How to remove sagging cheeks, double chin and make cheekbones: how to tighten your face if it is sagging

Why cheeks sag: what to do with sagging

You can figure this out by thoroughly finding out why such a problem arises. There are several reasons for this, which we propose to consider in more detail.

Incorrect regimen and excess weight

Bad habits, such as cigarettes or alcoholic drinks, cause the body to age much faster, affecting blood vessels, internal organs, and all life support structures. Therefore, the chances of smokers seeing jowls in the mirror are much more real than those who lead a healthy lifestyle, are constantly on the move, and are often in the fresh air.

The second issue is nutrition. The abundance of fatty, sweet, spicy, fried and smoked foods has never benefited anyone. Excess body weight appears, and excess fat is deposited not only on the sides and abdomen, but also on the face, causing the thin epidermis to sag. It is worth eating more vegetables and fruits, giving preference to dishes rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Habit of clenching teeth

Contrary to misconceptions, this option is also quite possible. The masticatory muscle, which spasms and is greatly shortened, becomes overstrained, becomes hypertonic, and creates a distortion. The resulting excess tissues drop, and the person wonders why the cheeks sag and sag, and what to do about it. It is advisable to control yourself and give up constantly clenching your teeth to the point of pain.

Age, gravity and hormonal imbalances

Gravitational ptosis is a sagging of the dermis under the influence of natural causes, gravity. On the face there are so-called Bisha lumps, which are accumulations of lipid tissue of the face. Over the years, the integument becomes less and less elastic, becomes thinner, and is less supported by collagen fibers and elastin. Under the pressure of fat, they fall lower and lower, forming folds.

Sometimes the processes described above can be caused by a lack or excess of any hormones in the body. They also aggravate dehydration and sagging, which can lead to the development of a defect. Therefore, it is worth using active cosmetics. One of the effective options is the placental mask from PlaReceta, suitable for intensive rejuvenation and deep restoration of the dermis.

We recommend

GHC Placental Cosmetic - 3-D modeling mask with placenta hydrolyzate

Bb Laboratories – Regenerating placental-hyaluronic mask

PlaReceta - Placental mask for intensive rejuvenation

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Dentistry and spinal curvature

Often, unhealthy teeth, as well as problems with gums, can contribute to the development of an inflammatory process within the soft tissues. As a result, the latter become deformed, creating irregular or unclear lines of the chin and oval as a whole. This is also possible with improperly performed prosthetics.

Many people don’t even realize that posture can cause early wrinkles, as well as such an unpleasant defect as jowls. When stooping, the geometry of the body is disrupted, the muscles tense unevenly, some stretch excessively, while others contract and spasm. In the process, they become increasingly overgrown with a lipid layer, which is why unpleasant double chins and sagging are formed.

What are jowls, why do they appear in men and women?

What are shavings?

  • The concept of “jowls” came to us from dog handlers. In dogs, this word was used to describe a drooping lower lip.
  • Today, “jowls” refer to sagging skin on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin.
  • The main reason for the formation of jowls is age-related changes in women and men. During the aging process, the human body begins to synthesize worse collagen and elastane, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. Their deficiency is precisely what leads to fading and sagging of the skin on the face.
  • Age-related changes also provoke weakening of the facial muscles, which cease to cope with their main function - supporting the skin and subcutaneous fat on the cheeks.
  • Also, hormonal and age-related changes affect the sculpture of the face - over time, all the cheekbones and sharp corners of the face seem to be rounded, which leads to the skin sliding along the rounded reliefs and its sagging
  • During the aging process, the concentration of melanin pigment in the body, which can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, decreases. Sun exposure further stimulates skin aging

Where do jowls come from?
However, age is not the only reason for the appearance of jowls. The second enemy of smooth and toned facial skin is obesity. In women and men of normal weight, jowls appear much later than in overweight people. Even in their youth, young girls and boys suffering from obesity may develop jowls. Such guys, as a rule, look older than their peers and have a lot of complexes because of this.

In addition to the reasons listed above for the occurrence of jowls, factors influencing their occurrence also include:

  • individual features of facial structure
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs)
  • experiences and stress
  • incorrect facial expressions
  • climatic conditions (frost, wind, sun)
  • poor nutrition
  • influence of medications
  • endocrine diseases
  • sudden weight loss
  • underdeveloped chin
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy

How to tighten sagging cheeks, facial contours and increase cheekbones at home

Only after understanding the reasons can you move on to the fight. If the main problem is excess body weight, then you will have to get rid of it first. Otherwise, no correction methods will help, because the root cause remains unchanged. You will have to firmly pull yourself together, do physical exercise, reconsider your diet, after which you can try to work on your face at home.


