Diode laser hair removal - what is this procedure and what is its feature?

From this article you will learn:

  • What is diode laser hair removal
  • What effect does the procedure help achieve?
  • What are the pros and cons of diode laser hair removal?
  • Who is the procedure contraindicated for?
  • How to prepare for diode laser hair removal
  • How does the procedure work?
  • How to care for your skin after laser hair removal

Diode laser hair removal is a method of removing unnecessary body hair, which currently provides almost the most effective and long-lasting effect. Regular shaving helps only for a short time, since only the visible part of the hair is removed, and the follicle remains unharmed, so growing specimens have to be removed almost daily.

Laser device

A diode laser is used for hair removal. However, unlike photoepilation, this method is guided by a different operating principle: a narrow beam of light with a constant wavelength (808-810 nm) is directed to the desired area of ​​the skin. This wavelength is perfectly absorbed by melanin.

The beam comes from the emitter and passes through optical materials (sapphire or quartz glass) to the skin. Sapphire glass has the best light transmittance, thermal conductivity and hardness. Quartz glasses have impurities that retain and therefore absorb light energy.

To reduce pain, the laser tip is equipped with a special cooling system. The method is contact, that is, cooling occurs by touching the skin due to the operation of Peltier elements (they are located in the diode handle). There is also a water cooling system - it works through radiators together with fans.

The whole point of cooling is to remove heat from hot parts of the equipment. To take heat from one part of the device to another, a “coolant” is used - distilled water. Being under pressure, it passes through the channels, taking heat with it, discharging it towards the radiator or fan.

Day X – how deep bikini area is epilated

Forewarned is forearmed. What stages does this procedure include? On the appointed day, at the appointed time, a woman comes to the cosmetologist’s office, where he asks her not only to sit on the couch, but to take the most comfortable position possible. Once a comfortable position is found, she is given special glasses. From this moment on, the woman’s main task becomes relaxation. The primary task of the doctor is to anesthetize the bikini area; preference is given to creams with an analgesic effect.

As soon as the skin of the treated area is completely prepared, the doctor begins epilation, which takes about 10 minutes. It is important to note that with the successful use of local anesthesia, the client’s only sensation during the procedure will be a feeling of warmth, which will undoubtedly leave positive memories of the manipulations performed.

When all hair has been removed and the procedure is complete, the doctor will treat the area with a protective anti-inflammatory cream.

Laser hair removal of deep bikini is over. It is enough to find out the date of the next procedure (the minimum course consists of 5 sessions - this allows you to achieve a truly impressive effect), and you can safely go home.

Of course, pain is always scary and unpleasant, and if you reinforce your inner fear with unconfirmed information about possible burns or irritation due to laser hair removal, an unreasonable desire arises to find an alternative, less painful procedure.

Of course, burns and other unpleasant consequences are possible, but the likelihood of complications and side effects exists with any medical technique. Do not forget that a clinic that values ​​clients and values ​​its reputation uses only new professional equipment, the use of which minimizes the likelihood of such consequences. Another secret is the combination of anesthetic cream with protection of the laser manipulator, which eliminates unpleasant sensations.

Working principle of a diode laser

The operating principle of diode hair removal is simple: it consists in the fact that a laser beam acts on melanin, which gives color to the hair. Laser radiation is absorbed by melanin, the hair heats up, transferring the temperature through the shaft to the hair follicle, which is destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

The diode laser is effective for hair of all colors, except colorless ones. But it still produces the best effect on dark hairs, since they contain a large amount of melanin, which absorbs laser radiation. The procedure requires systematic implementation, since only then the number of hairs will decrease for a long time from a year to 1.5 years.

The laser only affects hair that is in the active growth stage; the radiation will not affect “dormant” hair follicles. That is why it is important to complete a full course of hair removal, observing the intervals prescribed by the doctor.

Diode laser hair removal: preparation and process

  • Preparation
  1. You should not use other hair removal methods in areas where laser diode hair removal is planned.
  2. The day before the procedure, it is recommended to shave off the vegetation in the growth area. The length of the remaining hairs should not exceed 1 mm. If there are long specimens, the diode laser beam will take longer to reach the follicles and will work less efficiently, resulting in additional sessions.
  3. The procedure time ranges from 10 to 60 minutes and depends on the area of ​​the epilated area. Removing hair from multiple areas at once can take up to four hours.
  • Technique

The client sits on a cosmetology couch. The specialist performing the procedure must wear protective glasses on both the visitor and himself to protect his eyes from radiation. The epilation area is then treated with short bursts of a diode laser. With each outbreak, the hairs in the follicles are destroyed by high temperature, so a burnt odor may be present.

After completing the procedure, a cosmetic product is applied to soften the skin and prevent burns. Recommendations from a specialist in caring for the treated area are mandatory.

  • Post-procedure care

After laser hair removal, you should avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation for about two weeks so as not to provoke unpleasant consequences. When going outside, it is necessary to apply sunscreen to exposed skin.

