Treatment of psoriasis with soda: recipes, treatment methods, contraindications

Diet for psoriasis is an essential component of complex treatment. Carefully designed therapeutic regimens will not help eliminate painful symptoms if the patient does not adjust his diet. Proper nutrition for psoriasis will allow you to achieve stable remission - a period without exacerbations. Excluding certain foods from the weekly menu helps strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of toxic substances.

Useful properties of baking soda

Baking soda

Baking soda is used as an antiseptic - it helps relieve inflammation . An effective and quick remedy for the first signs of colds and flu. Rinsing with soda and salt really helps get rid of redness and mucus.

For heartburn and stomach pain, many people use baking soda to neutralize acid. However, this can be dangerous and cause a backlash in the body (with large doses of soda).

Treatment of psoriasis with baking soda is not dangerous , however, you need to be careful and monitor the doses.

The effectiveness of such treatment varies from person to person – it will help some and not others. Let's look at a few recipes.

About the benefits of soda for psoriasis

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The substance restores the normal pH level of the epidermis. This helps well with psoriasis, since one of the causes of the disease is increased blood acidity.

The use of sodium bicarbonate in the fight against plaque-like rashes has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole:

  • the affected areas become softer under the influence of soda;
  • the skin calms down, inflammation of injured areas decreases;
  • itching and pain disappear;
  • blood circulation in the skin is improved, irritation of the epidermis disappears;
  • detoxification of the body occurs - removal of harmful substances through the pores.

Baking soda works well in the fight against psoriasis, but it is not a panacea. To achieve long-term remissions, sodium bicarbonate should be used in complex therapy as an adjuvant.

Treatment with soda: recipes

Soda is recommended for the treatment of psoriasis by traditional medicine. Academician I.P. Neumyvakin developed his own soda treatment system and opened a treatment center where he used this method. However, the center is now closed for unknown reasons. Therefore, let's consider traditional methods.

  1. Take a pack of salt (sea salt is better), a pack of soda, half a bottle of iodine. Dissolve in the bath and take for no more than 20 minutes. A course of 20 baths, carry out procedures every other day. There are modifications of this recipe; for sensitive skin, you can take 100 g of salt and soda and 5-10 drops of iodine. If psoriasis worsens, you can leave only soda in this recipe.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to the bath. Take 15-20 procedures every day.
  3. For psoriasis of the scalp, take 1 teaspoon of soda and dissolve it in a glass of water. Rub the resulting solution into the scalp in a circular motion and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm running water.

Read about methods of treatment with other folk methods - herbs, tinctures - in the publication: “53 folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis.”

Psoriasis “doesn’t like” being irritated

Class Clinic

What is psoriasis from a medical point of view and how to permanently get rid of its symptoms - vulgar rashes that interfere with normal life and work? We talked about this with practicing dermatologist Polina Aleksandrovna Stepanova.

Many people, including those suffering from psoriasis, do not have a clear idea of ​​what this disease is. Tell us how psoriasis occurs and what changes occur in the body?

Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-dependent inflammatory skin disease. The main reason for its occurrence is problems with immunity. This is a very common disease. The World Health Organization estimates that 2 to 4% of the world's population suffers from this disease.

Psoriasis begins to appear between the ages of 15 and 25 years. This disease affects the skin of the scalp, smooth skin, and the nail plates may be affected. Very often, psoriasis is associated with obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and is often found with hepatitis, chronic kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

With psoriasis, cell differentiation begins to become impaired, so-called keratinization occurs (inflammatory rashes with peeling of the skin appear). To put it simply, the structure, structure and chemical composition of skin cells changes, and cells that are not expected to grow normally grow.

Is this disease curable?

This disease always occurs in a chronic form; only long-term remission can be achieved. We treat him, relieve exacerbations and always try to prolong remission as much as possible.

What are the main risk factors for psoriasis?

The first one, I think, is hereditary. Of course, the environment has an influence; psoriasis occurs much more often in the Far North, etc. The influence of stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, and obesity is very significant. The latter must be excluded when treating the disease; for effective treatment, it is necessary to adhere to the correct lifestyle and diet.

