Ointments for abscesses, inflammations and for drawing out pus from a closed wound

When the skin is damaged, an abscess often forms: pus accumulating under the skin leads to a severe inflammatory process. For treatment, a pus-pulling ointment is used. A good drug should stimulate the outflow of purulent secretions and have antibacterial properties in order to destroy pathogenic organisms. Also, specialized drugs should stop the inflammatory process and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. As an alternative to pharmaceutical medications, you can use traditional medicine. So, what draws out pus from under the skin with a closed wound, what are the most effective and efficient remedies?

10 best ointments for purulent wounds: Vishnevsky ointment

An external antiseptic that removes pus and promotes the disintegration of painful formations, and then their accelerated regeneration. The drug is classified as an ointment for purulent, persistent wounds. In medicine, this is more accurately called Vishnevsky balsamic ointment.

The product is used:

  • in the treatment of carbuncles, boils, abscesses;
  • when treating burn wound surfaces;
  • In the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes, purulent wounds.

Use on non-healing wounds - if the disease is accompanied by an accumulation of pus, the ointment effectively draws out the purulent contents from the wound. The composition is used only externally in the form of applications, bandages, compresses and drainage tampons.

Using the ointment for too long causes excessive drying of the treated area and the appearance of obvious redness in the skin folds.

Balsamic ointment has a very unpleasant odor and causes irritation at the site of application.

Vishnevsky ointment successfully draws purulent contents from the wound

The ointment is applied to gauze, which is applied to the purulent wound. The upper part of the fabric is covered with cotton wool and fastened with a clasp.

Average price 36 rubles.

General information

Of all patient visits to a surgeon, 70% are for purulent diseases of soft tissues. Patients present with a mild to moderate infection— boil , hidradenitis , abscess , or carbuncle —referring to these conditions as “abscesses.”
In most cases, these are advanced processes due to “wait-and-see” tactics or unsuccessful self-medication. Most patients turn to the surgeon on the 4-6th day after the first symptoms of inflammation appear, which indicates a frivolous attitude towards their health. Wikipedia gives the following definition: “an abscess (abscess) is a limited accumulation of pus in organs or tissues that occurs during inflammation caused by pyogenic microbes.” Purulent inflammation is most often caused by streptococci and staphylococci, affecting not only the skin and subcutaneous tissue, but also the organs of the abdominal cavity and mediastinum. The high incidence is associated with the widespread distribution of staphylococci and streptococci . Microbes penetrate through the skin and mucous membranes, which are damaged, multiply and cause inflammation with the formation of a purulent focus. Inflammation develops when the body's defenses and sensitivity to pathogens decrease.

Ichthyol ointment

A traditional remedy used in the treatment of purulent wounds is an active substance that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the deep layers of soft tissue. It has a healing, keratostatic and antipruritic effect.

  • Draws out pus from under the skin in all wounds and inflammations;
  • suppresses inflammation and softens the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Used for purulent formations and inflammations;
  • Used for skin infections;
  • In the case of boils, it is used to accelerate the maturation of boils.

Ichthyol ointment is not used on open wounds.

When treating purulent wounds, they are covered with sterile gauze or a napkin, and the bandage is fixed with medical gauze. After 8-10 hours, the bandage is changed to a new one.

Ichthyol is effective in eliminating infection from the inflamed surface of the skin.

Pharmacists do not recommend using the ointment for children under 6 years of age. Allergic reactions to the dispersion are extremely rare.

In pharmacies the price starts from 64 rubles.

Tests and diagnostics

  • Establishing the correct diagnosis is not particularly difficult. It is enough to collect anamnesis and examine the patient.
  • Prescribing a clinical blood test.
  • To diagnose developing abscesses, modern methods of ultrasound and computed tomography are used. Sometimes invasive diagnostic methods are required - puncture of the infiltrate site.
  • In case of furunculosis , prolonged healing of abscesses, culture of purulent contents is performed.
  • Microbiological testing allows you to determine the type of pathogen and test it for sensitivity to antibiotics.


In terms of effectiveness, the active ingredient of the drug has no analogues.

Streptocide is harmful to microorganisms, gram-positive and gram-negative coccytes, globular bacteria.

Streptocidal ointment


  • For the treatment of purulent wounds, infected burns;
  • In the treatment of sore throat, cystitis, pyelitis, enteritis in infectious diseases;
  • For the prevention and treatment of wound infections.

The powder is applied directly to the wound or sprinkled with gauze, which is used to cover the surface of the wound and left on the skin overnight or for several hours during the day.

Development of side effects:

  • depression;
  • Headache;
  • hematuria, blood in the urine;
  • heat; jaundice;
  • intestinal colic;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • crystalluria, salt crystals in the urine;
  • dyspeptic symptoms, belching, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn.

