Lipomodeling: how to reduce cheek volume and make your face thinner without surgery

Figure flaws can be hidden by choosing the right wardrobe, but facial imperfections are much more difficult to disguise. Youth is not eternal! Both the fairer sex and men sigh about this sad fact. With age, the skin ceases to be elastic and the hated sagging cheeks appear. How to slow down the aging process of the face and remove unsightly sagging skin? Let's figure out how to get rid of “bulldog cheeks” and create beautiful cheekbones.

  • Nutrition for “bulldog cheeks”
    Table: list of healthy foods
  • Table: prohibited foods that cause sagging cheeks
  • Physical exercises for the face to lift the cheeks at home
      Exercises for chubby cheeks
  • Exercises for the oval face from sagging cheeks
  • Pharmacy products to combat jowls
      Table: medications against sagging cheeks
  • Cosmetics: how to remove cheeks and make beautiful cheekbones
      Table: creams with lifting effect
  • Folk remedies for sagging cheeks
      Egg and cottage cheese mask
  • Honey and lemon mask
  • Milk and sour cream mask
  • Massage to increase the effectiveness of masks
  • Cosmetic procedures and surgical techniques
      Table: the most popular cosmetic and surgical methods for combating jowls - how to remove cheeks in 1 day
  • Reviews
  • How to tighten your cheeks with makeup
      Shifting the focus to the eyes
  • Darkening the lower part of the face
  • Choose a neutral shade of lipstick
  • Causes of sagging cheeks

    Let’s remember a quote from one famous film of Soviet times, “The Characters Didn’t Mesh,” where the main character’s friend, complaining about modern men, exclaims: “They’re all like that - girl, pass on the ticket until I turn my face to them.” It's bitter and insulting. Yes, our face is an indicator of age. And the way a woman looks is largely her work and merit.

    Starting from the age of 25, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases by 1% annually. The skin loses its elasticity. The muscles of the cheek area sag, causing drooping of the corners of the mouth and deformation of the oval of the face. Long before the onset of menopause, the process of hormonal transformation begins in a woman’s body.

    Shepitko V.I., Eroshenko G.A., Lisachenko O.D.

    The cause of sagging cheeks is a lack of collagen caused by age-related changes, heredity, bad habits and other external factors.
    “How to remove these cheeks that resemble bulldog cheeks?” - These words are spoken by almost every woman after 45 years of age, but a thirty-year-old beauty can also face this problem. There are several main reasons for sagging cheeks:

    1. Excess weight. Indulging in fatty foods and overeating lead to extra pounds. They are deposited not only in the waist or hips, but also on the face.
    2. A sharp decrease in weight can also lead to this problem, since the skin does not have time to adapt quickly and loses elasticity, which leads to sagging.
    3. Age-related changes. Over the years, the skin produces less collagen and elastin, and the facial muscles weaken and lose their shape.
    4. Staying in the open rays of the sun. Moisture from the skin “evaporates”, collagen is destroyed. This leads to sagging.
    5. Incorrect posture and a lowered head lead to the oval of the face becoming blurred and the cheeks sagging. This happens because the muscles of the neck and face are in an unnatural position.
    6. Genetic predisposition. If your grandmother and mother have jowls, then most likely you will also encounter this problem.

    In addition to the above reasons, jowls can appear due to bad habits or poor lifestyle:

    • nicotine has a detrimental effect on the skin - this substance constricts blood vessels, cutting off the supply of nutrients and oxygen;
    • drinking alcohol leads to dehydration of the body, and this reduces the content of vitamins C and E, which are responsible for smooth and youthful skin;
    • Excessive consumption of coffee and tea acts as a diuretic, causing the skin to lose its elasticity;
    • Stress leads to collagen destruction and premature aging.


    To develop prevention methods, it is necessary to take into account the type of aging of the face and the reasons that led to such changes. After the consultation, doctors will offer a program to eliminate existing problems and prevent the formation of other age-related changes.

    If changes are just beginning to appear, then properly selected cosmetics and some cosmetic procedures will help to curb the progression.
    But if they are severe, you cannot do without cosmetic correction. Information materials on the site are posted for informational purposes, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

    Nutrition for “bulldog cheeks”

    We all know that if a car is constantly filled with low-quality gasoline, it will soon require major repairs. The same can be said about our body. If we consume “food waste,” then soon not only our appearance will deteriorate significantly, but our entire body will need a “reboot.”

