Deep bikini waxing: advantages and disadvantages

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Skin irritation in the bikini area is a fairly common problem that mainly affects women, although it sometimes affects men as well. The bikini area refers to the upper limit of hair growth in the pubic area (top, sides and inner thighs).

Since irritation appears in a very intimate area, many women and men are embarrassed to even talk about it out loud. Meanwhile, skin irritation causes not only cosmetic discomfort, but is also quite often accompanied by itching, burning, the appearance of rashes and pustules, inflammation, and peeling.

Knowing the main reasons that lead to skin irritation in the bikini area, you can find the best methods to eliminate this problem.

Benefits of using wax

Removing excess hair in the bikini area with wax is an effective and affordable way. Wax can be purchased at any pharmacy or beauty salon. The cost of the procedure is low even in a specialized salon.

Bikini waxing does not last long, is simple and can be done independently if you have the necessary skills.

Women appreciated the variability of the method. Hair is removed using wax of different temperatures, so you can always choose the appropriate option: cold, warm or hot hair removal. The latter is the most effective, but it is advisable that the procedure be carried out by a specialist.

The duration of the effect is an important aspect in favor of this procedure. During waxing, hairs are removed along with the root, so they grow back in about a month. The procedure is repeated every 3-4 weeks (even less often after using hot wax). With regular hair removal, hairs become thinner and thinner over time, their growth slows down, they become softer, and pain decreases.

Wax is a natural product, so its ingredients do not irritate the dermis, and the procedure is called bioepilation. Wax can be used by anyone who is not allergic to bee products.

The procedure has a peeling effect (removes dead cells), so with regular use, the skin becomes soft and velvety. It is extremely rare for ingrown hairs to occur after waxing.

Treatment of irritation after shaving in women

The appearance of signs of irritation can affect anyone, but those with sensitive skin suffer the most. Visible signs of irritation must be eliminated correctly and in a timely manner. When choosing a treatment method, rely on personal preferences. Immediately after shaving, if you notice signs of irritation, natural herbal remedies or ready-made pharmaceutical preparations will help relieve discomfort.

Before using them, do a little preparation of your body: give up synthetic underwear for a while. Replace it with a set made of natural fabrics or stay without it while you perform the treatment. Let the delicate skin in the intimate area breathe, so it will be less injured.

The following products will help to effectively and quickly eliminate signs of skin irritation in the intimate area immediately after shaving:

Cold compress. This option is a real first aid for pronounced symptoms of irritation. With its help you can reduce the degree of skin irritation in a matter of minutes. Making a compress is very easy: to do this, take a clean towel or cloth, then soak it in cold water. Apply the compress to the irritated area for about 20 minutes. Thus, due to the lower temperature, the redness of the pores and the burning sensation will decrease.

Ice cubes . Another simple, home method to eliminate irritation immediately after shaving. Gently rub ice cubes over damaged areas of the skin to help tighten pores and eliminate swelling.

Aloe vera gel . One of the effective natural skin care products that can instantly soothe the skin and relieve irritation. Aloe gel enzymes promote rapid tissue regeneration and also give a pleasant cooling sensation when applied. It is important to use high quality aloe gel, without alcohol in the composition. Medicinal herbs . Natural astringents in the form of decoctions of various herbs are good at reducing the symptoms of skin irritation. For example, infusions of chamomile, sage or calendula flowers quickly soothe the skin and tighten wounds. You can apply the decoction to irritated skin using lotions. Before applying to the skin, the decoction must be cooled to room temperature.

Pharmaceutical drugs . The simplest and most affordable solutions of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide. They will help eliminate inflammation, stop bleeding from cuts, and prevent the spread of infection. You can also use a solution of salicylic acid, but do not overdo it with its amount - the maximum dose for an adult per day is 10 ml.

Pharmacy medications help cope with irritation: solutions of chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide, panthenol, bepanten, aspirin. Photo:

Essential oils . Such oils have special medicinal chemistry, so they are effective for any damage to the skin. They can have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, slow down the growth of unwanted hair, and eliminate the problem of ingrown hair. The main thing is to use them with caution, having first read the contraindications. The easiest way to use them is to apply a couple of drops to a clean, damp cloth and lightly wipe the damaged area of ​​skin. After a couple of hours, severe irritation will go away. Eucalyptus or tea tree oils are perfect for such procedures.

Thermal water . Light water, rich in minerals and trace elements. Thanks to them, she is able to quickly cope with redness, soothe and moisturize the skin. It is best to apply it to the skin immediately after shaving, and then apply a moisturizer in the form of a cream or gel.

