Treatment of deprivation with iodine - tips and contraindications

Diseases that begin with the letter “L”: Lactostasis, Laryngitis, Laryngotracheitis, Cor pulmonale, Pulmonary fibrosis, Leukemia, Leukemia in children, Leukoplakia, Leucinosis, Leprosy, Dental treatment, Lymphadenitis, Lymphangitis, Lymphogranulomatosis, Lymphoma, Lymphostasis, Lipoma, Listeriosis , Lichen, Pediculosis pubis.

Ringworm belongs to the group of dermatological diseases of the fungal and viral type. It is characterized by the appearance of dry or weeping areas of skin that periodically itch severely. Ringworm is a fairly common disease and it is customary to distinguish several varieties depending on:

  • causes of occurrence (causative agent);
  • type of change in the structure of the skin;
  • location;
  • degree of infectiousness to others.

The disease has a long development period and a high risk of relapse.

Why does lichen appear?

It is difficult to name with 100% certainty the exact causes of infection and the method of formation of the lichen patch on the skin. However, there are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of the disease:

  • low level of immunity;
  • constant exposure to stressful situations;
  • chronic emotional and physical fatigue;
  • infections;
  • genetic predisposition to skin diseases.

Even the gender and age category of the patient can influence the form of the disease.

The causes of lichen also depend on its type.

Shingles appears due to contact with the Herpes zoster virus. The causative agent of the disease is the Herpesviridae virus. The disease is activated when there is a herpetic infection in the patient’s body.

Pityriasis or “pink lichen” has an infectious and allergic cause.

Lichen versicolor or pityriasis versicolor is located in the stratum corneum of the skin. A person can become infected with it through close contact with a carrier of the disease, as well as through the use of household items (towels, bed linen, dishes) of a sick person. The main causes of this type of disease are excessive sweating, hot weather and inflammatory processes on the skin. The causative agent of lichen versicolor is a fungus.

Flat red fungus is directly related to disturbances in the patient’s body’s metabolic processes and low level of immune properties. Contact with certain medications and chemicals can become an irritant. This type of lichen has a genetic predisposition, that is, if close relatives often suffer from lichen planus, then the risk of the disease in this case is maximum.

Trichophytosis is one of the most common types of disease and affects children and adults who come into contact with a sick animal or household items carrying fungal spores.

Causes of development and symptoms of the disease

Ringworm is a group of skin diseases characterized by colored rashes and peeling. There are 6 known types of lichen diseases, but not all are contagious. This fact depends on the pathogen. The fact is that some species develop due to a fungal infection, while others develop due to a viral infection. For example, ringworm can be caught from infected animals, and scaly disease appears due to decreased immunity after emotional shock. The types of lichen and their causes of development are shown in the table below:

ShearerContagiousThe causative agent is the fungus trichophytosis - develops on the human body or microsporia - develops on the body of animals.
girdlingContagious to those who have not had chickenpoxIt develops due to the herpes virus entering the body.
PityriasisContagiousAppears with the development of a yeast-like fungus, which is activated when immunity decreases.
PinkNot contagiousThe exact causative agent is unknown; scientists believe it is a virus.
ScalyAn autoimmune reaction of the body to its own epidermal cells.
RedSkin reaction to an irritant: virus, bacteria, chemicals.

Not only test results, but also symptoms will help to distinguish one type of lichen from another. Despite the fact that the diseases differ in some features, they can be recognized using common signs:

  • rashes on the body in specific areas, characterized by clear edges;
  • rashes vary in color (from pale pink to bright red);
  • the affected lesions itch, peel and crack.


Each type of fungus manifests itself differently on the skin.

The girdling appearance is characterized by the following features:

  • a feeling of numbness in the affected area;
  • lymph nodes increase in size;
  • painful sensations in muscles and joints;
  • swelling of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • formation of small bubbles;
  • burning and soreness of the skin.

The name of the species of lichen is directly related to its appearance. The disease seems to surround the body. As a rule, the lesion is located on the head, in the chest or abdomen in the direction from the chest to the spine.

