowed down, and towards the end I stopped shaving it altogether, because there was nothing. After completing the prescribed 8 sessions, I walked around happy for several months... until I saw new hairs!!! Yes, they were soft and light brown, the same as if I had never shaved them... But this is not permanent hair removal! Someone wrote that hair can grow back after 5 years, at least that way, but not in a few months. The thickness and length of my hair returned, I really wanted to cry, because I was sorry for the money spent.

Margarita Brusnikina

Photoepilation is very popular today due to its convenience and effectiveness. When carried out correctly, it does not injure the skin and does not cause any significant side effects. Daily use of a razor can lead to irritation on the skin, and the use of an epilator, wax or sugaring paste can cause ingrown hairs. Photoepilation will gradually and accurately destroy all unwanted vegetation without creating blemishes on the skin. At the same time, the procedure also has disadvantages, including the presence of contraindications, so before resorting to this method of removing unwanted hair, you must carefully study all its features.

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When should you not do sugaring?

There are several contraindications to sugaring in the bikini area:

  • diabetes;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to individual components of sugar paste;
  • the presence of varicose veins in the bikini area;
  • worsened skin pathologies;
  • skin defects in the area of ​​future treatment;
  • the presence of neoplasms (moles, growths, etc.) in the bikini area;
  • course of oncological diseases.

Sugaring is allowed during menstruation. This circumstance is not a direct contraindication to the procedure. However, during menstruation, the sensitivity of the skin increases, as a result of which the woman experiences severe pain when removing hair. It is also not recommended to sugar the bikini area immediately after your period. It is better to resort to this procedure before the next menstruation.

Pregnant women are not recommended, but not prohibited from sugar hair removal. The pain that occurs during the procedure is a strong irritant that has a negative effect on the fetus. Therefore, doctors do not recommend hair removal in the first trimester, when the formation of the main body systems of the unborn child occurs.


Every woman tries to find an effective and painless way to remove unwanted hair. In recent years, sugaring has been gaining popularity and finding more and more supporters. However, this method is not suitable for everyone.

Type of hair removalAllergic reactionIngrown

Effect duration
Presence of
areas is it suitable
SugaringNoThere is3-5 weeksNoFor all
EpilatorNoThere is3 weeksThere isIn addition to
hair removal
There isThere isUp to 5 yearsThere isExcept for the
WaxThere isThere is10-15 daysThere isFor all

Depilatory cream
There isNo10-12 daysThere isFor all

Sugaring and epilator - which removes hair better?

This device is recommended for use by young girls under 18 years of age. For the bikini area, for beautiful and smooth skin, select a device that can work on damp skin. Steamed hairs are easier to remove. At the same time, hair removal with an epilator in the bikini area is painless, effective and quick. The best models have removable heads, which will allow you to carefully shape the contours of the intimate area. In addition, a reliable battery and many tweezers make the removal procedure comfortable. Epilators are:

  • disk;
  • lamellar.

Both types remove 30 to 40 hairs at a time. Plate devices act faster, disc devices practically do not cause irritation. Often girls choose electrolysis of deep bikini as an alternative to epilator and sugaring.

Laser hair removal – is it harmful?

This method is considered one of the most effective for long-term hair removal. Several sessions on any part of the body and the effect of “smooth” skin is guaranteed. If safety requirements and the procedure are followed, the pain of laser hair removal of the bikini area is minimized. The laser does not damage the skin, but only affects the follicle and hair that is in the active growth stage. Advantages of hair removal:

  • minimum pain;
  • minimal preparation for laser hair removal;
  • no damage in the form of scars or cicatrices;
  • long-lasting smoothness effect;
  • short duration of the procedure.


  • high price;
  • mandatory contrast of hair and skin;
  • does not remove gray and light hair.

Performing waxing on a woman

Waxing is recommended for hair removal for both women and men. It is safe. Can be used on any part of the body with different amounts of hair. The wax is heated to the desired temperature and applied to the skin. After hardening, it is removed along with the rods. In this case, the follicles are not affected. Growing hairs do not have much rigidity and lose pigmentation, which makes them practically invisible. If the product is overheated, it can cause injury and burns. The main contraindications are varicose veins, moles, warts, papillomas. You can get rid of a large amount of hair in one session. The duration of the effect increases after each subsequent one. Female waxing has minimal pain and irritation. You can learn about sugaring of the armpits in this article.

Depilatory cream - how it differs from sugaring, what is the effect

This product is used by girls with sensitive skin types, as well as those who do not want to put up with ingrown hair. Depilatory cream destroys the protein found in the hair. The chemical ingredients break down the hair and it “falls apart.” However, this method does not affect the follicle. Therefore, a fresh “portion” of unwanted hairs appears on the 5th day. The cream is able to “cut off” the core from the epidermis itself. Flaws:

  • uneconomically spent;
  • the procedure is repeated after 10-12 days;
  • aggressively affects sensitive dermis;
  • hard and thick hair may not be removed.
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