Xeomin or Botox? How to choose the best from the best?

Wrinkles? No reason to be sad! Express your emotions freely, laugh heartily! Don't worry about crow's feet and wrinkles on your face showing your age. Botulinum therapy will help with this. An injection technique that “blocks” excessive muscle contraction and, accordingly, “treats” facial wrinkles.

Interestingly, botulinum therapy is popular not only among women, but also among men. According to the World Association of Cosmetologists, compared to 2000, the number of men resorting to Botox injections has increased by 33.7%.

How does the procedure work and what is the secret of the technique?

First, the doctor will examine you - assess the tone and strength of facial expressions, the condition of the skin and the severity of facial wrinkles, taking into account your age. Then you need to make manipulations with facial expressions, for example, frown or smile. The doctor will determine the places where the drug should be injected and the exact dosage.

The specialist will treat the skin with an antiseptic. Using a thin sterile needle, the drug is injected into the necessary facial muscles. In our Clinic we use Botox, Dysport, Xeomin.

The essence of the technique is that at the injection site the drug blocks neuromuscular impulse transmission. The muscles relax and the skin smoothes out. When a new signal enters the muscle, it does not respond. Doesn't shrink, doesn't wrinkle. The result is smooth, even skin regardless of facial expressions.

At the end, the doctor will again treat the skin with an antiseptic. The effect will appear in 2-3 days and will be maximum in 10-14 days. The result lasts 3-6 months.

Duration of 1 session: 15-40 minutes. Recommended course: according to indications. Frequency: according to indications. The effect is noticeable after: 1 procedure. Side effects: none.

Xeomin or Botox? How to choose the best from the best?

Even those who have never resorted to the services of cosmetologists have a rough idea of ​​what botulinum therapy is. For many, injections of youth have become as commonplace as cutting and styling hair.

It is also known that not only the well-known Botox is used for anti-aging injections, but also new drugs with a similar effect, such as Xeomin. A logical question arises: Xeomin or Botox – how to choose? How are these tools similar and do they have any fundamental differences?

Xeomin and Botox: composition, scope of application

In both the first and second cases, the main component of the drug is the waste product of the microorganism Clostridium botulinum. However, Xeomin uses a pure neurotoxin produced in vitro by the Clostridium botulinum type A strain, while Botox is formulated with a purified neurotoxin complex, botulinum toxin type A.

The principle of action of both drugs is identical. But since Xeomin contains a pure neurotoxin, the protein and antigenic load on the body when used is practically reduced to zero.

For those who have decided to use botulinum therapy for the first time, you need to know that both Xeomin and Botox have all the necessary certification and permission for use in the field of aesthetic medicine. How to choose one or another drug primarily depends on the specific problem that needs to be solved at the moment.

So, Botox copes better with the following tasks:

  • Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and around the lips.
  • Wrinkles on the neck and chin area.
  • Ptosis.
  • Facial asymmetry.
  • Hyperhidrosis.

The use of Xeomin is recommended in cases where it is necessary to eliminate:

  • Horizontal frontal folds.
  • Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
  • Crow's feet" on the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Fine wrinkles on the face and neck.
  • Nasolabial folds.
  • Radial wrinkles around the mouth.

Rejuvenation of the décolleté area
Of course, these are not all the differences between Xeomin and Botox. Continuing further comparison, several important conclusions can be drawn.

Xeomin and Botox: differences

Botox contains complexing proteins that stabilize the pharmacokinetic effect of botulinum toxin in living tissues. But these same proteins are capable of triggering the body’s immune response to a foreign element.

That is, when using Botox, there is a risk of an allergic reaction and the development of infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. Xeomin contains no protein compounds. Consequently, the likelihood of unpleasant side effects is eliminated by almost 100%.

Since there is no protein component in Xeomin, the patient's immune system will not produce antibodies to the new pharmaceutical drug. In this regard, the reaction of “addiction” or insensitivity to Xeomin is excluded. In the case of Botox, such risks, although insignificant, still exist.

The sizes of the molecules of Xeomin and Botox are different - Botox has larger ones, Xeomin has smaller ones. Consequently, the degree of diffusion (penetration) of them into tissues is also different. But due to the fact that the ability of Xeomin molecules to be attracted to muscle receptors is much higher, they migrate much less to neighboring tissues.

In practice, this means that a side effect of using Botox can be sagging tissue or impaired facial expressions. There is virtually no such risk when using Xeomin.

You can also choose Xeomin or Botox based on dosage. Since the diffusion of Xeomin molecules is much weaker, this means that the volume of the drug will need to be administered much less to achieve the desired effect.

Botox must be stored and transported under certain temperature conditions. If they are violated, the effectiveness of the drug decreases significantly, and the effect of the procedure either becomes minimal or completely absent. With Xeomin there is no such problem, since its storage conditions are not so strict and the active substance remains unchanged at temperatures up to + 25ºC.