The cost of streptocide is from 80 rubles.


To prevent purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, it is necessary:

  • compliance with hygiene rules (keeping skin clean);
  • balanced diet;
  • maintaining immunity at a high level;
  • treatment of skin lesions with antiseptics;
  • avoid using other people's towels, razors, washcloths;
  • timely treatment of chronic diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines, diseases of the ENT organs;
  • rejection of bad habits.

10 best ointments for purulent wounds: Syntomycin ointment

Syntomycin liniment is a thick gelatinous composition. The composition of the drug is not an ointment.

  • Helps stop the inflammatory process, relieve swelling;
  • it is used for burns of varying sizes and severity;
  • supports the regeneration of infected wounds, cuts and burns, frostbite associated with infection.

If the ointment is applied to large areas of the body, drinking alcohol may cause tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia and seizures.

Synthomycin ointment is often used for burns of varying severity and severity.

Gauze turundas soaked with synthomycin are placed in the fistulas. Tampons with the drug for therapeutic effects are injected into the purulent cavity of the wound.

The frequency of treatment and how often the ointment is used depends on the severity of the dermatitis and the concentration of the drug itself.

The average price in pharmacies is 75 rubles.


In the pathogenesis of purulent inflammation, a decrease in antibacterial resistance, both general and local, is important. The integrity of the skin and the bactericidal properties of the secretion of the sweat and sebaceous glands prevent the introduction of pyogenic flora. If these conditions are violated, purulent-infectious inflammation develops. It consists of successive phases. histamine , prostaglandin , serotonin , etc.) in response In the exudative phase, under the influence of histamine, the liquid part of the plasma and proteins enter the intercellular spaces. During the infiltrative phase, tissues are saturated with lymphocytes and macrophages. As a result of exudation and infiltration, interstitial pressure increases, which significantly disrupts the condition of tissues, metabolic processes in them and reduces resistance to the effects of microorganisms. Then follows the immunological phase - the cellular and humoral response.

Inflammatory infiltrates have different outcomes, depending on the cellular composition of the infiltrate. Sometimes infiltrates resolve, but in most cases, with leukocyte infiltrates, lysosomal enzymes are released, which melt the tissue with the formation of pus - a purulent focus appears. Over time, areas of softening appear in the purulent focus and the abscess opens on its own or is opened surgically. The process ends with the reparative phase - the formation and growth of granulation tissue, which fills the resulting tissue defect as a result of purulent melting. With shallow lesions, no trace remains on the skin, but with deep lesions, a scar is formed.

Mafenide acetate ointment 10%.

Intended Use:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • purulent wounds;
  • Infected burns;
  • bedsores.

The ointment layer is usually 2-3 mm, the bandage is changed 3 times a week, with profuse phlegmon - daily.

The antiseptic is applied to the wound, from where it penetrates through areas of the skin with impaired blood circulation into the systemic circulation. In addition to applying the ointment to the wound surface, the drug is injected into the purulent cavity using tampons and applying a bandage.

Before changing the ointment dressing, if the gauze is stuck to the surface of the wound, it is recommended to soak it in an antiseptic solution. Traumatization of the regenerating epithelium may be accompanied by heavy bleeding.

In combination with other medications, cross-sensitization to the active ingredients is possible.

In pharmacies from 45 rubles.


Diet 15 table

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 2 weeks
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of food: 1600-1800 rubles per week

Patients with purulent-inflammatory lesions of the skin and tissue can adhere to the general table - Diet 15 table . The food at this table is complete and balanced. During illness, you can increase the amount of fruits, berries, vegetables, juices, and also include foods rich in fiber (bran bread, cereals, nuts, seeds). To reduce intoxication, you need to increase fluid intake, including purified water, juices, herbal decoctions, and mineral water. It is undesirable to eat fried foods and smoked foods. For rapid wound healing, it is necessary to avoid alcohol.


The drug is colorless or whitish with a uniform consistency for external use. The ointment is a combined preparation, the active ingredients of which have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and antibacterial properties.

Hyoxysone ointment

Indications for required use:

  • ulcers with varicose veins;
  • wounds with bacterial inflammation;
  • infected burns;
  • pustular processes on the skin;
  • Rye anywhere.

When using glyoxyzone for purulent wounds, the following should be considered. The ointment is not applied to the bleeding surface. For mild pustular processes, the drug should be used frequently, in a thin layer at least 4 times a day. It is not recommended to use a set of ointments on large surfaces without the advice of a specialist.

Contraindications for use:

  • fungal infection on the skin;
  • intolerance to any of the components of the complex;
  • allergy to a component of chirioxizone;
  • redness and burning at the site of application for sensitive skin;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Long-term use of the drug, as well as applying it to large inflamed areas, can lead to side effects.