    Proper nutrition will help keep your face glowing, firm and healthy.

    To get rid of jowls, you should review your diet and include foods that your skin loves.

    Table: list of useful products

    NameCompoundDaily normBenefit
    Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pine, cashews)
    • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
    • antioxidants;
    • vitamins: A, E, B6, B12;
    • potassium and calcium.
    2–3 nuts
    • moisturize and refresh the skin;
    • normalize metabolic processes;
    • inhibit oxidative processes;
    • Vitamins E and A provide skin protection from ultraviolet radiation.
    Bran (wheat, buckwheat, barley, rice, rye, oat)
    • cellulose;
    • crude fat;
    • amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan;
    • vitamins: A, E, group B;
    • omega-3 and omega-6;
    • micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, chromium, copper, iodine, sulfur.
    30–40 g
    • relieve chronic fatigue syndrome;
    • synthesize collagen;
    • help get rid of excess weight.
    Natural oils (olive, linseed, rosehip, wheat germ, rose, neroli)
    • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6, omega-9;
    • vitamins: E, A, groups B, D, K, PP;
    • micro- and macroelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium.
    65–100 g
    • nourish and moisturize the skin well;
    • make the skin firm and elastic;
    • improve complexion;
    • reduce age-related manifestations of blood vessels;
    • accelerate regenerative processes in the thickness of the dermis.
    Citrus fruits (orange, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit)
    • vitamins C, P, PP, folic acid, B1, B2;
    • pectin;
    • acids: citric, oxalic, tartaric, malic, phosphoric;
    • minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, copper, lithium, nickel, chromium.
    150–200 g (1 piece)
    • promote elastin synthesis;
    • improve metabolic processes;
    • due to the large amount of fiber, they help normalize weight;
    • protect skin from moisture loss.
    Vegetables (beets, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, fresh herbs)
    • vitamins: A, E, K, C, group B, PP;
    • minerals: silicon, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium.
    300–400 g
    • silicon has a beneficial effect on the epidermis;
    • vitamin A acts as an antioxidant;
    • Vitamin E slows down skin aging.
    Sea fish (salmon, salmon, pink salmon, trout) and seafood (oysters, seaweed)
    • vitamins: A, P, group B, C, E, PP;
    • trace elements: iodine, cobalt, copper, fluorine, chromium, zinc;
    • macroelements: potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium;
    • saturated fatty acids.
    150–200 g
    • maintains optimal moisture level in the skin;
    • promotes skin renewal;
    • keeps you young.
    Meat and liver (rabbit, beef, turkey, chicken)
    • amino acids: lysine, leucine, arginine;
    • vitamins: groups B, H, PP, A, C;
    • minerals: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron.
    250 g
    • allow the skin to remain elastic;
    • contain essential amino acids that are necessary for the synthesis of new cells.
    Water and green tea
    • minerals in water: iron, fluorine, manganese, chlorine, zinc;
    • in green tea: catechin, tannin, phosphorus, copper, manganese, calcium, zinc, P, A, groups B, E, F, K.
    1.5–2 liters of clean water and 2–3 cups of green tea
    • remove toxins;
    • moisturize and improve skin tone;
    • activate the process of skin regeneration.

    Before you prepare this or that dish for yourself, think about it. Will it benefit you? We all sin by eating unhealthy foods, eating on the run, and neglecting fast food—all of this negatively affects our figure and facial skin.

    Sausages, sweets, crackers, fast food and other tasty but unhealthy products contain a whole range of chemical additives

    Table: prohibited foods that cause sagging cheeks

    Simple carbohydrates (cakes, pastries, cookies, buns, white bread, pies)
    • dehydrate the skin;
    • destroy collagen;
    • “glue” the vessels, depriving the skin of blood supply and, accordingly, oxygen;
    • Glycation products, which are formed due to excessive consumption of sweets, combine with elastin and make the skin less elastic.
    Canned food and marinades (jam, canned vegetables, ketchup, mayonnaise, adjika)
    • preservatives slow down collagen production;
    • contain salt and sugar, which cause sagging skin and swelling.
    Smoked meats and sausages (sausages, frankfurters, ham, balyk)In addition to a large amount of salt, they contain thickeners, flavorings and stabilizers, which lead to obesity and skin aging.
    Fast food (hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fries, fried meat)
    • causes the accumulation of extra pounds;
    • “blockage” of blood vessels occurs, and the supply of oxygen to the skin decreases.
    Dry snacks (snacks, crackers, chips, popcorn)
    • excess salt and fat, which are contained in dry snacks, leads to excess weight and edema;
    • disrupts the supply of nutrients to the skin.