Shingles begins its manifestation with the formation of small blisters with liquid on the skin. After a few days, the color of the bubbles becomes more cloudy and they “dry out.” A dry crust forms at the site of the lesion, which gradually peels off. After it disappears, the area of ​​the skin becomes covered with pigment. There is a high risk of bubbles reappearing. The period during which the patient can infect other people is 2 weeks.

Pityriasis manifests itself as follows:

  • a bright pink spot with a diameter of about 5 cm appears at the site of the lesion;
  • within 2 weeks the skin peels off.

Most often, this fungus is located in the abdomen, back and upper torso. Small lesions may merge into one large area as they spread.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor are severe itching, peeling and burning sensation, and the formation of light pink spots on the skin. Without treatment, the duration of this type of disease can be several years. Pityriasis usually occurs in the area of ​​the shoulders, neck and back, much less often on the lower extremities, head and genital area.

Lichen planus is a dark burgundy-colored swelling or bump on the skin. This place is very itchy. The patient's legs, torso and genitals are mainly affected. Also, the fungus can cover the nail plates, feet, palms and mouth. In this case, the fungus appears as whitish spots. The nail subsequently splits.

Trichophytosis affects large areas of the skin. Mainly found on the scalp. It is characterized by unpleasant itching and pink spots that do not have clear boundaries. The spots may become covered with small cloudy blisters or a flaky crust. The infection period can last from 5 to 7 days.

Pityriasis versicolor during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may experience various diseases, including skin inflammation. The causes of lichen, like many ailments, in pregnant women are often a decrease in immunity or hormonal changes.

As a rule, pityriasis versicolor is not treated during pregnancy, or a gentle course with carefully selected components is prescribed so as not to harm the fetus, but to improve the quality of life of the expectant mother. Treatment is always strictly individual.

Pityriasis versicolor in children

This is a common disease in children. It usually affects the scalp, but can appear on the face and body. For young children and adolescents, as well as for pregnant women, treatment can only be prescribed externally (in particularly difficult cases, the use of medications and drugs is possible). Parents of infected children need to monitor the child’s hygiene and not allow the baby to scratch the spots in order to prevent the spread of the disease and not create a favorable background for the occurrence of other diseases.

How dangerous is solar lichen? Is pityriasis versicolor contagious or not?

If the disease does not have complications and does not occur in parallel with other diseases, then it does not pose a danger to human health, except for the psychological discomfort mentioned above, especially if spots appear on the face.

The disease can be called conditionally contagious, since the fungus (causative agent) of skin inflammation is present on the skin of any person (it is part of the microflora) or can be transmitted from person to person, but the disease itself will occur only in the event of an external “irritant”.

Infection is possible:

  • during personal contacts;
  • through personal and hygiene items;
  • in public changing rooms or fitting rooms.

How and how to treat pityriasis versicolor in humans (colored, multi-colored, etc.)?

If you notice signs of this disease, it is important to remember three simple rules:

  • do not self-medicate, because the wrong medicine can only worsen the condition;
  • do not wait until everything goes away on its own (the disease has a wave-like nature, that is, it can be repeated at different intervals and does not always return in a mild form);
  • Do not use dubious, suggested by someone, or self-selected remedies for pityriasis versicolor.

Seeing a doctor is a sure way to not only get cured, but also strengthen your immune system, as well as get rid of annoying aesthetic skin defects that bring psychological discomfort.

Diagnostic methods for determining the type of lichen

The main ways to determine fungus are the following:

  • visual examination of the patient, where the color, shape and location of the rash are determined;
  • collection of complaints and analysis of symptoms.

Each species is determined by different methods. First of all, a sick patient should seek advice from a dermatovenerologist.

Shingles is difficult to determine by simple visual inspection, so additional diagnostic procedures will be required:

  • searching for the presence of antibodies to viral pathogens;
  • bubble content analysis;
  • using the hybridization method to determine the genome of the virus.

If pityriasis is suspected, the doctor will send the patient for blood and urine tests, and will also conduct a microscopic examination of the scales to exclude the diagnosis of syphilis. Pityriasis can be diagnosed better than other types of disease through visual examination.

