Treatment of deprivation with folk remedies

How to cure lichen quickly

Ringworm does not go away in one day, no matter what treatment methods are used. Skin rashes last for weeks, so to speed up the process of eliminating them, it is important to choose a product that has a powerful effect. Even many expensive medications have a gentle effect that appears gradually, so finding the right one is not easy.

Quick relief from lichen is not aimed at eliminating causes that have not yet been fully studied, but at accelerating the cleansing of the skin. The main theory of the occurrence of lichen is immune, according to which the fungus attacks an organism with a weakened immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement any fast-acting remedies by strengthening the immune system.

Dermatologists say that the most powerful effect is provided by drugs that cauterize fungal spores. This may be accompanied by painful sensations at the time of application. The most effective is considered to be cauterization with iodine solution and sulfur ointment used simultaneously. It is better to treat rashes with iodine in the morning and evening, and with sulfur ointment - three times a day.

You can enhance the effect of sulfur ointment by adding birch tar to it in a 1:1 ratio. This substance also has a drying, soothing, and wound-healing effect. The active components of birch tar stop the synthesis of cells affected by the fungus, which leads to the cessation of the development of the disease.


The only contraindication when using folk remedies for lichen rashes is individual intolerance to the components in the composition and allergies. Although celandine is a poisonous plant, it is therefore not recommended for use if you are concerned about:

  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • neurological disorders.

Folk remedies for treating lichen in humans at home are an excellent addition to medications prescribed by a doctor. Often, methods of alternative intervention quickly and without side effects eliminate unpleasant skin symptoms and eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

It is important to know how to treat lichen. Remaining spores on the skin can eventually trigger a new outbreak of the disease. The pathology is contagious, so it is important to carry out treatment in consultation with a doctor.

It is not recommended to interrupt the course only when the unpleasant symptoms are visible. The main thing is to complete the therapy and repeat the courses a second time if necessary.

The material was prepared specifically for the website, edited by doctor I.A. Volkova. Specialty: family medicine, general hygiene, parasitology.

Ointments for the treatment of lichen

The choice of ointment depends on the type of lichen. There are four types of the disease:

  • pink;
  • shearer;
  • pityriasis;
  • shingles.

Pityriasis rosea is the most benign form of the disease; in most cases, no medications are prescribed. The purpose of using ointments is to relieve symptoms, such as itching, burning in the area of ​​the rash, and irritation of the surrounding skin. To do this, the drug must have an anti-inflammatory, drying effect.

Ringworm and pityriasis versicolor have more pronounced symptoms than pink lichen and are more difficult to develop. To treat these forms of the disease, serious antifungal therapy is prescribed.

Shingles is a peculiar type of shingles, it occurs due to the action of the herpetic virus. For its treatment, ointments are prescribed that have antiherpetic and antiviral effects.

When the disease is severe, the rash affects a large area of ​​the skin, corticosteroid ointments that have a hormonal basis are prescribed.

Herbs for lichen

If the disease proceeds without complications and is mild, some people decide to use herbal remedies. This usually only applies to pityriasis rosea. Some of the recipes are intended for oral administration, others for external treatment of the skin area affected by rashes. The following medicinal plants are often used:

  • Sagebrush. Take a tablespoon of dried herb, brew it in a glass of boiling water, and leave it to steep overnight. You can make compresses from the resulting product by soaking gauze in it; they especially help eliminate itching. You can also simply wipe the plaques with wormwood infusion 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to do this before applying ointment or other products for external use.

Advice! For external use, you can buy ready-made wormwood oil at the pharmacy, which is applied directly to the rash. Its use before bedtime is especially useful.

  • Calendula. We take half a glass of flowers, grind them, simply cutting them with a knife, pour them into a container with half a liter of vodka, and leave them to steep for several weeks. We treat the skin before applying ointments or separately. The prepared infusion is stored in the refrigerator, so some people prepare it in advance and use it for many skin diseases.

The healing properties of calendula can be obtained by using ArgoVasna Calendula chitosan gel. Gel with silver ions has proven effective in treating skin diseases, including lichen.

  • Aloe. The leaves of the plant have a lot of useful properties, are widely used in the treatment of skin diseases, and have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect. Grind aloe leaves, pour cold water in a ratio of 1:5, leave for several hours, then put on fire, keep for a few minutes after boiling, turn off. Cool the prepared product, put it in gauze, and make compresses.

The use of herbs to treat lichen, as well as other methods of treatment, requires compliance with hygiene rules: it is necessary to use only personal hygiene items, clothing, change bed linen daily, and follow other recommendations of the dermatologist. Only then will the use of compresses and infusions be successful.

Beneficial features

The rich composition of cranberries makes them extremely beneficial for the human body. It has been noted that cranberries have a beneficial effect on digestion, improve appetite and normalize stool. The sour berry helps in the treatment of gastritis, low acidity and pancreatitis, due to its ability to enhance the production of gastric and pancreatic juice.

Cranberry helps dilate blood vessels in the heart and reduces body temperature.

Cranberries have a diuretic and bactericidal effect, which allows them to be used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory kidney diseases. Cranberries protect the genitourinary system, protecting it from infection and the proliferation of various bacteria. The healthy berry stops inflammatory processes occurring in the human body, prevents cancer pathologies and reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Cranberry juice helps to dilate the coronary vessels of the heart, lower high body temperature and increase the effectiveness of antibiotics when used together.