    Before adding any product to your diet, you should consult a doctor. Do not forget that there is individual intolerance to certain foods. This is especially true for traditional allergens: red, orange fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts and seafood.

    To make “bulldog cheeks” go away faster, you should also adhere to nutritional standards:

    • do not increase the daily dose of calories, which is 2100 kcal for a woman. But if a woman is overweight, then the daily intake should be reduced to 1500 kcal;
    • eat small meals 5-6 times a day;
    • adhere to the saying: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” Move the intake of higher-calorie foods to the first half of the day, and have dinner 3 hours before bedtime;
    • replace fried foods with steamed or boiled foods;
    • The diet must contain the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: per 1 kg of weight, 2 g of protein, 1 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates are required.

    Physical exercises for the face to lift the cheeks at home

    Let's think about what will happen if you train your abs for several years, achieve a six-pack, and then quit? That's right, our muscles will stop pleasing us, becoming overgrown with fat folds. About the same thing happens with the face. If you do not strengthen your facial muscles, they will begin to atrophy, resulting in sagging cheeks. While our skin is still elastic, we can prevent this process and start doing massage and physical exercises without resorting to a surgical facelift. If your cheeks are already drooping, a series of exercises will help tighten your muscles and look more youthful.

    Procedure for massage:

    1. Wash your hands, clean your face.
    2. Apply a rich cream to your face to prevent severe stretching of the skin.
    3. Sit in front of a mirror to monitor the correctness of the exercises.
    4. Perform the exercises at least 15–20 times.
    5. Soothe the skin with stroking movements along the massage lines.

    You should massage your face twice a day: morning and evening.

    Exercises for chubby cheeks

    First exercise:

    1. We draw air into our mouth and hold it in this position for 5 seconds.
    2. Slowly release air through the lips, which we extend with a tube.
    3. We repeat the exercise 20 times.

      This exercise will help smooth out nasolabial folds and tighten your cheeks.

    Second exercise:

    1. We take air into our mouth and roll it from one cheek to the other 20 times.
    2. Letting out the air.
    3. We do the exercise 10 times.

      Try to puff out your cheeks more often - this will help you deal with jowls faster

    Third exercise:

    1. We stretch our lips with a tube and blow (the exercise is similar to blowing out candles).
    2. Repeat 20 times.

      This jowl exercise is also effective in combating wrinkles around the lips.

    Exercise four:

    1. Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips.
    2. Try to smile and resist with your lips.
    3. Do the exercise 20 times.

      During this exercise, try not to stretch the skin so that the effect does not turn out to be the opposite.

    Exercise 5:

    1. Close your teeth and close your mouth.
    2. Clench your teeth and hold for 10 seconds.
    3. Repeat 20 times.

    Exercise 6:

    1. Keep your mouth closed.
    2. We smile as widely as possible.
    3. We stay in this position for 5 seconds.
    4. We return to the starting position.
    5. We do the exercise 20 times.

      If you do this exercise every day, your cheekbones will be the envy of Hollywood beauties.

    Exercises for the oval face from sagging cheeks

    To remove bulldog cheeks, you should train not only the muscles of the cheeks and around the mouth, but also pay attention to the neck and chin, since these muscles, like a frame, support the entire face.

    First exercise:

    1. Raise your head up, opening your mouth as much as possible.
    2. Counting to 20, close your mouth.
    3. We return to the starting position.
    4. Repeat 20 times.

      When performing this exercise, try not to throw your head back too much to prevent dizziness.

    Second exercise:

    1. Turn your head to the right as much as possible.
    2. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
    3. Return to starting position.
    4. Turn your head to the left in the same way.
    5. Perform 20 times.

      Turning the head will help tighten the oval of the face

    Third exercise:

    1. The starting position is the same as the previous one, only when turning the head, the lower jaw should be pulled forward.
    2. Hold for a count of 10.
    3. Return to starting position.
    4. Do 20 times.

      For the greatest effect, the jaw should be protruded forward as much as possible.

    Fourth exercise:

    1. Stick your tongue down as much as possible, while your face should remain motionless.
    2. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
    3. Return your tongue to your mouth.
    4. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

      This is the most effective exercise for maintaining neck muscle tone.

