How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes: pharmacy, folk remedies, cosmetics, cosmetology

Let's immediately highlight several problems under the eyes that are often confused: first of all, we pay attention to the fact that the nasolacrimal trough and dark circles are different problems , although very often they form together!

Essentially, dark circles (or bruises) refer to a change in the color of the skin under the eyes. However, often the reason is not skin color!

Our patients often report over the phone that they have dark circles, but in reality they have bags and puffiness under their eyes. Yes, often these problems appear at the same time, but it is important to understand the difference.

Bags under the eyes (or hernias of the lower eyelids) are formed due to the redistribution of the so-called fat packets of the orbital region with age. Remember this process, it is also responsible for the formation of circles.

There are several reasons why dark circles appear.

1) The main and most common is thinning of fat packets in the lower eyelid area. In the absence of a fat layer, blood vessels and the dark circular muscle of the eye begin to appear through the skin.

2) Acquired pigmentation of the skin around the eyes - usually this is a genetic predisposition. Melanocytes in the area under the eyes begin to intensively produce melanin and the skin darkens.

3) Anatomically deep-set eyes . In this case, there are no problems, it’s just that the anatomy of the orbital region is such that light, reflected from the skin, makes the lower eyelid area dark.

We recommend reading a separate article where we talked about all the reasons for the formation of dark circles in the lower eyelid area.

It is also important to understand the causes of the nasolacrimal trough (redistribution of fat packets and retraction of the orbital ligament) - after all, the most common type of lower eyelid problems is the combination of the appearance of the nasolacrimal trough with dark circles.

The most common examples of problems under the eyes and their correction.

Here we see a complex manifestation of both the nasolacrimal groove and dark circles under the eyes. All imperfections are eliminated using filler injections into the area under the eyes.

What does the color of the circles mean?

You can often come across statements that the color of the circles indicates one or another malfunction in the body. We officially declare to all readers have been identified between the color of formations under the eyes and diseases (organ function) !

The following can be stated more or less clearly:

  • If the circles are dark blue or have a red/blue appearance, this means that blood vessels and muscles are visible through the skin (we all remember what color raw meat is).
  • If the circles have a brown or yellow tint, this is most likely skin pigmentation.

Combinations of shades are possible in the case of a combined genesis of problems in the lower eyelid area.

How can I remove circles and how long does the effect last?

Each patient is unique - some will benefit from filler injections, others will need to undergo depigmentation. Therefore, it is very important to have a live consultation with a cosmetologist!

Methods of aesthetic cosmetology are varied and are aimed at:

  1. leveling skin texture, replenishing lost fat packets (main method)
  2. reduction of possible skin pigmentation (in case of pigmentation)
  3. increased microcirculation in the periorbital zone (general improvement of condition and prevention of circles).

⚡ I want to clean up the circles at home!

Those who know the mechanisms of formation of these formations understand that massaging thinned subcutaneous fat with spoons is stupid. As well as applying all kinds of compresses in the hope of discoloring dark circles - this color comes from either pigment or blood vessels with muscles.

The only working method is professional (!!!) patches. We talk about them in a separate article.

⚡ I want my fat back!

Is it possible to return the fat that has disappeared from under the eyes to its place?

Of course, if you start to get fat. But the problem with our body is that fat is not primarily deposited in the orbital region. Therefore, when you get the necessary fat layer to hide your dark circles, you will already have a double chin and drooping sides.

A universal solution that helps most patients.

The most common effective way to solve the problem of circles around the eyes is contouring - injections of fillers containing hyaluronic acid .

The essence of the procedure is to visually smooth out all the unevenness of the skin under the eyes; lead to saturate the tissues with the drug to compensate for the deficiency of the fat layer under the skin.

It is important how exactly the doctor performs the procedure . To ensure that after the procedure the patient does not leave with bruises from injections under the eyes, the drug should be administered with a safe cannula through the zygomatic puncture (see possible problems with incorrect injection technique, 8 photos)!

The choice of drug is also important so that you do not experience swelling several months after the procedure.

Examples of correction using fillers:

Read more about this method of correcting dark circles under the eyes in our separate article.

The cost of injection correction is from 19,000 rubles (depending on the volume and manufacturer of the drug). Typically, 1-2 ml of the drug is needed to correct circles and nasolacrimal grooves.

The procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

Anesthesia is not needed, since we work with a cannula, it does not hurt!



Typically, this problem affects those with sensitive skin who are not accustomed to using cosmetics with UV filters, as well as women who actively use products containing fruit acids in the summer, or, despite contraindications, carry out laser rejuvenation and other procedures, after which they cannot be in the open sun without special protection.

What to do

Do not use “winter” cosmetics in summer. Do not go outside without protective equipment with UV filters. By the way, you need to protect your face from the sun not only in summer, but also in winter, since the rays reflected from snow-white snowdrifts are very aggressive.

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Removing circles from pigment and brightening the skin

Traditionally, IPL photorejuvenation is used against pigmented skin. The result can be seen after the first visit, but usually 2-3 procedures are needed for complete correction. The cost of photorejuvenation of the area around the eyes is 5,000 rubles.

Also, to lighten pigment, whitening peeling , but not every composition can be used in this area - the skin around the eyes is delicate and thin.

We recommend Enerpeel EL Plus delicate peeling, created specifically for this area. Cost - from 3000 rubles (price including discount, check if it is valid at the moment).

Please note that you may need multiple photorejuvenation or peel treatments to achieve long-lasting results.

In the case of peeling, good results are achieved in combination with the Cytocare meso-cocktail (consists of hyaluronic acid and a nourishing, vitamin solution).