If the above remedies did not really help relieve irritation on the skin in the intimate area and unpleasant symptoms persist the next day, then you can try purchasing special ointments at the pharmacy or seek advice from a specialist. A certain arsenal of pharmaceutical products will help relieve skin irritation and heal the resulting wounds without side effects or addiction.

Panthenol . A drug that is used to restore the mucous membranes of the epidermis. It is used to treat burns, abrasions, dermatitis, redness and irritation of the skin. May be presented in the form of an ointment or spray.

Bepanten . A drug that is an analogue of Panthenol. It works on approximately the same principle: it regenerates tissue, helping to quickly eliminate the symptoms of irritation.

Aspirin . Regular aspirin for headaches can quickly relieve severe skin irritation. The drug is available in tablets, so you will have to prepare an ointment based on it yourself. To do this, you need to crush two tablets, and then mix the resulting powder with glycerin in a separate bowl. Apply the prepared ointment to the affected areas of the skin with massaging movements.

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The best creams for depilation of intimate areas. What to look for when choosing


Not everyone can have their bikini waxed without harm to their health. Restrictions apply to those who have one or more symptoms at the time of the proposed procedure:

  • exacerbation of genital herpes;
  • fungal or purulent skin lesions, wounds in the bikini area;
  • papillomas on the genitals and perineum;
  • fresh tan;
  • insufficient hair length;
  • increased body temperature;
  • critical days.

Contraindications are diabetes, epilepsy, cardiovascular or cancer diseases, poor blood clotting. Painful sensations can cause contractions of the uterus, so it is better for pregnant women to avoid any type of hair removal during pregnancy (especially in the later stages). It is also better for nursing mothers to refrain from hair removal due to an increased sensitivity threshold, although there is no categorical prohibition on this matter.

Caution should be exercised by those who have extremely sensitive skin or are prone to allergies.

Types of bikini areas

Depending on the intimate places where hair removal is performed, there are 3 bikini zones:

  1. Classic (outer bikini). To wear swimsuits, waxing of the bikini area is carried out along the contour of the panties and under the buttocks.
  2. Average. In addition to the classic bikini, the side areas and the upper part of the pubis are epilated.
  3. Epilation with “deep bikini” wax. Hair is removed from all intimate places: between the buttocks (from the anus to the tailbone), in the groin, on the pubic triangle and near the labia. Due to the severe pain of the procedure, it is best for girls to undergo it 3-5 days after the end of menstruation, when the sensitivity threshold is reduced.
  4. Brazilian bikini. Differs from a deep bikini by a narrow stripe or pattern of pubic hairs.

You can make a medium and classic bikini yourself, while for a Brazilian one it is better to use the services of a specialist.

What not to do after sugaring your face

For 2 days after facial depilation, you cannot use decorative cosmetics (powder, foundation, etc.). It is also contraindicated to apply conventional creams, oils and cosmetic masks to the treated areas. The exception is special products for skin care after sugaring and waxing.

For example, using the Elseda anti-inflammatory mask will be beneficial. This is a natural remedy that has an antimicrobial, regenerating, soothing effect. The mask can be used as the final stage of the procedure in the master’s office. It is also suitable for home care for oily and problematic skin, as thanks to its medicinal components it eliminates inflammation, mattifies and tightens pores.

Which type of wax is best for the bikini area?

The cosmetics industry offers the following types of wax for hair removal:

  1. Canned. Used for warm and hot bikini hair removal. The advantage of packaging is that a large amount of the composition can be heated at once. The product is applied with a wooden spatula. Most often used in salons.
  2. Film. Available in granules or tiles. Suitable for any skin. Before use, it is heated to a temperature of 34…37°C. Lays evenly, following the curves of the body. It doesn't require strips of paper or fabric, but it does require skill.
  3. Wax in cartridges. The cassettes have special nozzles that allow the composition to be applied evenly in a strip of any width. Cassette wax has a pleasant color and smell. There are several varieties of it: gel, liquid, water-soluble. Their pleasant structure makes the procedure less painful, because the wax does not cling to the skin and does not injure it. Azulene wax has anti-inflammatory and softening effects. Wax cartridges are suitable for use on all types of leather.
  4. Wax strips. Designed for cold waxing in the bikini area. Their efficiency is low, but they are economical (one strip can be used twice) and environmentally friendly.
  5. Briquetted. It is used to remove hard hairs.
  6. On disks. Removes hair of varying hardness. Used for hot hair removal.

When purchasing a product, you need to take into account the characteristics of your skin and hair in order to choose the right wax for bikini hair removal. The most popular brands of wax are Depilflax, Dolce Vita, Veet, Gigi, White Line, Floresan.