    Fifth exercise:

    1. Place two fists under your chin.
    2. Press down on your chin and lower your jaw.
    3. Try to resist the pressure of your fists.
    4. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.
    5. Repeat 5 times.

      This exercise will help remove a double chin and strengthen your neck muscles.

    I am 38 years old, but according to my friends, I look 5 years younger. Fortunately, I don’t know what shavings are. I only experienced chubby cheeks during pregnancy, when I gained 20 kg. Then I gradually lost weight, but it didn’t affect my skin at all. I have been “friends” with sports for a long time; I take a contrast shower every day. Another very good product for maintaining skin elasticity is stored in my refrigerator. I make ice cubes from sage and mint infusions and every morning after cleansing my skin, I first wipe my face with ice, and then turn on hot water and wash my face. It turns out to be a kind of contrast shower for the face. I finish the procedure with ice so that all the beneficial substances that were in the broth are absorbed into the skin. After that, I don’t dry myself with a towel, but apply cream to damp skin and rub it along the massage lines for about 5 minutes. When I was 25 years old, I mastered facial exercises. I started with three times a week and worked my way up to daily workouts.

    Of course, there are situations when mother laziness overwhelms you once again and you begin to come up with excuses for “doing nothing.” But if you don’t exercise for a long time, your figure stops making you happy. It's the same with the face. Whenever you give in, wrinkles appear, the skin on your cheeks loses its elasticity, and “age lines” appear on your neck. If you want to find an incentive to workout, hang a photo of you not in the best shape on the refrigerator or in the bathroom. Believe me, it works like a charm! Girls, it’s better to start exercising while signs of aging and sagging may still appear. After all, as they say, “a disease is easier to prevent than to treat.”

    I studied this topic a year ago, and the results I achieved satisfy me. I did exercises and facial massage. If you want a perfect contour before you turn 50, train your neck and do exercises to stick out your tongue. The massage helped me a lot.


    Inhale deeply, arms wider!

    Many people, having decided to remove excess volume, begin to look for exercises for losing weight on the cheeks of the face - and they do find them, although such exercises do not exist.

    Fat really burns in the “furnace” of our muscles. But the largest muscles on the body are the leg muscles and back muscles. Tensing your facial muscles will only burn a couple of calories, while tensing your legs and back will burn several hundred. Therefore, the same general exercises that help to lose weight in general are effective against the cheeks.

    Supplement a healthy diet with physical activity. The recipe is simple: when a person consumes more calories than he expends, he gains weight; when the same amount, his weight remains the same; when less, he loses weight. There is no other way to lose weight and cannot be.

    Expert comment:

    “By the way, while losing weight, you will still need exercises for your cheeks. But not really for weight loss. Their job is to strengthen your muscles and prevent your skin from sagging after you lose weight. Everything is suitable for this purpose: you can puff out and retract your cheeks, do self-massage, and also smile! Smiling is an excellent exercise, as it engages the muscles of the cheeks, and it is also an amazingly effective remedy for fatigue, blues and stress.”

    Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

    To consolidate the effect, freeze herbal infusions in ice trays and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning and evening after washing. Herbs for infusion - chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, celandine, sage, yarrow, linden blossom. The infusion is made simply: a tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for about half an hour, and filtered.

    This phyto-hardening makes the skin fresher and tightens the muscles.

    Pharmacy products to combat jowls

    If you look at a pharmacy or store, you can find certain products to combat skin aging, but their prices will be very high. Among the many medications, one can highlight ointments and gels, the labels of which will say a completely different pharmacological effect than rejuvenation or maintaining skin elasticity, but such products can easily cope with age-related changes, and any woman can afford them.

    Table: medications against sagging cheeks

    Shark oil
    • vitamin A restores skin cells;
    • vitamin E - vitamin of youth;
    • Vitamin D moisturizes and increases skin elasticity.
    200–250 rubles per 75 ml
    • onion extract has an anti-edematous and regenerating effect;
    • allantoin saturates cells with oxygen and stimulates blood circulation;
    • heparin retains moisture in cells.
    600 rubles for 20 g
    • nourishes the skin;
    • vitamin B5 eliminates dryness of the epidermis;
    • improves metabolic processes.
    280 rubles for 35 g
    • vitamin B starts metabolic processes, restores the structure and production of collagen;
    • Lanolin is responsible for skin elasticity and hydration.
    400 rubles for 30 g
    Retinoic ointment
    • has powerful regenerating and restorative properties;
    • Vitamin A penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and moisturizes it;
    • activates the production of your own collagen.
    260 rubles for 10 g
    • renews skin cells;
    • stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
    • moisturizes the upper layer of the epidermis.
    20 rubles for 25 g
    Balm “Golden Star”
    • has a tightening effect;
    • provides a rush of blood, and accordingly, saturation of the skin with oxygen and nutrients;
    • removes swelling.
    85 rubles for 4 g