Doctors recommend consuming cranberries for the following diseases:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • cystitis;
  • influenza and ARVI;
  • polio;
  • anemia;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • toxicosis.

Onion and garlic

Onions contain many useful components, among which phytoncides are especially valued in the treatment of fungal diseases - substances that can kill pathogenic microorganisms. Also, the bactericidal and antiseptic properties of onions are effective for lichen. There are several ways to use it:

  1. With burdock oil. Grate the onion on a fine grater or puree it in a blender until it becomes a paste, add half a glass of burdock oil purchased at the pharmacy. Apply to the rashes in the evening, before bed, leave for half an hour, and wash off the residue with warm water.
  2. Juice. To squeeze juice out of an onion, simply grind it in a blender, then squeeze it out with gauze and remove the remainder. Dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and lubricate the skin several times a day.
  3. Compress. Cut the onion in half, fry one part over the fire, prick it with a fork, and apply it to the affected area. We fix the onion half with a bandage, a tight bandage, and leave it overnight.

Garlic also has a lot of beneficial properties that help fight, including fungal diseases. You can use it in different ways:

  • cut the slice in half, grease the rash;
  • mix with Vaseline in equal parts, apply as an ointment;
  • Infuse chopped garlic in apple cider vinegar and make compresses.

Important! Onions and garlic, although they have medicinal properties, can be harsh on the skin. If itching increases, painful sensations appear, or if you have hypersensitive skin, you should not use them.

Precautionary measures

With frequent use, tar is addictive, so you should not abuse this product. All infection treatment procedures are carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks. To prevent the disease, it is better to use soap with a small percentage of tar product. We must not forget about the individual factor - some patients may experience allergic reactions to this substance. Reducing the dosage of a natural product will help solve this problem; in some cases, individual intolerance to the substance requires a complete rejection of tar.

Other recipes for treating lichen

Other folk recipes are also popular:

  • Salo. What is surprising to some is that this product can be used for medicinal purposes; in fact, it can be used to make an ointment. To do this, take 100 g of fresh lard and bone marrow, add 3 g of salicylic acid. Melt the components in a water bath, cool, the result is a product with the consistency of an ointment. Apply to the skin, wrap in cling film, and after a couple of hours wash off with warm water.
  • Solid oil. It is necessary to lubricate the plaques with solid oil before going to bed, but if the rash has covered a significant part of the entire skin, then this must be done one at a time. Every day a new area is treated, in parallel with this other means for external use are used. Solidol is part of the finished Picladol cream, which can also be used to treat lichen.
  • Propolis with alcohol. An infusion of these natural ingredients can be used in addition to drug treatment when the lichen is severe. Mix 100 ml. alcohol and 25 g of propolis, leave for a week, lubricate the lesions several times a day. Usually after 2-3 days the plaques lighten, decrease in size, and inflammation goes away.
  • Celandine ointment. The ointment is based on lanolin and medical petroleum jelly; you will need 20 grams of each component. Add 40 grams of celandine to the base and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. The resulting ointment is rubbed into the affected areas 2-3 times a day. Use the ointment until the symptoms of the disease disappear. You can purchase ready-made balm Celandine. It contains only thick grass juice concentrate.

Tar soap

For preventive and therapeutic purposes, you can replace regular soap with tar soap.
The easiest way to fight the disease is to replace regular shower gel with tar soap; it will help overcome skin disease. The darker the soap, the higher the percentage of tar mixture it contains; it can also be used to prevent fungal infections. In the fight against lichen, tar soap is applied to the affected area and left until it dries, then washed off with water. This deprivation treatment lasts for 2 weeks.


In addition to ointments, the use of other dosage forms of drugs can speed up recovery. The following groups of medications are usually prescribed:

  • Antimicrobial. These include antibiotics and antimycotics. A course of taking one of the drugs helps get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the appearance of new rashes. Tetracycline and Metacycline are often prescribed.
  • Antiviral . They not only kill the virus, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin: healing, soothing.
  • Anti-inflammatory . Just like ointments, anti-inflammatory drugs for psoriasis for internal use can be hormonal or non-hormonal. Metipred and Prednisolone tablets are often prescribed.
  • Vitamins . These can be entire complexes consisting of vitamins A, B1, B6, C. An excellent solution would be to use the colloidal drug Imun Support. It is designed to protect the body from infections, rapid recovery from many diseases, and neutralize the side effects of drug therapy. The drug Imun Support is an immunomodulator, maintains the immune system in harmony and balance..

Thus, lichen is not a disease that you can get rid of in a couple of days. To eliminate skin rashes as quickly as possible, complex therapy is required, which consists of products for external and internal use; many successfully use folk recipes for this.

Berry composition

A plant with red sour berries, which is called cranberry, contains a complex of useful substances necessary for the human body. It contains:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • water;
  • thiamine;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • ash;
  • carbohydrates;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin B9;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin A;
  • pyridoxine;
  • organic acids;
  • thiamine;
  • manganese;
  • folic acid;
  • copper;
  • riboflavin;
  • sodium;
  • iodine; barium;
  • titanium;
  • phosphorus;
  • chromium;
  • iron.
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