Stages of the procedure

Deep bikini waxing must be done carefully and skillfully due to the high sensitivity of the skin. The procedure consists of three stages:

  • preparation;
  • hair removal;
  • processing of depilated skin.

Each stage must be approached responsibly: the quality of hair removal and possible undesirable consequences (irritation or damage to the skin, ingrown hairs, pain) depend on the correctly chosen wax and properly prepared skin.

Proper treatment of the skin after hair removal guarantees its rapid recovery.


Since each person develops acne for different reasons, there are no specific recommendations on what to do in this case.

Photo: Antibacterial ointments can be used to treat rashes

Often a woman has to look for a remedy that would help her through trial and error.

There are several most common ways to get rid of acne and ulcers after hair removal.

  • You can use regular anti-acne creams: “Zinerit”, “Metrogil” and others.
  • Anti-inflammatory and healing ointments will also be effective: “Panthenol”, “Rescuer”, “Boroplus” or “Levomekol”.
  • Disinfecting solutions that are best used immediately after hair removal. This can be salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or iodine.
  • The following ointments help well: ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointment.


Depilation in the genital area requires appropriate preparation. The first thing a beginner needs to do is visit a trichologist. The doctor will assess the condition of the skin and hair and recommend the optimal wax product. Before using wax, you must perform an allergy test on a small area of ​​skin.

Preparation for the procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The day before, the skin is cleansed of dead epithelial cells using a soft scrub intended for sensitive skin or face. Moisturizing with a rich cream will relax the skin and soften the hair follicles. This will make the procedure less painful.
  2. If possible, take a hot bath immediately before epilation to warm up the skin.
  3. Hairs are carefully trimmed if they are longer than 11 mm. The optimal length is 4-6 mm.

On the day of hair removal, do not use cosmetics for hygiene of the bikini area: lotions, tonics, creams.

How to solve a problem

First of all, it is worth understanding the cause of itching after depilation of the legs, bikini or other area. Then you need to act according to the circumstances. If the itching sensation is severe and is accompanied by redness, swelling, spots or inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

If the discomfort is minor and does not cause concern, simply analyze all the points listed above. Eliminate allergens, follow all recommendations after the procedure, use a scrub regularly, moisturize your skin if it is prone to dryness. Special soothing products (for example, Antistress powder from Elseda) and creams that slow down hair growth also help reduce the likelihood of itching after depilation.

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The procedure in the intimate areas is painful, although with the correct technique and adequate preparation, many girls tolerate it well. But if the client has a high sensitivity threshold or is afraid, anesthesia is used, local or with the following painkillers:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Analgin;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ketanov.

They are taken 30 minutes before the procedure. Local anesthetics include pain-relieving creams, gels and sprays:

  • Emla;
  • Dr. Numb;
  • Light Dep;
  • Depilflax;
  • Anestop;
  • Lidocaine;
  • VEET.

A cheap but effective solution, Menovazine, helps a lot. Local anesthetics have almost no side effects. The products are applied to the bikini area according to the instructions.

If necessary, injections are made with a 2% lidocaine solution. Using an insulin needle, the cosmetologist in a checkerboard pattern (radius of action of Lidocaine is 3 cm) injects the medicine to a depth of 1.5 mm into the bikini area, without affecting the labia.

What is irritation

Irritation is a real cause for concern, which is characterized by discomfort in the intimate area in women. As a rule, irritation occurs due to improper mechanical action on the epidermal layer. In this case, sensations such as itching, burning, redness of the skin, dryness, peeling, and inflammatory elements occur. This problem is considered so common in women's daily lives that for some of them it has become the norm. Still, there are small tricks that women need to remember to ensure a gentle shave of the intimate area without causing painful symptoms of irritation.

Follow the procedure step by step

The procedure begins with preparing the skin. It is necessary to take a shower; In extreme cases, you can use wet wipes.

The woman’s posture is of great importance: in a relaxed state, pain sensations decrease.

The procedure takes place in the following order:

  1. The skin to be epilated is treated with an antibacterial agent.
  2. Then the area is thoroughly dried and wiped with talcum powder or baby powder.
  3. Using a wax melter, the wax is heated to body temperature or 60°C (for hot depilation). You should not use a microwave or water bath for heating, so that the wax does not overheat and deteriorate its properties. To warm up, wax strips are rubbed with your palms.
  4. Using a disposable spatula or cartridge attachment, a heated substance is applied to a small area of ​​skin (or a ready-made wax strip is glued) in the direction of hair growth, covered with a cloth or paper and pressed down so that the composition sticks to the hairs. After 3-4 seconds, the fabric along with the wax is removed from the skin in the direction of hair growth. This is done quickly, jerkily. At the same time, your fingers adhere to the skin of nearby areas of the body. If film wax is used, the exposure time increases to 10-15 seconds until the wax film stretches well.