    Photo: ointments and gels for aging and aging skin

    Thanks to the intracellular effects of the Shark Oil cream, the skin is completely restored and regenerated

    Despite its specificity as a healing drug, Bepanten will be a worthy replacement for the usual cosmetic nourishing and moisturizing products

    Each component of Contractubex is selected to stimulate the creation of collagen, which is often lacking in aging facial skin.

    Methyluracil is a powerful immunomodulator, and its anti-aging effect on the skin was discovered a little later

    Panthenol is a medicine that helps restore damaged skin, moisturizes it, and also affects regeneration processes

    More than one generation of women has been using Retinoic ointment for the purpose of rejuvenation, since its unique properties allow it to slow down the process of skin aging

    Golden Star Balm not only treats mosquito bites and sprains, but also provides an obvious facial skin tightening effect

    Cosmetics: how to remove cheeks and make beautiful cheekbones

    In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, special cosmetics that are aimed at combating jowls can come to the aid of a woman. Before you go to a specialized store or pharmacy to make a purchase, you should know what should be included in a good face cream for it to have a tightening effect:

    • vitamins;
    • hyaluronic acid;
    • collagen;
    • elastin;
    • Coenzyme Q10;
    • extracts of medicinal plants.

    You should buy such creams only when visible changes begin. Until this time, it is better not to use cosmetics with a lifting effect, as the skin will simply stop “working” and the aging process will occur much faster.

    Table: creams with lifting effect

    L'Oreal Revitalift
    • collagen, hyaluronic acid, avocado serum have an anti-aging effect and activate cell renewal;
    • shea butter, almond milk, juniper juice prevent skin dehydration;
    • Vitamin A stimulates cell growth.
    800 rubles for 50 ml
    BioLogis Solutions Maxi Lift Serum
    • collagen regenerates the skin and tightens it;
    • clay smoothes the skin;
    • sodium hyaluronate moisturizes and makes the skin smoother;
    • urea retains moisture and conducts other active substances.
    1000 rubles for 15 ml
    Kora Lifting
    • phytoproteins and amino acids make facial contours clearer;
    • verbena peptides stimulate the synthesis of their own proteins;
    • extracts of dandelion, almond, horsetail and shea butter moisturize and nourish;
    • Marine collagen inhibits age-related changes.
    580 rubles for 50 ml
    Margarita Biarritz cream Creme de jour effet liftant
    • New Zealand fern extract creates a lifting effect;
    • sea ​​fennel extract tones the skin and instantly revitalizes it;
    • magnesium saturates with moisture and maintains optimal hydration balance;
    • shea butter protects against aggressive environmental factors.
    4500 rubles for 50 ml
    Givenchy face cream Le Soin Noir
    • black algae extract restores connections between cells and improves skin condition;
    • corn and oat extracts moisturize, nourish and increase elasticity;
    • peptides strengthen the protective functions of the skin.
    18,500 rubles for 50 ml
    Cream Nivea Q10 Plus
    • coenzyme Q10 fights free radicals and participates in cell regeneration;
    • creatine helps restore the correct balance of the dermis and restore youthful skin;
    • sulfur rejuvenates cells.
    450 rubles for 50 ml

    Photo: cosmetic products for eliminating jowls

    The main feature of L'Oreal Revitalift is its special regenerating skin care, and it also takes care of the facial contour

    With the help of the Maxilift lifting serum, in just 2 minutes you can perform a safe face lift and instantly improve your oval

    Kora Lifting cream is one of the innovative developments and allows you to get rid of sagging cheeks without surgery

    Margarita Biarritz cream-gel perfectly tightens, moisturizes, strengthens the protective skin barrier, and slows down skin aging

    The main value of Le Soin Noir lies in its unique ingredient - black algae extract, which has phenomenal restorative ability.

    Nivea Moisturizing Cream contains CoQ10 and Keratin to help skin look younger.

