How to remove warts with hydrogen peroxide?

Proponents of alternative treatment believe that treating papillomas with hydrogen peroxide is the most effective and efficient method of combating these benign neoplasms. In addition, the drug has proven itself well in removing warts. However, in order to get positive results from using peroxide to remove skin growths, you need to comply with several conditions and take into account that the therapy will be long and will require a lot of patience and perseverance.

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable and effective remedy for the treatment of papillomas.

General information

Chemical antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide (Hydrogen Peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) is a liquid that is colorless and has a casual, light, sour odor. It is used to disinfect wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin of various origins. It is widely used in medicine for treating skin due to its actions, which are described in the table.

pharmachologic effectDescription
DisinfectantClears damage to the epidermis thanks to a large amount of foam from oxygen bubbles
AntimicrobialHas a detrimental effect on the reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria
HemostaticStops bleeding from small wound vessels
AntisepticExhibits an oxidative reaction, under the influence of which particles of pus are broken down and polluting particles are destroyed

The action of the drug is used to remove cosmetic defects of the epidermis such as papillomas and warts. These are benign neoplasms, the size of which ranges from 10 to 20 mm, and can be localized in various parts of the body, but most often they appear on the arms, feet, face, back and neck. They are caused by human papillomavirus, which is present in 75% of the world's population, but is in an inactive state. HPV can be activated by various factors: taking medications, hypothermia or stress.

But why is it recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to remove papillomas and warts? Like any antiseptic solution, peroxide acts on pathogenic microorganisms that have settled in the cells of the dermis. Therefore, when in contact with skin growths, H2O2 breaks down into O and H20 and destroys the structures of benign neoplasms.

What is the advantage over other medicinal products?

Alternative healers choose hydrogen peroxide for warts and papillomas for a reason. Among the many products for removing skin growths, hydrogen peroxide stands out for the following advantages:

  • has a low cost, which is affordable for anyone who wants to remove a wart;
  • can be used in childhood, as it eliminates the possibility of causing serious harm to health;
  • safe for pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • does not cause side effects or pain when applied to damaged skin;
  • shows high effectiveness in treatment;
  • can be used externally and internally.

Academician Neumyvakin developed a method for getting rid of warts using peroxide orally.

The effect of hydrogen peroxide on warts

Warts come in different shapes and colors, but the nature of their occurrence and the cause are the same for all. These specific skin growths appear on the body due to the activity of the human papillomavirus, which is activated due to decreased immunity.

Peroxide, being an excellent antiseptic, helps eliminate the effects of many viruses and bacteria and remove the symptoms that arise. One only has to distinguish moles from warts, condylomas and papillomas, because the former cannot be touched or removed independently with hydrogen peroxide.

To remove warts of any type (plantar warts, external papillomas on the body, internal condylomas on the mucous membranes, etc.) you need to use only 3% hydrogen peroxide , since a stronger concentration can cause a chemical burn.

Peroxide, penetrating into the skin, begins to separate into its components - water is absorbed, and oxygen begins to “incinerate” the unusual subcutaneous flora. Oxygen negatively affects only those areas that are pathogenic, so the viral cells will begin to die first and very quickly. The effect of hydrogen peroxide will not be noticeable immediately, but over the course of ongoing treatment, the wart will begin to turn black and then disappear completely.

Therapy according to Neumyvakin

Removal of papillomas and warts using the method of Academician I. P. Neumyvakin involves the oral use of hydrogen peroxide according to a certain algorithm. According to Doctor of Medical Sciences Ivan Pavlovich, peroxide increases the defenses of the human body and helps dilute blood fluid. Neumyvakin suggests drinking hydrogen peroxide against papillomas and other skin tumors as follows:

Dilute a drop of hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup of purified waterTake three times a day during meals
2nd dayDilute 2 drops of peroxide in 50 ml of waterDivide the serving into 3 doses per day and consume with meals.
3rd dayMix 3 parts of H2O2 with 50 ml of boiled warm waterDrink in the morning, lunch and evening, dividing the daily portion into equal parts
4-10th dayThe number of droplets increases by one every day, while the volume of water remains unchangedDivide the daily dose equally and consume it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Those who have chosen the Neumyvakin method for removing papillomas and warts should take one nuance into account. The professor's theory has not received official recognition in traditional medicine and certified doctors categorically do not recommend consuming peroxide orally. Therefore, before starting a course with this remedy, you need to consult with a specialized physician on the selection of medications to boost the immune system and the advisability of using peroxide to get rid of unwanted growths on the epidermis.

A solution for treatment and compresses against warts is made based on hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide

25 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml, 90 ml, 100 ml in glass bottles with a screw neck, sealed with plastic stoppers and screw caps.

25 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml, 90 ml, 100 ml in polyethylene bottles for medicines made of low-density high-density polyethylene, complete with a tamper-evident lid made of low-density high-density polyethylene.

25 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml, 90 ml, 100 ml in polyethylene polymer bottles, sealed with polyethylene polymer stoppers and polyethylene polymer screw caps.

Labels made of label or writing paper or paper or self-adhesive labels are glued onto the bottles.

Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack of boxed or chrome-ersatz cardboard.

70 bottles of 25 ml or 70 bottles of 40 ml or 70 bottles of 50 ml or 40 bottles of 90 ml or 40 bottles of 100 ml, packed in polyethylene shrink film or in boxes with partitions or grids made of corrugated cardboard along with an equal number of instructions for use (for hospitals).

Labels made of label or writing paper or paper or self-adhesive labels are glued onto packaging made from polyethylene shrink film.

500 ml, 1000 ml in polyethylene polymer bottles, sealed with polyethylene polymer stoppers and screw-on polymer polyethylene caps (for hospitals).

Labels made of label or writing paper or paper or self-adhesive labels are glued onto the bottles.

12 bottles of 500 ml each or 8 bottles of 1000 ml each, packaged in polyethylene shrink film or in boxes with partitions or grids made of corrugated cardboard along with an equal number of instructions for use for hospitals).

10 kg, 20 kg in polyethylene canisters made of high-density polyethylene of low pressure.

Labels made of label or writing paper or paper or self-adhesive labels are glued onto the canisters.

Each instruction for use is placed in a polyethylene bag.

4 canisters together with an equal number of instructions for use, placed in polyethylene bags, are packed in polyethylene shrink film (for hospitals).

Labels made of label or writing paper or paper or self-adhesive labels are glued onto packaging made from polyethylene shrink film.

External use of peroxide for warts and papillomas

To get rid of skin growths using hydrogen peroxide, you need to apply 1 drop of the solution to the top of the wart or papilloma several times every day. You can moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and wipe the benign formation with it, and after 7-14 days there will be no trace of the growth left. Proponents of alternative treatment suggest making peroxide compresses by soaking a piece of gauze in it and applying it to the problem area of ​​the skin. The compress is fixed with an adhesive plaster and the procedure is repeated every 2–2.5 hours. After 3-4 days, the papilloma will fall off on its own.

A recipe made from hydrogen peroxide in combination with oak bark is effective in combating skin growths. To prepare it you will need:

  1. pour 100 milliliters of boiling water over the oak bark;
  2. leave to infuse for 24 hours;
  3. drain the water and mix the resulting mass with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide;
  4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place in a glass container;
  5. store in the refrigerator;
  6. apply to the growth three times a day, covering the top with film;
  7. leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm milk;
  8. The duration of the course is 3 weeks or less if the formations disappear from the skin earlier.

Methods for removing warts

Before using hydrogen peroxide against unwanted skin growths, you should make sure that this drug does not cause allergic reactions. To do this, you need to drop a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide on your wrist and wait for half an hour. If there is no skin irritation - itching, burning or hives, you can begin removing warts with peroxide. There are several means to eliminate papillomas.