Lichen versicolor can be identified by the results obtained from the following procedures:

  • Examination of the lesion site with a Wood's ultraviolet lamp. The doctor “examines” the fungal spores, which turn yellow or brown.
  • At the appointment, the doctor drops a few drops of iodine onto the affected area of ​​the skin and immediately wipes it with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. If it is a multi-colored fungus, the skin will turn brown.
  • Taking a sample by scraping the skin for microscopic examination in a laboratory.

To diagnose lichen planus, the patient will be referred for general blood and urine tests, as well as a skin sample for histological examination.

Trichophytosis can be determined using the following methods:

  • “X-raying” of the skin using a Wood's ultraviolet lamp. This form of fungus will turn green.
  • Submission of biochemical blood and urine tests.
  • Determining the degree of sensitivity of the pathogen to selected antibiotics by inoculating the sample taken on nutrient media.
  • Taking a sample by scraping the skin for microscopic examination in a laboratory.

How to identify lichen in humans using iodine

If you find suspicious rashes on your body, you can conduct preliminary tests using iodine at home. Let's look at how to test lichen with iodine, because this procedure allows you to identify the pityriasis type of dermatosis, distinguish it from other skin diseases, does not require special tools, and takes little time.

This is exactly what lichen looks like if you smear it with iodine. Read more below.

Diagnosis of the disease using iodine (Balzer test) includes the following steps:

  1. Prepare the skin for testing with iodine: wash the affected areas well, gently wipe the skin with a soft cloth, avoiding strong impact, so as not to injure it. Wait until completely dry.
  2. Use a cotton swab to apply a 5% iodine solution to the rash.
  3. Wait until the iodine is completely absorbed (about 5 minutes).
  4. Carefully examine the results obtained and determine the reaction.

The color of healthy areas of the skin is golden, even in color, the affected areas will acquire a more saturated pigment - iodine spots become dark brown with black borders.

Using iodine tests, you can quickly recognize lichen in a child, take the necessary measures for timely treatment, and prevent the spread of the rash.

The Balzer test is highly effective in identifying the pityriasis form of the disease. The test cannot detect pink, red, ringworm or shingles.

Iodine tests are only one of the diagnostic methods. In addition to them, it is necessary to undergo an examination under a Wood's lamp with fluorescent radiation and undergo tests to determine the causes of such symptoms.

There are no contraindications for the procedure; it can be used at any age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Treatment options for lichen depending on its type

Just like the causes and symptoms, treatment regimens differ depending on the type of fungus.

If shingles fungus is diagnosed at the very beginning of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following medications: Acyclovir, Zovirax. According to individual indicators, drugs such as “Curantil” and “Furosemide” can be prescribed. If the immune system is particularly weakened, intravenous drips with immunoglobulin may be prescribed.

The treatment regimen for advanced shingles consists of taking the following medications:

  • analgesics;
  • antipyretic drugs in the presence of high fever;
  • B vitamins, which help strengthen the body’s protective functions;
  • sedatives for insomnia;
  • prescribing diuresis when signs of intoxication appear;
  • the skin at the site of the lesion can be treated with a solution of brilliant green, metacil ointment, "Solcoseryl".

Pityriasis in most cases goes away on its own and does not require treatment. The exception is severe itching, for which you can use antihistamines and hormonal creams.

During the course of the disease it is recommended:

  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • limit bathing and interaction of the affected area with water;
  • exclude the use of cosmetics.

Treatment of versicolor versicolor is possible using the following medications: 5% salicylic ointment, Cycloperox, 5% sulfur ointment, Bifazol, Miconazole, Lamisil. If foci of the disease have spread throughout the body, then it is recommended to take Orungal or Itraconazole.

The flat red fungus causes significant discomfort to the patient due to severe itching and burning sensation. Suprastin, Tavegil and Zyrtec will help cope with itching. In addition, corticosteroids and antimalarial medications may be prescribed.

If lichen planus affects the mucous membrane, then treatment with Solcoseryl is necessary. If this type of disease recurs, antibiotics are prescribed.

If trichophytosis affects areas of the skin without the presence of hair, then the area can be treated with iodine and antifungal ointment (Exoderil, Microspor).