The price in pharmacies is from 32 to 54 rubles per package.


According to localization, purulent infection can be:

  • Skin and subcutaneous tissue of the arms, torso, legs.
  • Skull skin.
  • Pleura and lungs.
  • Mediastinum.
  • Abdominal organs.
  • Pelvic organs.
  • Bones and joints.

The most common purulent infection of the skin and its appendages (hair follicles, sebaceous glands, nails), as well as subcutaneous tissue (the lesion is located under the skin). The localization of purulent foci can vary - on the head in the hair, on the ear or on the lip.

Pustular skin diseases are the most common dermatoses. Purulent sores on the body ( pyodermitis ) are caused by staphylococci and streptococci. The greatest contamination with staphylococci is in the folds of the skin and subungual spaces.

There are:

  • Superficial forms of purulent skin diseases ( ostiofolliculitis , folliculitis ).
  • Deep ( furuncle , carbuncle , hidradenitis ).

Staphylococcal lesions are always associated with the sebaceous gland or sweat gland, hair follicle. The lesion spreads deeper, local and general temperature rises and creamy yellow-green pus forms. Streptococcal lesions are superficial purulent lesions of smooth skin that enlarge through peripheral growth.

Ostiofolliculitis is the mildest form of staphyloderma affecting the tissue near the hair shaft. It occurs in men in the mustache and beard area and is single or multiple in nature. The process begins with the appearance of a small red papule, in its place a yellow abscess forms. After 3 days it becomes covered with a dirty yellow crust, which falls off with the formation of a residual pink spot.

Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle with the formation of pus. Unlike ostiofolliculitis, the sores in this case are surrounded by a red, inflamed cushion and are painful. Over time, a pustule forms, which opens and pus is released, forming erosion and a crust. The infiltrate resolves or a scar forms.

A furuncle is an inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and subcutaneous tissue. The cause of the disease is a staphylococcal infection. Most often, boils form in areas that sweat, chafe, or are covered in vellus hair (legs, neck, face, and underarms). A boil often develops from folliculitis.

Furunculosis is a recurrent form of boil. There are local furunculosis (rashes in a limited area) and disseminated (elements scattered throughout the body). Chronic recurrent furunculosis has a sluggish course, periodically worsens and is difficult to treat with antibiotics.

Carbuncle is a purulent-necrotic inflammation of many hair follicles. The infiltrate is large due to the involvement of new follicles and the spread of inflammation deeper. The formation is sharply painful, and deep necrosis develops around the hair follicles in the central part.

Hidradenitis is an inflammation of the sweat glands that occurs with the formation of pus. The disease occurs at a young age, when the apocrine glands begin to function. Most often, the lesion forms in the armpit, sometimes on the nipple, around the genitals, navel or anus.

The most severe forms of purulent foci are:

  • An abscess is an accumulation of pus in tissues and organs, delimited by a pyogenic capsule (membrane). Abscesses can form due to deep infection, hematogenous introduction of microbes, as well as as a result of medical manipulations. Many people are familiar with post-injection abscess. Often, an abscess of the buttock occurs after the administration of analgin , baralgin , magnesia , oil solutions and hormonal drugs. In the development of a purulent focus, the stage of infiltration and suppuration (or abscess formation) is distinguished. In the first stage, the skin turns red, swells, and deep in the tissues a dense, painful formation is detected. With suppuration (abscessation), the skin becomes bluish and areas of softening (fluctuation) appear. The abscess code according to ICD 10 is L02.3. An abdominal abscess can develop in any part of the abdominal cavity. Most often it appears after injuries, surgical operations, peritonitis and perforation of a hollow organ and intestinal tumor. Abscesses develop when infection spreads due to appendicitis , pancreatitis , Crohn's disease , diverticulitis . Patients have a high fever and severe abdominal pain. Computed tomography is used for diagnosis. Treatment is surgical with antibiotics.
  • Cellulitis is a diffuse inflammation of the tissue without demarcation (there is no pyogenic membrane), and pus spreads throughout the tissue space.
  • Empyema is an accumulation of pus in hollow organs.
  • Mediastinitis is an inflammation of the mediastinal tissue, often purulent in nature. This disease is life-threatening. Mediastinitis often develops after surgery on the heart, lungs, aorta, vena cava, esophagus, thoracic lymphatic duct, nerves (vagus and phrenic) and mediastinal lymph nodes. Prevention of surgical infection is preoperative and postoperative antibiotic therapy. All patients are prescribed beta-lactam antibiotics ( penicillins , cephalosporins ) or vancomycin . In addition to surgical trauma, the development of mediastinitis is caused by an infection that spreads from adjacent organs through the cellular spaces: the esophagus, lungs, descending infection of the neck, oropharyngeal and dental infections.

