Face masks with aloe for wrinkles, acne and for “smart” hydration

Home-grown aloe agave is most suitable for cosmetics: it is richer in vitamins and contains more moisture.

Oil and juice are extracted from aloe. For homemade masks, plant juice is often used. It has unique antibacterial and disinfecting properties and eliminates scratches, cracks, inflammation and acne. Excellent astringent properties not only eliminate large pores, but also narrow the ducts of the sebaceous glands and disinfect sebum. This makes aloe an indispensable component for oily skin care.

Aloe juice rarely causes allergies. However, during pregnancy and menstruation it is better to avoid using it: the skin reaction can be unpredictable.

Beneficial properties of aloe and its juice

Aloe has been used as a rejuvenating and wound-healing agent for a very long time. Its composition is truly unique:

  • mucopolysaccharide acemanan is a hygroscopic substance, in no way inferior to hyaluronic acid and capable of reliably retaining moisture. You can learn more about gels with hyaluronic acid by following the link. However, unlike acid, its molecules pass relatively freely through the skin barrier and actually retain moisture inside the dermis, and not just on the surface of the epidermis;
  • Lignin is a complex polymer based on cinnamic alcohols. Effectively blocks the action of ultraviolet radiation and prevents phytoaging;
  • phytoncides - aloe not only has antibacterial properties, but also has an equally successful effect on fungus, protozoa, and viruses. There is no better option for inflamed and purulent acne;
  • tannins - thanks to them, aloe is used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine;
  • 20 amino acids, including 7 essential ones – solves the problem of nourishing skin cells;
  • vitamins A, C, E and selenium are the main natural antioxidants that prevent skin aging and guarantee rapid regeneration;
  • 30 microelements – including calcium, copper and iron, which ensure cellular respiration;
  • organic acids – eliminate flaking and cleanse the skin.

Aloe is used not only as a care product, but also as an element of treatment. The juice is used to get rid of seborrhea, psoriatic plaques, boils and eczema of any etiology.

Hardware cosmetology

Aloe extract is also widely used in hardware cosmetology. It is used both in its pure form and as part of cocktails, which are prepared individually for each patient, depending on the problem.

A widely used cosmetic procedure is iontophoresis. A low-voltage, low-strength current is applied through electrodes and applied to skin that has been pre-treated with aloe extract or a cocktail that contains it.

The beneficial components of the plant penetrate deep into the skin through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands, therefore their bioavailability and, accordingly, the clinical effect increase.

According to reviews, iontophoresis with aloe vera extract in ampoules for the face helps to achieve faster results:

  • renew the top layer of skin;
  • get a general rejuvenating effect;
  • reduce the severity of inflammation, scars, scars;
  • improve microcirculation processes;
  • normalize cellular metabolism.

Iontophoresis is most often used for hyperhidrosis of the palms or soles. The procedure provides a 30-40% improvement in the palms. For the feet, the effect is worse due to thicker skin.

Phlebologist Hrach Karamanukyan

Benefits of aloe masks for facial skin

Aloe juice has many beneficial properties for the skin. As part of the mask, it has the following effects:

  • antiseptic and antibacterial - thanks to allantoin and phytoncides;
  • antifungal and antiviral, which allows you not only to get rid of acne, but also to treat them;
  • anti-inflammatory – aloe relieves redness and irritation of the skin, and also relieves swelling;
  • healing – accelerates skin regeneration in case of mechanical injuries and burns;
  • immunomodulatory – the combined effect of vitamin C and tannins improves skin immunity;
  • antioxidant – flavonoids and vitamins stimulate the production of natural collagen, which helps restore skin turgor;
  • moisturizing – mucopolysaccharides retain moisture deep in the dermis, guaranteeing truly deep hydration even for very dry skin.

Indications for use

Aloe juice is used for all skin types, but for different purposes:

  • dry skin - aloe moisturizes the epidermis and retains moisture deep in the dermis. At the same time, the juice of the plant does not irritate even the most sensitive skin;
  • oily – an aloe mask is the best home remedy for eliminating pimples, blackheads and inflammation. The juice not only removes excess sebum, but also prevents inflammation of the sebaceous ducts and disinfects the skin of the face;
  • for purulent rashes, eczema of any origin, aloe is simply irreplaceable;
  • normal – aloe is used for irritation and inflammation, as it restores lymphatic drainage and stops inflammatory processes;
  • aging – tannins restore strength to the skin, and the astringent effect of mucopolysaccharides not only promotes cell regeneration, but also visually smoothes out fine wrinkles.

The plant should be used with caution in cases of severe rosacea. The juice activates capillary blood circulation, and in this state this effect may be undesirable. You should consult a dermatologist.

