Lipolytic “Mesosculpt C71” – removal of local fat deposits without surgery

Many people have heard about what biological agents are, their features and advantages. But specialized niche products of this group, intended for specific areas of the face, appeared relatively recently and raise many natural questions.

Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye) is an injection drug for the eyelids and area around the eyes. Its active components are focused primarily on strengthening blood vessels and normalizing metabolism, and also contribute to hydration and overall improvement of skin quality. Who is this cosmetic novelty for? At what age is it advisable to use it and is it worth the money? What are the contraindications and side effects? analyzes in detail all available information:

What is MesoSculpt C71

Lipolytic "Mesosculpt" was created specifically to solve known aesthetic problems that arise after 30-35 years - the facial contour begins to “float”, accumulated fat deposits change the oval, moving down and forming jowls, sagging cheeks, a double chin and nasolabial folds.

Previously, to correct such defects it was necessary to resort to surgical interventions, but the injectable drug MesoSculpt C71 allows you to solve these problems in the cosmetologist's office.

  • There is no need to prepare and recover after sessions for a long time.
  • Forget about a scalpel, this is a completely safe injection procedure.

MesoSculpt C71 is a complex liporeducing drug that has a fundamentally different mechanism compared to classical lipolytics. “Mesosculpt” does not destroy fat cells, but degenerates them, transforming them into a state of beige fat. Cells shrink and become energetically capacious. The volume of facial fat is noticeably reduced, while the skin is tightened.

Who is suitable for facial sculpting with Mesosculpt?

Lipolytic injections are an integral part of anti-aging therapy after 35 years. In the presence of aesthetic facial defects, Mesosculpt is approved for use in men and women aged 25-35 years.

The course of injections allows:

  • reduce the volume of the cheeks;
  • eliminate paint bags;
  • emphasize the line of the lower jaw;
  • smooth out nasolabial folds;
  • adjust the contours of the neck.

Therapy is prescribed after a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist.

Benefits of MesoSculpt C71

  • Efficiency - lipolytic corrects facial contours, providing maximum aesthetic and lipomodeling effect without lifting and surgical liposuction.
  • Versatility – “Mesosculpt” is used to eliminate major aesthetic imperfections – jowls, double chin, paint bags, etc.
  • Painless - administered with several injections, without causing pain.
  • A reliable manufacturer - lipolytic developed by ABG LAB LLC (USA), one of the world's leading brands of cosmetics.
  • Does not require long-term rehabilitation - after the procedure, slight redness and swelling are possible (a natural reaction to a skin puncture), which disappear in 1-3 days.

Do you need fat to be beautiful?

Modern girls are accustomed to considering fat almost the main enemy of beauty, although this is not entirely true. Firstly, fats vary in quality. Secondly, there are many popular sayings that men do not like bony, dried out girls. Instead of torturing yourself during workouts, think about the fact that having a small percentage of fat - from 15 to 20% of your total body weight - makes a girl curvy and attractive. The face is no exception.

If there is no fat in the epidermal tissues, then such a face will appear five to ten years older. It turns out that fat is needed in the tissue, but of a special nature.

Mechanism of action and differences from conventional lipolytics

Classic lipolytics have two properties - they break the membrane of the fat cell and remove its contents from the body. MesoSculpt C71 contains a peptide that does not destroy adipocytes, but changes their biological structure. “Mesosculpt” transforms cells and reduces the body’s ability to accumulate fat deposits, correcting the contours of the problem area.

The result achieved with MesoSculpt C71 is more similar to natural weight loss ; injections of the drug accelerate metabolism, improve microcirculation and provide lymphatic drainage.

Main active components

LipoBlock XP2 is a patented component that increases mitochondrial activity and rebuilds the biological activity of fat cells. Reduces the ability of adipocytes to divide, due to this the volume of fat deposits does not increase, which maintains the achieved lipolytic effect.

Hexapeptide 17 is a complex of peptides that activates lymph and blood circulation. Normalizes metabolism and significantly reduces the permeability of vascular walls, preventing the removal of moisture into the tissue. In practice, the effect of the complex is manifested in the elimination of edema and the formation of a clear oval face.

DRMC complex – strengthens and tightens the skin. The complex includes 50 components; hyaluronic acid is used as the base. Substances included in DRMC activate the processes of rejuvenation and cellular regeneration, improve the structural and functional condition of the skin.

What should a face look like after thirty?

Nature arranges it in such a way that up to a certain age you can torture yourself with diets, gain weight and lose weight again, and all this without noticeable harm to your appearance. In youth, metabolism is very fast, the skin easily tightens after stretching, without the formation of unaesthetic stretch marks, but under the influence of time, natural mechanisms slow down. This is due to the fact that nature dictates that a woman’s childbearing age ranges from 18 to 30 years. But this is not a reason to let nature take over your appearance. You just need to take into account that diets and exhausting workouts can have excellent results for your figure, but negative results for your face. Why is that?

What problems does Mesosculpt C71 solve?

  • Eliminates voluminous cheeks and removes fat from the chin.
  • Improves the shape, volume and relief of the face.
  • Eliminates stagnation of intercellular fluid.
  • Tightening effect – reduces the skin flap in the treatment area.
  • Smoothes out folds in the nasolabial triangle area.
  • Eliminates bags on the cheekbones and bags under the eyes.
  • Makes the contours of the neck smoother and clearer.