Mesotherapy - from 3500 rub.

Mesotherapy as a separate procedure can also help eliminate dark circles under the eyes. During mesotherapy, a mixture of drugs and vitamins is introduced, which is selected individually. The average course of mesotherapy includes 4-8 sessions , and the effect of the procedure lasts up to six months.

We select mesotherapy cocktails personally, sometimes mixing them. To rejuvenate the eyelid area, we prefer preparations with peptide and amino acid complexes; to lighten pigmented dark circles under the eyes, we prefer products based on adapted ascorbic acid.

Biorevitalization - from 7,000 rubles.

Biorevitalization involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid in its pure form into the dermis and does not directly eliminate either dark circles or the nasolacrimal groove .

We recommend biorevitalization to those whose dark circles under the eyes are just appearing or have appeared. At the initial stages of the problem, the procedure, in general, can “push back” contouring to a later date.

Usually, in addition to injection procedures, we select professional cosmetics for each patient, which can be used at home to consolidate and increase the result.

Video of the filler injection procedure.

Chronic intoxication


Nicotine constricts blood vessels, causing tissues to suffocate without oxygen and literally turn blue. Smoking also reduces the level of vitamins in the body. Just like nicotine, alcohol and other harmful substances (including helminths that poison the body) affect the skin around the eyes.

What to do

Quit smoking and do not abuse any dangerous substances. Start taking vitamins (smokers especially suffer from vitamin C deficiency). Take a stool test for intestinal parasites.

What procedures definitely won’t help?

Advertising is everything to us, but don’t rush to loud headlines!

“Laser rejuvenation” is often mentioned as a life-saving way to remove dark circles.

Laser rejuvenation cannot improve the appearance of dark circles: the skin of the lower eyelid is already very thin and delicate, “burning” it with a laser is unnecessary!

But laser exposure to tone the skin can add density and is often used in the complex elimination of problems under the eyes.

RF lifting (RF-lifting) also does not help with dark circles.

Thread lifting (thread correction) - does not remove bruises and circles under the eyes.

Serums, masks and ointments. How can these products restore lost subcutaneous fat or eliminate pigmented skin cells?

Blapharoplasty - from 65,000 rubles.

A surgical correction method that helps remove bags under the eyes, but does not save you from dark circles!

Examples of corrections in different ways

Before and after results when corrected using various methods.

Impaired lymphatic drainage


This is the most common cause of blue under the eyes. The “panda effect” can occur after a rush at work or some unpleasant event. Or maybe, on the contrary, after something very pleasant: for example, the birth of a child, who took away peace and sleep. Regular stress and lack of sleep lead to a rapid thinning of the subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue, causing blood vessels to become more visible.

What to do

Drink sedatives (valerian, motherwort). Try to go to bed earlier, drinking a glass of warm milk with honey (an excellent natural sleeping pill) at night. In the morning, wash your face with an ice cube (parsley, lemon or cucumber juice). Masks made from raw potatoes or tea bags over the eyes are useful. There is only one piece of advice for nursing mothers: use every convenient minute to sleep.

Prevention of dark circles around the eyes.

Along with the above methods, it is worth paying attention to ways to prevent the appearance of dark circles:

  • proper and balanced nutrition (reducing salt intake, increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet);
  • proper daily routine and proper sleep (walks in the fresh air, sleep for at least 8 hours, reducing time spent on the computer and other popular gadgets);
  • organizing a healthy lifestyle (quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages, minimizing stressful situations);
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • performing gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes should be given 5 minutes a day; it improves lymphatic and venous drainage. Gymnastic exercises are as follows:

  • Roll your eyes for 1 minute;
  • with your eyes closed, lift them up 8 times and then lower them down;
  • rapid blinking for 30 seconds;
  • With your eyes open, draw the letter “V” with them.

To summarize, we can conclude that cosmetics and masks, when solving the problem of bruises, provide only a temporary effect, so they are recommended to be used if the problem is caused by a temporary phenomenon - overwork, violation of the work and rest schedule, stressful situation. In all other cases, it is worth resorting to modern cosmetology methods.

An aesthetic defect in the form of bruises under the eyes is an unpleasant, but completely solvable problem.

Massage for dark circles

The main task of massage when getting rid of cyanosis of the lower eyelids is to stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph in the problem area.

The procedure is done in two ways:

  • hardware;
  • manual.

The first option involves mandatory attendance at sessions in a beauty salon, where the skin is exposed to vacuum or low-frequency electric currents. You must first consult a doctor, since the procedures have a number of contraindications.

You can entrust manual massage to a cosmetologist or do it yourself at home. The impact technique involves performing the following movements:

  • Lightly press your eyelids with your fingertips. Perform circular movements first to the right, then to the left;
  • perform light pressure with your fingertips from the temple to the bridge of the nose;
  • gently “tap” the problem area.

The massage does not take much time (five minutes is enough), but is very effective. The appearance usually improves significantly by the tenth procedure.

Some precautions need to be taken. Hands must be washed first. Treat eyelids with cosmetic oil. This will help avoid stretching the sensitive membranes under the eyes.

Allergy, atopic dermatitis


This reaction can occur to unsuitable mascara or eye shadow. It can also be a manifestation of any other allergy: food, epidermal, hay fever... Bruises can appear if you frequently rub and comb the skin around the eyes, which is typical for people suffering from atopic dermatitis.

What to do

Exchange new eye cosmetics for more familiar ones or completely stop using mascara and eye shadow. Go to an allergist and dermatologist.

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