What can make a patient’s condition with psoriasis worsen?

Alcohol has a particularly serious negative effect. Patients themselves often note that a glass or two can almost instantly provoke rashes and exacerbations of the disease. For long-term remission, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors as much as possible.

Are there any rules for the treatment of psoriasis related to the course of the disease?

Psoriasis can occur in different ways; there are winter, summer and mixed forms of the disease. In the summer form, the sun is very harmful; as soon as the skin is exposed to prolonged exposure to sunlight, rashes appear. In winter, on the contrary, when the patient sunbathes, he feels much better, and rashes do not appear. With a mixed form, manifestations of the disease can appear regardless of sunlight and other climatic and calendar factors.

For winter forms, I recommend sanatorium-resort treatment in the summer; for summer forms, vice versa. The correct choice of season significantly affects the condition, in such cases the patient feels much better.

How to achieve long-term remission in psoriasis?

If we talk about the winter form, which is the most common, now there are treatment methods when we use ointments daily, and then, to maintain remission, we use ointments every other day, then 2 times a week, then 3-4 times a month. This is a must to keep your skin in good condition. It is necessary to understand that during an exacerbation the patient’s quality of life is seriously affected; a disease with such vulgar rashes brings social harm to the patient. Patients are often embarrassed to go to work or maintain social contacts. Therefore, schemes are being developed that can quickly extinguish the exacerbation. It is important to understand that psoriasis therapy, including the regimen that I have described, must be carried out by a doctor - this applies to any form.

What should a patient with psoriasis who wants to maintain the achieved effect of treatment do?

Be constantly examined, follow the recommendations, and, as I already said, lead a correct lifestyle and follow a diet. Once again I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to exclude alcohol, smoking, and, if possible, stress. It is necessary to wear simple cotton clothes - psoriasis “does not like” being irritated. Another important point is the use of natural or hypoallergenic washing powders so as not to irritate the skin. When using coarse fabrics or aggressive household chemicals, microcracks and scratches may appear, they become irritated, and a rash will inevitably occur in these places.

There are a number of recommendations for skin care. There are special cosmetics that do not irritate the skin and moisturize it (gels, shampoos, etc.), you need to use them. I want to emphasize that with psoriasis, dry skin occurs, and moisturizing it during care helps prevent rashes.

There are folk remedies that supposedly help with psoriasis and are widely advertised - what do you think of these methods, are they effective?

Indeed, celandine is often used on the advice of friends or healers. But celandine juice greatly irritates the skin, which, as a rule, negatively affects the condition; after using celandine, a sharp aggravation occurs. I am convinced that any self-medication for psoriasis leads to disastrous consequences. According to advertising, I also do not recommend treatment to anyone; the likelihood that without a dermatologist you can achieve remission and not harm yourself is almost zero. Before prescribing any drug, a thorough examination is necessary. The doctor always prescribes tested, approved and proven drugs.

Make an appointment with Polina Aleksandrovna Stepanova on the website or by phone (4012) 33-44-55.

Treatment of psoriasis with soda: reviews

Reviews are mixed, but there are positive experiences. Website – catalog of individual women: prostitutes in Kemerovo Website for searching for individual women. Others talk about not stable remission.

Review from Rain user about baking soda treatment

Review from GEMINI user about baking soda treatment

Review from user Alexis about baking soda treatment

Review from GEMINI user about baking soda treatment

The effect of soda on psoriasis

When used according to the instructions and recommendations of a doctor, baking soda greatly improves the quality of therapy for psoriasis. Baking soda has a beneficial effect on the skin and affected areas. The following are the effects of sodium bicarbonate on the epidermis:

  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Relieves irritation and soothes the dermis.
  • Rids the body of harmful bacteria.
  • Relieves symptoms of skin diseases: itching, burning, redness, psoriatic plaques.

Baking soda is not able to completely relieve a patient of psoriasis, because it is a chronic disease. The best results can be achieved by including soda in complex treatment. For psoriasis, medications include only baking soda.

The principle of its healing effect is that soda affects the acid-base balance. When it becomes more acidic, it leads to immune pathologies, which include psoriasis, and soda restores it.