This method is considered very controversial in the scientific world. It involves gluing special kinesio tapes, that is, elastic patches, onto the surface. Adherents of the system believe that under the influence of the tapes, lymph outflow and blood circulation improve, therefore, metabolism in the deep layers of the epidermis is accelerated, the skin is supplied with oxygen, moisture and other necessary substances. After completing the course, the oval of the face should noticeably tighten and the surface should become more elastic.

However, in reality there are many different contraindications to taping. For example, the presence of skin diseases and inflammatory processes, mechanical damage, rashes, irritations. The effectiveness of the method is also very controversial, and sessions should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an experienced consultant.

Cosmetics to improve skin tone and lifting effect

The modern cosmetics industry offers a colossal amount of a wide variety of products that help if “bulldog cheeks” are drooping on the face, which we are finding out how to remove. To ensure renewal at the cellular level, you need to use a high-quality and natural modeling 3-D mask with placenta hydrolyzate GHC Placental 3D Mask, which also contains coenzyme Q10 (it creates antioxidant protection for cells).

How to remove sagging cheeks after 50 years?

How to remove sagging cheeks after fifty years?
In addition to all of the above methods for eliminating jowls, modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offers a whole range of manipulations to get rid of sagging cheeks:

  1. Circular or local facelift
  2. The introduction of a chin implant is a procedure for correcting and enlarging the chin, allowing you to smooth out the skin and tighten the jowls
  3. Removal of Bisha's lumps is an operation performed at a young age, aimed at partial excision of fatty lumps on the cheeks. This creates an oval face, prominent cheekbones and prevents the appearance of jowls.
  4. Thermolifting is a non-surgical manipulation based on stimulating skin regeneration using thermal effects on it.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage is a salon manual or hardware manipulation based on massage
  6. Facial myostimulation is a procedure performed using electrical impulses sent into the skin

How to fix the situation with specialists

When an unpleasant defect becomes noticeable, you can conduct a simple experiment that will show whether it is worth taking further steps to rejuvenate. To do this, you need to put your fingers on your temples and slightly pull the dermis upward. If your jowls have tightened and your oval has become much clearer, it’s time to turn to professional cosmetology.


The lymphatic drainage option can be called the most effective, but it is suitable only for those whose ptosis has just begun to appear. You will have to find an experienced specialist who knows exactly where to press, where to pull, and in which places it is better to stroke lightly. If you methodically perform incorrect movements over a long period of time, you can do more harm than good.

Plastic surgery

An operation is a radical procedure that will definitely help get rid of the problem, at least for a certain period of time. It is performed only in specialized clinics under general anesthesia. The doctor makes micro-punctures and removes all excess lipid layer, causing the skin to tighten. In essence, this operation is similar to liposuction, only on the face.

A worthy alternative is thread lifting or reinforcement. With the help of special mesothreads, a more integral, youthful frame is formed when the muscles, due to natural changes, no longer perform their function one hundred percent. You can notice improvements immediately, and the threads last up to 2-4 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

After the procedure, the patient usually requires long-term rehabilitation, at least two or three weeks. There are many different contraindications to plastic surgery. This drastic intervention is recommended only in the most extreme cases, when other means no longer work.

Injection techniques

Beauty injections, as they are popularly called, are quite popular among women and men who want to tighten their jowls. There are two main options:

  • Mesotherapy. It involves injecting the area with various vitamin “cocktails” containing hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and other useful components. Approximately 20-30 punctures are performed during one procedure. They are quite painful, and in some cases they have contraindications or require a long recovery time.
  • Botox. This is the injection of an organic substance called botulinum toxin. It locks muscles, smoothes and tightens the skin, and the effect can be seen within a few days if done correctly. However, the composition is a potent neutroxin. If used incorrectly, the procedure can lead to serious consequences. You need to choose a clinic and a doctor very carefully - read reviews and consult with specialists.

Hardware Technicians

Why the cheek can droop and why it sag is already completely clear. Let's look at a few more very effective ways to help relieve such symptoms. Cosmetology offers many different options:

  • laser lifts;
  • radio wave (RF) lifting;
  • ultrasonic SMAS;
  • phototherapy;
  • vacuum endodermal massage;
  • ELOS technology;
  • bioelectrical tissue stimulation.

They are recommended for moderate or mild age-related changes. They are selected by a competent professional, taking into account personal characteristics and indications. Before going to a cosmetologist, it won’t hurt to consult your doctor, do tests and take tests to identify contraindications.

Surgical methods of correction

The best answer to the question of how to correct large cheeks and the situation where one cheek is larger than the other is plastic surgery. The operation in this case is called chicklifting. Specialists at the SM-Plastic clinic perform it in two ways: traditional and minimally invasive.

The first, traditional option involves access to the soft tissues of the cheek through conventional surgical incisions in the lower eyelid area. Today, 90% of such operations in our medical center are performed using minimally invasive techniques. In this case, all manipulations are carried out through several small punctures of the skin, which significantly shortens the postoperative period. SM-Plastic surgeons often combine surgery to lift sagging cheeks with liposuction (removal of excess fat tissue). In addition, with plastic surgery, you can simultaneously adjust their shape and size using lipofilling. This is especially true if one cheek is larger than the other and it is necessary to achieve symmetry.