Related factors

In addition to the main reasons, there are also accompanying factors that make wrinkles on the face more pronounced:

  • Wrong lifestyle. Smoking, stress, constant lack of sleep - all this reduces skin elasticity and contributes to the appearance of fine wrinkles on the face .
  • Diet. During a diet, the body does not have enough nutrients, it begins to take them from the subcutaneous tissue, thereby reducing the amount of collagen and elastin.
  • Climate influence. Sudden changes in temperature, sunlight and humidity do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Loose skin can warn of diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs or endocrine system.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

It is difficult to obtain aloe oil at home, so juice is used for masks and lotions. You can also use whole leaves, or rather a paste of them in the form of compresses.

There are many recipes for making masks from plant juice, and the best of them are:

With aloe juice

The juice of the plant is an assistant for aging skin. However, you are not allowed to use it yourself. It is necessary to combine the liquid with other components that prevent aging.

The classic recipe with aloe juice is as follows: 1 tablespoon of aloe (juice) is combined with the same amount of honey. It is recommended to warm the honey slightly, as liquids are difficult to mix. Then add 2 drops of vitamin E and A to the mixture, as well as a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix again and apply to the face, including areas around the eyes and lips. Keep the mask on for at least 30 minutes. You can find out about masks with honey and lemon here.

It is recommended to use prepared leaves for this mask, as they contain a large amount of biostimulants.

With honey

The combination of honey and plant juice is very popular and is used in masks for various purposes. For example, a cleansing and smoothing mask for normal and oily skin is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of natural honey and a tablespoon of aloe are mixed until smooth, and then 2 teaspoons of oatmeal are gradually added. The composition is applied to the face, avoiding the skin under the eyes, and kept for 20–30 minutes.

For dry skin, a mixture of cottage cheese, aloe and honey is more suitable. A tablespoon of the first ingredient is mixed with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of honey. Leave the product on for at least 15–20 minutes and wash off with cool water. If you carry out the procedure twice a week, in a month you can get rid of small wrinkles and peeling. You can find out how other cottage cheese masks are prepared in this material.

For acne

An acne mask at home can be used by both teenagers and older women when pimples and acne appear. It will take some time to prepare the product.

A plant leaf up to 15 cm long is cut into pieces, poured with 250 ml of water and brought to a boil. Then place the container in a water bath and simmer for at least 30 minutes. The resulting decoction is cooled and filtered, and the pulp is squeezed out of the boiled leaves and mixed with the liquid.

Pour 4 tablespoons of honey into the finished mixture and dissolve. The composition is applied to the face three times a week. Leave the face mask on for up to 15 minutes.

For dry skin

Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes the skin. To enhance the effect, the substance is mixed with other ingredients. For dry skin, prepare the following composition: with 30 g of aloe juice - a tablespoon, add 6 g of St. John's wort. This refers to the dry leaves and flowers of the plant. The raw materials can be crushed in advance, or you can simply mix both components in a blender. Then 3 pcs. The strawberries are pureed and added to the mixture. Lastly, add 3 ml of peach oil.

Keep the mask on the skin for 15–20 minutes and wash off with cool water. The composition not only moisturizes, but also tones the skin and removes inflammation.


Skin nutrition is provided by a mask with fermented milk products. Depending on the type of skin, its composition varies somewhat.

A tablespoon of juice is combined with beaten yolk. Then add a tablespoon of rich sour cream into the mixture if you are preparing a mask for dry skin, or kefir or yogurt if you are preparing a mask for oily skin. A nourishing mask is applied to the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes. As soon as the first layer dries slightly, apply the second. This action is repeated until all the mixture is used.

After applying the last layer, the mask is kept on for another 15 minutes, and then, if necessary, the face is lubricated with moisturizer.


Fruits, or more precisely, fruit acids and vitamin C, can improve skin elasticity and restore a healthy complexion. To tidy up your face, mash half a banana or mash it with a fork and mix it with a tablespoon of juice. You can use the pulp of the leaf, it’s even easier to mix.

Then beat the yolk into a foam along with 3-4 drops of bergamot oil. Add a teaspoon of honey and beat again. Combine the resulting mixtures and apply a thick, even layer to the face. The mask is held for 25–30 minutes. It is recommended to apply cotton pads soaked in strong tea to the eyes during the procedure. You can find out about the best banana masks here.

Moisturizing and rejuvenating

After a long stay in the hot sun or wind during a vacation in the mountains, the skin urgently needs hydration and rejuvenation. A mixture of aloe and cream in a 1:1 ratio will help eliminate traces of phytoaging and restore smoothness to the face. In fact, this is not so much a mask as a cream. The composition is lubricated on the face in the morning and evening for 2 weeks.