Many doctors who have cured a large number of patients include soda in complex treatment. This component is absolutely safe for those who are not intolerant to baking soda.

This product is very cheap, sold in any grocery store, but its effect is comparable to expensive hormonal drugs.

Reviews from patients and doctors about baking soda in the treatment of psoriasis are mostly positive. It is a natural product and very rarely causes side effects. It is effective at the initial stage of the disease, but in severe cases and when exacerbations occur, it becomes ineffective.

You should not use soda if the patient is allergic to it, as this will aggravate the disease. Therefore, before starting treatment, consult your doctor.

Conclusion about treating psoriasis with baking soda

Baking soda helps relieve the symptoms of psoriasis - itching, peeling, irritation. It is safe to use this remedy even during an exacerbation. However, this method is just an auxiliary one.

In addition, it is necessary to treat psoriasis comprehensively :

  1. Exfoliate, soften crusts and scales using non-hormonal creams and ointments for psoriasis.
  2. For psoriasis on the scalp, use anti-psoriasis shampoo.
  3. Irradiate with ultraviolet 311 nm every other day for several minutes (from 1-2 minutes to half an hour).
  4. In case of damage of 20% or more, use the PUVA therapy method for psoriasis.
  5. Follow proper nutrition and diet for psoriasis.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle and think positively .

Remember that psoriasis is a complex disease, therefore it must be treated from all sides.


There is only one contraindication to the external use of soda - the presence of individual intolerance or allergy to the product. The use of sodium bicarbonate is not recommended in the following cases:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • increased acidity and sensitivity of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • hypertension;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not forget that psoriasis must be diagnosed by a specialist. It is not advisable to start self-medication without consulting a doctor.

The best remedies for Psoriasis

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Antipsoriasis cream 990 rub.

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Magnipsor ointment RUB 1,490

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Ultraviolet lamp Dermalight ® RUB 14,900.

The essence of the method

Baking soda is used for various purposes. It effectively fights not only skin rashes and other dermatological problems, but also successfully copes with pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, colds, and dental diseases. The disinfecting properties of sodium bicarbonate make it possible to use it for skin lesions of infectious and non-infectious origin.

How does this remedy affect psoriatic manifestations?

  1. Relieves pain, relieves itching and burning.
  2. Calms the inflammatory process.
  3. Helps soften skin with dry, rough psoriatic plaques.
  4. When used internally, it ensures the removal of waste and toxins from the body.
  5. Relieves swelling of the skin.

Since one of the possible sources of psoriasis progression is increased levels of acid in the blood, the use of soda in this case is advisable. Sodium bicarbonate is able to neutralize acid and restore the acid-base balance.


3% hydrogen peroxide is used as a wipe. This product is available in any home medicine cabinet. Peroxide is the main antiseptic drug that has the ability to quickly regenerate tissue, stop the inflammatory process, eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as burning, itching, redness and peeling, and resist the growth of plaques.

To treat psoriasis, you need to wipe the affected areas with peroxide 2 times a day every day until the formations completely disappear. This procedure must be carried out 30 minutes after taking a soda bath.

Another means for wiping is a solution based on soda and water. Take:

  • warm water - 50 g;
  • 30 g soda.

Shake all the ingredients thoroughly and use gauze soaked in the solution to go over the psoriatic plaques (not rubbing, but dabbing). The procedure is daily.

For psoriasis in the scalp

To get rid of psoriatic plaques on the scalp, eliminate itching and flaking, you should wash your hair daily with a soda-based solution. To prepare it, take:

  • 1 tbsp. l. soda;
  • half a liter of water.

Rub the product in for 5 minutes. Then rinse with water. For effectiveness, it is recommended to use apple cider vinegar after washing. Take 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water (for one hair wash).

You can also add soda solution to shampoo. Just do this only before washing your hair to prevent unnecessary chemical processes.


Thanks to the application of soda-based compresses, psoriatic plaques lighten, itching and burning subside, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and the disease stops progressing.

Compress with peroxide

To prepare compresses, it is also recommended to use baking soda together with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, mix:

  • 100 hot boiled water;
  • 3 tsp. peroxide 3%.