    I already have a lot of experience using Maxilift. A year and a half ago I ordered this serum for the first time and since then I simply cannot imagine my life without it. It acts so quickly and is absorbed instantly, so you can even use it in the toilet before an event. You don't even need makeup, your face is so transformed. The only pity is that the effect of the cream is designed for only 8–10 hours. I’ve been using it for a long time, so I confidently recommend it to everyone. You won't regret the purchase, that's for sure.


    Cora is the cosmetics you can trust with your face! And if you are sensible and do not expect results in three days, then the effect will certainly come. Cosmetics are very effective! At 45, I look great and I wouldn’t trade Cora lifting for any fashionable or advertised brand, because I need results!


    Folk remedies for sagging cheeks

    If you can’t afford cosmetics or your jowls are not so pronounced, then various masks that you can prepare at home can also help.

    The masks have an excellent lifting effect, which helps tighten the cheeks and reduce their volume.

    To perform a tightening mask correctly and effectively, you should follow several rules:

    1. The facial skin should be cleansed.
    2. Perform scrubbing to exfoliate dead skin particles and better absorb the active components of the mask.
    3. First you need to do a test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the bend of the elbow and check the reaction. If after 10–15 minutes there is no redness, itching or rash on the skin, you can safely apply the mask to your face.
    4. Do not apply the mixture to the areas around the eyes and lips.
    5. You can wash off the mask using a contrast shower, and then wipe your skin with an ice cube made from sage or chamomile infusion.
    6. Apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin, and remove the residue with a damp cloth after 20 minutes.
    7. Masks should be done 2-3 times a week.

    Egg and cottage cheese mask

    Egg white perfectly tightens the skin, olive oil restores the oval of the face, cottage cheese moisturizes, and its vitamin C stimulates collagen production.


    • 1 egg;
    • 1 tablespoon homemade cottage cheese;
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. Beat the egg.
    2. Add cottage cheese, first mashing it with a fork.
    3. Pour in olive oil.

    Apply to face and neck for 15–20 minutes.

    Honey and lemon mask

    Honey moisturizes the skin, making it glowing and elastic, and lemon helps cell renewal.


    • 2 tablespoons honey;
    • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
    • 2 tablespoons lemon zest.

    Cooking method:

    1. Mix lemon juice and honey.
    2. Add lemon zest.
    3. Stir until smooth.

    Apply to facial skin for 15 minutes.

    Milk and sour cream mask

    This mask is a storehouse of vitamins A, E, C and group B. Milk with sour cream is good to apply to the skin in winter. This mixture fights aging, nourishes, moisturizes, and makes the skin elastic. Vitamin B3 and folic acid included in the mask supply oxygen to the cells of the dermis and participate in metabolic processes occurring in the skin.


    • 3 tablespoons sour cream;
    • 1 tablespoon milk.

    Sour cream must be mixed with milk. Apply to face, rinse after 20 minutes.

    Massage to increase the effectiveness of masks

    To enhance the effect of the mask, you can perform a facial massage. Massage with fingers soaked in olive, almond or peach oil to prevent stretching of the skin.

    Exercise one:

    1. Place one hand under the cheek and hold the skin on the right with your fingers.
    2. Bend the fingers of your other hand as if you were holding a razor.
    3. Make movements similar to shaving.
    4. Do the exercise 20 times.
    5. Move to the left side.

      The massage technique is approximately the same as how men shave

    Exercise two. Use the back of your hand to slap your cheeks for 1-2 minutes. Patting can also be done using a terry towel soaked in green tea or a decoction of mint, sage or chamomile.

    Exercise three. Place the index fingers of both hands under the chin and move your fingers along the massage lines for 1–2 minutes.

    By performing massage along massage lines, you can not only tighten the oval of the face and make the contour more expressive and beautiful, but also improve skin color

    Zygomatic zone massage

    To make your cheekbones stand out as brightly as possible, gymnastics should be supplemented with a special massage. This is a simple technique for developing muscles in a static manner.

    Cheek massage

    How to massage your cheekbones step by step:

    • First, the skin is warmed up with soft circular movements. Using your fingertips, rub the muscles from the chin to the forehead. Manipulations must be carried out continuously, along a circular path.
    • Afterwards, three fingers on each side are placed on the nasolabial fold. Using your fingers, the skin is stretched from the nose to the temporal area. Repeat this 10 times.
    • Now the ends of the fingers are placed under the cheekbones and the muscles, as in the previous exercises, are stretched towards the temples. It is best to act with wide, sweeping movements, but slowly.
    • For the last stage you will need special vacuum jars for massage. They will help you very quickly make your cheekbones beautiful and your cheeks neat and toned. Pull your cheeks in and visually mark where the indentation occurs. Place the jar on this area. You need to hold the device for up to 2 minutes, then slightly move the vacuum along the cheekbone line higher.