  5. If hairs remain, the procedure can be repeated.
  6. To relieve pain, the skin is lightly massaged with your fingertips.
  7. The manipulation is repeated on adjacent areas of the skin, including the pubis, until all hairs are removed.
  8. Then the labia area is epilated in the same way.
  9. The client lies on his side for depilation of the intergluteal fold.

Then the epilated skin needs to be treated.

Preventing irritation after shaving in women at home

Hair removal with a razor can be considered a classic, which is chosen by many women due to the absence of pain during the procedure and the speed of the method. At the same time, this method of depilation has significant drawbacks in the form of signs of irritation on the skin, which occur almost immediately after the end of the session.

To prevent symptoms of skin irritation, you need to follow regular and simple recommendations that can be performed at home:

Prepare your skin . Before you take to the razor, take a little time to prepare the delicate area. Take a hot bath or stand in the shower. The skin will steam and the hairs will become softer and more pliable. It would be a good idea to exfoliate the skin using a scrub or a special roller. The structure of the product should not be too aggressive, otherwise there is a risk of harming your skin even before shaving. Peeling must be applied carefully, without sudden movements. This step will help avoid ingrown hairs and make the shaving process more effective.

Apply a special shaving product . After the skin is completely prepared for the depilation procedure, it is necessary to apply a special shaving product (they can be a gel or cream). It is not recommended to apply shower gel as an alternative, unless it has a fairly dense, creamy structure. The purpose of such a product is primarily to protect the skin from possible cuts and abrasions that may occur during the shaving process, as well as to ensure that the razor glides as easily as possible.

Practice the technique . The shaving process itself must be performed correctly. But a lot depends on the quality of the razor. If you prefer to remove hair using a disposable machine, then take a new one for each depilation. Repeated use of the machine is guaranteed to only cause skin irritation. If you prefer a reusable machine, then you should periodically change its cartridge. The right choice would be a razor with three or more blades, with a durable mount. The body position during the procedure should be comfortable. Start moving the machine according to the hair growth, without pressing too much on the skin. Try to rinse the razor after each pass and then reapply shaving gel to the desired areas. At the end of the session, rinse your body with warm water and then blot the depilated area with a towel.

Provide gentle skin care . After all unwanted hair has been shaved off, the skin must be properly cared for. This step should not be skipped, even if at first glance it seems that there are no symptoms of irritation. The result can be secured with the help of specially developed care products that have a softening and soothing effect. Vegetable oils of jojoba and grape seed, aloe vera gel, and thermal water are also suitable.

It is quite possible to ensure smoothness of the delicate skin in the intimate area without the slightest irritation if you adhere to the correct shaving technique and rules of personal hygiene.

Skin care after hair removal

Wax residues are removed with any natural oil (olive, almond, avocado). Special wipes are offered in the wax package. You cannot use a scrub or washcloth for this purpose, or use soap. If single hairs remain, they are removed with tweezers. The treated skin is disinfected. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine or Dimexide.

The treated area of ​​skin needs to be soothed. Depending on the properties of the skin and the correctness of the procedure, irritation manifests itself in different ways: from slight redness and the formation of red dots to severe hyperemia, pain, itching, and the appearance of ichor (lymph).

There are different ways to relieve irritation after waxing. The following tools are used for this:

  1. Creams: children's, Bepanten.
  2. Ointments: zinc, “Rescuer” balm.
  3. Baby powder.
  4. Anti-burn drugs (Panthenol).
  5. Aloe juice.
  6. Herbal decoctions: chamomile, calendula, string (or creams containing these ingredients).
  7. Any heated vegetable oil (olive, almond, avocado) with the addition of rose or tea tree essential oil.
  8. Special post-depilation gel or lotion.

It is advisable after the procedure not to make sudden movements for 20 minutes until the skin calms down. It is also advisable to refrain from sunbathing, thermal procedures, and sex for 2-3 days.

The use of natural linen with a classic cut will be beneficial for the skin.

If there is a tendency for ingrown hairs to appear, after 4 days the bikini area is treated with a scrub. You can use products that slow down hair growth.

Symptoms of irritation after shaving in women

The main symptoms of irritation appear in the intimate area of ​​women immediately after shaving. At the same time, they are accompanied by severe discomfort, which you just want to eliminate quickly. The consequence of these problems in most cases, as a rule, is inept shaving or abuse.

Irritation in the intimate area in women can manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of slight redness;
  • excessive dryness and tightness;
  • the occurrence of itching and burning;
  • the formation of inflammation on the skin;
  • swelling and pain when touched;
  • ingrown hairs.
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