For complete success in the fight against unnecessary body hair, you need to repeat the procedure three to four more times. The break between sessions is about one to two months. If there is a lot of hair and its intensive growth continues, then the next procedure is carried out after four weeks, with moderate growth - after two months.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Advantages of the device

The pros and cons of diode lasers for hair removal will help you understand whether the procedure is worth carrying out or not. But this method of getting rid of unwanted hair definitely has more advantages than disadvantages.

The main advantages are contact cooling of the skin during the procedure, regulation of the power of the device and the ability to work in dynamic or stamp mode, which is why the equipment is effective on various skin types.

An undeniable advantage is the safety of the procedure, since the laser does not damage the skin, which means there will be no irritation or burns after the session. Since the method involves selective exposure. Only the hair structures are heated and destroyed; the surrounding tissues are not injured.

Other advantages of the procedure:

  • Short recovery period (1-2 days);
  • Performing laser hair removal on dark skin;
  • No side effects if the procedure is carried out correctly;
  • Cooling the skin during the procedure.

But the method also has disadvantages. So, if the patient has blond hair, he will need more procedures. Also, diode hair removal is quite expensive and is characterized by some pain (especially in the face and bikini area). On the other hand, absolutely all laser hair removal is associated with unpleasant and painful sensations.

Disadvantages of diode laser hair removal

Side effects that may occur during hair removal include:

  1. Redness of the skin at the treatment site appears on the sensitive dermis and disappears after the end of the session and does not require special treatment. If there is significant discomfort, you can treat the area with a burn remedy containing panthenol.
  2. Unpleasant sensations if the client has a low pain threshold or the hair being removed has a large amount of melanin pigment and a hard structure. In this case, local anesthesia with modern drugs is usually offered.
  3. The high cost of innovative equipment does not make it possible to make diode laser hair removal procedures cheaper. The price for the complex is significant, since one session is not enough to achieve a lasting effect of smooth skin.
  4. Dormant follicles, which will resume hair growth in the future, are not destroyed during the current procedure, so hair removal in the selected area is repeated several times.

Read material on the topic: Laser hair removal of armpits: answers to the 8 most popular questions about the procedure

Effectiveness of the procedure

Diode laser for hair removal is considered a more popular and effective method of hair removal, since its rays are best absorbed by melanin, while they do not injure adjacent tissues, blood vessels and the skin itself. By acting on the hair follicle, the laser completely destroys it, causing the hair to fall out and no longer grow in this area.

After about 6-12 procedures, the procedure will have the desired effect, and all hair will completely disappear. However, to maintain smooth skin, it is necessary to undergo maintenance laser hair removal procedures.

Diode laser hair removal: smooth skin effect after 5-6 sessions

Complete destruction of the follicular part of the hair, which is responsible for its growth, requires four to five times exposure to a diode laser. For thin and sparse vegetation, two sessions are sufficient. With a more rigid structure, up to seven procedures may be required for final hair removal.

As a rule, four to five sessions are enough for women, while men will have to visit the salon more times. With each procedure, the effect will become stronger: areas of skin free from vegetation will increase, and the remaining hair will thin, lose color and fall out.

Six procedures may take six months, but after this period you can forget about shaving and enjoy smooth skin.

Read material on the topic: Laser hair removal of the abdomen: contraindications, features of the procedure and care

Who is contraindicated for diode hair removal?

Diode hair removal has its own contraindications, which should be taken into account before making an appointment with a cosmetologist:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Tan acquired less than 2 weeks ago;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the work area;
  • Use before the procedure of any type of hair removal and depilation, except for a machine or trimmer;
  • History of epilepsy;
  • Presence of oncology;
  • A large number of moles or warts in the projection of the work;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

What restrictions might there be?

The effect of a diode laser epilator on the body is a very complex process. There are several reasons for refusing the procedure. Among the main contraindications are:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Skin diseases and damage to the epidermis.
  3. Viral diseases in the area of ​​intended treatment.
  4. Insulin dependence (diabetes mellitus).
  5. Oncological diseases that may develop.
  6. Severe form of cardiac hypertension.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Lots of moles.

But it is worth noting that some of the contraindications given above are not absolute. Epilation is possible after consultation with a doctor.

How long does it take for hair to fall out?

After the first session, you should not expect an immediately noticeable result, since during the first exposure to the ray, hair that is in the growth stage is removed, and this constitutes only 30% of all existing hair. After several sessions, follicles that were previously in the 2nd and 3rd growth phases are destroyed.

On average, 6-12 procedures are required for complete hair loss. However, the effectiveness of removal depends on many factors: hormonal levels, hair color, location, quality of work, the experience of the specialist, what device the procedure was used on.