    To make the massage more convenient, we recommend using special oil-based cosmetics.

    Cosmetic procedures and surgical techniques

    Masks, massage and exercise will help if sagging skin has just begun. More effective methods are salon procedures, which are carried out in special medical institutions. Such a medical center must have a license to perform a particular operation, and the procedure must be performed by a highly qualified doctor.

    Table: the most popular cosmetic and surgical methods for combating jowls - how to remove cheeks in 1 day

    NameThe essence of the methodPrice per session
    Cosmetic procedures
    Thermolifting, radiolifting or RF liftingThe device emits infrared rays and radio waves that penetrate deep into the skin and trigger the natural process of skin regeneration, thereby stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin.from 3000 rubles
    Lymphatic drainage massageA special massage technique that is performed on the facial skin along the lymph flow line. This massage helps speed up the drainage of excess fluid from tissues and improve its circulation. After this procedure, swelling and swelling go away, and the oval of the face is tightened. from 2000 rubles
    Laser nanoperforationLaser microbeams penetrate deep into the skin and evaporate small areas of the epidermis. In response to microtrauma, the body starts the regeneration process. As a result, the skin is renewed, becomes more youthful and tightened. from 12,000 rubles
    Facial myostimulationThe procedure involves applying electric current pulses to the facial muscles. The current causes the muscles to relax and tense, as a result of which the subcutaneous fatty tissue on the cheeks decreases and jowls disappear. from 2000 rubles
    Bioreinforcement, or vector faceliftDuring the procedure, the doctor performs a facelift using hyaluronic acid and biothreads. They are injected into the deep layers of the skin and create a supporting frame, form the correct oval of the face, and also increase the production of collagen and estrogen. from 20,000 rubles
    Surgical methods
    Endoscopic liftThis is a surgical intervention where the doctor pierces the skin in several places, inserts an endoscope under it and stretches the muscles and skin. This lift removes nasolabial folds, makes cheekbones more expressive and outlines the oval of the face. from 150,000 rubles
    Removing Bisha's lumpsBisha's lumps are fatty deposits that are located on the cheeks. With this operation, fatty lumps are partially removed and cheekbones are formed. from 40,000 rubles
    SMAS liftingAn operation aimed at a circular facelift. This procedure is carried out deeper than a regular lifting, and helps to remove not only jowls, but also age-related changes. from 60,000 rubles

    Photo: women’s faces before and after procedures to get rid of sagging cheeks

    Thermolifting is heating the skin aimed at activating regeneration processes

    The essence of lymphatic drainage massage is to free tissues from waste and toxins.

    The essence of laser nanoperforation is that during the procedure the skin is exposed to a narrowly directed beam of laser radiation, which models the skin of the face

    Myostimulation is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at correcting the condition of the skin and shaping the correct oval of the face.

    The endoscopic procedure tightens not only the skin, but also the facial muscles

    Bioreinforcement involves the formation of a strong frame for the “structure” of the face, that is, strengthening of tissues

    Removing Bisha's lumps allows you to get rid of excessive roundness of the cheeks and give the oval of the face, especially its lower parts, more expressive and refined outlines

    SMAS lifting returns the former oval of the face without obtaining the effect of stretched skin, while the shape of the eyes and the line of the mouth remain the same

    How to fix the situation with specialists

    When an unpleasant defect becomes noticeable, you can conduct a simple experiment that will show whether it is worth taking further steps to rejuvenate. To do this, you need to put your fingers on your temples and slightly pull the dermis upward. If your jowls have tightened and your oval has become much clearer, it’s time to turn to professional cosmetology.


    The lymphatic drainage option can be called the most effective, but it is suitable only for those whose ptosis has just begun to appear. You will have to find an experienced specialist who knows exactly where to press, where to pull, and in which places it is better to stroke lightly. If you methodically perform incorrect movements over a long period of time, you can do more harm than good.

    Plastic surgery

    An operation is a radical procedure that will definitely help get rid of the problem, at least for a certain period of time. It is performed only in specialized clinics under general anesthesia. The doctor makes micro-punctures and removes all excess lipid layer, causing the skin to tighten. In essence, this operation is similar to liposuction, only on the face.