It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad or ear swab in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and apply a small amount of liquid to the papilloma. You can wipe the affected area, or drop a few drops of peroxide on it, if the location of the growth allows this. A similar procedure should be carried out every 4 hours daily; the course of treatment is individual, but not less than 1 week.

If the wart is on the face in the eye area or on mucous membranes, then treatment with peroxide should be done very carefully, and for plantar papillomas, preliminary use of pumice will be required to make the skin smoother and more accessible for treating the affected area.

Compresses and lotions

This method can only be used on the skin, since it will not bring results on mucous membranes and will be difficult to perform. It is necessary to thoroughly moisten a cotton pad or piece of cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide, apply it to the wart and firmly stick the patch on top (it is better to use a wide strip). After a couple of hours, such a compress should be removed and the skin should be washed with water, allowed to breathe, and after 2-3 hours, repeat again. The course should be continued until the wart falls off.

Oak bark lotions

Oak bark will help achieve the desired effect several times faster.
You will need to pour boiling water (1/2 cup) over the oak bark and leave to settle for a day. Drain the water, add 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the bark, mix thoroughly and cool in the refrigerator. This paste should be applied to the papillomas three times a day, and the affected area should be tightly wrapped with cloth and cellophane. After soaking, rinse the skin with warm milk. It is necessary to carry out such actions for exactly three weeks (in the absence of an allergic reaction), even if the wart disappears earlier, because part of the “root of the problem” may still remain inside.

Internal reception

There is an old method - according to Neumyvakin - which is not supported by the medical community, but is actively used by people to remove warts of any type and location on the skin. All previous methods are difficult to apply if the papilloma is located on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or genitals, and this method is proposed to cure any growth.

Neumyvakin suggested taking a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide orally, but for this you need to dilute it with water.
On the first day, add 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide to 50 ml of water and divide the liquid into three doses along with food. Every day the number of drops should increase by one, but until reaching 10 units.
According to the scientist, the warts should disappear after 10 days, falling off on their own. Whether it is possible to remove a wart using this method is a controversial issue, but many reviews indicate either the effectiveness of the method or its inaction; there are no negative reviews yet.

Contraindications and side effects of treatment

You cannot treat papillomas with hydrogen peroxide on the mucous membranes, or take it orally if you have kidney pathology.
Despite the high efficiency and maximum safety of hydrogen peroxide, not everyone can use it to destroy warts and papillomas. It is forbidden to treat skin growths with this antiseptic solution if they are found on the mucous membranes of the mouth, sinuses and genitals. It is contraindicated to use hydrogen peroxide to eliminate a cosmetic skin defect if this product is individually tolerated. Hydrogen Peroxide can be harmful if taken orally for kidney, liver and thyroid pathologies. The Neumyvakin method should be abandoned during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Usually, the described medicine, when used externally, is well tolerated by patients and does not cause serious side effects. However, there have been cases where rashes and itching appeared when treating the skin with peroxide. These are quite rare side effects and they often apply to persons with individual intolerance to the drug. When taking an antiseptic internally, negative effects are observed more often and manifest themselves in the form of heaviness in the stomach, frequent loose stools, nausea and symptoms similar to a cold - cough and runny nose.

If you observe side symptoms when using hydrogen peroxide in the fight against skin growths, you should reduce the dosage or completely stop further treatment. It will be necessary to discontinue the antiseptic solution if it is ineffective, i.e. if, after a certain period of time, the papilloma or wart remains in place or, much worse, begins to grow and increase in size. In this case, you need to unconditionally contact a doctor.

Contraindications for use

To remove papillomas, there are now a lot of different methods - medicinal and surgical, but fans of traditional medicine should remember that the use of hydrogen peroxide is strictly prohibited for people with:

  • Dühring's dermatitis.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Chronic kidney and liver diseases.
  • Individual intolerance to hydrogen peroxide.

Pregnant women should not take the drug orally, but external methods are allowed under constant medical supervision.

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