Incubation period of lichen in humans: description, features and recommendations


Ringworm (also known as microsporia) is a highly contagious fungal disease caused by the Microsporum fungus. It affects the skin, scalp and vellus hair, and rarely nails. Ringworm on the skin develops in animals and humans. The source of infection is most often a sick animal. At the same time, children are more susceptible to the disease, since they are more likely to come into contact with stray cats and dogs, which may be carriers of the fungus. In addition, the pH of the skin of adults is shifted to the “acidic” side, which prevents the fungus from actively multiplying. According to statistics, symptoms of ringworm are 5 times more common in boys than in girls.

Pityriasis rosea

Not only cats and other animals become carriers of lichen. Any person is at serious risk of becoming infected with pityriasis rosea. This is a dermatological disease, which is allergic in nature. The causative agent is most often a specific herpes virus.

This disease usually appears after a serious cold. And any kind - from acute respiratory viral infections and influenza to diseases of the throat and ears. Typically, the development of pityriasis rosea coincides with the active phase of a cold.

It is not difficult to recognize this type of lichen. Spots and numerous rashes appear on the skin. People with weakened immune systems should be especially wary of it. However, this type of lichen is usually not contagious to others. The incubation period for pityriasis rosea in humans ranges from two days to three weeks.

Reasons for development

The main causes of ringworm are contact with the pathogen:

  1. A child aged 4–11 years whose sweat reaction is predominantly alkaline.
  2. A child or adult with reduced immunity, the presence of scratches, scabs, microtraumas that can become infected.

Most often the carrier is an animal, less often a person. Infection also occurs through objects or personal belongings on which infected hairs, hairs or skin scales remain. Infection is possible through undisinfected hairdressing tools, through soil on which the causative agent of the disease can persist for up to 3 months, during processing of hay. According to statistics, up to 70–80% of cases of the disease occur as a result of contact with stray young cats and kittens.

Why does lichen appear?

It is difficult to name with 100% certainty the exact causes of infection and the method of formation of the lichen patch on the skin. However, there are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of the disease:

  • low level of immunity;
  • constant exposure to stressful situations;
  • chronic emotional and physical fatigue;
  • infections;
  • genetic predisposition to skin diseases.

Even the gender and age category of the patient can influence the form of the disease.

The causes of lichen also depend on its type.

Shingles appears due to contact with the Herpes zoster virus. The causative agent of the disease is the Herpesviridae virus. The disease is activated when there is a herpetic infection in the patient’s body.

Pityriasis or “pink lichen” has an infectious and allergic cause.

Lichen versicolor or pityriasis versicolor is located in the stratum corneum of the skin. A person can become infected with it through close contact with a carrier of the disease, as well as through the use of household items (towels, bed linen, dishes) of a sick person. The main causes of this type of disease are excessive sweating, hot weather and inflammatory processes on the skin. The causative agent of lichen versicolor is a fungus.

Flat red fungus is directly related to disturbances in the patient’s body’s metabolic processes and low level of immune properties. Contact with certain medications and chemicals can become an irritant. This type of lichen has a genetic predisposition, that is, if close relatives often suffer from lichen planus, then the risk of the disease in this case is maximum.

Trichophytosis is one of the most common types of disease and affects children and adults who come into contact with a sick animal or household items carrying fungal spores.


Ringworm on the face and body appears in the form of pink or red circles raised 1-3 mm above the surface of the skin. The lesions are characterized by clear boundaries, while pale areas of skin with red dots are visible inside. These spots quickly increase in size. Their number is growing over time.

The skin inside the lesions becomes covered with a white crust, which peels and itches. Ringworm on the scalp is characterized by split hair and hair loss. As the number of lesions increases, they begin to connect and overlap each other. Ringworm on the body occurs with increased symptoms when the pathogen gets inside existing lesions, and new fungal rings form in them.

Treatment for shingles on the face

If treatment is not started promptly, ocular shingles can lead to vision loss, and ear shingles can lead to hearing loss. To relieve the symptoms of shingles on the face, serious treatment is necessary, which should begin no later than the second day after the onset of the disease. Treatment includes taking antiviral drugs and treating affected areas of the skin and drying out crusts with antiviral and anti-inflammatory ointments or creams. Among modern drugs, Idoxurdin ointment, which is placed inside the eyelid if the eyeball is affected, gives a good result. In addition, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators to strengthen and increase the body's defenses and an anesthetic (for example, cortisone) for severe pain. If the nervous system is affected, the doctor will prescribe antidepressants, sleeping pills and sedatives. In order to reduce itching, you need to take antihistamines (for example, Cetrin). If intoxication of the body has begun, it is necessary to begin detoxification therapy: administering through a vein the medications necessary to cleanse the body and prescribing diuretics. Be sure to pay attention to the patient’s diet. Food should be slightly warm, liquid or pureed. After eating, oral hygiene is necessary. Shingles on the face must be treated comprehensively and under the supervision of a physician.', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', '~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', 'PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there is nerve processes. Symptoms of shingles often appear on the face. ', '~PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there are nerve branches. Symptoms of shingles often appear on the face. 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It is not difficult to make a primary diagnosis if you know what ringworm looks like. To clarify the diagnosis use:

  • analysis of clinical data;
  • results of luminescent analysis;
  • microscopic studies;
  • sowing material.

In some cases, the source of infection is difficult to determine, since the incubation period ranges from 2 to 45 days. Symptoms may appear on the head, neck, arms, legs, including the palms, soles of the feet, groin areas and folds. Fungal infection causes itching, discomfort in the area of ​​inflammation, and creates psychological discomfort.