    A worthy alternative is thread lifting or reinforcement. With the help of special mesothreads, a more integral, youthful frame is formed when the muscles, due to natural changes, no longer perform their function one hundred percent. You can notice improvements immediately, and the threads last up to 2-4 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

    After the procedure, the patient usually requires long-term rehabilitation, at least two or three weeks. There are many different contraindications to plastic surgery. This drastic intervention is recommended only in the most extreme cases, when other means no longer work.

    Injection techniques

    Beauty injections, as they are popularly called, are quite popular among women and men who want to tighten their jowls. There are two main options:

    • Mesotherapy. It involves injecting the area with various vitamin “cocktails” containing hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and other useful components. Approximately 20-30 punctures are performed during one procedure. They are quite painful, and in some cases they have contraindications or require a long recovery time.
    • Botox. This is the injection of an organic substance called botulinum toxin. It locks muscles, smoothes and tightens the skin, and the effect can be seen within a few days if done correctly. However, the composition is a potent neutroxin. If used incorrectly, the procedure can lead to serious consequences. You need to choose a clinic and a doctor very carefully - read reviews and consult with specialists.

    Hardware Technicians

    Why the cheek can droop and why it sag is already completely clear. Let's look at a few more very effective ways to help relieve such symptoms. Cosmetology offers many different options:

    • laser lifts;
    • radio wave (RF) lifting;
    • ultrasonic SMAS;
    • phototherapy;
    • vacuum endodermal massage;
    • ELOS technology;
    • bioelectrical tissue stimulation.

    They are recommended for moderate or mild age-related changes. They are selected by a competent professional, taking into account personal characteristics and indications. Before going to a cosmetologist, it won’t hurt to consult your doctor, do tests and take tests to identify contraindications.


    I also had a problem with sagging cheeks. I had my face and cheekbones lifted with hyaluronic acid, my cheeks are now amazing and the lines of my face are very beautiful. I am very pleased and recommend it to everyone, girls.


    My cheeks began to sag, the contour of my face “swollen.” I did bio-reinforcement, the contour tightened, the facial features became more clearly defined. Get ready that in the first days your face will not look its best, you will need to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest, I didn’t go to work for a week, I took a day off. But when the swelling went down, I was simply delighted, the effect of a tightening, only without surgery.


    And because of hard work, my face began to swell, my skin looked gray, and jowls appeared. I took a course of myostimulation at the clinic, and at the same time they did nourishing masks. The effect of the course of procedures: the face became fresher, tightened, the complexion evened out, and swelling went away. I'm happy as an elephant.


    Is it possible to get rid of it?

    It is necessary to get rid of what interferes. Especially when it comes to the face. The deposition of fat in noticeable areas interferes with our perception of ourselves, causes difficulties in communication, and spoils self-esteem. Excess weight on the face is a real problem. It often happens that a woman goes to an aesthetic cosmetology clinic, wanting to correct only her face. Modern techniques can quickly and effectively help solve this problem. Your face will become clearer, your cheekbones will stand out, you won’t have to hide your fat chin and be ashamed of your jowls.

    How to tighten your cheeks with makeup

    All famous people resort to make-up modeling. Over time, the oval of the face becomes imperfect, bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks appear. Of course, it is impossible to tighten your skin with cosmetics, but you can visually make your face look fresher and younger. Here are some tips for the makeover.

    Shifting the focus to the eyes

    To hide jowls under makeup, you should remove the emphasis from your cheeks and move it to your eyes:

    1. Apply dark eyeliner to your eyelids. It is better if it is brown.
    2. Apply several layers of mascara to your eyelashes.

    Darkening the lower part of the face

    Dark shades visually reduce the areas of skin to which they are applied, while light shades make them larger:

    1. Apply bronzer to your jaw, chin and neck. Blend well.
    2. Apply highlighter to your cheekbones parallel to your brow line. Choose a product that is 1-2 shades lighter than your skin tone.

    Choose a neutral shade of lipstick

    Apply pink, caramel or coral lipstick or gloss to your lips. No bright colors!

    “At 20, a woman looks the way God created her, at 35 the way she wants, and at 50 the way she deserves.” This famous phrase was said by Coco Chanel when she was already well over 50, but even at that age she could not be given more than 40. Every woman dreams of looking good, no matter how old she is. But just wanting is not enough! You need to work on your appearance so that at 45 you don’t sit with a sour face in front of the mirror. Are you off to study?

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