A rejuvenating facial mask with protein and corn starch serves the same purpose. Beat the white until foamy (if the skin is dry, then the yolk is used for the same purpose), then add a tablespoon of juice and mix. Add 5-7 drops of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of cucumber or lemon juice (the latter is recommended for oily skin). Starch is added to the mixture until the composition acquires a creamy consistency.

The mask is placed on the face and held until completely dry - about 30 minutes. This option not only moisturizes the skin, but also instantly gets rid of wrinkles. Find out about the best facelift masks in this article.

For tired skin

A mask with persimmon will help tone your skin. Half the fruit is pureed, mixed with a teaspoon of aloe and gradually added a teaspoon of almond oil, lemon juice and starch. The resulting mass should have a creamy consistency.

The mask is applied in a thick layer; if necessary, a napkin is placed on top. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes and carefully remove it. At this time, you should apply cotton pads soaked in chamomile decoction to your eyes.

Pure use

The extract can be used in its pure form or added to various cosmetic products.

It can also be combined with other ingredients: honey, cucumber, herbal decoctions, oatmeal, sour cream, etc.

Please note that this product is poorly absorbed into the skin and may leave a film on the face.

Dermatologist Victor Ryukl

The easiest way is to use aloe extract in its pure form, available in ampoules for the face. To do this, just open the ampoule and apply the solution to your fingertips or sponge.

Then distribute evenly over the surface of the epidermis. You can complement the procedure with a light facial massage, patting it.

Carry out the manipulation on initially cleansed skin every day 2 times: morning and evening.

The duration of the treatment and prophylactic course is about 4-8 weeks, it depends on the characteristics of the problem and the stage of its development.

How to properly prepare aloe juice

For masks, as a rule, fresh leaves of the plant are used, or prepared in a special way. In the first case, the leaves are finely chopped and wrapped in gauze, the juice is squeezed out. In the second case, the preparatory stage takes almost a month. But the raw materials for home cosmetics are enriched with biostimulants and act more efficiently.

Stages of special preparation of aloe:

  1. Agave is not watered for 2 weeks. This test provokes the formation of special stimulants in the leaves.
  2. After 2 weeks, cut off the largest leaves, which begin to dry out at the tips. The leaves are loosely wrapped in parchment so that the tips remain free and placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
  3. Then the aloe is washed, crushed and filled with water in a ratio of 1:3. The leaves are infused for 2 hours, then the resulting liquid is drained and filtered.
  4. The resulting juice acquires a gel consistency. In this form, it is stored in the refrigerator in a glass bottle and used within a month.

To prepare masks, you must use leaves of at least a three-year-old plant. Younger agave does not contain enough nutrients.

Question answer

You will need a plant that is more than 3 years old. It is necessary to cancel watering for 10 days. In the lower zone it is worth cutting off a large sheet. It is wiped, wrapped in a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 14 days. When so much time has passed, you need to grind it and squeeze out the juice, which should be placed in a water bath for a couple of minutes. Used chilled. This extract can be stored for only a week.

Yes this is true. It is used in the fight against acne, eczema, psoriasis, and eye pathologies. It is also used for gynecological purposes.

Unfortunately this is not possible. Using aloe can only improve the situation, but the plant is powerless against deep creases. Cosmetology will help here.

Rules for applying masks

Aloe masks bring undoubted benefits, but only if they are used correctly. The recommendations are simple:

Any masks must be applied along massage lines

  1. Before using any cosmetics containing aloe juice or oil, you must undergo a skin test. To do this, apply a couple of drops of juice to the bend of the elbow. If within 4-5 hours there is no itching, burning, or skin rash, then the product can be safely used.
  2. To prepare masks, you can use ceramic and glass dishes. Metal raw materials oxidize quickly.
  3. Before the procedure, the face is cleansed and slightly moisturized. There is no need to steam the skin.
  4. On average, a course of masks takes 3–4 weeks. If we are talking about intensive hydration, when masks are performed every other day, then 2 weeks.


  1. Aloe juice is used in home cosmetics. Both fresh juice from freshly picked leaves and facial gel from previously prepared ones are used.
  2. Tannins and flavonoids in the juice have a strong disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Aloe not only removes pimples and acne, but also treats eczema and psoriasis.
  3. The mucopolysaccharide acemanan contained in the juice provides the same level of hydration in the dermis as natural hyaluronic acid.
  4. Aloe juice is used to care for skin of any type and any age: for acne, to increase skin turgor, for wrinkles, to restore blood circulation and lymph flow.
  5. Aloe juice does not cause allergies, so there are practically no contraindications for masks made from this plant.
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