When to contact a surgeon

Boils can be treated at home only for those who are not at risk (do not suffer from chronic diseases), and boils are small in size (up to 5 mm). You should not self-medicate in the following cases:

  • if the appearance of a formation is accompanied by intense pain and fever;
  • if the abscess has not opened within 2 weeks;
  • if furunculosis has developed;
  • if the abscess occurs in a small child;
  • if the boil is near the nose, lips, in the ear canal;
  • there was a relapse of the disease.


The prognosis for superficial purulent forms is favorable, since after healing of the lesion there are no traces left on the skin. In deep forms, long-term non-absorbable infiltrates and noticeable scars can form.

Timely treatment of inflammatory tissue diseases (infiltrative stage) gives a good effect and prevents suppuration of the infiltrate. It is also important to choose the right local antibacterial drug.

It must have a broad spectrum of action and good penetrating ability in order to deliver the antibiotic to the inflammatory focus. This will make it possible to avoid repeated operations and preserve the ability of patients to work.

Supplementation of therapy with traditional methods

In addition to ointments based on antiseptic and bactericidal components, it is recommended to use traditional methods of treatment. Especially with large areas of suppuration that cause pain to the patient. Pathology can be cured using folk remedies:

  • a strong solution of chamomile, string, calendula, into which you dip your finger for 15-20 minutes;
  • treatment with fresh aloe juice, which has a regenerative effect;
  • make a compress from a cabbage leaf, it eliminates swelling and inflammation;

  • saline solution with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate, in which the affected area is kept for 20 minutes;
  • applying a compress of garlic, which has a bactericidal effect (used only when the integrity of the skin is preserved, so that the garlic does not get directly into the wound or blood).

Traditional methods can be used for a long time. They have virtually no contraindications or side effects. Since the bacteria do not get used to the components, resistance will not be able to form.

Folk remedies should not be the only method of treatment; they are allowed to be used only in conjunction with medications.

When drug treatment is completed, traditional methods can be used further, up to several months. Some patients may experience irritation and an allergic reaction. Then the chosen method is prohibited for use, since individual intolerance is formed.

Characteristics of inflammation, abscess on the finger

Bacteria of opportunistic microflora are constantly present on human skin. If areas of damage form, it begins to actively multiply. Bacteria gradually move into the wound, causing an active inflammatory process. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • throbbing pain;
  • redness, swelling;
  • the formation of a capsule under the skin, the infection multiplies inside, and pus is released.

Many people choose not to treat this infection as it may go away on its own. But there are blood vessels near the skin into which infection can easily penetrate. Then it will spread through the systemic bloodstream and can cause sepsis, myocarditis, pericarditis, pyelonephritis and other bacterial complications.

One of the most common causes of soft tissue inflammation is an ingrown toenail.

In other cases, suppuration occurs due to the appearance of a wound in which the infection multiplies. Patients usually cope with this at home using topical antibacterial drugs. These include powders, ointments, gels. It is best to use ointment to draw out pus from a closed abscess, since it remains on the epidermis for a long time and is densely distributed over the lesion.

Factors of occurrence

The causative agent of the infection is usually a pyogenic bacterium - Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is present on the skin of any healthy person, and causes infection only if it reaches the deep layer of the skin (for example, through microtrauma). The development of boils is also promoted by:

  • dirty skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hot humid climate;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • poor metabolism.

People with diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, and those prone to stress and depression are often at risk of developing furunculosis because they have a weakened immune system.


This potent ointment for purulent wounds contains an antimicrobial component and an analogue of the adrenal cortex. "Flucinar-N" not only destroys pyogenic microorganisms, but also relieves inflammation, swelling, and pain. The drug is perfect for treating secondary infections, when the wound becomes infected from the outside or from a source inside the body. "Flucinar-N" can be used to treat varicose veins, it is indicated for children over 2 years old, it helps with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The ointment has few contraindications, but it can be addictive.

Flucinar N
Pharmaceutical plant Elfa A.O., Poland

Allergic dermatoses complicated by bacterial infection caused by neomycin-sensitive flora: allergic (including contact, occupational, solar) dermatitis;
eczema (including contact, constitutional, coin-shaped, seborrheic); hives; psoriasis (including scalp); erythema multiforme; erythroderma; atopic dermatitis; pruritus; dermatoses that cannot be treated with other corticosteroids (including lichen planus, lupus erythematosus /skin manifestations/); secondary infections from insect bites. Bacterial skin infections caused by neomycin-sensitive flora, complicated by the development of allergic reactions: impetigo; infected diaper rash. First degree burns. from 199


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