If there is hair in the area of ​​the focus of trichophytosis, it is better to shave it off. In advanced cases, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs orally (for example, Irunin).

The course of the disease must be accompanied by taking a vitamin complex to maintain immunity.

Diet for fungal diseases

When the skin is affected by fungal diseases, it is important to maintain proper nutrition. In this case, it is useful to use the following products:

  • breakfast with cereal porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • greens and green vegetables;
  • honey;
  • still mineral water;
  • foods containing iron.

If you have pityriasis, you need to switch to dairy and plant foods. For other types of fungus, you should include in your menu:

  • rose hips, viburnum and sea buckthorn;
  • peanuts, hazelnuts and nuts;
  • squid and salmon;
  • seeds and vegetable oil;
  • apples, apricots, cherries, blueberries, cherries;
  • prunes and raisins;
  • green bell peppers and carrots.

Along with the list of healthy foods, there is also a prohibited food group:

  • dishes using spices and hot additives;
  • alcoholic products;
  • tangerines.

The following categories of drinks and food are subject to restrictions:

  • coffee, tea and hot chocolate;
  • cheeses that are too salty;
  • broths cooked with meat and mushrooms;
  • confectionery sweets with butter creams;
  • canned food;
  • fatty fish.

Methods of use in treatment

There are several ways to treat lichen with iodine:

  • Problem areas are washed with soap to soften and remove the flaky layer. After this, the layer must be removed and the area cauterized with iodine. Apply a thin layer so as not to burn the skin. Carry out the procedure once every 5 days.
  • Alternating iodine and brilliant green is effective. For 10 days, one day the inflamed area is lubricated with iodine, the second day with brilliant green. Alternate procedures for 10 days.
  • Quick treatment for lichen is carried out with a 10% iodine solution and green soap. For the first 3-4 days, wash the areas with green soap and remove the scales. The wounds that appear are treated with iodine. After 5 days, the course of therapy can be repeated.
  • An unusual recipe with paper resin. Roll up the paper, put it in a glass and set fire to the top. When the paper burns, remove the ashes and collect yellow dust from the bottom, which will become resin. The main thing is not to get burned. Lubricate the affected area with iodine and add resin.

When performing iodine therapy, doctors recommend not to be nervous, since emotional shocks reduce immunity, which will slow down the positive result. It is advisable to stay out of the sun as little as possible. It is prohibited to use other people's things and hygiene items, or to transfer your things to others for use. At first, you will have to disinfect things daily and change bed linen.

What consequences can lichen cause?

The most common and harmless type of lichen is pink. The course of the disease passes without complications.

Shingles can cause the following complications:

  • inflammatory process in the membrane of the spinal cord and brain;
  • partial or complete loss of vision;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • viruses that infect the respiratory organs and liver;
  • postherpetic neuralgia.

Ringworm and versicolor often provoke the appearance of a secondary infection, which complicates the treatment process. In most cases, antibiotics are necessary. In addition, trichophytosis often leaves bald patches at the site of the fungal infection, which can remain forever.

A flat red fungus contributes to the manifestation of bacterial infections and the development of an inflammatory process in the patient’s oral cavity.

More often than others, the following categories of patients suffer from various types of lichen:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people who do not care about their health and do not observe personal hygiene rules;
  • children;
  • pet owners;
  • people with a low level of protective properties of the body.

Measures to prevent the disease

Since there can be many causes of lichen infection, it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of the disease. However, compliance with preventive measures will reduce the risks. Prevention of lichen includes:

  • timely treatment of acute respiratory diseases;
  • compliance with hygiene procedures;
  • taking a vitamin complex;
  • increasing the level of immunity;
  • use of shampoos with antifungal gels;
  • hardening of the body;
  • providing quality oral care, treatment of caries, gums and throat diseases;
  • proper nutrition;
  • avoiding contact with people infected with the fungus;
  • vaccination of pets and periodic examinations at a veterinary clinic;
  • giving up bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • preventing hypothermia of the body.

When diagnosing a chronic form of lichen, it is recommended to periodically visit a dermatologist’s office in order to identify possible foci of the disease.

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