If you notice the first symptoms of ringworm, you should immediately go to the hospital. The effectiveness of treatment and the patient’s quality of life during it depend on the timely initiation of treatment.

Prescribed against ringworm:

  • antifungal drugs of systemic or local action. For large areas it is better to use ringworm preparations in the form of sprays, for small areas - ointments and creams;
  • hormonal drugs. They are prescribed for severe inflammation of the skin in combination with antimycotic agents;
  • glucocorticosteroids are necessary in cases where a secondary infection is associated with inflammation.

The main part of treatment is the use of local drugs. The decision on the need to use tablet forms of drugs is made by the doctor based on the clinical picture of the individual patient.


The main measures to prevent ringworm are careful adherence to hygiene procedures:

  • Using only your own towels and combs, preventing the child or adult from sharing them and using other people’s hygiene items.
  • After visiting swimming pools, bathhouses, and water parks, you should immediately wash with soap, wash and wash the items you used.
  • If someone in your home shows signs of ringworm, further infestation should be prevented. His bedding and underwear must be washed separately. All items are thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants.
  • Preventing contact with stray animals, especially cats. According to statistics, about 50% of them are infected with microsporia or are its carriers.
  • The patient should be isolated from the team until complete recovery.
  • If there is a sick animal in the house, all surfaces must be treated with disinfectant solutions.

With careful prevention, ringworm may not appear in other household members.

Popular questions about ringworm

How does ringworm manifest in children?

When lichen develops on the skin, pink round spots appear on the infected areas, which rise slightly above the rest of the surface. These spots itch and become covered with a whitish crust that begins to peel off. If the spots are located on the scalp, the hair within their radius breaks off and falls out.

How does lichen manifest itself in a child?

Ringworm is manifested by the development of spots of fungal infection, the number of which is constantly increasing. The spots increase in size and merge into asymmetrical patterns. A flaky crust forms inside the spots, from which scales infected with the fungus fall off. Secondary infection is possible when one spot begins to develop another.

What does ringworm look like in its early stages?

At the initial stage, ringworm looks like a pink spot of regular shape, raised above the surface of the skin by 1-3 mm. The spots can be localized on any part of the body - head, neck, arms, legs, stomach, back and even in the groin.

Ringworm in humans: types, symptoms


Ringworm is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of patches that peel off. May occur at different ages. Most often it occurs in young people. The disease occurs in autumn and spring. Can be transmitted from a sick person or animal.


  1. stress;
  2. reduced immunity ;
  3. hypothermia;
  4. heredity;
  5. overwork.

Symptoms: the disease begins with a single plaque. But it can increase to two or three pieces. The plaques can be from 3 to 5 cm in diameter. Within about a week, the rashes acquire a more characteristic type. There are more and more of them. They appear on the stomach and back and are accompanied by severe itching. If you have lichen on the scalp, your hair will fall out. The duration of the disease lasts from 1 to 2 months, after which they disappear on their own.

At risk are:

  1. Small children;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. people with weakened immune systems ;
  4. people who do not observe personal hygiene rules;
  5. those who have pets.

What can cause the disease?

Microscopic fungi can cause the disease; they live on the skin and fur of animals. In soil and on human skin.

Types of lichen

  1. Ringworm most often affects children . It is very easy to get sick from it, just touching the patient is enough. Appears on the face , neck , shoulders and head. Characterized by round, red and pink spots.
  2. Pityriasis versicolor or multicolored lichen - appears due to excessive sweating of the body, which leads to changes in the chemical composition of sweat. Excessive and prolonged exposure to the sun, use of fatty creams. The spots are located on the surface of the entire body, excluding the head and limbs. The first days the spots are greenish in color, but over time they become light brown.
  3. Shingles the nerve, appearing where the nerve passes. Most often in adults, but can also affect children. Occurs due to stress and hypothermia of the body. First, reddish bubbles filled with liquid appear. After a few days, the blisters burst and crusts appear in their place.
  4. Lichen planus is a chronic disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Appears between the ages of 35 and 65 years. The cause is unknown. But most often it occurs in people with diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Men get sick less than women. The patient's nails crumble, and red and purple nodules appear on the skin. On the skin of the abdomen , legs and chest .
  5. Solar lichen is characterized by the appearance of white spots on the skin of various shapes. There may not always be itching and burning. Inflammation occurs in winter. The spots reach a diameter of 4 cm.
  6. Squamous lichen - has a chronic form. Skin throughout the body may be affected. It may or may not be transmitted through casual contact.
  7. Ringworm ( eczema ) can be transmitted through household contact. It looks like a red spot that appears on the hands and face . Then bubbles appear, which then burst and release serous fluid. When they dry out, they become crusty.


Examination by a dermatologist . They do an iodine test, and then wipe it with alcohol. Scraping Blood and urine analysis .

What complications can there be?

  1. Deterioration of vision
  2. Hearing impairment
  3. Nerve damage
  4. Inflammation of the heart muscle


to treat lichen on your own . Different forms of lichen are treated differently. It is necessary to disinfect all things used by the patient. Wash your hands after contact with an infected person. On average, treatment takes 1-3 weeks, but if the disease is not advanced. It is necessary to limit water procedures. Do not apply cosmetics. Ointments, immunostimulating and antihistamines, multivitamins, antidepressants , and sedatives are prescribed.

Diet : exclude the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, canned and smoked foods.


To prevent a disease such as lichen , you must adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat well. Treat in a timely manner . And do not self-medicate.

Published in Dermatology Premium Clinic

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