Place a cotton cloth into the solution. Squeeze it out and apply it to the sore spots for 1 hour or 1.5.

Castor oil compress

Here is another effective home remedy for psoriasis. Take:

  • soda – 1 part;
  • castor oil – 2 parts.

Mix the ingredients and apply them to the psoriatic plaques. The mixture is left for half an hour, preferably under an airtight (occlusive) dressing. After the procedure, the dried product is carefully washed off with warm running water. This mixture moisturizes the skin well, softens it and exfoliates it. You can also use linseed, olive, and sea buckthorn oils.

A mixture of soda and castor oil is not used in case of cracks and other injuries.


This treatment method will not only activate the body’s immune functions, but also cure any serious disease, including psoriasis. So, you need to take baking soda orally every day. Start consumption with 1/5 tsp. Gradually increase the dosage to 0.5 tsp.

The following recipe involves mixing:

  • soda – ½ tsp;
  • hot water - 1 glass.

The solution should be drunk hot on an empty stomach daily. This product resists alkalization of the body and reduces the content of toxins.

Another recipe is this. Have to take:

  • 150 g of roasted and crushed peas using a coffee grinder (blender);
  • 50 gr. bicarbonate;
  • 300 gr. honey;
  • 25 gr. refined ground sulfur.

Mix the products and consume the composition every day after meals, ½ tbsp. spoons until the medicine runs out.


An ointment based on sodium bicarbonate will relieve the unpleasant symptoms that accompany psoriasis. You can simply mix baking soda with water and apply it to the damaged skin areas until it hardens. There is no need to rinse off the product. To prepare the ointment you will need 1 tbsp. l. water and 2 tbsp. l. soda The procedure is carried out several times a day. Already on the third day of treatment, you can notice a positive result.

To speed up the therapeutic effect, other ingredients can be added to the soda ointment.

Ointment with oil

An ointment that contains not only soda, but also oil will soothe irritated skin, soften and soothe it, relieve itching, burning, and pain. The following oils are used:

  • olive;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • peanut.

Mix baking soda with oil until you get a thick paste. It is applied to the affected areas of the epithelium. Then the treated areas are wrapped with film. It is recommended to keep the product on the body overnight. The next morning the compress is removed. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week.

Chicken fat ointment

A soda-based product with added fat will quickly soften and soothe the skin, reduce the number of plaques, and stop the inflammatory process.


  • 1 tsp. bicarbonate;
  • half a glass of chicken fat;
  • 3 yolks (raw);
  • 2 tbsp. l. birch tar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. almond and fir based oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical bile;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Laundry soap shavings category 3.

Add the fat to the pan and place it on low heat. Boil for about 7 minutes. After this, add all other products (except for bile) into the container. It must be introduced when the fat has completely cooled.

The ointment is applied to the areas affected by plaques 2-3 hours before bedtime. Treatment continues for 30 days.


Preparations for internal and external use with baking soda treat various skin pathologies, in particular psoriasis. Sodium bicarbonate is able to normalize the acid balance of the skin and the body as a whole, which helps alleviate the symptoms of lichen planus - reduce itching, inflammation, redness, the number of rashes and cope with their cause - high acidity.

In addition, soda-based preparations are used topically in the form of applications, baths, inhalations, enemas, compresses and ointments for the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat and upper respiratory tract;
  • toothache, gumboil, gum disease, stomatitis;
  • stagnation of blood in the veins, including inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • constipation;
  • fungal skin infections, candidiasis of the mucous membranes, purulent wounds;
  • dermatological diseases, acne and chickenpox, burns, including sunburn, insect bites;
  • exposure to skin and mucous membranes of acids and toxic substances;
  • inflammatory and degenerative processes in joints.

Means for internal use are indicated in the following cases:

  • heartburn, acid-dependent diseases (ADDs) of the digestive system;
  • metabolic acidosis due to diabetes mellitus, poisoning, infections;
  • dry cough, bronchitis;
  • attacks of tachycardia;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • obesity;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse;
  • oncological diseases;
  • dehydration and intoxication due to rotavirus infections, acute poisoning, burns, shock, bleeding, incessant vomiting, high sweating.
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