Microcurrents for the face

As you can see, Xeomin has many more advantages compared to Botox. The only disadvantages include the fact that this drug cannot be used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, as well as the fact that the effect of using Xeomin is less durable. The achieved result lasts for 3-4 months, while the effect of Botox lasts at least six months.

In any case, the decision to use a particular drug is made by a cosmetologist. This is an important point, because when choosing Xeomin or Botox, a specialist is guided by such data as the amount of work, the essence of the problem being solved, the desired effect of the procedure, the patient’s age, the presence of any contraindications, etc.


The newest drug from the Korean manufacturer. Botulax has been available in Russia since the end of 2016.

Its leading advantage is its low cost and hypoallergenicity. The drug contains botulinum toxin type A, human albumin and saline. All components are not rejected by the body, so allergic reactions are not observed. Botulax is applied pointwise, as it is not prone to diffusion - migration to neighboring tissue areas. Therefore, like Xeomin, it is also used for mesobotox.

The diluted drug can be stored for no more than 24 hours before administration; it is very sensitive to heat and requires special storage conditions.

The effect of Botulax injections appears on the 3rd day after the procedure. Its maximum effect is achieved after 2 weeks. The result lasts up to 4-6 months.

The Korean analogue of Botox has only 3 disadvantages: painful injection, risk of side effects and ineffectiveness. Botulax appeared on the Russian market only 2 years ago. At the moment, the drug has undergone few clinical studies. Therefore, the remedy may not be suitable for everyone: the result may be minimal or absent, and there is also a risk of side effects.

Possible complications

The action of an injection is always a risk.
Therefore, after injections, patients may experience complications: injured clients of beauty salons publish photos of the consequences of incorrectly performed procedures on the Internet. Most often, women experience swelling, headaches, bruising, and spasms of the eyelids. Side effects go away without treatment within a few days. A more dangerous situation is when the cosmetologist violated the rules for administering medications or used the dosage. In this case, medical complications may occur:

  1. Extensive hematomas.
  2. Atrophy of facial muscles.
  3. Chills or fever.
  4. Allergy.
  5. Headaches, migraines, darkening of the eyes, lightheadedness.
  6. Problems with the digestive system.
  7. Drooping of the part of the face where the injection was given.
  8. Speech impairment.

Some complications cannot be eliminated immediately: you have to wait until the drug stops working. This may take a long time. Massage and warming procedures will help speed up the recovery process.

Women are not immune from such consequences as allergies to drugs. In the most critical cases, health problems and death may develop.


Analogue and main competitor of Botox straight from France. It differs from the classic drug in having more natural effects and lower cost.

The advantages of Dysport also include faster results: within 1-3 days after the procedure, the face will begin to noticeably transform. The maximum effect is achieved by the second week. The effect of the drug lasts 3-4 months. According to patient reviews, the effect of Dysport lasts a little longer than the classic drug.

One of the key disadvantages is the low concentration of the active component in the drug. Therefore, for a more lasting effect, an increased dosage of the drug will be required. Therefore, the lower cost of 1 unit of Dysport does not mean that the entire procedure will be cheaper than injections with other drugs.

It should also be noted that Dysport is more allergenic than other botulinum toxin preparations.


The cost depends on the drug chosen and the area of ​​administration. Approximate prices for procedures:

  1. Botox injections into the forehead – 10-12 thousand rubles. for 20-30 units.
  2. Lifting of nasolabial folds – 1700-2000 rubles. for 4-8 units.
  3. Elimination of crow's feet - 5-6 thousand rubles. for 4-10 units.
  4. Injections in the lip area – 8,000 rubles. for 5-20 units.
  5. Injections into the space between the eyebrows – 6-7 thousand rubles. for 4-20 units.

In addition, the total cost includes:

  1. Consultation with a cosmetologist, dermatologist (from 500 to 2500 rubles).
  2. Pain relief - local anesthesia (from 1000 rubles).
  3. Follow-up (from RUB 500 per appointment).

It is not recommended to buy anti-aging products outside the salon to save money. When choosing a cosmetology clinic, it is worth checking the expiration date of the medication and storage conditions.

Recovery period after administration of Botox, Dysport and Xeomin

Botulinum therapy most often does not cause any discomfort to the patient. Injections are made with the thinnest needle at the most suitable points on the face. But slight discomfort is still observed in the first few days. Swelling and swelling usually disappear after 3-4 days.

To ensure that the recovery process goes quickly, cosmetologists provide instructions. Here are the main excerpts from the leaflet given to a patient who has undergone a course of injections:

  1. On the first day after administration of the drugs, do not touch the injection sites with your hands or crush them.
  2. Stay in an upright position for 4 hours after injections.
  3. In order for the drug to be evenly distributed, you will need to actively grimace for the first 5 hours.
  4. Avoid alcohol for 48 hours after injections. Reduce alcohol intake over the next 2 weeks.
  5. Do not fly for three days after the injections.
  6. Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, or solarium for the first 14 days. Reduce your time in the sun and avoid exposure to heat on your face.
  7. When injecting into the eye area, reduce the amount of water you drink. Don't drink at night.
  8. Follow a diet (no salty, spicy foods). Avoid foods that cause swelling and retain fluid.
  9. Reduce physical activity for a week and a half.
  10. Stop taking analgesics and antibiotics. Vitamins B6 and B1 reduce the effectiveness of botulinum toxin, so you should stop taking them for the first month or two.