The duration of such interventions ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours, and they are performed under both general and local anesthesia - it all depends on the volume of correction.

How to disguise with makeup

If you use your makeup skills correctly, you can make your face appear visually narrower, slimmer, and make your jowls appear much less noticeable. For this purpose, the area under the cheekbones and chin should be darkened, but not excessively, but only by 1-2 tones. You can use a darker foundation, special sculptors, bronzers, and even matte brown shadows that are not very rich in texture and shade.

  • With your lips closed, you need to lower your lower jaw as much as possible, and then retract your cheeks. This will allow you to find the desired part of the cheekbones, the skin on which will stretch, the main line will become noticeable.
  • From the center, directly below the line found, apply the selected product towards the temple.
  • Draw a shadow under the jawline, not bypassing the curves of the jowls, but moving the brush or sponge directly along them.
  • Carefully shade the borders.
  • Apply a shiny highlighter to the prominent parts of your cheekbones, and then powder the entire surface.

Additionally, professional makeup artists recommend focusing on eyebrows and eyes, which will distract attention from unsightly places and make the upper part of the face visually more pronounced.

The advantage of this method is that you can cope with a lack of appearance quickly and almost free of charge, because almost every girl and woman has cosmetics. However, it will not be possible to remove the cheeks this way.


As soon as the first signs of ptosis become noticeable, you must immediately take action, because preventing the problem is much easier than dealing with it later. First of all, this applies to skincare products, which will have to be selected very carefully.

All of them should be specially designed for the dermis with age-related changes; a good remedy would be the regenerating placental-hyaluronic mask Placenta & Hyalurone Mask 1 pc., which contains camellia. It moisturizes and nourishes all layers of the skin at once, smoothes out wrinkles and early creases.

It is advisable to wash your face daily in a contrasting way, that is, alternating warm and cold water. Some people recommend using ice from herbal decoctions. With this method you need to be extremely careful not to overcool the skin and not cause spasticity and inflammatory processes.

We recommend

GHC Placental 3D Mask withQ10

Serum concentrate

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Establishing nutrition

Experts advise not only to take care of your skin, but also to establish a daily routine and review your diet. It is advisable to avoid fast food, fried, smoked, excessively fatty, salty and sweet foods. If possible, you should reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates, give up sweets, baked goods, and pasta made from soft wheat varieties.

The body needs to “stimulate” the metabolism, so make sure that the diet is as balanced as possible. We must not forget about protein, which the body needs to build new cells.

Healthy lifestyle

Defects occur not only due to poor quality food or improper care. The cheeks sag due to the general poor condition of the body, which signals that there is a problem. A lot has already been said and written about spinal distortions and posture; stooping has become a real scourge for modern people.

You will have to pay attention to your lifestyle in general, increase physical activity, give preference to walks rather than lying on the couch in front of the TV or “surfing” the Internet. It is better to give up bad habits once and for all, quit smoking, and reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Gymnastics for sagging cheeks: exercises for the oval of the face from sagging jowls

These are a good choice as a preventative measure, they will help strengthen muscles, smooth the surface of the skin, make it firmer and more elastic. We must not forget that the oval begins with the neck, and that, in turn, with posture.

  • Place your palms on both sides of your face so that your fingertips touch your ears and press lightly. Smoothly open and close your mouth, increasing the amplitude each time. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Puff out your cheeks, count to five, and release air through your pursed lips. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Perform light claps on the bottom of the chin with the back of your hand from the center to the ears for 1-3 minutes.
  • Hold a pencil between your lips and use the tip to write out the alphabet from A to Z.

Such movements will only become effective if you perform them daily. When there is not enough time and energy, then just once in the morning, immediately after waking up, is enough, but it is better to repeat it in the evening before bed.

What procedures are useless for tightening facial contours?

  • Plasmolifting. With this method, one’s own plasma is injected under the skin, but plasma lifting does not give any results.
  • Biorevitalization and mesotherapy. These procedures only moisturize and smooth the skin, but do not in any way affect the shape of the face.
  • Photorejuvenation is usually used to eliminate age spots and vascular networks on the skin.

Let's sum it up

When your cheeks are drooping (sagging) and sagging, it is important to figure out what to do, how you can tighten the drooping (sagging) and remove these swollen jowls on your face. The mechanism of this phenomenon is often based on age-related changes, poor lifestyle or poor quality care. Therefore, it is worth taking care of yourself in advance - using only proven cosmetics, reviewing your diet and style, and losing excess body weight if necessary. If you pay attention to problems in time, you can maintain freshness, clear lines, and most importantly, health for many years.

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