In 3 weeks

For 3 weeks, avoid mechanical traumatic effects on the skin, including depilation methods ():

  • waxing
    – hair removal using a wax mixture;
  • sugaring
    - hair removal using thick sugar paste;
  • threading
    - hair removal using a thin thread.

From the third week, do not pluck your hair - tweezers remove part of the bulb, as a result of which the laser is not able to remove it completely. Shaving is permitted as long as the follicle is not damaged by the razor.

How long does laser remove hair and how often does the procedure need to be repeated?

After hair removal, hair is removed forever and does not grow back on the treated area of ​​the body. So it is enough to take a laser course once for the rest of your life. However, one procedure will not work.

Hair on the human body does not grow at the same time: some are in the active phase, some are in the dormant phase. Modern installations only affect hair follicles that are in the active phase, since it is then that the hair grows and accumulates pigment, which attracts the beam. If the bulb is asleep, it is “not touched” during the procedure. Subsequently, the hair grows from the follicle.

Have you noticed that after the first procedure you still have hairs left? Don't worry, this doesn't mean the laser didn't work on you! In one session, radiation can rid a person of ⅕-¼ of vegetation in the treated area. So, complete hair removal will require approximately 4-5 procedures. For some it is less, for others it may be more: it depends on personal characteristics, the structure and color of hair and skin. A specialist will calculate the exact number of sessions for you during your consultation.

The frequency of procedures is 1 every 3-4 weeks, so that the “dormant” hair follicles awaken. So it’s better to start an hair removal course in advance of a vacation and a trip to the sea in order to be guaranteed to rid yourself of hair by the desired date.

Side effects

The key to a procedure without complications and consequences is compliance with the specialist’s recommendations, high-quality equipment and the experience of the staff. Cleo Line employs qualified doctors and cosmetology nurses. We use the latest generation lasers to make patients as comfortable as possible.

Possible side effects include:

  • Edema - they often occur due to the individual reaction of the body. A few hours after the procedure, they disappear without a trace.
  • Burns are likely if the patient does not follow skin care rules after the procedure. Have you noticed severe redness that does not go away after 4-5 hours, or a burn? Be sure to consult a specialist, do not treat it yourself!
  • Pigmentation - appears if you neglect Sanskrin or sunbathe after hair removal. Most likely, in 2-3 months the unwanted pigmentation will disappear without a trace.
  • Folliculitis is a very rare effect that occurs due to visiting a swimming pool or sauna immediately after laser hair removal. It is a small red spot or nodule around the hair that becomes inflamed. Treating folliculitis is simple: just treat the damaged area with an antiseptic.

Preparation for low pain thresholds

The following actions will help reduce discomfort:

  1. Discuss with your cosmetologist the choice of a topical pain reliever. This is normal practice!
  2. Focus on the menstrual cycle. Do not perform laser hair removal during menstruation; during this period, the pain threshold decreases, sensitivity increases, redness, and irritation last longer than usual - up to 24-48 hours ().
  3. Experts note that the procedure is much easier to tolerate if you are in a good mood. Be positive and throw away bad thoughts. It is better to endure the execution if you are upset about something or tired after work.
  4. Allow more time for the procedure. Take your time! The calmer you are, the better your skin will respond to the changes. When removing hair, take a deep breath, do not hold your breath.
  5. Throughout the day, try not to drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee. Stop smoking. It has been proven that drinks that contain caffeine increase sensitivity to pain several times.
  6. Don’t keep your emotions to yourself – talk to a specialist about the pain. The specialist will adjust the intensity of the impact.

In a few hours

A few hours before hair removal, take a warm bath - this will help the skin steam and make the laser hair removal process easier. Replenish your water balance - the presence of water in the body will reduce redness and irritation after the session.

Take painkillers if necessary. They can be applied locally to the surface of the skin or taken orally. The most popular are anesthetic creams and lidocaine sprays (4%). Ibuprofen is suitable as tablets.

Customer Reviews

The majority of clients after diode hair removal are satisfied with the results obtained. With rare exceptions, you can hear reviews about the insufficient effectiveness of the method. But this opinion can be classified as intolerant. In one session it is impossible to remove absolutely all hairs that reduce the quality of life. But if you repeat hair removal twice or three times, the result will be clearly noticeable.

Clients leave positive reviews about laser hair removal with a diode laser on the websites of the beauty salons where the procedure was carried out, so the quality of diode hair removal is assessed in conjunction with the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the quality of the diode laser device and other parameters.

In beauty salons you can find devices of the following brands:

  • Light Sheer Desire;
  • Me Dio Star Effect;
  • Coherent Light Sheer;
  • Lightshire et al.

In 2 weeks

Proper nutrition - a diet based on dairy and plant products - will help reduce discomfort during hair removal. Give up coffee, chocolate, sweets, fast carbohydrates ().

Include the following foods in your diet:

  • cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • legumes, greens, nuts.

If possible, avoid using bronzing gels, lotions, creams, self-tanners, drugs based on fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and tetracycline groups.

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