After injections, microcurrent therapy, myostimulation, and manual massage are contraindicated, since the consequences can be very different - omission of the part in which the injection was given, uneven distribution of Botox.

Reviews about "Dysport"

Many women cannot decide which is better - Botox or Dysport; the reviews are mixed.

Taya, 41 years old: “Dysport lasts me for 9 months. Botox doesn't work for me, although it's considered stronger. You just need to be careful with crow's feet. When they injected me, wrinkles began to form under my eyes.”

Irina, 39 years old: “Dysport has a gentler effect, it removes small wrinkles near the corners of the eyes, but it’s better to inject Botox on the forehead.”

Tatyana, 42 years old: “I do disport to the forehead and between the eyebrows. I walk for at least six months without a frown on my forehead, which is especially good in the summer, because the sun causes wrinkles in this area. I placed it near the eyes to remove microwrinkles, but it didn’t work, swelling formed.”

Reviews about Botox

To find out whether Botox, Dysport or Xeomin is better and more effective, you should consult thematic forums.

Reviews about the use of Botox are positive in 90% of cases. Users note high efficiency, long-lasting action:

Anna, 43 years old: “The cosmetologist did the injections quickly, but a little painfully. I saw the effect in the morning. I got up, but my frown was gone. Gradually, the forehead completely smoothed out, and only 5 days have passed.”

Elena Ivanovna, 48 years old: “I’ve been taking injections for 6 years. The next day you can already see the changes. It’s nice to see how you’re getting younger and more attractive right before your eyes. After the procedure, I introduced a ban on solariums and saunas; doctors advised me not to take antibiotics and give up alcohol. I tried Relatox, but it’s not the same.”

Christina, 37 years old: “I did the procedure several times and did not know that much depends on the specialists. The first time everything went fine, there were no traces of injections or swelling left. The folds disappeared for six months. A year later I did it again and regretted it - immediately after the injections marks appeared, after 2 hours there was swelling, which disappeared only after 4 days.”


It is considered a classic botulinum toxin drug. This muscle relaxant arrived in Russia from American manufacturers. The product is used not only in aesthetic medicine, but also in other areas. In particular, in ophthalmology and neurology.

The advantages of Botox include quick effect and versatility. In addition to getting rid of wrinkles, the drug actively fights hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Among the disadvantages is the fragility of the resulting effect and its dependence on external factors and ineffectiveness for deep wrinkles. Botox actively eliminates only superficial small expression wrinkles. In addition, the drug has a number of contraindications, which can be found in consultation with a cosmetologist.

The first signs of the effect of Botox appear on days 2-3. The final result is established only 2 weeks after the session and lasts 3-5 months.

What is Dysport

Dysport is a botulinum toxin-based product that has the ability to neutralize nerve impulses for a certain period of time. Thanks to this, the muscle completely relaxes and stops contracting. The result is that the muscle tissue “pulls” the skin along with it and straightens it.

The drug is designed to neutralize precisely the muscles responsible for facial expressions. It will not help tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin or nasolabial folds. But its effect on the frontal, interbrow and eye zones is striking in its results.

In what cases is the use of Dysport indicated:

  • in the presence of obvious and just emerging facial wrinkles;
  • with neurological defects of the face;
  • if necessary, “open” your gaze.


Xeomin is a botulinum toxin drug produced in Germany. The product appeared on the Russian market in 2008. Due to the low molecular weight of the main component, Xeomin can be injected even into the smallest wrinkles (for example, in the area around the eyes). The drug is ideal for mesobotox. This is a special technique for injecting botulinum toxin in small dosages over a large area of ​​the face. Thus, the muscles “turn off” not completely, but partially and slowly. As a result of mesobotox, cosmetologists avoid the “mask” effect and preserve the patient’s facial expressions.

Xeomin is a new generation drug. This is a modernized analogue of Botox and Dysport. It is more effective; a minimum dose is sufficient to achieve the desired result. In addition, Xeomin is a stable compound and can be stored at room temperature for a long time.

The drug contains botulinum toxin type A, human serum albumin and sucrose. The main component relaxes the facial muscles, as a result, the skin over these areas is smoothed and wrinkles disappear. Other substances of the drug are not foreign to the body and therefore are not rejected by tissues. Thanks to high-quality purification from foreign impurities, Xeomin does not cause allergic reactions.

The only disadvantages of the drug are less lasting results and ineffectiveness for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The effect of Xeomin injections lasts for 4 months, then its effect gradually decreases. After six months, the procedure will need to be repeated.

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