The procedures are aimed at patients aged 30-35 years and older. But if the face requires correction at a younger age, nothing prevents you from taking several courses, acquiring beautiful contours and ovals.

When does the effect occur, how long does it last?

The result appears gradually as the components have a deep effect. The final effect is assessed 2-3 weeks after the course.

The achieved remodeling result lasts about 2-3 years, then it is recommended to repeat the course.

Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

Bioreparation using Mesoai is not carried out in the following cases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug, local anesthesia and antiseptics;
  • violation of blood clotting processes;
  • age under 18 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

The main side effects are related to the area where the drug is administered: when making injections around the eyes, it is easy to injure numerous vessels, which will lead to the appearance of bruises, small, but sometimes quite numerous. In addition, the inevitable swelling after injections persists in the eyelid area longer than in other areas of the face - up to 5-7 days.

How much does it cost? Prices for procedures with MesoSculpt C71 in Moscow

To get maximum effect, you need to complete the full course.

Clinic "El.En." offers you a unique opportunity to save by reducing the cost of sessions depending on their number:

  • Package of 3 procedures – 42,000 rubles. instead of 45,000.
  • Package of 5 procedures – 65,000 rubles. instead of 75,000.

The drug is more expensive than conventional lipolytics, but practice and expert opinions show that this price is justified. Many experts call Mesosculpt C71 a revolutionary development that allows one to obtain excellent results equal to the effect of surgery.

In addition, by undergoing injection procedures in our clinic, you save money - since the price decreases as the duration of the course increases. Sign up for sessions with MesoSculpt C71 in Moscow to evaluate the effect of the unique lipolytic as soon as possible.

Which is more beautiful - a thin face or a childishly plump face?

Makeup trends perfectly reflect what is considered beautiful in society. Fashionable in makeup, sculpting, brightly drawn and sharp lines of the face are beginning to emerge from the trend of recent years. Such hand-drawn graphic faces can be “created” by young girls, but after twenty, harsh makeup is not recommended by cosmetologists, especially if such makeup is used for older people. And vice versa, apple-shaped cheeks and slightly plump lips will show youth, even if the owner of such appearance is well over thirty. Alas, the features of such a person are given from birth and are genetically determined, such as, for example, large breasts or butt. But modern cosmetology makes it possible to make your face beautiful and youthful, regardless of the fact that you won the genetic lottery.

One of the achievements of modern cosmetology is the drug “Mesosculpt S 71”. Reviews from cosmetologists about this product are positive, because the mechanism of its operation is clear, logical and absolutely harmless, which is important for any patient.

Trust the professionals, come to El.En.

Injections with lipolytics are an effective way to combat fat deposits, but the result depends not only on the quality of the drug, but also on the qualifications of the cosmetologist. It is important to correctly calculate the volume and correctly determine the injection points so that the patient receives the expected and long-term result.

At the clinic "El.En." Experienced specialists with hundreds of successfully performed procedures work with you. We use only original drugs.

Do you want to turn back time and eliminate aesthetic imperfections on your face? Contact the El.En clinic, sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist, choosing a time convenient for you.

How is the procedure performed?

Injections are performed by a cosmetologist in an isolated, sterile office. The process consists of several main stages:

  • Consultation. The specialist gets to know the patient, examines the condition of the soft tissues of her face, identifies indications and possible contraindications, determines the most effective method of administering the gel, the number of sessions per course and their frequency.
  • Skin preparation. It starts with removing makeup and impurities. Next, an anesthetic drug is applied. There are a large number of nerve fibers in the eyelid area, so Mesoai injections are quite painful. Typically, to make the procedure more comfortable, a lidocaine cream is enough to apply to the target area for about 20 minutes. When the desired degree of numbness is achieved, the doctor additionally treats the skin with an antiseptic, for example, miramistin. This allows you to avoid infection and purulent-inflammatory complications after injections.
  • Carrying out injections. The drug is administered intradermally in small portions, using one of the main mesotherapy techniques. Since the target area is small, the entire process takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Upon completion, the antiseptic solution is again applied to the skin. You can then apply an ice compress to it. The cosmetologist makes sure that there are no early side effects and gives recommendations for further care of the treated area, after which the patient can go home.

The first few days you will have to follow specific rules of behavior, in particular:

  • postpone visiting the pool in order not to introduce infection into the wounds at the site of skin punctures with a needle;
  • avoid any heat exposure so as not to provoke swelling;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation to prevent pigmentation;

To obtain a pronounced lasting effect, the manufacturer recommends conducting courses of at least 3-6 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days, after which 1 maintenance procedure every six months will be sufficient. The results obtained last for up to two and a half years.

Who should not use the drug for correction?

Does Mesosculpt S 71 have any contraindications? Patient reviews indicate that there are no significant contraindications. However, it is not recommended to give injections if there is an exacerbation of the herpes virus or other inflammatory processes in the facial tissues (pimples, ulcers). There are no other contraindications. The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes, without the introduction of anesthetics, after which you can leave the cosmetologist’s office and safely go home. In the first hours after the procedure, it is recommended to treat the injection sites of the drug “Mesosculpt C 71” with “Chlorhexidine” or “Miramistin”.

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